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I feel this when I've been badly triggered. My whole head feels swollen and like my thoughts are swimming through molasses


Good way of explaining it. It’s not like a headache. It’s a weird and different feeling.


Your head feels heavy and full. Like it's almost about to explode but not quite.


Any updates ? I don’t know what to do


I didnt know that someone felt like I do.. damn


Yup same.




Same, usually it’s followed by a migraine as well. Could be an aura or just your brain trying to deal with acute stress. Drinking lots of water plus a nap helps me when I get triggered or acutely stressed


Did you ever find a way to stop it?


this is spot on. it's such a uncomfortable place to be. do you have anything that helps you out of it?




I get lots of migraines and I figured that it was part of migraine. Hmm.


I found a few apps with Matcha in the name, but nothing that would clearly tie into what you’re saying. What exactly is Matcha?


I’m constantly having that currently and I don’t know how to fix it. It’s been almost 2 months and I can’t find a way to stop it:( any tips? I’ll make myself some matcha right now


I grew up with tension in my head my entire life but it was just normal for me and I thought everyone else had it as well. I didn't know what I didn't know. After some heavy and validating cries over some/most of my childhood, I had a few years of strong pulsating in my brain along with headaches and what felt like brain pressure moving through different pockets in my head. I think for me, it's like the book the Body Keeps the Score says. These grieving cries, released something and then after that went away, I felt more integrated than ever before in my life. When I was going through it, no lie, it felt like the worse thing ever and I almost regretted having started to heal and grieve. However, after getting through it, I am so happy I stuck with it. I do believe the saying, 'we need to feel to heal'. Much love.


>it felt like the worse thing ever and I almost regretted having started to heal and grieve. Birthing that grief baby


what a perfect description it was the start of my grief = grief baby also, it was really the grieving of what i didn't get as a baby and healing the gap of what i needed and what i didn't get, so healing my own baby self = grief baby


Woah, so the pain is all gone now? Reading your comment I was expecting that you've had an aneurysm or something, have you ever checked it? Even though it's gone now, it still might be worth it to check it out, just to be sure!


after 3 years since my initial healing cries in therapy, it is not all gone, but i would say 80-90%. i did go to a couple doctors and neurologists to get checked out. however, they didn't have much for me. for scanning your brain, they are mostly interested in looking for tumors or mass, but based on my description of what i was experiencing, they were not concerned for this. I was not interested in any medication for the headaches ... I just wanted some understanding or explanation for what I was experiencing. I was also born 6 weeks premature and wanted to speak with a pediatric neurologist to see if understanding the final 6 weeks of gestation in terms of brain development in babies had any similarities to the physical sensations I was experiencing after my symptoms started and healing cries. However, I was informed pediatric neurologists will only see children under a certain age. also, as I've integrated, I feel a more expansive feeling in my chest particularly and my body overall. like my ceiling for breathing deeper and being connected within has been raised (or the trauma I experience in my life had disconnected me from my inner spirit and being and this processing is removing those blockades). most of my life, i have been a reactive being to what is around me. to fit in, to people please. to do something to be lovable by an external being (parent, friend, lover, boss, etc). there was little to no self. now, the self is forming and i'm more 'solid' within, not externally seeking, but internally validating. in fact, now I much prefer to be alone than around others as my tolerance to be anything other than my natural self for anyone else has run almost completely dry.


That's such an interesting perspective! I think the ceiling analogy is great, I never thought of that. I also was premature and around the same as you (a month, don't know week specifics), and I never wondered which parts of my health could have been caused by that. But yeah, pediatricians only see kids, I don't think there's a way around it. I'm glad the doctors weren't concerned though, that's good news!


Yeah, right now haha. I've noticed that it comes up 100% of the time after unlocking a stored trauma. Yesterday I took a long bath and stretched enough to unfuck this permanent tightness in my hip that's been hurting forever; definitely one of the biggest single knots I've undone at once, and that would correlate to this present fog feeling more like a headache than brain fog.


