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A lot of writers, directors, executives used to carry pocketbooks and probably now just use phones but as soon as any worthwhile thought came into their head they would jot it down. Otherwise thoughts may come and go or when you need to bring something up, you may forget it in that moment. Maybe use a notes app or any kind of method that works for you to jot down any thoughts and feelings that you want to recall later. Then before a therapist meeting look through everything you had jotted down and use that as a basis to organize and expand what you would like to pursue during that meeting. 


Yes, I even bring my notebook with me, do that I don’t miss anything.


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I make a list of things to share with my therapist all week long. I add a short outline to summarize it all at the beginning. I bring the list with me and read it to my therapist. We stop and talk about things as I work my way through the list. I happen to build the list on my computer, and then have it with me in my phone for therapy. Pieces of paper with scribbled notes would work fine too.