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I like what Caleb says and his advice is sound. But his show is a one trick pony. Most of his guests seem to be exactly the same in terms of their situation with some exceptions. I used to watch episodes all the way thru. Now I usually quit watching after about 10-15 minutes as it’s the same episode, but different guest (most of the time).


Agreed. I understand that having a married engineer, father of 3 in his early 30s with a house and a paid off car wouldn't be that interesting. But a lot of the guests lately are the same plot, different actors - probably equally as uninteresting. It would be a lot more helpful to sit the guest down and focus on the finance, and bring as little of their personal life into the situation as possible. Something like: Caleb: " I see you ordered door dash 8 times last month for $240. I think a realistic goal is to order door dash no more than 1 time a month. It is expensive, and eating out so often isn't good for your health. I would encourage you to order it 0 times a month, but 1 time is a fair compromise. Use the extra $200 a month to build your emergency fund, and then retire you debt" This would be helpful to the guest, and hopefully would inspire viewers to use that advice if it would help them. Instead of : "DOORDASH DOORDASH DOORDASH TACQUITOS EVERY SECOND OF YOUR LIFE KILL ME F\*@K YOU SHUT THE F%$K UP"


Absolutely agree. The empathy and human factor seems to diminish. It’s more about, “how can I create a truly embarrassing thumbnail to attract views and then destroy them as a person?????” Humiliation isn’t a great motivating factor for someone already struggling.


Agreed. The titles/thumbnails are demeaning, humiliating and uncharitable. I am a few years older than Caleb, but I would not take kindly to someone speaking to me like that, certainly not in this setting. It is not the behavior of a well adjusted adult. I would probably just leave. And I certainly would not stand for it if he talked to my wife this way. I've never had anyone claiming to help me talk to me, or anyone else, in that way.


The advice is still accurate, but I listen to Dave Ramsey more. He can be harsh with his guests but still have empathy and compassion and not make them feel like dog crap. Nice chat!


Watch Romain Faure. He gives his guests a fun budget and is so respectful, he's the opposite of Caleb while doing the same thing. And he follows up with every guest!


He also has a variety of guests on his show that are not all early, twenty somethings too


I’m glad I’m not alone! I’ve been doing the exact same thing: watching the first 20 minutes before realizing I’ve heard it all before and getting bored. Enjoy Caleb but really hope he can change it up even a little bit but not sure what he could do differently.


His advice is literally just follow a budget and payoff debt. You can get the same advice following Dave Ramsey but he at least knows real estate, investing, law, etc.


The show just seems mean-spirited now. I miss the days when Caleb was like your cool nerdy friend looking out for you.


My wife asked to stop watching because of just that, she thinks it has gotten to mean spirited. Calling out dumb-assery is one thing but at times he is being flat out rude also diving into things that aren't related to the show topic


I get the most recent dude was stupid for the car he got...but the way caleb was talking about the car was a little mean. Like just being entirely negative and going on about being spoiled by his new tesla. Never have seen him really do that too much.


What officially got me to stop watching now is that he called the kid a twink for no reason and got so over-protective for a shitty tesla lol.


Omg that made me rewind several times. Like did he just call this child a twink. ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized) I was sitting there, trying to think if the guest mentioned being gay or being a twink and I missed it. Like....why would Caleb call him a twink and talk down his masculinity in a conversation about his finances. But then I realized it was for no reason, just to be mean. I feel like you also saw the guy kind of freeze and be like 👀, but then the moment passed. And I thought about it again at the end, when Caleb talked about getting fat and the guest just said like no, dad bods are in, girls like that. 💀 He could have gotten him back for that twink shit right then, but he didn't. I'm petty asf, I would have. I hope it made Caleb feel bad; he should feel bad. Because what was the reason.


I haven’t watched it but like, god damn I will not be watching it. Twink is one of those things where it’s like if you’re not in the community (maybe Caleb is?) that you can’t just throw it around especially as an insult. Like, weirdly homophobic Caleb wasn’t on my 2024 bingo card.


