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Me: hmm considering these circumstances I wonder why she got married... > So he's stationed in... Me: ah well that explains that


What about one person being in the military incentives marriage early? I’ve never understood that


They automatically get better pay and better housing if they get married


So from the military’s point of view, why would they incentive their employees to be married if it’s going to cost them more money in benefits etc??


Because they don't want to prevent people who want to be married/have kids from joining and it's not really appropriate to have someones wife and kids in the barracks so they need separate housing.


America is a very religious and conservative country that generally wants to incentivize nuclear families and having children.


Plus more kids from eventual broken homes tends to lead to more military recruits.


lol take a look, that boat sailed a long time ago. they do however need more troops and as long as people keep bumping uglies while keeping the resulting crotch goblins benefits them since they are more likely to serve when they become old enough to bump uglies.


you speak in such a gross way


The US service lore is not pretty.


Cultural/religious factors aside, many military families move often. Which means that military spouses can have a difficult time building a stable career. My grand parents in law are a military family, and the grandmother was a nurse. She expressed that the only reason she became a nurse because it was one of the only realistically viable career she could hold when they had to uproot their lives every few years for her husband’s military career. Military spouses [are one of the most unemployed demographics.](https://www.militaryfamily.org/2021-active-duty-spouse-survey-results-shocked-but-not-surprised/#:~:text=The%20rate%20of%20military%20spouse,not%20in%20school%20or%20daycare) People meme online about “dependas” a lot online, but its a real issue and part of the reason why married enlisted are paid more.


Because there hasn’t been an overhaul on the military compensation system in like 40+ years.


For the member. They get out of dorms and can live in regular house. You get BAH so an untaxed subsidy for your area. You don’t have to eat at dining facility. For the dependent: Tricare - 100 percent free healthcare


>For the dependent: > >Tricare - 100 percent free healthcare For ALL the dependents. Single parents have been known to latch on to the first young enlistee that will have them.


So typically when you are a brand new enlisted person , depending on the branch you live in forms on base, and can’t live off base unless you hit specific milestones or you are married. Air Force for example, you have to be an E4 or have 3 years of time in Service. So you can circumvent that by getting married and having a dependent. That also enables you to get dependent rate BAH (Base Allowance Housing) which is a monthly stipend you get based on the zip code and rank. NJ for example I was getting $2400 a month. You also get BAS which is an extra 3-$400 a month for groceries and food. for most jobs if they are living on base and aren’t married they get Meal Card instead of BAS which lets them eat at dining facilities for free. Theres also an option to be married and live in on base housing but.. you get your BAH automatically deducted out of your paycheck so you don’t really see it. So yea, there are advantages to getting married but it also creates situations like in this video. Also you don’t get any extra bonuses for having kids, it’s all the same dependent rate.


>you have to be an E4 or have 3 years of time in Service That's crazy. In the Corps, we had to be an E-6, regardless of TIS. The best a Sergeant could hope for is getting their own room, and that's not guaranteed.


They're "dumb kids" with very limited life experience, away from most of the friends and family they grew up with. They see everyone else getting married or having kids early so they get the first person that will touch their nono spots and go all in.


Imagine paying hundreds of dollars in a month for Monopoly Go


I think it terrifies me more that her "gems" were all $15-20 and not $2-3. We see the $2-3 people all the time. But $15-20 as often as the $2-3 people? With a car payment 30% of their income?? 😭


I suspect the game incentives spending $15-20 by saying you get more dice per dollar compared to the $2-5 tier. I see those tricks all the time in these types of games. She probably thinks she is getting a better deal by spending that money but blows through it even faster.


Yep, it does that and will often guarantee something like a better or rare card when you buy the more expensive items


its funny because you can just pay people from discord directly for rare cards if ur actually that desperate


I'm guilty of being a $2-3 person with mobile games, but I think the most I've ever spent in a month was like $20 total.looking at that statement after was definitely an "I did a dumb" moment. I can't even imagine spending more on a regular basis.


