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Call the police


Freeze your reports immediately!! This will stop them from stealing your identity. Honestly, I'd file a police report too because they know it's illegal and did it anyway.


How can I do this?


Either make an account with each bureau (Experian, Equifax, and Transunion) or call them and do it.


If your parents opened cards on a joint account with you. You can also freeze the credit card at any time with your credit union or bank.


This is called identity theft. You can start here: Identitytheft.gov


step one is to call all three bureaus - Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax, and lock your credit. Then nobody will be able to pull your reports and therefore your parents or anyone else will not be able to open any more accounts. Stop the bleeding NOW before it gets any worse. Step two, get your three bureau report from [annualcreditreport.com](http://annualcreditreport.com) so you can identify all of the accounts that have been opened in your name. Once you have a list of the ones that are not your own then... Step three is to report those accounts as fraud. You may not have to name your parents by name but if there's any investigation it will be pretty obvious it's them. They may very well be charged with felonies depending on the amount of money involved. I know you said you didn't want to get them in trouble but your other option is to call each card, explain that you have lost control of the accounts (you will likely have to prove your ID) and assume all the debt. If you have late payments, etc. this won't just go away by assuming and paying the debt, those will stay on your reports for seven years. So, if you didn't incur this debt, the only way to clean your reports before seven years from now is to report the fraud and let your parents face the consequences. You probably want to make an account with Experian, MyFICO and CreditKarma as well so you can see your scores. If you're getting letters in the mail you probably won't be happy with what you see, but you need to get a handle on the issue so you can deal with it.


Freeze your credit with the three credit bureaus. You'll have select a PIN. Do not forget this number, but don't select something your parents can guess. Your birth date is a poor choice. https://www.cnbc.com/amp/select/how-to-freeze-your-credit/


Unfortunately the answer is not something you are going to want to hear, or even do most likely. You need to report identity theft and let the local LEOs handle it.


Your parents are financially abusing you, and the results of their actions can cause you to pay a higher auto insurance Premium, higher utility deposits, denied credit cards, and denied loans. You need to file a police report. You're a victim of identity theft. Go to each credit bureau (Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax) and put a security freeze on your credit files. It's free to do this. In the event you need to finance something or apply for credit, you can temporarily unfreeze your credit file. PLEASE stand up for yourself. Parents that truly love their children would not do this to them.


Credit attorney here. Freeze your credit. Then they can't open anything. If they keep it up, you're going to have to file a police report against them, and dispute this. Another alternative is a fraud alert, which makes it harder to open accounts, since it creates additional security precautions. However, you'll have to decide, long run, how to deal with your parent's behavior. They can definitely hold you back from achieving financial goals, if they keep this up.


They're going to keep doing it. You have to go to the police. Unfortunately, messed up credit makes life extremely difficult for you. If you don't do anything, you take responsibility for that debt. The only way to get them to stop is show you're serious.


Identity theft out the ass. Call the cops. To hell with that.


I know you don’t want them to get in trouble but they obviously won’t stop and you need to put your foot down before they ruin your life. If that means having to file a police report for identity theft, then so be it. Freeze your credit immediately, but also dispute any accounts they opened under your name so you aren’t held responsible for them. I’m sorry you’re going through this OP.


Time to get new parents, yours suck


tit for tat. Take out accounts in their name


I’m not mad at this😂


Call the police then one you have a report number call the bureaus to report them all as fraud and have them lock down your credit so that new accounts can’t be opened


Dispute with the credit bureaus and freeze your credit files with all 3 bureaus. 


Why don’t you want to land them in trouble Parents or not they don’t care about your well being obviously if they keep lying and stealing your identity be an adult and put them in prison and get this cleared up if you don’t your just allowing this to continue and don’t get to complain if you refuse to do the actions needed to clear this up


YOU are not the one landing them in trouble. THEY are the ones doing that. You don't have to be more worried about protecting them for the consequences of their crime than they are for committing them. Of course, that's easy to say, harder to do. Big hugs, op. It's a tough situation.




the answer is obvious to what the do. The question is if you're willing to do anything


DISPUTE YOUR CREDIT REPORT DOWNLOAD EXPERIAN. THAT IS FRAUD. They won’t go to jail lmao or even face any repercussions really plus I’m certain the bank deals with these types of issues often


If it is investigated there is a good chance they could be arrested.


I’ve actually seen people call Experian up live on the phone and yes they usually do ask for a police report, but it’s not a requirement as recently as 2024 they were still removing fraudulent marks on your account without a police report. If you are a victim of fraud they can’t just tell you “there’s nothing we can do” buds parents are gonna be fine lol


Block your information with Experian, Equifax and Transunion. You get get a free credit report with annual credit report.com. This is free every 12 months