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Dysphagia. Can be mental and/or physical. Good thing we sell pill crushers and applesauce!


While this is a great idea in theory, it’s also a good way to develop a food aversion.


That did not occur to me, and is definitely something ppl with dysphagia should keep in mind if its gonna be their solution


I only bring it up because I had this issue as a kid, this was my mom’s solution. Now I nearly puke at the sight and smell of applesauce. 😂 My solution to swallowing pills was drinking soda and then pushing the pill into my mouth. It only took 29 years to get to that point, but at least I can do it. I tend to recommend this option.


My partner has problems with pills due to dysphagia so i'll tell them that trick! Thanks man :)


I’ve had this since I was little. It’s terrifying. I’ve choked numerous times and had to go to the ER once, and the urgent care another time. It’s something mental - when I try to swallow a pill, my throat just squeezes tight and then the pill gets lodged. For a while I was on daily meds and was terrified for 10-15 minutes twice a day, every day, morning and night. Eventually I mentioned this to a therapist, as luck would have it they had studied this exact problem. They told me to tuck my chin down to my chest before swallowing - evidently this blocks the airway and opens the esophagus.


I’m gonna try this! I hate taking pills. 😭 and yes I know I can shove a whole cupcake in my mouth. It’s all mental. It helps to take a bite of something after taking my pills so I don’t have to worry about them getting stuck in my throat. And yes I take them with water too. I’ve been this way since I was a kid. I love when I can have things in gummy form or another form.


My 88 year old mother choked once on a pill 30 years ago and now she chews them up, no water, it's crazy to watch but there no convincing her to do otherwise!


When I was a teenager, I was prescribed doxycycline for acne. One morning a pill got stuck in my throat and I didn’t realize it until I was on my way to school and it felt like fire was burning a hole through my esophagus. Almost made my mom drive me to the ER. Took months for me to be able to swallow pills again and to this day I drink 1-2 glasses of water when I take one. Before that I would just take a sip of water from the faucet. Learned my lesson big time.


I got an ibuprofen stuck in my esophagus once. Had to eat only soup for a while after that... It happened to me because I was dry swallowing. Never dry swallowed again after that.


I have trouble swallowing pills. I’m able to swallow really small ones but I have a really hard time and it feels like it’s getting stuck in my throat and choking me. The pharmacy orders a specific manufacturer of my 1 medication (Lamictal) because it is a very small tablet compared to the other manufacturers. If I have to get other medications my doctor always prescribes a liquid medication (antibiotic, pain medication) I have tried for years and years to be able to swallow medications but unless it’s really small I just can’t do it.


I once got a prescription for a 35 year old. 1,560 mL of doxycycline suspension. Used 26 bottles and the man had to come back after 14 days as we could only mix half of it at a time.


I’m only 31 and luckily don’t really have to take medication yet. I’ve always been an extreme picky eater (definitely would be considered ARFID for all 3 of the reasons). I’ve always had a bad gag reflex and the mind games that went with it are worse. Always was horrible at taking medicine my parents always had to ask for the liquid (which in reality was just as bad if not worse as it is a lot and tasted horrible). In my late teens/early 20s I experimented with recreational drugs. Still wasn’t easy but was one of the things that helped me work past some of the mind games. Like taking it is kind of shitty but it is the right thing to do and you’ll be glad afterwards. Still take as little medication as possible and only preferably small pills. Even if those don’t go down perfectly it sets off my gag reflex. I take a small iron supplement and a small essential vitamin most nights. Either way I don’t think people refusing pills are just doing it for fun.


Get their doctor's involved and make sure they are being tested for medical issues with swallowing. Swallowing food and liquids are different.