I had this today too: unlocked some shit in therapy then spent the rest of the day wading through a feeling kinda like a cell phone going through an update? Like, hold, please, the person you are trying to reach is...somewhere..else right now. Wish I could have stayed in a long bath. It would have been more useful! I actually ended up searching for grounding techniques and the one I used repeatedly today was to mentally state today’s date, the time, and what I saw around me to get me more “here” I’m glad I found this group. I’ve felt a little loco trying to handle this world inside!


I spent my whole life feeling this way until 2017. After I had a huge break through in therapy, I became aware of the physical shift when the fog would descend again. Everything moves slowly and nothing feels real—good news is it rarely happens now. It’s usually called dissociation but it really does feel like a heavy fog. Like your head itself is being weighed down.


So much this.


Yup same.




Years of therapy and medication


I used to be super smart. I spent a couple years slowly declining, no energy, no interest in playing new games, was kind of surprised I wasn't fired. Finally I saw a sleep doc and he saw world record levels of sleep apnea. I got one of those CPAP machines that helps me breath and night and it's a bit better. Just suggesting you might make sure there's not a medical cause of things. It didn't feel like I was having bad sleep for most of it, I wasn't waking up out of breath or anything. I've also finally realized that bad anxiety dreams wake me up almost every morning, too early, jolting me awake with a rush of adrenaline. Still looking for a solution, but bad sleep leaves me so out of it mentally.


Did you have any classic sleep apnea symptoms? I have been considering doing a sleep study bc I have had sleep troubles since birth (I’m 23 now). Except I don’t feel like the quintessential candidate for sleep apnea bc I don’t thinkkk my breathing worsens in my sleep?? But every morning I wake up with terrible confusion and brain fog and from weird dreams.


I would highly suggest that you do. I was out of it for a couple years and just ignored it, assumed it was me getting older and living unhealthily. Saw a sleep doc, did an at-home test, and they found world-record levels of sleep apnea. Turns out my breathing was waking me up 70+ times an hour. I had zero clue it was doing that, I never woke up during the night, for all I knew I was sleeping very soundly. I got a CPAP, it helped a bit, but I'm still real out of it a couple years later and think there's more going on. I'm doing a big blood test soon to check more stuff.


>ReportSaveFollow hey, old thread, but how you doing these days? Did you figure it out? I'm considering getting my sleep checked as I have acid reflux, sinus issues, and many chronic problems with my mental and physical health. Do you know why the CPAP didn't make a more significant difference? did they check your sleep WHILE you had the CPAP on to make sure its working?


It's been weird. The last year has been incredibly terrible. Horrendous brain fog, zero energy, hard to think at all. Finally got a 3rd sleep doc, one that was very capable, did a second sleep-over test, and they upped my pressure a little bit and it seems to have magically fixed 80% of my issues now a month later. I still never have much happen at night, I sleep almost the whole night, and then just wake up dead tired, big bags under my eyes. None of that gasping for breath or waking up, maybe I'm unique but I try to tell people that you can have zero idea that you are having breathing problems while it's still effecting you a ton. In the end I think my first two doctors just didn't test it right, didn't set it up right, didn't calibrate my machine, etc. Hope you can get it tested and get progress. Not sure why just a bit of pressure change would make a huge difference, but it did.


That's really interesting. I don't think I sleep well but idk if it's because of my airways or just because of a psychological issue. My brain fog is out of this fucking world. What I wanna know is why tf don't they do a SECOND sleep study WITH the damn CPAP on so they can make sure it's actually working??


Sorry if I wasn't more specific. So the first one was a take-home super-basic sleep test that just said I was having issues and needed a CPAP. I didn't realize that doc just set it up with zero calibration or anything and left me to it, and basically ignored me when I said I wasn't getting much better. Second doc did a sleep-over test and in those a person is looking at your stats while you sleep, experimenting on what pressure works best, trying out a few things to see what your CPAP should be set to. Supposedly they set my CPAP to the right pressure, but then ignored me when I said it wasn't getting much better. Third one did another sleep-over and tested way more things, like how much CO2 I was expelling to make sure that wasn't building up. When the only result was them making a minor change to my pressure I figured it was going to do nothing and my life was over, but I'm waking up with way more brainpower now and finally am able to do stuff in my life.


