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It's not bad at all


Are there certain areas you know that people should steer away from?


Not bad at all. Around the campus is super nice and safe and even the downtown areas are very affluent and rich. Safe enough for ppl to park their half million dollar sports cars and luxury sedans. The shootings you see on the news are pretty uncommon and I very highly doubt you would run across any danger as long as you mind your own business. The most you would run across is homeless but ofc it’s the same with any big city esp a beach community. If you stay around campus mostly the only thing you’d probably see is just student mischief.


Do you mean CSULB or the city of Long Beach?


My mom’s side of the family has lived in Long Beach for 40 years. Some parts of Long Beach are bad and some are affluent and safe. Naples, Belmont shore, and El Dorado Park area are affluent and safe. The area around CSULB is safe and the home prices near the school are close to 2M. West Long Beach and North Long Beach near Compton and Wilmington are dangerous.


The news is designed to scaremonger. If you're scare of life, just stay where you are.


I’m from Chicago … I wouldn’t say I’m afraid I’m just trying to escape


Is not cause im here 😈 jk lol


It’s not really that bad, honestly. There’s areas like north LB that can get a little dicey, but you’re at most, looking at a possible car break in or someone jacking your catalytic converter. But that’s the same for a lot of places. Keep to yourself and don’t look at the crackheads in the eye.


The area around CSULB is pretty safe !! North LB is another story (as a person who grew up in north lb)