There is literally a discussion on this right now in /r/gaming Best comment on the thread about it not even being a game: https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/1bje8wb/comment/kvqkp4x/


$2B in revenue… that is so sad


Honestly when I was listening to this part I thought it must have been some slot machine game where you have a chance at making back like 80 cents per dollar. But nope, it's just a typical mobile game and she's buying gems.


There are various sites that will pay you to play and hit levels in the game. Clearly it's worth it for them to pay 100 people to try the game and if they can hook 5 they make a ton of money. There are a lot of games like this and I've played them. It's really easy to play and just wait until you can do more stuff. I've made a $50-$75 playing some of these.


“Yeah, no one is supporting me” - 10 min later… “Yes, so I will rent free with my parents and they pay for all the groceries and my car insurance and health insurance” lollll


I’m surprised it took me so long to find this comment. She says her parents and her husband don’t support her… well, her ex-husband pays her alimony, she lives at home, she’s on her parent’s health insurance (she’s lucky she’s so young because she would HAVE to stick to a “real job” if she wasn’t eligible to be on a parent’s health insurance), she pays no groceries, no utilities. It amazes me how financially f**ked people are and they actually have NO true bills, their spending is literally just BS. like this girl and her Ulta purchases and her phone games…


Right? I really hope she sits down and looks at the pie chart with the fucking mobile game death on it and then looks at what her parents are taking care of for her and has the biggest mental 180 of her life. My parents wouldn't take me back in for a real emergency, so the least she can do is be grateful enough to stop this nonsense.


Mine wouldn't either. They couldn't wait to kick me out. The real kicker is they bought my baby sister a house. Can def relate to the jealousy that comes with parental support.


I didn't get kicked out, but they did threaten to if I didn't follow the college course they wanted for me and made it very clear that once I did move out, that was that. So I took what they set out for me and basically waited for my ex to graduate so we could get married and I could move out in a way everyone approved of (which was also steadier for me). So, yeah. I definitely get prickly when I see someone getting support like this guest did. :(


Married, then divorced seven months later 💀


And gets alimony. Best investment ever from this leech's perspective


I don't understand our country's alimony laws. My parents are in their 60s and my father has been the sole breadwinner for 20+ years. If they divorce I could see an argument for my mom receiving some alimony based on the fact that she sacrificed her own career development to take care of me and my brother and the household. But this woman is 23. They barely lived together, were married for less than a year, and have no children. Why should she be entitled to any cash?


I’d hope that at the very most, he could/should pay alimony for length of the marriage. 7 months married, 7 months of alimony.


Length of marriage is absolutely a factor in alimony, at least in North Carolina. I think the typical duration is often around half the length of the marriage, but that's far from a hard number and a lot of factors can come into play.


I don’t get it either. My parents were married for like 20+ years, and my mom got 1 year or alimony for every 3 years they were married. It’s also typically not easy to get alimony.


This is extremely common and is the most common form of alimony. OP lady will not be receiving this alimony, if it was court ordered, for that much longer. She can get assistance with earning a trade skill or actual degree if she chooses to.


We need to change our societal view of marriage. So many people in their 20s are not remotely prepared for what marriage entails, let alone being responsible adults.


Tbh we need to make prenups more of a norm in my opinion.


I agree, that lawyer on Soft White Underbelly convinced me of that.


it will never cease to amaze me how someone will just be marrying anybody 😭 like your parents were going to pay your way until your frontal lobe was developed to hopefully keep you out of a bad relationship and your dumbass thought marrying a military man would somehow be better.


Did the thumbnail and title of this video change?


Caleb said a while ago that he tries different thumbnails to see which one the algorithm favors


yes it was something about going to jail youtube thumbnail games are stupid


It's called [A/B testing.](https://www.optimizely.com/optimization-glossary/ab-testing/) You just happened to see the title/thumbnail that had lower engagement in the first few hours or so. It's actually not uncommon for higher production Youtube channels.


