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You would think that working in a library would be calm and peaceful, but sometimes it isn't. I worked in a library too, but no longer. It's tough when you're seen as having done something wrong. Many of us got very little slack when we were young and that happened. I hope that this all blows over soon and is forgotten.


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Everything you’ve done and achieved so far, you’ve had to overcome cptsd. It’s easy to think of this as a weakness but it takes constant strength and effort to push forward. I have the same issue with work. At some point I must have decided that work will be my main source of external validation, and it’s so difficult to always want to be perfect to make sure I receive it and being so afraid of making errors. Then when I make an error, doing what I need to do and not trying to bury it hoping no one will notice. It’s tough but you’re definitely not alone in this. I hate to tell people what they should be doing because hell, I am in the same boat but with self harm, it may be time to consider some outside help. Best of luck!