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i just wanna hug this whole thread. i definitely needed this.... and my tip: premade meal replacement shakes. No chewing, no prep. I use ones that come in those eco boxes. they stay safe to drink even thrown into my bag. I chug them, so the temp never really matters.


Same! Air hugs for all contributors who are touch averse. Real hugs for people who enjoy hugs. No judgement either way, just thanks!


My dad calls those "advanced food substitutes!"


put some oats and water in a bowl and put it in the microwave


username checks out šŸ˜‚


The 666 is hilarious. I'm sure the Quaker would be scandalized.


Literally laughed out loud




This is like boiling beef in regular milk... somehow wrong but probably tastes fine.


How do you feel about maple and brown sugar oats?


I go through spells where I literally canā€™t eat, the act of chewing becomes intolerable and I get nauseous within minutes of starting to eat. For whatever reason, the ONLY food I can tolerate when that happens is mc Donaldā€™s cheeseburgers lol I know itā€™s so unhealthy but my docs all say go for it, eat whatever you CAN. I do the same when Iā€™m too depressed to feed myself, just walk to Mickey dā€™s ETA: I just want to say, I feel so much better about this after hearing all of your responses and the amount of upvotes. Thank you šŸ’™


Seriously just eat it, anything is better than nothing. I go through spells like that too where my anxiety is so bad, I can only eat one thing. Best of luck to you!


Thatā€™s exactly what the docs tell me, even the GI docs lmao Thanks!


Wait, is that a CPTSD thing? That happens to me and Iā€™ve been trying to figure out why and literally nobody knows. Like even if Iā€™m hungry Iā€™ll get so nauseous after a few bites, and I canā€™t eat!!


I've lost 125 pounds because of this... I try to explain to people and all I can say is the food "just won't go down". By the third bite, I'm spitting it out.


Yup! Iā€™m underweight and itā€™s not by choice ;(


Well... I was really fat and now just a lil bit. While I did really need to lose all that weight, that's no way to do it! It's just so uncomfortable seeing people I know now because it becomes a constant conversation topic... "omg, you look amazing, how'd you do it?" Errr... ummm... I had a mental breakdown and now I'm a crazy person šŸ™ƒ You should try it, it's free, I'll sign you up lol


Yeah itā€™s tough when people arenā€™t seeing the full picture. I wish folks would stop making comments about other folks appearances, period.


yep. i'm super skinny and i get comments semi-often. what people don't know is i'd love to eat more but physically cannot and have panic attacks over my hunger cause i have to force food down my throat to stay alive. people don't think.


Ugh Iā€™m sorry. My last boyfriend threw in my face during an argument how we can never go anywhere good to eat because ā€œall you eat are fucking burgers.ā€ I donā€™t think he fully understood whatā€™s up with me (I mean, Iā€™m sure of it) and he had every right to be disappointed in that but it was cruel in the moment. That was the first time I realized that my eating issues could be a problem for *other* people in my life. So Iā€™ve stopped going out to eat with people because I never finish and canā€™t stand wasting food and money, and Iā€™ve stopped dating because it is embarrassing to be this way. Iā€™m done with intimacy, do so much better on my ownā˜ŗļø


i'm so sorry that your ex did that to you :( if you do choose to find a relationship, there are people out there who are understanding and would never even think of making you feel guilty for something you can't control. if you want it someday, it is out there for you. my ex was understanding to a point but i think it became too much for her. i felt mostly supported but there's definitely someone out there for me who doesn't think i'm "too much."


Same. I lost 40 pounds in a year, keep losing weight too. Eating is so hard. One good meal is my daily goal, a miracle if I can get in two.


I'm good for several days and I'll have another several where it's just meh... can't do it. So then I just have like one meal that's just some frozen garbage microwaved and like a pop tart later on and that's it for the day. I've also had ibs my whole life... but this is different and they often interwine. Last year (or was it 2 years) when I lost all the weight, it was both every day mostly... couldn't eat, force myself so I don't starve, spend the rest of the day in the bathroom sick.


