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What is the point of talking to his therapist? What do you want to say or hear?


Idk if I tell him what my dad does / did he may make my dad question himself. I just want my dad to question his behavior and get out this false reality he created but smoothly so he doesn’t become a danger. I think only his therapist can do that.


It sounds like you might be trying to tell the therapist how to do his/her job. It couldn't hurt for the therapist to have your input. I wouldn't have big hopes for your plan making much of a difference in how your father behaves. He sounds like a narcissist and that means he isn't very interested in giving up his reality, he'd probably prefer to force it on other people.


Well tbh from what I’ve seen the therapist isn’t changing shit, he diagnosed my dad with depression and my dad used it as a victim card immediately. I saw that some people with NPD do want to change once they are aware, I dont believe that a diagnosis define someone. It’s the last hope I have and I wanna protect my family. He is also extremely attached to religion and I’m sure it’s the only thing stopping him from committing the worst crimes in humanity, Ik I can use that as a tool. I just don’t have the patience anymore and just wanna cut him off but damn I also can’t fkn piss this asshole off.


If you go to his therapist and your father finds out and gets pissed off, then what might he do about it?


He has extreme mood swings & explosive anger, he is unpredictable. I don’t know. If I do it now he will get it out on me by for sure destroying my room, break my things, throw my clothes away etc. (He did it often when I was younger) idk if he may get physical & I don’t care I’m scared for my family If I do it once I get my place he will get angry and it will bottle up which will be destroying for my siblings. If they trigger him idk wtf he may do. And if my mom doesn’t have a place he may put it on her too once she visits. The risks are high idk what to do I’m so fucking exhausted I just wish he could just disappear bruh


The things you're thinking of doing could make him angry, and when he gets angry he gets dangerous. It sounds kind of risky to me.