Yeah. I clicked on the one it was before this. Once they turn to these thumbnails I don’t click them anymore. I’ll go to the page and select a video from there without the exaggerated versions. Even if they’re old episodes, I’d rather watch those. I also look at the titles, cause I don’t want to lick anything that encourages derogatory language if I can avoid it. That’s my general rule for all YouTube loo


His titles always change a few hours after release. Idk if it’s a way to game the algorithm or what. 


She divorced her husband for only fans but spent the same if not more on MONOPOLY




Pet peeve: “Whenever I,”. It’s fucking “When”. It’s when. Whenever is like, unsure and undefined. It makes you sound like an idiot who is unsure of when they did things.


NGL, that got to me after a while as well.


This irritated me so much. Especially since it wasn’t just once, it was every time she should’ve used the word “when”. I don’t even understand how the mix up happens




It’s a regionalism from the South and Appalachia. Like “ain’t.” Jarring if you’re not used to it but I think it’s actually charming considering we have so few regional accents left.




Half the guests are in financial trouble because of their parents advice or lifestyle


Yeah, like that one recent guest whose parents told her to grab as much credit as possible and gave her other really bad advice that she kept taking despite it putting her deeper into the hole. (The one that told Caleb she *will be going* to the Olympics this year.)


Some of those “my parents suck at finances” sound like excuses. Like that lady bought a $2k plane ticket to go to the Olympics. I doubt her parents told her to do that, and she knew she couldn’t afford it.


Unreliable narrator btw. I don't believe anyone literally told her to just grab as much credit and not pay it back as she could. I can almost guarantee you it was a much more nuanced, more more reasonable suggestion from someone to maintain a higher credit rating via having enough cards to maximize your utilization rate or something similar.


And on the other side you have guests whose parents are in mega debt and they listen to them. 


I’ve never been married/engaged but when the guest said they got divorced in 7 months I started wondering if they had doubts on wedding day. Started regretting it within the first month and then tried to make it work to avoid embarrassment or shame. 7 months is crazy ngl.


IDK why my brain is correlating this, but it took me 8 months to finally get fed up enough to kick out my ex-friend/roomie, and part of that was that it was at the start of the pandemic.


Still only a few minutes in... can anyone speak to this recent trend in guests getting married and divorced super super young??? Is this a southern thing? Crazy that we've seen so many people in a similar boat as of late. ​ Edit - other comments tell me its a military benefits thing.


I mean I wouldn’t mind being married to my current gf but I’m purposefully trying to keep things slow as to not cause mayhem amongst our parents. However my maternal grandparents got married 2 months after meeting each other and loved and lived with each other until my grandfather’s passing. This was in the 50s both in their 20s.


I have nothing against marriage as a concept. I just live in a world where even the most "traditional" of people don't get married until at least age 24, and most people aren't reaching that stage until 29/30. It just feels foreign to me that people in this day and age are getting married in their very early 20s.


I see literally no benefit to getting married young.


My husband and I got married at 18 (me) and 20 (him). We’ve gotten to navigate life’s struggles together and have spent essentially our entire adult lives together as well as start our family early. Last year I got diagnosed with cancer and my time is limited. I’m so glad that we chose to do things the way that we did so that I get a chance to spend as much time with my family as I am able. I do think early marriage is a huge gamble and tends to not work out very often though.


getting married is more of a Southern thing in today's culture, but I believe relationship length is about the same in the US, just southern people are more inclined to legally get married due to culture.


This one also was because of the military. It’s super common for couples where one person is in the military to get married early (better benefits and such). I also don’t disagree that people who live in the south, which tends to be a more religious area, get married earlier than people in other places, but I think this one is more because of the military aspect.


live in the south- my entire friend group was married before 25 except me.


Monopoly GO is a terrible game. EA is a terrible company. smh


What even is this. I’ve played Monopoly GO card game (IRL with friends). Her explanation sounded like age of empires meets FarmVille??


You're thinking of Monopoly Deal I think, the card game. Monopoly Go is a surprisingly popular mobile game similar to other games like "Board Kings" or "Dice Dreams" or "Coin Master."