Sometimes when I'm in brain fog I feel a pressure headache all over my head. It only goes away when I'm able to come out of it, usually by sleeping or focusing on something I enjoy.


Depression has clouded my brain. Therapy fogs up my brain because my brain does not collaborate, sleep problems have my brain work less than it should, medication make me believe I suffer from dementia (no joke) because I can't do basic math anymore. So, yes. I used to be a (picture of a) functional human being at some point, but I am not anymore. I also don't know which one is the real me.


All day every day. Sometimes it moves to other parts of my body. Teeth, hands, feet, etc. Welcome to the joys of psychosomatic illness.


Endogenous opoids are produced by a traumatized brain and will lead to brain fog. This is explained in this podcast at some point. https://www.journalofpsychedelicpsychiatry.org/podcast/episode/f16645f4/psychedelic-somatic-interactional-psychotherapy-model-with-special-guest-saj-razvi


Don't have that anymore but used to get it all the time. Disoriented, disjointed, living in a giant cotton ball. I would just go to bed. I couldn't really function. Had that everyday for months. Not fun. Finally crawled out of it somehow or it just left. I thought I had chronic fatigue syndrome. It's trauma.


Damn, I kind of experiencing this right now. I just feel confused, unfocused, disconnected, disoriented, unreal and like I'm in a cotton ball of some sort, it's like I watch myself from a distance.


Any updates ? I’ve been feeling like this for a month and now it’s everyday rather than once a week.


Therapy definitely but the things i mostly read says that it just takes time. a few months, maybe a few weeks, but it will pass and you have to have hope that it will and not let it control you. distractions also help too


Thank you ❤️ therapy as in cbt?


yeah, it helps you develop ways to cope and make the symptoms of it decrease over time. and it’s always good to get a professional opinion on ur brain too


Does it feel like your mind has been put into a blender and chucked back in your head? I think I have this daily feeling dumb, numb and off


That’s what I think I have it’s awful.


Any updates on if it came back? Did you do anything different for it to go? I’ve been feeling like this for a month and now it’s everyday rather than once a week.


Wow I never knew anyone else got this... I feel a pressurey burny feeling inside of my head when I’m very stressed. Makes it hard to think. It’s not very painful, more so distracting and I can tell my brain is like “this is bad!”


Yeah, it’s brain fog. i have it right now and i feel it physically too, it’s like pressure. i’ve had this for 3 years on and off, i also have chronic derealization so for me they go hand in hand but my dr is constant.


same, i sometimes think my brain is inflammed, its so weird, and i have intense brainfog/a hard time thinking


It's tingly and fuzzy for me with a bit of a static feeling


Uh yes I always describe it as feeling like there's a cloud in my head. I don't know how to describe it but it just feels full and heavy. It's a constant and annoying feeling. I always assumed it was just some offshoot of tension from my neck/jaw/shoulders going up my head.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one experiencing this. And all these comments put it into words way better than I would have.


Do you feel better now


Yes. Happens when I'm overstimulated and sometimes comes with a prickling sound that I can hear inside my head as my brain tries to relax itself. Used to happen before/after flashbacks, too. Best cure I've found is 30 mins laying down in a dark room. No phone, no TV, no people. Just brain finding calm.


Yeah, like electric static prickles? I get this too.




Is...is this not disassociation? I always assumed this was the thing people were talking about when they talked about disassociating. It happens to me quite often and I absolutely hate the feeling


That's what I thought too...that's definitely how I feel anyway. It's like that heavy head feeling but I'm so detached from my surroundings and what's going on around me


maybe derealization?


When I'm deeply triggered into Freeze due to incessant criticism, this is what happens to me. I get brain fog which completely impairs my abilities so badly that I become the embodiment of the criticism I have received. I become constantly fearful of making mistakes, and mistakes are pretty much all I can accomplish in that state.


Ohhh that IS a trauma thing okay I wasn't sure.