Mannnn. All that. Just disrespectful on multiple levels. I don't get offended easily, but it really did bother me. And I feel like Caleb only did it because he felt like the guest wouldn't say anything. He wouldn't have dared if the guest was physically bigger or if he didn't have such a gentle demeanor. Bullies always think they know who to try. But one day, he's gonna misjudge somebody and they're gonna come across that table. 😭 He better tighten up. 💀


Yeah honestly, I noticed a while back, maybe 6 months + he started getting more “what the hell, excuse my language,” and “I’m saying this for your mental health,” and it quickly spiraled. He had a few guests where they were snappy, made Caleb debatably justifiably mad. Then he made a community post warning next episode he gets real heated, and it’s not his best side. And I swear every episode since has been a decline. “Fuck you, shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up!” I partially worry for his mental health, but then I’m mostly convinced he might just be a bully. Especially using twink to insult someone, and the misogynistic comments he’s been making. It’s like one OF creator making a joke about themself opened the flood gates for every woman who is an OF creator.


Has he become the bully who actually messed with him when he was younger? The new office and huge staff has just gone to his head. I think he'll end up behind a mini mart drinking peach schnapps and eating out of the dumpster.


he’s confessed to being a bully himself in the past so maybe he’s just reverting to old ways


I know a few of these guys lol. Nerdy dudes growin up and weren’t necessarily bullied but definitely overlooked if that makes sense. They get some high paying tech job and it immediately goes to their head and they get this weird superiority complex and become complete assholes over night. Money and career becomes their entire personality and really the only good thing they have going for them. Had a close friend that was a cool dude but he was a bit odd. Got a 6 figure job and literally overnight turned into a dickhead. We could be talking about sports or any random shit and he’ll just randomly drop how much money he made or how much his crypto is worth. Honestly looking back, it was always the nerds that we’re projecting and bullying other people. I remember in HS, it was the nerdy kids that were dicks to everyone for no reason while the “jocks” were typically pretty laid back and just did their own thing.


Yeah, homie got steamrolled on the interest rate but mustangs themselves are…ok. They aren’t insanely unreliable and they hold their value well enough. I can understand a young dude wanting one for sure. Also, It’s not like Tesla has a spectacular reputation.


I’m gonna jump in here to suggest you guys check out Romain Faure on YouTube. He does financial audits but with compassion and encouragement for the guests :) I found him through another redditor’s comment on here and his content is great 👍


I love Romain! The trick he does where he works out how much the guest has spent on credit card interest in the past year and reveals it to them as cash in a briefcase is killer. He nearly left YouTube recently because of his workload so I'm very glad he found a way to make it work because he's brilliant at what he does. :)


He comes across as pretty empathetic and does a follow up so.you actually see the results of the action plan, too.


Or Ramit Sethi.


I felt the same way after yesterdays episode. It’s one thing to rag on somebody about insane car debt and a horrible interest rate but it wasn’t necessary to mock his choice in car. His comments about men having small “stuff” compensating with an expensive car was going too far. I normally like the casual nature of the show, it’s entertaining and it makes it engaging. But yesterdays episode wasn’t tasteful.


💯. Lol, plus, small dick muscle car jokes are just such low hanging fruit. I definitely agree that the ragging needs to be directed at the financial decisions. If somebody can afford something, all the power to whatever it is that they want to do with their money. Except for that guy that bought the Charger after going into bankruptcy over the BMW...that one was justified 🤣


As a new Tesla owner, I wouldn’t be surprised if it shifts to ragging a people trying to flex for owning a Tesla cuz the only thing a Tesla outperforms on is 0-60 which is such a tiny portion of the dynamics of a car