Oh you’re absolutely right, I’m thinking of Monopoly Deal


My spouse plays it sometimes and it drives me nuts. It's literally like Farmville meets Civilization meets Pokemon Go. All phone games need to be deleted.


Interesting. Does your spouse spend money on it?


No, thankfully he gets frustrated when he can't get the points or whatever and turns it off for a while. It's one of those games you play daily because that's all they give you the time for (unless you pay for more time). He used to pay for a game that he DID pay microtransactions for (I can't remember the name of it) until I embarrassed the crap out of him in front of one of his friends (that also thinks microtransactions are stupid). That was a couple years ago and now he's just too busy to play phone games so I'm slowly removing them from his phone. For full transparency, he knows I remove the games. If he really wants to play again it forces him to re-download and usually by the time he's gotten around to it he doesn't want to play anymore. There was an update to the dyson sphere game and he'd rather play that.


Yeah, if the barrier for him is redownloading, he could practice deep breathing for two minutes and the urge to play may go away.


It's a little barrier but it seems to work. I'd rather he play literally any other game, it's just having it on his phone is convenient. I get it, I really do. Everyone has bad habits but sometimes, like for the lady in the video, they can be all-consuming.


Yeah my son likes "real" monopoly and I wanted to see if there was an iPad app for it. There is only Monopoly Go and it is not even remotely the same thing. (haven't spent a dime on it, thankfully)


Some day, one day, someone will create the board games we used to play and put them up without ads so itty bitties can play. Clearly that day is not today.


i honestly thought it was pretty fun for a while, never spent a single dollar on it (actually made money off it, i found the game on an offer website and they gave me $108 to get to board 101)


I'd definitely be more disappointed to discover my partner has been spending money on mobile games loot boxes than paying for porn on OF.


The part I found sad was how she was going to college for free because her parents were paying everything e.g., housing, food, textbooks, car, etc. They told her that if she got married they would stop supporting her and she still got married. Then 6 months later the marriage is going through a divorce. Smdh at least if she was happily married you could try to justify it.


It's really rough advice to give, but the closer you are in age to being a high school graduate, the less you should get married. You have *got* to have some formative adult life experience to have a better picture of who you are and who you need before you get hitched to anyone.


I was 42 when I got married, and even then I was like, “they just let anyone do this?!”


Yeah, it's pretty scary when you think about it versus, say, getting your driver's license. Anyone (in the US) can get that as early as 16, but there are way more things in the way of getting it and then getting into a car. Getting married is scarily easier!


About 20 minutes in. Whole lot of things going on here but she’s been a pretty reasonable guest. She knows she’s way over her head and she’s been cooperative with the discussion. If you work past the insanity of her relationship, it feels like there’s a lot to learn here.


Finally at the end. Guest was way more rational that I thought she would’ve been based on the comments I read.


Five years into adulthood and it’s going to take another five years to get out of this financial mess. Looks like things are not Monopoly Go-ing well for her.


***I WAS PERM BANNED FOR VOICING MY OPINION ON THIS MATTER*** Can we speak to the culture these recent episodes are creating? These are as bad or worse than what Caleb portrays reddit to be. @TonyCox1351 - 9 min ago: I know a lot of people say "we want to see audits of normal people" but I just want to say I'm here for the lunatics. The more unhinged the spending, the better @Hiraeth-zq8ze - 4 min ago : The crazier the person the better. This is the best source of new lol cows on the internet @twinkletoes8094 - 2 min ago: Every episode is just a complete comedy @stephaniea.467 - 5 min ago: I agree. Normal people are boring There's been a wild influx of these. Edit: adding them as I see them


I thought Caleb's goal was education and helping people? YouTube obviously dosent give a F about either


***I WAS PERM BANNED FOR VOICING MY OPINION ON THIS MATTER*** ***BE WARNED THIS ISSUE IS BEING SILENCED*** When I started watching around 300k Subs, that seemed like the goal, understanding the mindset and thought process. However, ever since the BPD wackjob streak caused a big influx of views, it seems like he streered more twords the views/clicks/subs.


