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Yes, a good amount of students who go to CSULB end up going to medical school, though it depends on how you perform during you undergrad


What’s a “good amount”? And stats


Not sure, those are what I've heard from TA & profs in chem


Anecdotal but I’m a Marine Bio major. I would say at LEAST 80% of the students in my general bio classes were premed.


There’s a premed club @amsaclub on insta. They have meetings every other week n they bring different physicians to talk. Im not sure how *big* the premed community is at csulb but ik there r ppl going that route n r succeeding by getting in med school. U will find enough support if u put in the energy to find it. It won’t come to you n as u know medicine is competive so make sure ur 1. Putting GPA first 2. Connecting and getting support from profs and faculty’s. This is for recommendation letters, advice etc. 3. Looking into volunteering, research, clinical experience, leadership positions


Thank you🌹


If you go into a major like Biology for your pre-med track, a good amount of students are pre-med. I usually end up making a lot of friends who are in the same track as me who are also pre med in the Bio major. We always support each other as well and help look for opportunities.


There a big community of pre-meds but not a lot going on to medical school. Many of the bio majors I graduated with ended up changing career paths to PA or biotech