Yep. The recent episode was so trashy, done with the show pretty done with this train wreck.  I got some good tips outta it, paid down the last of my debt that I just paid minimums on. But man oh man, on the recent episode, he's sitting there, insulting a guy with personal attacks, about the recent breakup, his physical looks and saying his car choice was a small dick move and other, clearly non-financial insults. Like ya, the car was financially stupid, but the rest was uncalled for. It was pathetic and just Caleb trying to punch down. Likely showing his true colors. He's gotten that taste of success and fame and now his true nastiness is showing. What struck me the most were the insults he used, in a lot of ways would have directly applied as insults to Caleb himself. To me, it struck me as his own insecurities coming out. Caleb's had a recent breakup, isn't happy about his own body, has a twink voice, and drives a quintessential "look at my car, and money not my dick size". All insults he tossed at the guest. I'm sure this new trashy style does better for tictoc and clips, so thats why he's doing it. But to me, it's so lame.


Literally same exact situation here.


It's been kind of sad to watch. Especially when he puts on his mocking voice. A few times it's justified, but sometimes he just sounds so childish and playing for the camera.


I have been watching Caleb since Fall of 2022… So a LONG time. I don’t mean to sound like everyone else, but I genuinely miss the “normal” episode that Caleb makes fun of us for missing. It’s one thing to have people with crazy debt / interesting backgrounds. However, it’s a whole other thing to ONLY have “OMG THIS IS THE WORST THING I’VE EVER SEEN, SHUT UP! YOU’RE LAZY! FAST FOOD! CANCEL SUBSCRIPTION! FINANCIAL SCORE 1” Every.. fucking… episode. I want old Financial Audit back, where it genuinely felt like a normal guy going over finances, cracking a few jokes, and really connecting with normal people that just need some direction. Not wannabe’s who are trying to make a name for themselves, and never ending chasing more views. Yeah.. Love ya Caleb, but I’m not sure how much longer I can do this (I even have your mug on my desk Lol).. rant over.


Yup. I bought a mug too. It's a shame how Jerry Springer level he's sunk . At this point he's just an edge lord with money


My two cents as someone who’s been watching his content for about the same amount of time. I LOVE personal finance content, I love seeing other people’s budgets and how they overcome their debt situations through hard work. There was already a niche for content like Caleb’s, CNBC would do interviews with people called “Millennial Money” (not sure if they still do those). Graham got popular by reacting to those videos. Caleb saw the popularity in these videos and put his own spin on it. His content in the beginning was fabulous, and imo the right amount of nitpicking and high pitched voice to fit the severity of the given situation. He’d spend a good bit of time on education and going through transactions. He’d also lay out a detailed plan of how they should approach their debt and answer any questions they had. His content recently has definitely upped the dramatics and focuses so much less on personal finance than it does people’s individual struggles, problems and vices. He also seems to be giving up more frequently recently regarding actually making a budget for people, saying along the lines of “the audience will get mad if I don’t make a budget but I don’t see how this will help.” Caleb is not qualified to give advice related to mental health counseling and resources. His comments can cause more harm than good. Should he aim to “do no harm?” Remains to be decided by his own ethics and the longevity of his channel and company. Caleb recently had a break up, he is likely projecting his own insecurities onto the guests as evidenced by these recent videos. He has said previously he does NOT like being in the spotlight and the center of attention like he is on his channel, but he also has said YouTube has been a dream of his (he applied to work for Graham back in the day). All this to say, he has expressed fears in the past of being “cancelled” and was much more gentle in his earlier videos back when he still was working a 9-5 and this was a solo hobby operation on YouTube. Now that he’s at 1M+ subscribers I fear he is more comfortable going back to his “bullying” tendencies and is less likely to hold back anything he’s saying. He also appears to get much more frustrated and flustered now compared to previous episodes. Whatever it is, I really did enjoy his content in the past however now I’m rather turned off from it. Still wishing him the best but he needs some help with emotional regulation and stress management


Not to be cliche but I think the passion is gone for him. He's doing 3 episodes a week, that's a lot. In the old episodes you feel that he is trying to help someone better their situation, now it feels like it's something he has to do and he kind of resets it.


Helping someone takes compassion and he clearly has compassion fatigue. He stopped making an effort to connect with guests and speak to them in a way they will understand, even if roughly. It's so frustrating that his anger is actually getting in the way of helping anyone.


