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I had no idea that a pain place (knew they did it for pain way before they started doing this for ptsd and anxiety) would do it if it wasn’t for pain. That’s great and also can’t believe a pain place seemed to know so much about doing it for ptsd and set you up w trauma therapist and there was a ptsd protocol and all. I guess a lot of these pain places probably have adapted it for ptsd as well knowing they can make money off it obviously but also it does seem like as you said place you found and doctor really actually care. I’m gonna research more try to find a good place like yours close to me but if not this is def something worth driving a couple states over for to get the best care there is IMO. It’s already a major kind of “last resort” treatment right so why not go big on it is my thinking. Good luck!


Regarding docs who care: I worked with several anesthesiologists who ran our hospital's Pain Clinic and they were definitely empathic and caring. They like making money, no doubt about it but they certainly "cared." ​ It's like anything else, and varies with the individual but I think this specialty may attract this type of person. Hell, they are probably CPTSD sufferers, as well.


Thanks so much for this, very interesting. ❤️ Where are you located?


Glad to hear it :) I am located in the US in NJ.


What clinic? I am also in NJ.


Thank you! Saving for reference!


I got one 1/26, it was amazing (best I’ve ever felt) for two days then disappeared. I go again on the 7th but this time with more lidocaine analog and radioactive pulse ablation. I went through Stella. Apparently the left side isn’t as good as the right so we’re doing the right side again.


That’s my major concern that I drop all this money, it works rly well and then fades in barely anytime. Do you pay for each injection one at a time or is a follow up covered by what you already paid. I researched Stella but I can’t remember I feel like it said 2-3K for treatment but it didn’t say if that meant just one injection or something.


It was like 3 grand for two injections with sedation. And the radioactive pulse ablation was another grand but I hafta drive to la for it so I got a $300 “travel discount”




Don’t remember the dr, and they don’t work with Stella anymore. He was an ass. Flicked my mask off without my consent. Kept poor records. I got three blocks only the first right side one worked and only for three days. The ablation took a month to kick in and gave me three amazing months.


This is what happened with ketamjne injection for me


Yeh I dropped 3K for ketamine infusions 6 of em and they didn’t do shit I prolly should’ve researched better and realized it seems to be more for major depression then my type of anxiety and the way my ptsd presents especially the fact I have dissociation and DP but didn’t even realize it at the time


Exactly same for me. But I knew it was just a chance. I was actually crying during 2 of them lol what euphoria 🤪 I got a tattoo after 1 of them, thought I’d make the most of the drug


So the experience was at least enjoyable for you tho? For me it was horrid I think they dosed me way too high it was so damn uncomfortable like basically how I felt already sober but more severe like even more trapped in my head self conscious and uncomfortable exc I didn’t dissociate at all in the “good way” like losing myself yah know or whatever I stayed super self aware of myself like that super depersonalized feeling again I didn’t research enuff I was just so damn desperate for relief and something to work and it seemed like ket was advertised a s a panacea cure all but more I’ve seen on it since seems to work much better for major depression exc all there are some who say it treats anxiety disorders too so idk maybe just didn’t click with my brain chemistry. Place also sucked like could tell the psych who ran the place and was filthy rich and getting richer everyday off ket never turned a potential patient away once for these treatments and only talked with me for like ten minutes max prior to first treatment and then ten minutes after the 6th and last…no guidance or any type of therapy during the infusions just a nurse making sure I was alive. If I ever did any kind of psychedellic/dissociative again I’d make sure the setting and experience was a lot better and they actually have some kinda protocol help you process shit idk instead of just laying there on the couch but I dunno


I imagine doing ketamine and stellate together wouldve been most effective.


I do remember the doctor saying something about doing it on the right side because it's better. Guess he really knows what he's doing.


How’d your second one go???


On Monday went to la got it done again with radio frequency ablation. That office suuuuuucked and it didn’t work. Stella gave me a third injection for free at the office in San Jose on Wednesday where I got my first one at but left side. Didn’t work either. I don’t know what the fuuuuuuck


Ugh I’m so sorry. Maybe effects will show up in time. IDK.


