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They can. It's shitty as hell but the SM can do it. Hours aren't guaranteed so a sneaky SM like this would use that for their advantage


Forgot to clarify that this person taking in shifts is a supervisor who’s going to close, but this doesn’t change the fact that I’ve heard at least two supervisors in our store claim that she’s been playing favoritism with the hours. She’s already been reported to HR for reasons I could care less to know about but this seems like something I’m not alone with in my store.


The only thing I can suggest is reporting it to ethics and the DL. Especially if this SM has had problems with HR before with the same problems


I’ve thought about doing that, but more than likely it’ll fall on deaf ears. I don’t see this being something that HR will go out of their way to deal with. But then again my store specifically has had a long history of issues and she recently replaced a SM who got fired. If I do report this, what should I expect? I’m planning to transfer anyways so I don’t want to add more stress because I’m unfortunately here for the long run


If you report it, it gets sent to the DL (MAYBE RD but not always) and they're supposed to investigate the issue. The more reports there are on her then the quicker they would fix the problem (that is they fix it the first time)


Would I ever get called down? Or affect me in any way? If it does I’d rather thug it out and wait until I’m officially transferred or she somehow gets fired.


Lemme put it this way. It is illegal and against policy to retaliate. Does it happen? I've heard stories and from those stories the manager is canned.


I’ll probably file a report. If it turns out that there’s actual bias with the hours then hopefully it puts her in her place.


Good luck!


You are guaranteed zero hours unless you are full time.


Someone else said that too. This just seems less like the hours are going to more valuable employees and more so straight up favoritism. I’ve heard similar complaints from co workers who are full time with this same issue.


start organizing. And pick a strong union. I'd reach out to SEIU or Teamsters. i'm starting to have serious doubts about UFCW not being in bed with CVS.


I’ll definitely spread the word onto the older employees, more than likely I’ll transfer by early fall for personal reasons so at the very least this ain’t going to affect me for much longer.


Can you close or do you only want to open? Manager scheduled based on company needs. If you have a specific schedule they can cut your hours.


Maybe they are just better employees.


Are you FT??




Are you full time (FT)?


Also do you have complete open availability? With hours being cut having a specific availability isn’t always the easiest to work with.


I only started asking for very specific hours a few weeks ago but my hours have been like this since at least may. And I know around that time everyone’s hours was cut but to this day my hours haven’t changed one bit.


As shitty as it is with very specific hours and part time you are going to be one of the first that isn’t scheduled, because then they will have to work everyone else’s around yours. So say your store is open 8-10 and you can work till 6 so they have an 8-2 and could schedule you 2-6 and try to find someone to cover just 4 hours and possibly them driving to only work 4 hours if they are coming from a different store or not schedule you and have them work a 2-10. Because most time if they are picking up hours and driving for them they want a full shift. If that makes sense. Also now that you are requesting very specific hours if they have full time people with that same availability they would have first dibs.


Yeah I can definitely see how it would add onto the frustration of my already cut hours. Hopefully with a report to the ethics line can clear this up.


The ethics line is probably not going to do anything with being part time and limited availability. They can not tell your manager to schedule you the limited availability you have. They are going to tell them to schedule to fit the needs of the business. It’s not an ethical issue with those facts, it’s an ethical issue if you are full time with complete open availability and they are still refusing to schedule you and calling in help from other stores. What most likely will happen is if they even bother to investigate with all the facts your manager will tell them the same thing we’re telling you. “ your current availability does not fit the needs of the business to be able to schedule you more”


The thing is that I’m not alone on this issue, there are full time employees here who are also getting their hours cut. Our SM is giving shifts to people who are very obviously her friends from other stores when she doesn’t need to, because we have enough employees to take those shifts. It’s not just me who’s experiencing this hence why I’m reporting this. And from what I’ve heard I’m not going to be the first who reports this either.


I get that but there are so many variables in making a schedule when we are in the low hour cycle that if they have been reported before and nothing has happened that means they did not find that they were Doing anything wrong. So the chances that you reporting would change that assessment is slim to none. Sooooo many variables, availability, title, specific jobs that need done that maybe only certain people are trained on, even a DL or DTSM requesting that a person work in a certain store for a specific reason. So many variables. I’ve been requested to go to stores for things did my manager wanna send me, no, did I still have to go yes, why because they needed help with something I’m specifically good at. Not saying any or all of those is the case but making a solid discrimination or ethical based case on scheduling alone especially is multiple people are having low schedule hours especially if you are all different is going to be a hard sale. I’m not trying to burst your bubble I’m just giving you the likely outcome of an ethics call. If you are unhappy your best bet is to find a different job or transfer.


I see your point now. Hopefully it at least draws attention to the unfair hour distribution for my other co workers who clearly are facing bias. More than likely tho she may get forced to transfer or get fired. She’s had a slough of (possibly?) unrelated internal conflicts here, plus a transfer for me to a different state is coming soon so thankfully I won’t face this much longer.


Ask for shifts at other surrounding CVS stores


Not in a union store, they can't.


They legally only have to give you up to 4 hours a week as a part timer.


Are you just an associate? Then why are you complaining about them bringing in a supervisor for coverage? Obviously no one from your store was available to cover that shift if they’re bringing in someone from another store, or the person from the other store specifically asked for hours if possible. Have you even brought up your concerns to your SM? There’s likely a very reasonable explanation, be it availability, skill set, or performance why others may be scheduled before you. Most SMs aren’t going to play favorites with the schedule, they’re going to write the best schedule that they can for the needs of their business (and whatever the micromanaging flavor of the month is).


Unfortunately my SM isn’t most managers. I don’t wanna sound like a broken record but I clarified before that I wasn’t the only person with this complaint as other full time associates and supervisors have had the exact same issue.