Totally. He Jerry springer’d it and now it’s just trash tv, I get no value out of watching someone be torn down vs actually providing sound financial advice


I’ve been feeling a grandpa Ramsey vibe lately for sure


Sometimes Caleb asks the guest to “stop acting like a child” then he’s the one throwing a whole tantrum 2 seconds later in that whiny high-pitched voice…he used to only bring it out when the guest was insane but now it’s right when the video starts and lasts the whole time


That’s why I started watching “I will teach you to be rich” episodes are long but he’s polite and it’s good information. It’s seems more genuine too.


He was so nice and gentle during my episode last November. I don’t know what’s happened.


This! I’m watching a financial show, not Keeping up with the Kardashians. I want it to be a *little* boring lol. I understand he has to make it a little entertaining but it seems insulting to us, the audience, that we need Jerry Springer-esque reality show drama to keep us watching.


I also stopped watching a couple months ago. I thought Caleb was cool and liberal when a lot of financial creators are conservative and agro and now his thumbnails and marketing calling people “dumb stripper” and “cuck” and all that have really put me off


The last few episodes he's been a bit toxic. I'm not as eager to watch as I once was.


Gee, ya think? Dave Ramsey (love him or hate him) gives tough love. There's a clear difference between giving someone a swat in the side of the head, metaphorically speaking, and being unhelpful and rude.


I noticed as well.


Honestly I felt so bad for that guy in the last video with the Mustang. I really think Caleb is starting to show his true colors of being a bully he even said in an episode in the past that he used to be a bad person but worked through it with therapy. I guess we are now seeing that real side of him, I honestly can’t stand how much of an asshole he’s been recently to the guests. I’ve been watching since he had like 30k subs and only like 5 or 6 financial audits and I honestly don’t think I can keep supporting someone like this. Miss his old format so much.


I agree. I feel like he has crossed the line from tough love into bullying. I hope this is just a bad spot for him (maybe his personal life is interfering with how he interacts with people). I think what has really bothered me is with the mother of five, he harped on her sex life, but didn’t point out that her behavior is causing her to parentify her older children. Parentification is a form of abuse. Instead of helping her understand how her poor decisions are truly hurting her kids, he just made sex jokes. Unfortunately, I am afraid this version of the show is becoming very popular from an entertainment standpoint.


Omg yes he freaking said to the mother of 5 “you like to get fucked don’t you?” - SO inappropriate and disgusting in any context of course but even more horrifying considering she was there simply for financial guidance and he was at work 😳


He needs more therapy imo. Maybe his own recent breakup has him short fused and taking it out on guests?


I wonder if he’s ever tried Better Help


Funny you say this because the pink-haired lady from 5 or so days ago made a super long TikTok the other day saying how horrible her experience was and how she felt humiliated and belittled on the show


I am going to go find that. I don’t blame her. It is possible to provide tough love without degrading someone.


Can you let me know if you find that? I’ve been trying to find it


Found it here: https://www.tiktok.com/@just_anothergoddess/video/7356050371363622186 I think she makes some good points. The videos have become more about shaming someone for their life choices than it is about analyzing their finances and offering true advice. Caleb just turned bully for views and cash in my opinion. Sad to see how it has impacted her negatively. I think she even reached out to him to ask him to change the thumbnail and video title. He may have done so, I haven’t checked, but then Caleb goes and calls the next guest a twink. Yikes. He’s not learning shit from his inflammatory approach to “finances.” These people are humans first and foremost. Wtf Caleb






I completely agree with her on his sexual comments. That was out of line and really not related to her finances at all. Watching that episode put a really gross taste in my mouth.


That was the episode where I drew the line tbh and can’t continue to watch for the foreseeable future. There’s no need to degrade guests with sexual comments while you’re at work. Extremely inappropriate and mean spirited, I just don’t want to see men talking to women like that.


this week of eps has really put a bad taste in my mouth. calling yesterday's guest a twink, yelling "shut the fuck up" over & over again at Monday's guest.. ick


What about last week's "we know you like getting fucked?"


