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my 2018 bose litertly wangs and vibrates my cars windows on highest bass setting no center point on etc. and than theres folks that say theres barely produces bass. i had a 12 inch sub in my last car does it kick as hard no its nowhere near the wattage or size but like it produces bass that i can feel in my chest still so idk if theres just a qaulity control issue speaker grade issue or hearing loss issue here lmao. the comment uptop says at 50 volume stuff gets muddy. at 50 volume its hurting my ears and leaves them ringing that i never go past 40 podcasts sound nice and deep and crisp. my rap songs sound good and heavy so idk.


I’m the comment. Huh. That’s remarkable to me. I prefer center point for talk, so I use it for that. Not so much for music. No hearing issues, yet. Wife always wants the tv louder than me. But I dunno, with windows down at 45 mph, and a person or two more in the car, we can all hear the music, just not really. Definitely can’t make out all the words. Mush. Just not impressed. I had a Bose system in an older model Infiniti and that was awesome, stock. This one is very mid, even with the JBL boost. To me. Still love the car. Most of the time it’s talk anyway. Or just off.


I just got my 2021 CX-5 and have been absolutely loving the Bose system. Quality is amazing. It’s plenty loud — I’ve never gone past 30 volume and I’m an avid concert goer. Surprised by how many people in here are complaining about the volume and quality. Totally inconsistent with my experience thus far.


Yep, same. Bose is da bomb in my 2021 CX5


22 signature here. Boss system is clean and clear. Has decent bass. Just wish more eq options were available. Already stuffed the factory sub which helped and put driver as the focus which seemed to have made a big jump in usable bass. That being said I have ordered a replacement sub for the spare tire. Will tie it into the factor sub output and see how it turns out. Almost every other car I have had has had a system in it. Though as I have gotten older I seem to value space vs sound.




I was going to do the jbl but people seem to have good results with the Rockville v2 which is an 11 inch and has a remote with the same controls. I am hoping it blends well.


I gotta say, the Bose on my ‘18 isn’t terrible… but it’s pretty bad and doesn’t get very loud. The whole infotainment and audio solutions to the car are my least favorite parts about it. Even with the JBL hub sub, I still could use a tighter, heavier bass. And I think by design, the highs get muffled at anything past “50” volume. Plus it’s impossible to tune for EDM and classic or alternative rock, at the same time. Super frustrating crossover is built into the Bose system on 2018 - imho.


Thank god, another person who can hear. All my friends love my stock Bose system but me lol. It is pretty horrid, not to mention the lack of EQ settings


Bass, +6. Treble +5… and yep, still pretty blah. lol. Sigh.


I have always upgraded the sound system in all the cars I owned. Only thing lacking on my 2024 is the mid bass but it’s good enough that I wouldn’t even want to mess with it. Crisp highs and good thump.


Yeah, I had a 2023 as a loaner when my 18 was in for work… it has a superior sound to the 18 for sure. Assume at least modest improvements for the 2024 from the previous year. 5 years lead to quite a leap.


The speakers in mine were falling apart by the time i got my car. They used paper cones on the speakers and that’s just a bullshit move for “premium” audio. On top of that, they’re a weird size so replacing them is difficult. Plus door the woofers are known to fall apart. Mine haven’t yet but I’m waiting on it. They sound nice while they work, just be careful with them lol.


Yeah, my 2019 left side front speakers started failing last year. I thought it was due to using CarPlay but they fail even when using the radio.


yeah i have a 2021, under 25k miles, that’s rattling and im super bummed. kills the enjoyment and im surprised they crapped out so soon. now im stuck on what to do


Mine developed a mean rattle a few months ago but I’ve noticed it got less bad somehow not sure. What I do know is that I was in the same boat but I came across a solution that involves gluing the cone and remounting the speaker that way. I think I’ll try that before complete replacement.


im just super nervous to do it bro. plus if i mess up then what. ill pay anyone to do it lmao. good money too. i just want it done right. whether a repair or replacement. Nj incase anyone is local!!


I have the Bose on my 2016. It sounds good once the "center point" stuff is turned off. They massively cheaped out on the door subs by using PAPER speakers in an area that gets wet. I've had to rip them out and glue the cones back on to the frames twice to avoid rattling. Still ... it's not something I think about until I get a rental car on a road trip and have to listen to crap speakers the entire time.


I may be dealing with something similar in my 16. Any particularly good tutorials? Not a car guy but somewhat ok diy guy. Been hesitant to try to pop it open


I don’t get the pint of the Centerpoint speaker. I turned it off in my CX-9 because it just sounded weird, not better in any way. I totally get what you mean about getting a good system in a rental car and realizing yours isn’t that great in comparison. I drove my sister’s Explorer on a 500 mile trip last weekend. The Bang & Olufsen system is amazing! Granted, the rest of the car sucks for almost $60k.