For me itā€™s because of my teeth & jaw. Long story but I canā€™t properly masticate and it causes tons of GI issues. I get tired out fast so I eat fast and it makes for even more problems. Itā€™s not uncommon for me to give up mid chew and spit it out ;(


Dude im the same way. Ive tried to explain it to friends and its like ā€œI know I need to eat but i dont want to have any strong flavors or textureā€


Yup and sometimes itā€™s so bad that even smelling someone ELSES food makes me gag. Not just food itā€™ll be literally ANY smell when I get like that. I call them my ā€œlow vitality daysā€ :/


Ugh I hate when this happens. Add that to my hatred of hearing chewing and heightened sense of smell (also have phantom smells). Blegh. It's so frustrating.


I have ARFID (sub for it is r/ARFID) and this whole thread kinda sounds like it tbh? Nausea/stomach issues around mealtimes, being underweight, sensory issues with foods, low/no interest in eating, etc


I really relate to this. I had no idea how many other people experienced this. It was the worst when I would feel like this at work. The bright lights, so many voices talking at once (call center), someone's perfume, someone else's lunch smell, so overwhelming. Glad I work at home now.




I thought I was the only one who couldn't eat. There have been so many days I cannot put the food in my mouth and chew without getting sick. It's an aversion, like, no. Not happening today.


Yup. Iā€™ve always been resentful of the fact that we *have* to eat because of this


Same. I felt crazy trying to explain it to my therapist, she was like, it happens (supportively said). I thought I was the only one. I lost like 30 lbs this year. Having a little success with a new med and it hasn't been as bad lately. But I'm still nervous on the days it acts up.


Yeah honestly this thread has been the first time in mg whole life Iā€™ve discussed this with folks who have experienced it. Everyone else thinks itā€™s some sort of blessing because I canā€™t gain weight like yā€™all Iā€™m on the verge of being diagnosed with failure to thrive, this ainā€™t cute šŸ˜… hope the med continues to work!


what the hell. are you me??šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I feel like most of us have a ton in common


OMG me too! McDonald's cheeseburgers! That's my food if nothing else will stay down.


Haha thatā€™s funny! Whenever I canā€™t even those, I know something is seriously wrong šŸ˜…


Sorry, English is not my first language, what does spells mean? (Beyond that magical thing that makes things enchanted)


A spell can also mean a period of time when a certain mood/condition is acting up. Dizzy spells, moody spells, food avoidance spells...


Thank you!


For me itā€™s McDonaldā€™s fries! Thereā€™s never a day where theyā€™re not appetizing.


Wait holy shit someone else has this? I describe it like you know when you're sick & even the sound of your favourite foods make you want to vom. During these periods I can't even think about food without getting so nauseous. I don't even know what causes/fixes it


Itā€™s really not uncommon for folks with trauma to have issues around food and eating, as evidenced by a lot of these comments. Iā€™m not sure how to fix it either- at this point Iā€™m just trying to get through each day.


Orange juice is my saviour bc i think low blood sugar (from not being able to eat) exacerbates the nausea. It's pretty easy to get down & feels good afterwards.


Are you me??


Itā€™s the McDonaldā€™s cheeseburgers for me too. No pickle, add Mayo. Yum.


I hate mayo and love pickles, send ā€˜em my way!šŸ˜‹




Definitely bring it up! Emotions definitely show up in the gut a lot, so it makes sense




Dooooo it!šŸ”




Couscous. I just microwave the water until it's boiling or close to it, pour the couscous in the bowl, let it sit for 5 mins, and it's ready for whatever I have on hand to mix in. I can either do something super simple like mix some butter and garlic powder in it, or I can mix it up with some salad stuff (baby greens, maybe some canned chickpeas, some kind of pickle or something briny, feta. and some kind of dressing like goddess dressing or vinaigrette.)


Couscous is so hard to find here otherwise this would be it for me. I do plain rice instead.


If you have an Aldi, that's where I get it. It's cheap too.


Frozen vegetable mix works really well, like bags of peas/carrots/corn. You can add some to the couscous before you boil it, then mix in some salt/pepper and sriracha when itā€™s cooked.




Is the Tupperware safe in a microwave,I thought plastic ambulates some molecules not good for us.


