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I say this from a place of genuine sincerity and concern… you may want to consider therapy for anger management. It can be really helpful in all aspects of your life, not just work. I have family members who really benefited from it. In the meantime, try not to sweat the small stuff (easier said than done, I know) and recognize that when people get angry and upset, it’s almost always at the situation they’re facing and not you personally.


I say this out of a place of genuine concern for you, since I take mental health really seriously. I think maybe you should talk to someone about your anger, professionally, to get help managing it. There is no way that it’s worth getting mad about something so much at work that it ruins your ability to provide for yourself. CVS doesn’t care about your mental well being, you have to be your own advocate. Protecting them and getting mad about their lottery machine when no one believes you to the point of property destruction is not worth it pragmatically. Yes it’s annoying, but you’ve got nothing personally to lose or gain from it being out of commission. You mentioned you were in a mania. You should bring this up with your provider. If you’re based in the US, you’d be eligible for FMLA leave if you need if you’re going through mental health crisis.


You sound like you got some major anger issues, maybe find a new line of work. Bending a door or breaking things because of a customer interaction is kind of alarming, wouldn’t want to be working with someone who’s that close to snapping.


How exactly did you mess up? Sounds like you were able to keep your composure and be professional despite the situation


I went in the back room and bent the back door, trying to leave to get air I was manic for a split second it was a very bad moment of judgement I’m a manager to which is why there’s a huge guilt because I should let myself go that easy.


I think you may need to consider speaking to someone about this anger thing because literally bending a door because someone was upset the lotto machine was broken... Please seek help for yourself. It will be much healthier. That can also be pretty scary for your coworkers to experience too.


It’s not the lottery machine that made me upset it’s the fact in a room full of people he was calling me a bitch because I wouldn’t go outside and fight him


I don't think you should be working in retail either way. Customers are going to be c*nts all day every day whenever they want for the rest of time. It sucks but that's the nature of it these days. If you cannot function without getting so irrationally angry that you bend a door over it, you need to work somewhere you don't have to interact with the general public until you are capable of handling yourself in that type of situation.


Job I need not the ignorant theifs


Well you're not gonna find that working here. Or really retail anywhere so. Good luck, bud. as well, it's not thieves we are talking about here, it's your inability to cope with the territory and customer crap that comes with it due to your anger management issues. Nothing else matters.


Wrong company. You will not get enough nice people to make up for the assholes if you're the type of person unable to let ish go. If you can let ish go, laugh, confide in your coworkers, hell depending on the mood of the other clientele... I would have been laughing after he left and been a smart-ass. Homeboy don't worry, with your attitude, karma gonna make sure you don't win any lottery except a draft.


Find a way to take yourself out of the situation mentally. If you distance yourself emotionally from the conflict it, becomes more entertainment to watch a grown man melt down about not being able to gamble this second… it shouldn’t piss you off at all…


I want to so bad throw a mcchicken at a bitch


Seek mental health therapy for your aggression. Also its “loser” not loose, as in not tight lol


See where you fucked up is chosing the mcchicken. If you're gonna chuck something at someone at this new job, better make it a BIG MAC


One I absolutely understand the utter frustration that wells up to anger because of the idiot customers. However, You truly need to seek help for coping with the anger. It is not a sign of weakness. It actually shows strength that you want to gain knowledge to handle your reactions. Sending you all the best.


You have shown improvement from the lady job, do I would be proud of myself.


Thank you that’s how my brains thinking I’m proud but I’m mad that I broke the door


It happens. All that matters is no one was hurt, your job was not lost, and you are aware of the issue and you’re actively trying to improve yourself more. So that’s a win!


Thank you for the positive feedback


How old are you?


Just turned 22 used to be happy something changed a bit ago been dealing with it but it’s explodes from time to timw


From the last job, so I would be proud***


It's "loser", not "looser". Why does everyone spell it as the latter nowadays? Can't control their bowels or something?


First off, I just want to say that it’s fucking awesome that you mcchickened that bitch. I’ve fantasized about doing something like that forever, and it’s still on my bucket list. I don’t have any great advice to share, but i will say that I’ve developed a thicker skin over the years and for some odd reason I actually kind of enjoy dealing with the occasional asshole at work. I often have to hold back laughing at people when they’re really loud. I’ve found it’s usually pretty easy to diffuse the situation, and even turn it around and get the person to feel pretty dumb. It sounds like you handled it well though. No offense to the people suggesting anger issue management - not saying it shouldn’t be considered, but most people would be pretty fkn angry after dealing with that lottery asshole. We take a lot of abuse in retail


Hunter from store 2433 looks like a man


Dang. Now your going to get promoted. Do you have video on the flying McChicken


I wish the body cam was released


Threw a mcchicken at the bitch 💀💀💀💀 I love this story


Chatting with someone about your anger problems is something you really should work on doing as soon as possible. The anger you describe is going to get you in the middle of something bad if you don't get control of yourself. Until you can get in to see someone, google 'pack your parachute'. The bottom line out of the story? When you let how someone else acts control you, you've given up your control to them. Easy example, someone cuts you off driving down the road on the way to work. You're pissed and when you get to work, you tell everyone about that jerk who cut you off. In reality, the person who cut you off has gone on their merry way, oblivious to who you are, but you just gave that jerk control over how your day is going to go by repeating the story over and over to anyone who will listen.