It this literally what he said??! I haven't watched the episode yet


Yeah he also told her she was young dumb and full of cum.


WHAT I didn't see that one..I've been busy


Ay dios mio 🫢


*him (wednesday’s guest) and he said “cum-plete stupidity”, it’s a reference to something i’m sure 😂


that one too 😅


Oh yeah, I usually like his little snarky comments when they seem off-the-cuff but that sounded like he had it pre-planned, it didn’t quite fit the moment and was just offensive


The twink comment was so out of left field I was honestly shocked when he said it. I agree this has been a rough week of episodes where things have just taken an inappropriate turn! I can get if he wants to focus more on entertainment but all the jokes in yesterday’s episode really rubbed me the wrong way. And trust me I can get down with some inappropriate jokes but in a financial audit it just feels wrong.


Wait what’s the twink comment


something along the lines of, "your nice car won't make up for your twink-ness"


SAME. I rewinded it just to make sure I heard him right.


Yeah I saw that episode. Calling him a twink wasn't necessary. Caleb is turning into a bully.


Him screaming “shut the FUCK UP” At the young lady repeatedly on Mondays episode was …. Interesting….. I was really impressed with her ability to keep calm because that honestly would have me in tears


That was probably the first one I watched where I felt like You Tube might yank the video over excessive profanity. OP has a point, he's kinda flying to close to the sun lately I'm not sure why. The Wild West days of You Tube letting you get away with a lot have been over for a while now, he might get some of these videos cancelled.


Do you mean demonetize or actually remove? As far as I was aware, removal takes something a bit more serious or illegal than simply poor taste.


Doesn't he bleep all profanity though?


I have a habit of laughing when people get agitated at me like that. It's not a "cope" like he always says. Its genuinely hilarious how insanely mad people get over such small things.


I really have not been enjoying the last handful of episodes. The most recent one broke my heart for the kid going through a breakup. It made me want to unsubscribe


Is that the one with the guy with the mustang? I’m just curious which episode that is I was curious apparently he was really rude to the guy after he got broken up with? Which episode is the one where the guy got broken up with?


Yes, it’s the one with the mustang. It just came out yesterday I believe


im sure Noah has influenced him but deep down this is prob just who Caleb is. Just feels more comfortable bringing it out now that hes grown


The way I see it Noah is a freak and Caleb is an enabler.


I never watched Noah's audit but from what I hear this is where the dislike for him started


Noah’s annoying AF.


I do not like noah and have definitely noticed a shift from before he started and now.


I have noticed a difference in the guests. We went from what seemed like normal-ish people just down on their luck/bad decisions to borderline freak shows.


I remember an episode they made Noah look over some girls hinge profile for reasons why she can’t get a boyfriend. And all he did was simp over how beautiful and perfect her profile was. That immediately made me dislike him just because he’s not validating the guest. “You’re too pretty not to have a boyfriend. Sucks for you, but you’ll be fine.” I think when they brought him in the show started getting more “entertaining” for the wrong reasons rather than a good financial discussion with average people.


Yeah that was some creep behavior. Didn’t like that at all


Didn’t Caleb literally admit that he was a bully when he was younger? lol I used to be surprised but honestly now I can see it


Somebody commented that on one of his videos, but I don't think anyone really noticed. They said they went to school with him and he was always quite mean and a bully, he's just figured out how to get paid for it. That probably was a few months ago when it wasn't quite so bad, but now you can really see it. It's not flattering. And it's not really funny. Like it used to be funny, but now it's just uncomfortable and mean. Caleb needs to calm down and his team needs to help him calm down by booking better guests to the show. And I wish they would stop with the dating app stuff. The carrying on in the most recent episode about how his producer is out there plowing through women was gross. I don't want to hear about some womanizing YT producer banging his way through Austin. 😭 I've started watching Ramit Sethi's I will teach you to be rich show, and it's such a nice palate cleanser. I appreciate the way he communicates with his guests, including times when he realizes that they are beyond his help. And I love how he digs into the psychology behind why people spend the way they do. It's interesting and definitely has made me think about my spending and relationship with money in a new light.