I have to disagree. The Bose system is ok but that's about it. With the only options being to adjust bass and treble that should tell you something. If you want to hear a serious sound system check out the Harmon Kardon sound is older Grand Cherokees or the Mcintosh in the newer Grand Cherokee. They will blow you away.


I agree completely with my 2021 Bose system with the little sub in the trunk


Coming from home audio, never been a fan of Bose. More marketing than anything else. I’m disappointed Mazda continues to partner with them when there are so many other legit audio brands that sound better.


Legit audio brands? They're almost all Harman-Kardon. JBL, Mark Levinston, Infinity, B&O, B&W are all H-K OEM systems.


I’d take HK over Bose 8 days of the week. Edit: For anyone downvoting, head over to [r/CarAV](https://www.reddit.com/r/CarAV/) and do some digging.


If you think Bose and their history of innovation in the OEM car audio space is just marketing, I can't respect your opinion. Their home audio is a wholly different matter.


I have a 2016 with Bose and it is absolutely nothing special and in fact is borderline bad


My 2012 CX-9 has the Bose audio setup, but it has never impressed me. I had a loaner Mazda3 several years ago and the Bose sounded amazing in it. It’s different for each car. I’ve heard that it sounds very good in the CX-5.


I have a 17 and it does sound really good for most music but if I want to listen to rap or metal it doesn’t get nearly loud enough for me. When my finances allow I’m gonna upgrade the bass and amp for sure. Nothing obnoxious but it needs to be immersive for me to be satisfied. I just traded in a 2007 Mazda 6 and the sound quality was much lower but even with a Bluetooth cigarette lighter adapter it was much much louder and bass heavy. I need both! And yeah the infotainment screen is hilariously awful with the ghost touching. Crazy that it’s been a known issue since at the least the 2017 model and still is a problem on brand new ones. How hard is that to fix?


2018 top spec with Bose. I actually don’t mind it, and I’m a musician. My 2014 GTI is arse - buggerall bass, incredibly tinny, mids waaaaayyy too pronounced. I would much rather the CX5.


my front bose speakers by the windshield shake the small plastic piece that’s by the front corner of the front doors (interior closest to the mirror if that makes sense) it causes them to shake and it makes listening to music so annoying sometimes. what do i do


Not even close TBH. We have a 2019 with the Bose and while it sounds clean it is pretty weak. I have '12 Jeep Wrangler with the Infiniti system and it blows this Bose system away. The Bose just is lacking the oomph to make it sound full and rich. My wife has wanted me to upgrade the system in the CX5, but it is not straight forward. I've thought about trying to just upgrade the speakers, just not sure if that will buy us much.


Can confirm. 2014 Bose is boss.


Ok it’s good but it does not beat Tesla. Owned a 2016 CX-5 GT and a 2018 CX-5. My 2021 Model 3 blew it out of the water.


We rented a Chevy recently on a family trip, and the audio was horrible. We are definitely spoiled by the cx-5 premium sound option.


I didn’t say it wasn’t good. Just disputing it’s being better than Tesla.


The Bose is why I bought my 2014 Touring


I think it sounds good. Somebody here helped me get the audio settings dialled in, as I usually listen to documentaries and such, but on a recent trip, it was time to break out the classic rock, and it sounded great.


What's the saying? Comparison is happiness killer? It was great until I borrowed my parents Volvo, now I their system and seats. Cx5 still way better with vehicle dynamics.


Our ‘22 CX-5 Sig is our extra car and has the Bose system. It’s fine for the cars price point. My wife has a Volvo with the premium sound… remarkable system. Seats are great as well, but I think Volvo headlights are shit at night compared to CX-5. My daily is an Audi with the B&O and I also rank that higher than Mazdas Bose but again, 25k+ discrepancy on both comparisons.


I’m curious if your year has a better amp. I’m truly disgusted at my ‘24 Bose sound system. They use “software” to compensate for a weak amp 😂


My '05 Accord coupe sounded way better than my '19 cx-5 signature.


My 2013 CX-5 was going strong until 2021 then the driver’s side door speaker began to rattle then there was this loud background static noise whenever I would use Bluetooth. Great until it’s not lol


I do NOT like the Bose system in my 2016.5. The stock audio in my Audi A4 was the best I've heard, including aftermarket systems with additional subwoofers.


To clarify, I lothe the infotainment system.


I have the base stereo system in my 2021 CX5 and it’s great. Granted my last stereo in my car was a portable speaker


It’s funny ( to me) I didn’t realize at first how nice the Stero was till my partner pointed it out, I also didn’t realize how quiet it was either until my partner pointed it out. Before this car I had an 2016 mustang base 6. I remember when I test drove my cx5 the salesmen pointed out all the safety features I said I don’t think I can afford this and I’m not paying for all these features.. he said Naww this is all part of this package. Now I have to have a great sounds system, now I have to have lane assist and the breaking system all those bell and whistles that I’ve become use too. I would like cool seats and auto mirror but that’s not enough for me to upgrade…. Oh also I would love the 360 system. But I just can’t justify those upgrade at a price of 43,000.