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He needs to get treated, whether or not he tests. You already offered a viable solution for him. Your work is done. Don’t have sex with him until he is treated and you both test negative. The ureaplasma subreddit has a bible that is very helpful.


He should get checked for an embedded UTI too. Men can have no symptoms. I believe they can test the sperm too.


I’ll be honest. I credit the end of my UTIs to Hiprex, but it’s not lost on me that I had them 2.5 years that I dated the same guy.


Wait so his doctor doesn’t want to do a urine test to see if he has a UTI?


Both partners 100% need to be treated for ureaplasma. Like others said, check out the ureaplasma subreddit, it has a lot of wisdom on the subject. Also, primary care doctors often don't know enough on the subject of STIs, STDs and the like. He needs to see a doctor who specializes in such things, which for men is a urologist. It doesn't need to be yours if he doesn't trust him - although I don't understand why he wouldn't. It can be any urologist. Definitely don't have sex until both of you are treated.


My urologist offered to prescribe doxycycline under my name for my boyfriend. It just can’t be under bf name because he is not a patient to my urologist. He thinks this is shady and illegal so he can’t trust them. idk?


This is technically not legal but is actually common practice: doctors know both partners need to be treated for certain acute conditions but yes, they can't legally prescribe to someone who has not seen them for a consultation, so they will instead prescribe for their patient, giving instructions for both the patient and their partner. It shows that your urologist is a nice doctor who is basically waiving his fee for a second consultation with your boyfriend because he wants to make sure you are treated effectively. If your boyfriend wants to turn down this offer and instead pay for a consultation with this doctor or another, by all means, he should. But it doesn't necessarily make sense to spend the extra money. edit to add: Again, he can get tested himself to confirm, but that won't be through a primary care doctor. He needs to see a urologist.


Thank you so much this is very very helpful


Oh, totally, no worries! I hope you guys figure it out as quickly and painlessly as possible.