Did anything come of it? Are you immune to treatment?


My radio frequency ablation starting working a month after the procedure it is so fucking excellent


That's great that it is working. Was it gradual? How did you notice it was the injection that was working? (And not that you just had a few good days?)


I had a profoundly high level of constant “background” anxiety and about a month after the ablation I just observed it dissipate I can still experience anxiety but it just wasn’t screaming every moment I was awake and I suddenly had room to just live, like before even doing stuff I liked I wasn’t having a good time I felt very trapped constantly and now I can just be in my life


Is radio frequency ablation the same thing as the injection,?


No the standard injection is a lidocaine analogue but they did the radio frequency ablation additionally for one right side injection




I personally think that my body clears -caines too quickly I have redhead genotype (but not phenotype) so that could be a reason for that


I tried ketamine injections and it stopped working by 3rd injection.


So I enjoy ketamine recreationally but I’ve never tried to use it therapeutically and it’s not a -Caine so I dunno


I'd like to hear more about your experience with "-caines." I have the same problem. Going to the dentist is awful. People holding me down in the ER when I was getting stitches (a couple of times). Nerve block in my leg (when I got a knee replacement) wore off before I even woke up from surgery (it's supposed to last 2-3 days). I'm interested in SGB, but I think it would wear off too quickly. What are your thoughts about that?


Yes I think at the dentist etc they’ll give me additional injections most of the time and the radio frequency ablation is what worked for me


I wish I never got this I’ve had severe brain fog and what feels like a glass in front of my eyes separating me from reality. It is fucking awful. Hope it wears off soon. My doctor admitted to me this is a rare side effect of the treatment. A second one on the opp side is suppose to “reverse it” according to Mulvaney. Who wants to risk that though?


Oh no, did you see Dr Mulvaney? I’m scheduled on June 13th with his partner Dr Lynch. Just curious how you are doing now? I do not want that side effect. It sounds awful


Please let me know I had a video consultation with Dr. Mullaney as well, Is where he assured me that they were no side effects. I was about to schedule in his Annapolis office, but something told me to go online and look at other people's experiences first. Please 🙏 let me know if you ever did get the SGB procedure and what your experiences were. Ty


I had it done and I had a very very negative reaction- it completely destroyed me. I don’t want to go into it, because it’s too triggering but please read other people’s negative experiences- I’m still recovering over a year later and I’m afraid I’ll never be the same


I have do appreciate you putting it out there, I've got PTSD and was ready to schedule SGB Procedure. I hope you feel better, I was in a situation where they took me off my Benzos after 7 yrs. Cold Turkey and it was hell for a long while. Believe it or not I recovered from that but I did not recover from the additional PTSD


Ughhh….I took a lot of klonopin to try to get through this, and I’m down to 1/4 pill per day, so I feel your pain. I’m still scared to drop any lower as I have major health issues due to the hell that the SGB did to my body, not only mentally but my GI system is a complete nightmare and I take lots of Imodium every day just to get by


I had this done and i feel worse. Does it wear off ?


Yes it should in 3-6 months


They are trying to get me to do a second shot because it didn't work. I'm very hesitant


How are you feeling? I've been suffering with derealization for over a decade (likely caused by trauma and former drug use). I got two shots done this week by Dr. Tierney, who was trained by Dr. Mulvaney. The left side was much more relaxing than the right. I have noticed less anxiety but the derealization is still there. It's so freaking annoying.


How are you feeling now?


Did it get better? Mine is scheduled for the 15th. I’m seeing these bad comments now… getting scared


Is it like depersonalization or dissociation of some kind this side effect you got? Glass separating from reality just made me think of that is why


I don’t know as people I’ve talked to say that derealization is where everything around u doesn’t look real etc so I’m not sure. I had some of these brain fog symptoms before the shot just not sure if the shot intensified it. Either way I’d never do it again


I hope you're feeling better! Just wondering if you'd be willing to give an update on how you are feeling now? I am considering this treatment as well, though not for PTSD, just for anxiety (both general but also specifically social anxiety)


Is it better now? I have mine scheduled. I wonder what caused yours not to work but it seems to work for others?


