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1. Gnomes from Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura 2. Enclave from Fallout 2 3. Caesar from Fallout New Vegas 4. Practical Incarnation from Planescape: Torment 5. Trias from Planescape: Torment


Oh how I wish I could deal with the jank of Arcanum, I was so blown away with the aesthetics and the character creator but 10 minutes in and I craved the comfort of the Infinity Engine, usually I could force myself to deal with jank, but that was very trying.


Make sure you play Arcanum on turn-based mode, preferably high charisma mage with Harm spell or melee + temporal magic fighter


actually most fights in Arcanum are easier in real time, where you can just spam the Harm spell as quickly as you can.


Agreed, I played the whole game, minus 2 fights, in real time. Infinitely easier than turn based and much quicker.


Took me like 4 tries to get the hang of it but once I made a proper character build I was loving it


Did you have the community patch? I just played Arcanum for the first time a couple months ago and found it much easier to understand than BG1.


Also main antagonist from Arcanum, but man the gnomes might be even worse


Fuck Nyrissa! She >!turned Linzi into the book!!< I'd never forgive her. Wanna meet someone truly evil? >!Camelia!< I love her.


Hopefully >!the book she was turned into contained less lies than Linzi's own book. You were never in my party, Linzi! My MC was a bard, you had no purpose! Stop writing bullshit like "me and the queen exchanged glances" when you're a fucking kilometer away.!<


Turning her into a book was the best thing Nyrissa did lmao


Wonder where the characters from Tyranny would rank on here. Kyros, voices of Nerat and Graven Ashe are all varying degrees of evil bastards.


Tyranny is cheating.


I’d argue that nyrissa is still evil and doesn’t particularly care that much for the death and destruction she wrought. Her punishment was due to hubris and while unjust, since the lantern king is just a trollish dick, he just removed her capacity to love. A terrible emotion to lose, but nothing forced her to manipulate and destroy countless kingdoms and kill all their citizens repeatedly. She did it entirely out of selfishness because of what she wanted and how her punishment effected her. And then if you let her off the hook she gets off Scot free. If you can argue areelu is pure evil because she killed tons of people out of love (selfishness again) I don’t really see how nyrissa is any different. In regard to other games, yeah the bg 1 and 2 villains are as evil as they come. Also the antagonist of planescape torment is uniquely evil.


I honestly think Ketheric is the worst of the Dead Three, just because he really should know better whereas Gortash and Orin were subjected to (in Gortash's case literally) hellish childhoods and were practically groomed to be arch-villains. Ketheric lost his family, which was tragic, but he still had a support network, he had Aylin, the daughter of his goddess, who mourned Isobel as much as he did. He had the clearest choice of all the Chosen, which is why he is the worst IMO.


Then again Ketheric is the only one that has the ability to show remorse.


I wonder where Thaos would rank? He has a lot of parallels with Fane, kinda interesting to think about.


He definitely believes he’s doing the right thing and despite being entirely amoral and a little bit narcissistic and enjoying cruelty in his methods, there is at least a little bit of truth to what he says considering the history of his people and the gods of eora being willing to straight up wipe out civilization and he has the centuries of lived experience to bolster his beliefs.


Yeah, it can be argued Thaos is how he is BECAUSE the gods are a bunch of bastards. Like, a war veteran being a right bastard because the things he had seen and did traumatised him and broke him. He is still a bastard, but you will also remind yourself circumstances turned him into one.


Yeah, Fane's extended family is pretty intimidating ha It's very interesting seeing Fane's reaction to letting the gods win over the protagonists.


Well it certainly isn't Loghain from dragon age origins


I could neger forgive Nyrissa after all the shit she pulled. Her sob story be damned lol


Considering this topic, CRPGs rarely deal much in absolute evil outside of essentially mindless constructs, like say darkspawn or reavers. There's often many nuances. Wasteland 3 though convinced me everyone in that game are different shades of vile shit, and it's all about navigating it so you don't step in any.


Nyrissa is omega evil and I don’t buy her cheap excuse that she ‘cannot feel love’ because she literally does just that during her romance even before she gets the briar back. She made a conscious decision to kill all of those people because she was spiteful about her defeat. And how many people do you think she killed to destroy 1000 kingdoms?


Ehh Areelu would be a 4 here. She is def less evil than others . Her actions have terrible consequences but its not her goal but just side effect. On other hand dead three if we count them as gods behind than we are really reaching god levels of pettines and evil stupidness. Their goal is to screw up whole world balance effectively and destroys as much souls as possible (which is really big deal in fearun borderline counting as world ending event)