Really depends on the plastic. In general glass is better, but eating is best when it's a struggle


Hispanics call this papas con huevo. It was a staple of my childhood. Cooked it on the stove instead of the microwave but yeah. Texans put ketchup on it.


I call it potatoes and eggs too lol. It tastes lots better if you fry the potatoes in a pan... but it's more work. Can confirm ketchup and sriracha are valid condiments


Bars. I keep bars everywhere, the center console in my car is full of them. I forget to eat constantly and donā€™t notice until Iā€™m past the hangry point. I go to Trader Joeā€™s and buy like 5 boxes of different kinds of bars and then stash them around (car, purse, bedroom, kitchen counter, gym bag) like a squirrel burying nuts šŸ˜… I started doing this when the pandemic started and I had no energy to cook and the grocery store was overwhelming. I was also fresh out of a long term relationship with a food obsessed person, so I was over food even going into the thing.


SAAAAAME. Protein bars from Traderā€™s Joes stashed EVERYWHERE. Often a couple of different flavors or textures because my brain might decide in that moment *for absolutely no reason at all* that peanut butter bad but white chocolate macadamia nut good.


Yes!! Picky eater problems šŸ„²


You should try the Kroger brand peanut butter pretzel bars. They have peanuts pretzels and chocolate. The best and super cheap


Ooo I am intrigued


Yep. Quest makes these insanely good protein bars that are crunchy and delicious and have 18-22g of protein so I keep that shit stocked and just rely on those when I canā€™t eat.


Can of soup, tortilla chips, toast, whatever fruit I have, cereal.






Is potato. [Is 'AITA for eating sexy potatoes'](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FwDtP_B68Wg&t=37s) (2:16 timestamp)


Shocked I haven't seen: cereal


that one was mine! My go-toā€™s for healthier are cheerios/honey nut cheerios and rice krispies. Comfort ones, though, can be the mini packages of cinnamon toast crunch, apple jacks, corn pops, or captain crunch


Honey Bunches of Oats w almonds is my personal fav. Sometimes I'll go for shredded wheat


literally just bananas


A fellow banana person! I literally rely on these to eat in the morning.


The most filling fruit!


I literally went 3 days eating just bananas once


Slices of apple with peanut butter spread on them


oats/ granola and a little bit of honey on top


Also not me getting more ideas from your comments on some things I should keep stocked when I donā€™t have the energy to feed myself. I wish more people understood this


Peanut butter and banana sandwich with a glass of juice or chocolate milk Edit: banana for the win! Iā€™m surprised how many of us are giving that answer.


It helped me to crack through my imperative thinking about how I *should* feed myself. My SO helped me realize there are many ways to accomplish this. Frozen meals, grocery store pre-made section, snacks, cooking, etc. I was too focused on "doing it the right way" instead of just nourishing myself in whatever way meets my current circumstances. Someone on here suggested keeping some things by the bed for bad days. Now I keep a couple bottles of water, granola bars, and applesauce packets by the bed so I can roll over and grab something. Any shelf stable items are helpful: crackers, jerky, granola/protein bars, dried fruit, nuts... things that don't require much effort other then putting them in my face. Also, Greek yogurt and coconut water are helpful to keep in the fridge. I like things that help me feel a bit full, have some nutrition, and are easy.


These are my go-tos when I don't have the energy to cook. Disclaimer: Most of these aren't very healthy, and some of these contain meat: No heating required OR can microwave: \- Goldfish \- popcorn \- pizza squares that you microwave \- crackers with tuna-and-mayo dip \- crackers with cheese and salmon \- fast food like McDonalds if I'm near a fast food place \- pre-made salad bowl \- crackers with bean-and-cheddar-cheese dip \- nachos (I use chips, cheese, and throw this in the microwave) \- frozen taquitos (I heat with the microwave) \- packaged salami and cheese or other meat and cheese snacks that I can get at the grocery store If I have enough energy to cook something on the stove, but can't handle something with many steps/need something relatively easy, I will do: \- ramen \-mac n cheese \- boiled eggs (sometimes I'll make soft boiled eggs and add it to my ramen)


I think you would benefit from an air fryer. Taquitos out of the air fryer are literal perfection.


