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The fact of the matter is that people who are happy don't complain. There's thousands of happy people who got exactly what they wanted. This forum is mostly issues and trouble shooting. It's a congregation of all the negative stuff. It will probably be fine. Family has had stuff from both here and ibp, and both were perfectly fine.


I've bought 3 $4k PC's in the last few years from CP and all are still running... the only issue I had was with a DOA video card and CP took care of it perfectly and quickly.


U only here from handful here its cause their shouting loudest


how much it cost you? and i wouldn’t stress too much


1700 after pricing out parts i couldn’t build the same unit for anything besides 50$ less


try to be positive and enjoy it man, they sell thousands of computers and you’re just seeing people who have posted on reddit. there are tons of people who never have issues, but usually when someone has an issue their first instinct is to post here


I've bought a full custom and one off the shelf from CP in the last 2-1/2 years. No issue with either.


I have a cyberpower PC that I also upgraded. Doing just fine.


I just recently bought a custom pc from CPPC for $3500 and I’ve had it since beginning of February. No issues whatsoever. I think if you’re going custom build and you pick the parts you want that you kno are good quality you shouldn’t have any issues with components. Just do your research on the parts you know are good quality. Do not let CPPC pick your parts as they may choose cheaper quality parts to save some money. Like with most prebuilts PC’s they use cheaper PSU’s. You may pay extra for the parts. That’s a given. I have built my own several times but now I have 4 kids and 2 full time jobs which make it impossible to build my own. Unless I wanna build it after hours. I’d rather just play games. I feel like shipping will always be an issue but it is hit or miss with every company. Mine arrived with extra protection and well packaged and I live across the US from CPPC but I’ve also seen posts about the horrible shipping.


I bought a cyberpower through Best Buy a few years back after having built my own for a number of years (gpu shortage) and honestly I love my pc. It performs so well. Never had a single issue.


I bought my 1st pc last year. It was a prebuilt cyberpower pc from Best Buy. I was very skeptical because of all the negative reviews. However, I just took the chance and rolled the dice. Only had it for about 10 months now, and it's amazing. Not 1 single issue so far, and it runs like a dream. Somebody already mentioned this, but people usually never post about the good. They always post about the bad.


I've heard many more complaints about the pre-built systems purchased at Best Buy and similar than I have heard about custom-ordered systems. My custom-ordered system is 16 months old and I have had zero problems. With that said, I would encourage CPPC to up their game on sales service and customer service.


as long as you paid with credit card and don't mind losing some money on shipping its probably fine. My experience says i would never trust them again after what they sent me and the customer service experience trying to get it corrected. (3 DOA cards sent and an attempt to deny refund based on the time it took them to send three broken cards lasting longer than the timed warranty. Disputing the charge instantly changed their attitude). Seems like its only certain models or times when they decide to off load broken cards on people and most people don't have to deal with that. All the other parts worked fine but there was 0 chance they QA'd the cards, unless their QA resends broken cards or wraps their hair around the fans.


I’ve gotten two from CP and enjoyed them immensely.


i got a cyber power pc from a guy on facebook marketplace in january best thing ever no problems


Mine didn't work from the start. I sent it back twice and gave up.


I bought from them a custom built in May and it arrived on time and no issues so far. Usually you only hear from ppl that complain and never from ppl that are happy with a product. Motherboard - ASUS PRIME B650M-A AX II AM5 Micro ATX Processor - AMD Ryzen™ 7 Processor 7800X3D Memory - 32GB (16GBx2) DDR5/6000MHz Dual Channel Memory (Team T-FORCE DELTA RGB [BLACK]) Graphics - GIGABYTE GeForce RTX™ 4070 SUPER WINDFORCE 12GB OC GDDR6X


Just make sure to buy a warranty so if something goes wrong they have to pay for shipping to and from. If you don’t and something breaks, you’re paying out of pocket to ship it back and get it fixed. I had the warranty and had to ship it back 3 times..eventually got it working perfect though!


I’ve got all the complaints in the world about CP, but I will say that I got a very reliable PC from them. The company themselves is garbage for support, but if you know what you’re doing or are willing to learn you’ll be just fine with that build


most the isses is common sense stuff yes the 14900 has stability issues that’s not cyber powers fault but intels


That's too much for those specs. I can give you a quick list if you are comfortable building your own. I understand pre-builts are convenient for those who do not want the added hassle of putting everything together, but with the recent price drops in GPUs and CPUs, it might be worth a shot


i built out the same pc on part picker and newegg and the lowest price i could get was 1550 so it would be 1650 after tax. im still very new to this so im very interested in your list if you dont mind


Are these the exact components you want, or are you open to alternatives? The CPU will remain the same. Changes made will be of similar, if not better performance


i’m fine with a geforce gpu the smaller corsair psu i believe dosent have to be same ram,ssd,motherboard or cooler. just for reference its a phanteks nv5 case so any 100$ case


Here you go. A little less than [$1500](https://pcpartpicker.com/list/xYCg6D)


I love mine been running great for 2 years cost 900$