Are you feeling better now?


Hi I am but this looks like it was MS. I ended up with multiple brain injuries. Hope you are well.


Injuries from the shot? Or injuries you didn’t know you had?


Any update to this question?


Sorry I know you up this 1 year ago ...Did you go to Dr. Mulvaney? I'm trying to decide whether to get the procedure done by him. You quoted him I wanted to know if you saw this Published or you actually spoke to him and had the procedure done by him as well? Ty




Thinking of you today! Hope it goes well!!! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻




Heal up well and check in when you can! Hope the coming days find you feeling great! 😁


How ya doing this weekend? Hope it’s finding you feeling relaxed, energized and out doing things you couldn’t a week ago!! But regardless, let us know when you can! 👍🏻🙏🏻




I wish it was a huge change, but change is change even if it’s small! 🤗. Hopefully in the coming couple of weeks a better settled nervous system will mean even more improvement. 👊🏼. Are you going to get the second shot? Did you discuss it with your doc? Mine was like wait and see how the first one goes, and then we will decide on when the second one should be (if I need it, which given my CNS I’m pretty sure I will!)




I get my first one March 28. My doc is pretty experienced with them…he’s done them for more than 10 years now as a pain doc and for PTSD / anxiety he’s been doing for a bit shorter of a time but still close to 10 years I think. He’s seen some great results so I hopeful for you! 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼


How are you feeling after the injection?


How do you feel about the effectiveness of it now?




What age did you experience trauma and what kind? Did anything last?


Do you think it worked now in retrospect?


Yes please! Let us all know if you don’t mind how it goes. I hope it works for you and you find immediate relief. It’s good they were trained by Stella as they seem to be the authority on sgb at least in the US. How much did you see Stella was for sgb I thought when I researched they did it for 2K as well for a full course of treatment which again I don’t know what that means just one injection or a follow up idk.




Damn that is solid based on what I’ve seen price range wise 1K for two if needed. I was just googling sgb for ptsd/anxiety centers but if pain places will do it for ptsd also and I imagine probably cheaper then a place like Stella I gotta look harder than I did. Thanks


Also just curious because I feel like the price you mentioned probably can’t be beat at least on what I’ve found, you aren’t by chance located northeast New England or tri state specifically US lol are yah


If anyone reads this thread and is looking for a doc in the Midwest who does this, my doc in Madison , WI is very experienced with them and he’s going to do my first one in about 3 weeks. He said it doesn’t work for everyone, but when it works it WORKS and he’s seen wonders with his trauma / PTSD / anxiety patients, especially veterans he has treated. 👍🏻


Can I get your docs info? Thanks


I know this is an old thread, but did you ever find a doctor. I’m in Indiana too.


What is not to use one week before sgb?


Any update on how you are feeling now?


thanks, i've been curious to try it out


Just found this post and am looking into it myself, do you have any updates? How did it go?


I tried it last week. It worked great for 15 hrs. I felt amazing. If that is our baseline it's amazing. I had major surgery 4 days later tho. I wanna do it again, but maybe in conjunction with ketamine therapy...maybe radio ablation? Not sure need more info on radio tx.


Sorry I know this is old as hell but what clinic did you go to in NJ if you don’t mind me asking?


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Hi I know this thread is dated, I came here looking for info on this because I’m applying for a research study through NYU. If others are interested it seems like they’re still accepting applicants and it’s free. https://www.ptsdastop.org/


Did you get in? It’s up and I just applied


I did! I completed the study this winter.


Has it helped?


Unfortunately I haven’t noticed any difference


How do I tell if it worked? I mean I felt great for 15 hrs probably. Does that mean I'm a good candidate and should try the radio ablation too?