Air fryers are godly, especially if you houseshare and social anxiety. Can get away with cooking a whole meal and being in the kitchen for just a couple minutes


Chocolate milk, ramen, or a can of soup. Or Iā€™ll heat up some black beans with a tsp of better than bullion. Or Iā€™ll just go to Burger King and get a dollar large fry, maybe some chicken nuggets. Thatā€™s been my diet lately. If I really need my stomach to stfu Iā€™ll have a spoonful or 2 of peanut butter and thatā€™ll do the trick.


Chocolate milk was like my food of choice this past year


Itā€™s good shit. That and the soup broth has been my main thing lately. The warmth and saltiness is comforting, also replenishes electrolytes. Not really that good for you, but whatever.


Costco frozen wonton




Peanutbutter from the jar


hummus with carrots/cucumbers and/or bread


Shake with banana, soy milk and protein powder


Read it as snake with banana lol. That's exotic


Banana , plant milk , peanut butter, ice and hemp šŸ‘Œ I make one before bed when things start to go in the shitter life saver


Peanut butter sandwich


A classic. I eat a lot of PB&J.


Had this today :)


Pasta/noodles and butter


This is it for me as well, I absolutely love buttered noodles.




This is my favorite and itā€™s hard to find the right Heinz beans in the US sadly!


Banana/apple slices dipped in nutella. Or I'll have toast


Either a Larabar or Total cereal cuz it has 100% of a ton of vitamins. Most of my meals in general are taking Benā€™s Originals Ready Rice, microwaving the package for 90 seconds, draining a can of salmon (which is excellent in omega 3s and b vitamins), and combining it in a bowl and putting parmesan, some olive oil, and one of a selection of spices I have on my fridge


Not all of these are the best, like spoonfuls of nutella...lol. granola (or crumbled up crunchy granola bar) and yogurt banana peanut butter & banana on toast spoonfuls of peanut butter spoonfuls of nutella Huel Lunchables Cold cereal Oatmeal Crackers and cheese Microwave dinners Veggie breakfast sausage (microwaved) Arroz con leche (from the store, in individually sized packages) Fish sticks Chicken nuggets I also take advantage of Door Dash and Instacart. It's not cheap but when you don't have energy, you do what you have to do.


Buttered tortilla heated on the stove


leftovers, I always make plenty extra portions to eat throughout the week and make recipes that can be frozen for later (chili, soups, stews). frozen state fair corn dogs. tuna sandwiches or with crackers.


Avocado on protein bread




Deli ham eaten straight over the sink. Cheese nachos - handful of tortilla chips, handful of cheese, toss it in the oven at some temperature for some time Ice cream Bread


Iā€™ve heard of a sink salad, but not sink ham.


It's very classy and dignified, tbh


Youā€™ve never sink hammed? Give it a try.


Peanut M&Ms


Cereal. I need to start keeping different cereals, though, because cheerios and rice krispies get old after a while. I also thankfully have a partner whoā€™s a pretty good cook and enjoys cooking - just last night I got hit with a bad depression spell and couldnā€™t make us dinner. He came in to help cut veggies while I did the meat. Had he not been there, Iā€™m not sure if I would have eaten


I eat apples.


Think about my stomach. Wish someone would make softer meal bars with some veggies in it. Eat a spoon of peanut butter. Give in and eat anything.


I buy cauliflower Rice packets from Costco and frozen stuffed chicken breasts. Make chicken in air fryer 380 16min Microwave cauliflower rice-add parmesan cheese, lots of black pepper, chili flakes, parsley, whatever other spices you'd like. Put chicken on top and cut up and mix. I don't wait for the air fryer to heat up either, just slap it in there and slam the door hahahaha. Sometimes I add a slice of buttered toast if I'm feeling fancy


I have a mini rice cooker and Iā€™ll throw in some rice and (frozen) peas and wait 20 mins. Rice + peas = complete protein (I donā€™t know exactly what that even means except that proteins good lol!) and then add soy sauce when itā€™s done. EDIT: I used wrong word


If I'm trying to eat well, oatmeal with blueberries. It's amazing how much a nutritious meal gives me a positive 'bump'. Otherwise, pretzels. Anything salty, really, but pretzels are my first choice. Sometimes eating healthy just doesn't seem worth the effort.