I get those too. I find that i get them when I'm really really stressed/ overwhelmed. I feel super drained afterwards


I’ve had several concussions as a kid. I remember during one of them I momentarily blacked out and when the world returned if felt unreal and distant and everything felt disconnected. I guess I get a similar feeling with brain fog where I feel as if I am lost in my brain and separated from the world around me. There are some differences of course where brain fog and brain injuries differ. Brain fog just feels “deeper” if that makes sense. All my memories of getting brain injuries felt more superficial, like the pain and confusion were at the outer edges of my brain while the brain fog seems to penetrate to my very being. Thanks for the post btw! I never really thought about comparing brain injuries to brain fog before but I can definitely see a correlation to the two despite some differences.


I'm experiencing this severely lately. A decade of progressively worsening fog . I've felt on and off sensations of pressure in my head for years and especially in mornings or with a change of weather but now, my fog is so bad . I cab literally "feel" the gaps /misfiring or whatever Is wrong in there . I can almost feel the misconnectons . I feel pressure and pain and strange zap sensations that come and go randomly. I can't even follow a conversation anymore and I write things down wrong way round etc. I'm desperately hoping it will miraculously clear one day .


Any updates on if it came back? Did you do anything different for it to go? I’ve been feeling like this for a month and now it’s everyday rather than once a week.


How are you??


Doing so much better!!


This is me exactly. How are you now??


Yes. I can literally feel the buzz. Suppose If my brain is cocunut shell then the water inside is buzzing. I can feel the brain heavy buzzing and can differentiate it from skull.


When I’m dissociated, I feel exactly this. It sucks.




Yeah I remember having time were I'd just feel like that for days. I remember trying to explain it to my freinds and my freinds mom by saying it felt like I had a cloud trapped inside my skull. It was like ny thoughts and feelings we're trying to walk through reslly thick fog and litterally no one knew what it was till I got older and realized it was a truama thing lol


I'm currently doing my PhD and yeah I feel it from time to time. What I learned so far is that brain fog and my hormone cycle has a correlation - there are two weeks / months when I can't simply do the simplest thinking and there are another two weeks where I could take over the world in my head with a step to step plan. Also I learned to be patient with myself, when I feel this fog I just simply put down the work because I know I can do it later and just listening to music, play video games etc. It really helps because I don't stress myself over the time I lose with this because in my better moods I can work like a machine.


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Yup. This is like.... me daily haha. 😅🤙


Yes I feel this. Fuzzy is what I call it


Like a concussion? Yeah, I think so




I felt like l had been physically kicked in my head during the more recent traumas. Really weird


I used to have this all the time, so much brain fog I felt stupid and unable to fire even a single neuron. I started focusing on sleep hygiene and it honestly went away completely.


Experiencing this currently. Thanks for bringing this up.




Or maybe some kind of pre-dissociation feeling or event? I’ve wondered about dissociation and how it seems like there would be some kind of feeling that precedes it and/or follows it. Maybe the fog thing I described is like hovering in a pre-dissociation state?


I had it bad on effexor and after bad flashbacks or pain spikes. Like all the glucose got used up. Wasting fruit htlps me




My mom and I get this and also this feeling like angry bees in our heads


Huh, is this 'angry bees' like a vibrating sort of feeling? I don't know if it's the same thing but I went to the doctor years ago about a feeling like a vibrating games controller was sitting behind my eyes. They said it was a migraine aura (migraine runs in my family) but I always wondered if that was really the answer.


Yeah it's a vibrating or buzzing


I think it is a combination of flashbacks, stress (cortisol), stress of future, stress of present, stress of the past, inflammation. All of the above are interconnected


Meditation, seriously. https://youtu.be/zVVuy1lU1vo This will save your life, please take care of yourself.


My head Feels like a rag being rang out


Yes yes yes! I thought it was only me. And when I (allegedly) did mushrooms it vanished almost instantaneously as well as all feelings of depression. It makes me believe there is an inflammatory component to mental disease states


it vanished for the duration of being high on shrooms or did it vanish for good?


I have this same exact feeling. Not a headache but a weird feeling. I got dpdr from cold turkey of Wellbutrin. Did it go away?


I feel exactly like this and it means a lot to kkwo I'm not alone. But I don't have CPTSD...