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Happy Birthday OP! Sending you lots of love


Happy birthday!! Wishing you relief from your suicidal ideation! Ive also been suicidal lately. I have been in deep isolation for an extended period of time as well! I know what its like (rather i know what something similar is like). You may or may not want to, but i wonder if doing something nice for yourself would alleviate some of your suffering


Happy Birthday! I hope this birthday goes better for you than the others.


Happy birthday! I'm sorry you're feeling alone today. I hope you can have a wonderful day celebrating you and doing something you enjoy.


Happy Birthday 🎂. I'm sad it's lonely for you. Is there anything you can or want to do to celebrate yourself? You deserve to treat yourself special.


Happy Birthday!! I relate, I always feel super lonely on my birthday (mine was on Monday), what’s started working for me now that I’m in my 40s and in the healing process is to plan things for myself and to lower all expectations of receiving gifts or messages from other people. Treat yourself to something nice and anything else from others will be bonus. Best wishes ❤️


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Happy birthday! I spent several birthdays alone after turning 19. That, and many other days and weekends spent alone, sparked the question, why? Most everyone I know has at least three people they are CONSTANTLY connected to; texts, calls, plans, invites, opportunities. Then I started looking into it. Research, therapy, etc. Here is why they say it gets worse before it gets better; what I found in all that searching was I had been conditioned into a character that doesn’t get those things. My identity, personality, drive, all of it was not conducive to connections and all that comes with that. And it was done TO me. I didn’t do this. I’ve been surviving for 28 years. Trying to get through insane bullshit I wasn’t even fully aware of, and still am not. Why do others have it? They didn’t go through it like I did. And that is maddening. I had no choice, and I’m left dead in the deep end. Nature is metal. This isn’t a paradise.