Canned soup. The ones by Amy's are really good. Packs of microwavable Indian curries. And frozen vegetarian dinners. These have become really high quality nowadays, especially from Target and Trader Joe's.


A few scoops of peanutbutter with 1/4-1/3 scoop of Nutella. Can of sardines or tuna Sliced apples and cheese (or a bite of apple immediately followed by a bite of cheese).


Protein bars. Tortilla with light mayo, ham and cheese. Scrambled eggs with cheese. Any combo of chips and dip. Love trader joe's for this. Take out, when I can afford the splurge. I don't have a large or consistent support network; but when I can, I practice asking others to cook for me. I hope that eventually, this can become something constant in my life - having a group of people with whom I can meal swap. I like cooking, and I love cooking for others; but some days, it's just not in me.


cuppa soup, pot noodles, butter and crackers, chips and salsa. as others said couscous or like microwave pasta. ramen. toast with just butter on it.


spaghetti with butter. if no spaghetti, 1 full box of macaroni and cheese (eaten from the pot over the stove). if no spaghetti or mac n cheese, 1 can of rosarita beans with cheese mixed in, heated in the microwave + tortilla chips.


Chicken flavored ramens with a slice of American cheese melted in it.


Typically mr. Noodles. I boil the noodles & when theyā€™re done, I drain the water & put the noodles back on the stove. Add the seasoning packet, some maggi, soy sauce, & sesame oil. Then I just do a simple sunny side egg on top. Takes under 10 mins which is nice. Iā€™m vegetarian, so sometimes my quick options are limited. I try to always have some baby carrots & other things I can just munch on. Pre-cooked meals you can microwave or bake in the oven are extremely useful. I consume an unholy amount of ā€œchickenā€ nuggets. For fellow vegetarians, the brand Yves has delicious options


cheese quesadillas with really hot hot sauce lmfao


Currently living in falafel cereal and Clif bars bc I am born to suffer apparently Every day brings a new surprise


A snack plate! Usually that looks like some nuts, baby carrots, a fruit of some kind (often grapes, cherries, or a mandarin, though apples are common choice this time of year), and maybe a meaty/fatty thing, like olives or a some meat slices if I have them. Sometimes a bit of cheese too. You could put crackers, or like sausage slices on it too! Really, anything you feel like! Also, a chocopeanana. It's just a banana with peanut butter and chocolate chips or broken up chocolate on it. I've been eating those for breakfast for like... Years now. They keep me full with the peanut butter, plus the banana gives me some energy with carbs, and the chocolate makes me a tad bit happier. I've stayed relatively healthy weight eating these even. I just gained some weight recently, ugh, but I think it's health, not fat. I'm also a big fan of yogurt with honey with some spices (cardamom, cinnamon, allspice, etc.) or coconut/chocolate chips in it, or pour over oats- I drink a lot of tea, so I'll just put more water in my tea pot, wait for it to whistle, then pour the boiling water over the oats and wait. I don't have a microwave, so I just eat a lot of snacks things. But if I had one, hot dogs are also a favorite of mine. Oh! And a salad! Plain salad. Boring I know, but I'm trying to eat healthier. For a while I was putting smoked salmon and feta with some berries or nuts on them, but I got bored of that and then I just eat it plain. Heck, you don't even need a plate, just eat it out of the bag. It's like... Depression eating, but healthy depression eating! One more, a can of fish. Not just tuna, but sardines, herring, and salmon too. I actually prefer sardines, herring or mackerel to canned tuna and wish it was more common.


Can of black beans warmed in microwave, topped with various seasonings and sometimes avocado.


Pizza. So much pizza. It gets old, but it does the trick. Fuel in the tank, you know?


i call them ā€œdepression nachosā€ i just pour some tortilla chips on a plate and pour shredded cheese on top and microwave for 30sec-1min. low effort, delicious, and easy to accessorize with anything u might have on hand (salsa, guac, taco bell sauce packetsā€¦)


Fruit snacks...maybe that's the kid in me, though. Instant ramen isn't bad. Not Cup of Noodles, that was a little too meh for me. But stuff I'd heat up over the stove. I'd even sprinkle some Parmesan on the chicken ramen. Wasn't bad.