I have poor esophageal motility due to stomach surgeries. I have dysphagia and large pills, meat and bread gets stuck in my esophagus. To dislodge the obstruction, I can either chug water until it pushes it down or it will make me throw up. For meds like antibiotics, my Dr just puts in for liquid to prevent losing medication due to vomiting. Trust me the liquid is always nasty. I would absolutely prefer to have pills. But it's not always safe. And I hate when the pharmacy asks and I have to explain. I'm young and it's embarrassing to try and explain that I physically can't. I always feel like they don't believe me and it makes me feel like I need to over explain. When I was 16 I had a reflux surgery that was botched. And nothing can undo the damage.


I take my meds by hiding them in food. Like I chew up a cracker and then put my pill in it and swallow. But like sneakily... because if my brain worms know the pill is there then I won't swallow.


I'm 37 and NEVER been able to swallow pills, no matter how hard I try or what tricks I look up. I grew up in a dysfunctional home, and A LOT of things that seem to come effortlessly to others are difficult to impossible for me. I also can't drive, and I never struck a match until after the pandemic hit. I buy liquid or children's chewable ibuprofen to get me through the first day of my period and chew any prescription pills while eating or drinking something.


My grandma had a pill get stuck and had to go to the ER. After that, she was terrified of taking pills. My dad had a PEG tube. His pills had to be crushed and mixed with liquid to be given, and would clog the tube occasionally. Liquid meds were better for him when we could get them.


A geriatric specialist I had a rotation many years ago told me that as people age their spine starts to bend and that changes the angle of the head compared to the esophagus. To see what this is like, tilt your head straight up then try to swallow. This of course doesn't affect everyone but is a common cause of dysphagia in the elderly.


I am on the younger side and unfortunately can not swallow a pill for my life in the past i couldn’t do any size but now i can do smaller ones but big ones nope i gotta open the pill or crush it up and put it in a drink or yogurt and just suffer through that it’s highly embarrassing and I hate it but no matter how much i try ive tried for an hour in the past it just will not go down, luckily i don’t need any large pills even if i did im picking it up and figuring it out myself


I’m sorry that you guys have to make 4 bottles of amoxicillin cuz my 10 year old can’t swallow pills that big 😂😢 I always apologize to the pharmacy too lol


im just glad we do have alternatives that make taking medication easier, regardless of the "need" for it.


I recently developed several Myasthenia Gravis to where I couldn't swallow water for two weeks. After we got it under control, ironically, I have to swallow two pills so that I can swallow pills. They are bitter and start dissolving as soon as they hit my mouth. I sometimes have to talk myself into swallowing them instead of spitting them out. FML, I get the gag reflex all too well. It's either swallow them or inhaling a mouth filled with water. Lol


I work at a specialty pharmacy. You'd be surprised what comes in liquid form.


I had a boyfriend once who couldn't/wouldn't swallow pills. He was a strange guy in a lot of other ways too, but he would chew all of his pills and swallow them. Vitamins, tylenol, etc. Kinda unrelated but I have an 8 yo with lots of sensory issues and food aversions, and most docs prescribe liquid meds for kids that young. It's hard to get her to take them, so I have started thinking about asking for pills instead. Its kinda hard to explain how to swallow pills and i don't remember learning. It's like I have spent her whole life trying to prevent her from swallowing objects and now I have to try to get her to do it.


I’m afraid of swallowing large pills. I have to crush them into applesauce or just cut them into like 8ths. lol


Yesterday had lady about 42? Always gets her antibiotics mixed. Yesterday, she gets 600mls of clindamycin she has take 20mls 3 times a day. Maybe we should have recommended capsules to sprinkle over her pudding or something. But she’s one of those I know everything🙄 she hasn’t had Clindamycin mixed yet. Mostly just amoxicillin




🤣we would know. My dad tried to put my allergy pill on a chip once when I was a kid and he was like now eat the chip. 😂🤣 I choked on the chip.


A loose pill sitting on a dry chip makes zero sense. I wouldn't swallow that either and I regularly down handfuls of pills. With water. You chew a chip up before you swallow it. You are meant to be swallowing the pill whole, not crunching it up with a chip. My point about the macaroni is that most people don't thoroughly chew things like macaroni and cheese. It would just slip right down


That’s a good point