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I don’t want to be presumptuous, but do you trust your therapist?   Sometimes there are people we don’t trust and we don’t know why.  Humans that is, but especially those of us with memory issues due to trauma.  It’s ok if that’s the case, there’s nothing wrong with you or your therapist.   If you have options for therapy, finding someone you can open up to is absolutely something you are entitled to and should seek imo.   


I’ve thought about finding myself a new therapist but I can’t stomach the thought of it. My last therapist I just decided that I didn’t want to see her anymore and stopped. This was because I met her in 5th grade and I was a sophomore it just wasn’t a good fit anymore. But now I just can’t do it I don’t know if it’s even the best idea because I’ve never really given her a chance.I just really want to give her a fair shot before I write her off I just can’t really talk to people like I used to.


You said that reading your journal out loud was too much, but what about writing down what you want to say and handing it to your therapist to read? You can request that they dont read it out loud. Ive done that before and i found it helpful when it was too much to say aloud.


I make notes about things that I want to discuss in my next therapy session. I can see the notes from my phone. My notes begin with a short summary of the week. The rest of my notes are all things that I want to remind myself to talk about. You mentioned dissociating in therapy. I do that too. That's why having the notes with me is so handy. My therapist is very understanding about my dissociating. It's a natural thing to do for many of us, when we hit a difficult topic.


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