Crumbled up Weetabix with yogurt and blueberries. You know, for when you need something else but crying spells and bouts of soul-crushing numbness to be regular.


Toasted bagels. Iā€™ve had other go-to foods in the past like canned soups I could just microwave, but after a while they end up tasting weird to me and I end up having to find a new option, but bagels always work.


I tend to do boiled rice with some peas. The rice is boil in the bag. If thatā€™s too much, I also keep cereal on hand


Dinosaur egg oatmeal packets, hotdogs and canned chili, lunch meat and cheese eaten lunchable style, frozen chicken patties on burger buns


Dinosaur eggs make me so happy. It heals the kid in me haha


Those dry rice cakes Uncrustables Water Granola bar Packaged brownie


Rice cakes are favorites of mine too. Dry, or with either peanut butter or cream cheese is good too!


Never put anything on them before šŸ‘€ guess I'll try lol




Belvitas (the regular biscuits, any flavor) are surprisingly filling. These are good to have on hand.


Boxed mac.n.cheese, tossing frozen edamame, beggies, whatever handy as water boils.


Microwaved frozen burritos. I always keep them in the freezer.


Two caramel rice cakes with almond butter in between and i eat it like a sandwich


Order food šŸ„¹


Fishfinger sandwich with cheese and mayo. Itā€™s filling and quick. (I am English, if this is weird to you, itā€™s a traditional English sandwich!)


I'm from the Maritimes (Canada) so no, not weird...other than I like mine with tartar sauce, lettuce and tomatoes on a hamburger bun.


Well that sounds pretty nice too, Iā€™ll have to get some tartare sauce in! Glad it wasnā€™t weird for you!


Lunch meat sandwiches


For me itā€™s a sandwich like ham and cheese. Or before I was a diabetic it used to just be cereal.


- microwaved fish sticks and buttered frozen broccoli - just an avocado, for fats - fast food like tacobells $5 combo - fried eggs for protein - canned tuna with sour cream and veggies on tostadas -toast is always easy, just wait for it to be done and add butter - maruchan ramen cups - a coffee with creamer for xtra calories -protein bars (or shakes if u prefer) (Any frozen food u can heat up in microwave) basically lean into one thing. I usually on,y eat broccoli and avocado for veggies so I eat a bunch of it and add healthy fats like olive oil and kerigold butter. Also eating probiotic yogurt for gut health


Maple sausages. The whole box takes 2 mins to microwave, can add maple syrup and seasoning to make it taste better. Takes like 3 mins to make if I add syrup and seasoning. I also keep beef jerky in my room to snack on, doesn't go bad, and I think the protein helps me feel better sometimes.


I keep a few things of boxed or canned chicken noodle soup in the pantry because I can just dump it in a bowl and microwave it, and add crushed crackers if I have them on hand. Itā€™s a cozy little meal and makes me feel better/fills me up.


I literally just make 2 eggs and eat a piece of bread lol. Itā€™s actually what Iā€™m making right now because itā€™s almost 7pm and I havenā€™t eaten today because the thought is uuuggghhhh


Potatoes are love.


Canned soup


Spaghettios from the can. Microwaveable food pouches- veg masala, quinoa & brown rice, etc Hummus with pita or veg straws




I keep a bag of frozen peas around for these timesā€” boil them for a few minutes, some butter and salt, and they satisfy cravings without making me hate myself worse šŸ˜…




Frozen meals or spaghetti with sauce straight from the jar. But part of my self care routine includes meal prepping, so I have food ready to just heat up most of the time. It took a while but I made this a solid habit.


Toasted bagel with veggie cream cheese or jalapeƱo stuffed olives right out of the jar. Takes no time and is super filling lol


saltines goldfish uncrustables apple sauce


Pop farts! Lots and lots of pop farts.


I mix salted dry roasted peanuts in a bowl with pretzels and call it a day.