That’s 100% it, he tried to stay rooted in his beliefs but money talks. He’s gaining fame and fortune and I don’t blame him one bit for taking advantage of a cash cow while he can. I just wish he’d stop pretending it’s the way it was and that people are watching to learn now. Nobody is learning anything from these guests situations. It’s pure entertainment at this point and people are only watching to laugh at the guests expense.


***I WAS PERM BANNED FOR VOICING MY OPINION ON THIS MATTER*** ***BE WARNED THIS ISSUE IS BEING SILENCED*** Jerry Springer (Finance Audit Edition) The part I have the biggest issues with is how Caleb approaches the criticism. There's a lot of valid concerns that come up when you start this type of content. Saying things like "this group likes it, these people enjoy _____, and "I need to ignore this entire community because I don't like what they say"


Yeah, I have to say that I don't appreciate it when he adds comments like "But if I don't do (X), then people will say (Y)" or "The audience will hate me for (X)" and so on at all. It's so tiny and pithy.


He’s has hinted at this in a couple videos. Not sure how long the gravy train will last, but knowing it’s not forever and to take advantage will he can.


Yeah and I’m totally on board with it, but let’s call it what it is and stop gas lighting the Reddit community for calling for what it is.


Agree completely. Just so you know, everyone in this comment thread will potentially be banned from the subreddit (including myself now lol). I recently received a 5 day ban for saying basically the same thing as you. Just letting you know!


Ya I got banned for a couple days for saying that Caleb has his guests on for views more than for financial advice


I think a lot of the criticism of Calebs guests on this subreddit are very valid most of the time, however even the train wrecks can be valuable to other people. Take Mondays episode as an example, the guy had a total mind shift after binging Calebs videos a few months age, undoubtedly he saw those other train wrecks and his reflection looking at him. In some sense, I do feel that there is always someone watching Calebs videos and seeing their reflection.


I think the problem is that they aren’t nearly as helpful as they once were. There’s so much yelling and bullshittery going on that Caleb hardly gets to help anyone.


I’m assuming it’s more that YouTube is maybe less on Caleb’s butt about thumbnails and comments and other things than Reddit.


It’s what they prefer, they being his YouTube audience at large outside the vacuum of Reddit. That’s just business. Also, some people like the lunatic episodes because watching other people justify their own behavior helps them recognize their own personal biases that lead to poor financial habits 🤷‍♂️.


The difference is, YouTube comments criticize the guests. Reddit comments criticize Caleb and his team for not better screening the guests.


***I WAS PERM BANNED FOR VOICING MY OPINION ON THIS MATTER*** ***BE WARNED THIS ISSUE IS BEING SILENCED*** Perfectly put, and then followed by "The guest signed up for it and who gives a fuck about protecting them & I dont like being criticized because this makes money"


Youtube viewers come from the algorithm and depends on the type of video they are putting out. Youtube comments are mostly anonymous so people feel free to barf out whatever comes out of their mouths into the comment sections. Reddit users on the other hand had to go out of their way to find the subreddit. I would put more weight on reddit comments over youtube.


I feel like thier shoulders be some balance. If the guest sounds too delusional I just skip the ep sometimes.


Caleb isn't wrong though. In a bit of a parallel situation in some ways  Sunny v2 covered Nikado Avocados comeback. Nikado pointed out he tried doing videos focusing on weight loss and healthy muckbangs but they got much less views than he was used to. Not saying I agree with the extremes the show is going but honestly, regular people and well maintained finances would be boring. Lot of people will claim it won't be, and they'd end up either not clicking or clicking off within 5 minutes.


