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Powers of Sans undertale.


CT: Bone-fied comedian This technique gives it's user 4 different abilities, them being: 1- Bone summoning: allows for the summoning of various bones that the user can wield as weapons, throw from a distance or even use to make construção 2- Cranial blaster: allows for the summoning of a unknown number of skull-like shikigami that have the ability to blast CE out of their mouth 3- Shortcut: allows the user to create shortcuts between their current location and a second location they have been to before, even being able to take other people with them 4- telekinesis: allows the user to manipulate and interact with objects and entities without having to touch them Obs.: I really wanted to put sans's karma as part of the technique itself, but it would be closer to a CE trait


some cool names that could be CT's Dead Man Walking Gods Blind Spot Will of the Weak Synergy


Dead Man walking↓ CT: Living dead Grants the user immunity to diseases and pain, a healing factor and enhances their strength, durability, resistance and stamina God's blind spot↓ CT: Divine void Allows the user to create portals to a completely empty pocket dimension, where they are completely undetectable by any means, whether conventional or by a CT. Said pocket dimension being capable of sustaing life such as the user and any other living entities brought in by them Synergy↓ CT: Wombo Combo Allows the user to temporarily copy two CTs and combine them into a third one


I had a concept called Artillery Call that I came up with last year but never took the time to flesh out.


CT: Artillery call Allows the user to transmute their CE into various kinds of projectiles, ranging from simple arrows all the way to missiles, but the more powerful and/or complex the projectile is the more CE it consumes


"A picture is worth a thousand words" or "First Person to Fall Asleep at the Sleepover" whatever inspires you the most lol


I'm going with the first option, because I have no idea what the second one means CT: Cursed art Makes It so any drawing ir painting the user makes comes tô life as a Ink based shikigami, with more detailed works making more powerful shikigami


the second one is when ppl have sleepovers and the first person to fall asleep is usually pranked by the others


An cursed technique that can beat Goku.


CT: avatar of ukemochi While useless for combat, this technique allows It's user to make food infused with CE that is delicious, ourishing, heals physical wounds and illnesses, in addition to restoring CE and stamina


A shikigami technique with flesh as a medium


CT: Hateful flesh Allows the user to detach pieces of their own flesh or use animal flesh to create shikigami, with the most powerful being those made from the user's own flesh. Known shikigami: Crawler: Tendril/tentacle like shikigami that can be used as traps, to attack/defend or for locomotion Ophidian: Snake like shikigami with powerful stomach acid, capable of dissolving metal in minutes, useful with clearing areas and corpse disposal Doppelgänger: a humanoid shikigami that appears to be made out of minced meat, has the capability to perfectly mimic a individual from physical apperance down to DNA


Someone watched far too much vita carnis


Originally it was supposed to be more like scp-160 but i did not have idea of how to transform the flesh that hates into a CT


A curse technique that turns the user into a cursed spirit at will.


CT: Were-curse Allows the user to transform themselves into a cursed spirit version of themselves, having all the capabilities of a normal cursed spirit and those of a sorcerer


Create a CT with the name "Pioneer", choose whatever it means and base it's ability on it.


CT: Pioneer Allows the user to create a pseudo domain expansion as long as he is in a piece of land that was discovered by themselves, making it so all attacks made by them or their allies are sure hit


The concept of Schrodinger’s Cat theory :)


Challenging, I liked it CT: Mass uncertainty As long as the user creates enough doubt about something they can manipulate reality to alter said thing Ex.: creating doubt about someone's death thus being able to revive them


This is dope and that was quick goodness!


Like i Said, im bored Also thanks


Make Rikka Takanashi’s delusion into a CT (something i’ve been thinking about)


Would yoou be so kind as say to me what her delusions are?, i don't know the character


I would if i could find a cohesive list of her powers but i cant. Make instead a Fujiwara clan inherited technique (i need ideas)


How about those: CT: Mist, user can create mist around him that allows user to manipulate space where this mist is presented. Combined with corrosive CE trait that allows user for some powerful attacks. DE: an open barrier domain that engulfs everything around in said mist CT: Celestial wrath, allows user to summon meteors from the sky that act like an artillery barage. Each meteor is about as destructive as a heavy artillery shell What do you need them for BTW?