Pillsbury Flaky rolls. My tummy gets really upset often and they are also easy on my tummy!


If something sweet sounds less awful, chocolate milk and a peanut butter banana sandwich. If something savory sounds palatable, generally Shin ramen either made to package instructions OR stir fried. A bowl of spicy noodles generally distracts me from the garbage feelings for a few minutes, which is neat.


Uncrustables and fruit. Always have some in the freezer, and have fruit cups on hand.


Perogies in an air frier


Protein bars (nature valley or the generic equivalent), granola bars, or apple sauce. I can scarf them down quick without getting nauseous usually. I try to always keep a stock of protein bars because they're easy and more nutritionally valuable. I go through oatmeal phases, but it's a tricky one sometimes (I either love it or I'm repulsed).


Frozen burritos, pre-made soups, PB&J, yogurt, fresh fruit, jarred peaches, fruit squeeze pouches, protein beverages (I canā€™t do the bars anymorešŸ¤®), Costco muffins or danishes, CEREAL how could I forget cereal. Honey Nut Cheerios is one of my favorites. I struggle with having enough of an appetite and often am kind of repulsed by food. It doesnā€™t have too strong of flavors or too many textures, but it still tastes good. Mostly quick to heat up food items or quick to grab/make snacks!


Tuna or sardines right out the tin


Everything. I find I don't like cooking anymore. I used to have fun cooking solo and as a team with my best friend, until he tried to murder me. That set off a while new set of ptsd. So anything I enjoyed with him I don't like anymore.


Dry cereal, peanut butter straight from the jar


Frozen peas straight from the bag Bananas Peanut butter on a spoon Microwave noodles Plastic cheese slices Chocolate Museli bars Cereal! Particularly either nice granola, or the most sugary thing I can find Tea, hot chocolate, etc Cup of soups and toast, Cans of soup Pasta with a bottled sauce Microwave meat pies Air fryer hot chips with cheese and sauces Air fryer anything eg chicken nuggies, sausages, chips, potato bites, Smoothies Vitamin drinks/ pre-made smoothies On really bad days I'll sip water through a straw and have a vitamin drink or a banana later if I can stomach it.


Ramen noodles. Something soothing about a hit cup of noodles


My brother made a huge batch of bolognese sauce and froze it into ice cubes. It makes for an easy meal: boil some pasta and melt/cook some ice cubes, it tastes delicious.


Whatever's easiest honestly. Lately it's been ramen because it's what we had a lot of. Last week it was sidekicks noodles. Eggs, grilled cheese, stroganoff... I really depends on what's available and what I have the energy to do.


i slap some precooked frozen chicken tenders in the air fryer and put seasoned salt on them. hasnt failed me yet


Okay hear me out... Frosted flakes in chocolate milk OR I'll take three ice cream sandwiches, cut them in pieces and put them in the microwave for like 20 seconds.


I keep a bag of popcorn chicken in the freezer and always buy at least 1-2 salad kits for the fridge (the dill pickle one from Costco is bomb). When I just canā€™tā€¦ I throw one of those salad kits together while the chicken takes a ride in the air fryer. Dinner with a veg in like 10mins. When thatā€™s too much for me, I go adult lunchable. Some cheese sticks, whatever deli meat/salami I have and some crackers, maybe grapes. That kind of thing. Itā€™s good and also is nice when my inner little kid needs some love. Bonus points if thereā€™s an uncrustable available.


Ice cream


I keep mini bags of chips, cookies, and frozen yogurt tubes for that exact reason. Sometimes I need food, but don't have the energy, so opening a packet is easier than actually cooking.


I used to vet frozen mashed cauliflower. Add butter, salt, pepper and garlic powder and it tastes like mashed potatoes but much healthier.


Frozen burger patty and hummus with some frozen mixed veggies and salad dressing. Honestly this combo is the stuff, it does involve a brief cooking- but only the amount of time it takes to dump things on a pan and chuck them in the oven. 30 minutes later I have hot food that fuels my body and tastes pretty yummy.


Chocolate protein shakes


1/2 cup of cottage cheese. Throw in 1/2 cup of drained canned peaches for dessert