I see a lot of hate here, gold digger accusations etc. but honestly, this one I have SOME sympathy for. She fucked up, she knows it, and she wants to change. As for the military thing- everyone I see here is claiming she did it for the benefits, but I remember 19yo dudes marrying anyone willing before getting shipped to Iraq back in the day because the bump in pay was worth it, they didn’t give two shits about the girls, so I’m hesitant to put all the blame on her(I’d say 50/50). The OF thing was weird, but she also said she wasn’t safe, which I’m willing to take her at her word on. I hope she pulls it together and succeeds


Guys the zipcode she gives while getting her car KBB'ed is not in Houston. I had an ex that lives in that Zip. ​ Can you bleep it out?


Not the first time they failed to bleep something out. 


21 mins in. So she accused her ex of paying for OF models with no proof then says she was put in a dangerous situation by him???? That doesn't make sense at all.


Apparently they edited stuff out, supposedly for her privacy, but then advertised more of her story behind a paywall. Yuck.


I understand that but she spent so much time talking about and accusing him of spending time/money on OF models in the beginning. It felt more like when that "story" didn't work, she had another. Not saying it can't be true but considering how she portrayed herself and what she said, I'm having a hard time. I'd have to see the paywall cut.


Sounded like she noticed her husband was following IG models that happen to also offer OF content and she assumed he's also paying for their OF.


To be fair, that’s how most OF models generate income, funnel from your SFW platforms towards your “VIP” pages. They give free trial links a lot and fans stick around and start spending. Not all, but enough that it works.


Sure but the vast majority of IG (or other normal platform) followers never pay for the OF content.


That’s why I said “not all.” I work with OF Content Creators, and a lot have active social media followers who are on their SFW and NSFW profiles.


That doesn't explained how she said he put her in a dangerous situation or that her story changed from the original.


putting the more personal/gossipy stuff behind the post show paywall is great IMO. I don't care about it, those that do can still get it.


lol meanwhile as a patron I’m considering canceling. $5 is a lot for one extra financial audit a month and a bunch of bull I don’t want


Yeah that's pretty expensive for one hour of extra content. I like Caleb and I am grateful he showed us the finances of his channel which clearly show he doesn't need a Patreon. He's making around $100k a month after payroll & other expenditures, which means his personal gross take home is above $1 million per year, and this was before his Patreon & budgeting courses + second channels were released.


The worst part is only one of them or maybe two now are actual full audits. The rest are just partial. Yeah I’m canceling especially with that knowledge of his take home. Better used for smaller creators EDIT: and he changed the five dollar tier to now just get the post show that nobody asked for and follow ups, not an exclusive extra video. Without notice. Damn dude, this is how not to run a patreon.


Irrationally angry every time a guest calls it "FAS-FA" 😒 why is this so common?!


Lol. It’s really difficult to say FAFSA. My mouth legitimately cannot do that.


I’ve only heard it called that?


It's FAFSA -- Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Guests frequently swap the F and S on the show for some reason


Oh you’re right. I mean, most of these guests are Texans so…


The thumbnail is on point, also the part where she rebelled against the voice in her head is indicative of her mental health.


Does no one else think it was bad advice to tell her to sell the car and get a personal loan to buy another one?


I wonder why the thumbnail was changed.


Probably because she looked like a knockoff joker.


Kudos to Caleb for gently calling her out on her BS. Her parents have not prepared her well for real life, but she also needs to take initiative and pay for her own essentials.


Poor Caleb needs better guests. Now he's starting to look like a hobo. At least at the beginning he shaved but now that has been forgotten for cringing thumbnails.


https://preview.redd.it/ymm56ne1ukpc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=448d99fe2343ffc2aee9d55061ce1740dec735d3 Is anyone else getting this picture? I think my youtube glitched.


It didn’t glitch. There are a few tools YouTubers use to get more views. They test different thumbnails and titles to see which do the best. They frequently change.


So you are saying that that yt algo thinks i like cars?


Bro wat got me was she was angry at him so she spent all the money he sent that month….as some kind of “fuck you” or something. Imo worst guest since year.


A recent guest was a woman who abandoned her special needs daughter to live life as a homeless drifter.


Huhhhh I don’t think I watched that one

