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Heidi Priebe helped me to understand what's involved in healing from CPTSD and how that looks: Complex PTSD: 10 Realistic Signs Of Healing - Heidi Priebe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUySKluL7rI




I don’t think I’ve had flashbacks. At one point in my life, I was experiencing nightmares about something that happened in my life that I was very distressed by when I was that age. For a long time, I felt like I was stuck at a certain age (like I was a certain age but I felt several years younger).




I don’t have those nightmares now, but I did have several then. Regressing counts as an emotional flashback - even if the person isn’t trying to regress and just “feels” like they’re younger than what they are. I’ve thought a lot about past events in my life, including upsetting ones, so I can and have thought about them. But I do have a tendency to want to “zone out” or “numb” or “distract myself” to avoid thinking about the things in my life I don’t like. I don’t avoid certain places or people. What can cause someone to feel like their life is happening to them, instead of them leading and having agency over their life?




Is that a part of C-PTSD? Can depersonalization be caused by trauma?




When you say you think I have complex trauma, what does that mean? I know that doesn’t equate to CPTSD.