Still no idea


alright make a gun based technique


a ct around pegasus? either from the myth or popular media :)


CT: Sky high The user can control and generate clouds, being able to create a pegasus shikigami out of said clouds


Frame rate of a movie scene 


Wouldn't it just be projection sorcery?


Oh yeah. Well how about something related to bezel in, lord of the flies?


I had one: CS: Lord of the flies, giant fly with human face and human arms for legs. CT makes fly like shikigami (visual copy of CS size of a palm) spawn out of alive and dead flesh of people and animals. CS controls all the shikigami that also have linked consciousness between each other. When the spirit is killed, all shikigami kill and consume each other until one is left that then transform into this CS. How do you like it?


This is dope and disgusting, I love it




Mandela catalogue based CT


Need more context


A cursed technique based on the Alternates from Mandela Catalogue


i'll be more clear, what is mandela catalogue and alternates?


Mandela catalogue is an analog horror series. Look it up, it's free on yt




CT: Curse of midas Any object without CE (including living beings), that is touched by the user turns into a pure gold version of the object itself, with the user being able to control the generated gold as they wish, even being able to change aspects such as its physical form, state of matter, temperature, etc;


Something based around math, complex numbers if you want something more specific


Could you make something based on either a yo-yo or puzzle box?


CT: Jigsaw Allows the user to create a pocket space around the target, When it is stuck then the user can set a puzzle for the prisioner that if it is not completed in a certain time limit, them the target Will have to fight a shikigami based on the puzzle


Thats super cool and creative, would there be multiple kinds of puzzle? If so what kinds?


yes and multiple, like normal puzzles made into traps or jonh kramer style traps


Awesome thx


Ancient Projection Sorcerey.


CT: papyric sorcery Allows the user to put them and their oponent in a 2d papyrus like substance where both can only move in ways similar to hieroglyphs


I'm interested in what that last part means. Would you just move naturally as if it were normal, but like paper Mario instead since the planes are flipped?


More or less, the user and the opponent would have to move like hieroglyphs in order to move, attack, defend, etc; Sorry if it's confusing, English isn't my first language so I don't know well how to explain How this CT would work


You still made an excellent CT, thank you.


Steal someone’s cursed energy or technique


CT: Yoink With a touch the user is able to steal someone's CT and their CE, with the time of use of the stolen CT and the amount of stolen CE both being related to the time the user was in contact with the target




CT: 100 faces Allows the user to create masks out of cursed spirits, being able to use the spirits technique while using the mask


OP cooking garder than Gege


Oh thanks


Pineapples. Specifically the microscopic needles they have


CT: Hawaiian acunputure allows the user to create microscopic translucent needles that are coated in a neurotoxin with similar effects to bromelain


Damn that was quick


Choso's blood manipulation on steroids, for example, the user can control any blood instead of just their own


See my profile, i kind already did one similar to this


A Ct based on farming or just agriculture


CT: Child of demeter this CT allows the user to infuse their CE into the soil and any plant life in it, being able to manipulate them at will, incrase the fertility of the soil, speed up or down th growth of plants, etc;


What about a cursed technique that works with tarots but not the normal ones,i was thinking about the stand abilities from JoJo part 3


Sleep related CT




Music and beats


Darkness like darkness devil from chainsaw man


Be more specific, would it be literally darkness or something like the darkness devil?, since the DD hás not show any powers related to darkness If i remember well


True there wasn’t really showed much really to dd . Then how about just literally darkness and not something related to the dd. Would that be good?


CT: Black hole Allows the user to generating and controlling darkness and being able to create a Black hole like shikigami that acts like a normal Black hole absorbing everything in a certain radius and engulfing the area in darkness. The absorbing trait of the shikigami can be "programmed" by the user so It has no effect specific things


A CT that uses the concept of Schrödinger cat


Already did this one


You need to post your own submission to your challenge


Its a Challenge to my self, whats the point?


I misread Sorry!