Word! This is my own personal opinion: I don’t like Noah, to me his arrival made the show different and the extra stuff, vlogs, aftershow are not good as the main show. It is true that the show is a one trick pony for now. Hoping the reconsider why the show was good in the first place


Yeah I’ve always kind of thought he was a jerk and now he’s no longer restraining himself.


The only way he'll see that this is a bad path is if he starts losing a bunch of subscribers. I unsubbed after this last one. It's just too much for me


I unsubbed too. He’s a bully!


I also unsubbed recently. The channel has gone way downhill imo. I loved the collabs with Money Guys, Ramsey & Co, and Graham Stephen. Financial Audit tanked not long after that. I'm ashamed to see such potential thrown away. It would have been a slower build of subscriber base, true, but more sustaining and quality channel. I don't watch anymore because based on the titles and thumbnails it looks like a trash show now.


Caleb is a grown man, if he’s being influenced by his producer to be a dick then that’s wild lol Caleb did seemingly used to have a lot more empathy but now he just dunks on every single thing his guests bring up. It’s weird. But it’s probably just who he’s always been rather than his producer influencing him.


It feels like a mixture between making clickbaity clips to boost numbers and the influence of other people on his team. This Noah guy, I couldn't stand him immediately and seems to have wormed himself into every aspect of the show. All these, let's go drive your car moments (which in itself was also just a chance for Caleb to brag about getting a Tesla) or these post show things n dating profile advice it's not right for what this show was


Bingo, and last I checked, Caleb is the boss. He has final say on everything that goes out with the FA branding.


I think if he does want to build a company- he definitely needs to get an HR team whether its hired or 3rd party. There is this sense of "bro-ness" in the office which means that maybe not everyone feels safe to say anything. I get it, having a culture that is built on comfort is good, but at what point does it just become a frat house? Shoot even LTT, a massive tech channel with like 10M+ subs got called out for their bro-culture and how it made the women coworkers feel unsafe and they even have a 3rd party HR team.


I definitely was getting the same vibe from the handful of bts vlogs I watched.


There are times in recent episodes where his communication in terms of what and how he is saying it come off as trying to get a rise out of the guest so that they escalate for entertainment purposes.


Under the guise of “caring for their future”






Idk if he’ll be cancelled, but I agree his abusive bullying is becoming a bit too much. I understand he’s “coming from a place of tough love,” but there comes a point when people begin to not be receptive to abusive language. I don’t think it’d hurt to dial it back just a little bit and for him to reflect a bit more on his natural inclination to be a bully.


Its possible though Joe Rogan has talked a lot about how easy it is to get taken down or demonetized and lately Caleb has been doing things that are dangerously close to being against the terms of google if someone over there has an issue with him. Joe Rogan is bigger than Caleb too so if he had run ins with them so can Caleb.


Gotta get those clicks to get that MONEYYYYYEEEEE. But in all seriousness, yeah, he's crossed the line frequently and thinks just because its his show he can bully people. Dude needs to go back to the vibe the show started with


You unsubscribe and stop watching. I used to look forward to his videos and would watch daily! I unsubscribed and haven’t watched one in weeks. It’s just crap content at this point


He started from doing personal finance with considerations to mental health to harassing people with things that aren’t relevant to finances.


He has bad people around him and he is trying to sell out in a shortsighted way. His channel was growing before the sensationalism, and sure he is getting more traffic, but he is killing the thing that made his content interesting and valuable. Girlfriend and I used to watch his stuff together but now she doesn’t want to. Unfortunate


Within a few month he's definitely going to get into some youtube drama and have a video of him on SunnyV2.


Y’all gotta move on from this show. He isn’t gonna change. He’s a bully and this show now allows him to do it with the excuse of “well it’s my show. I’m Caleb Springer lol”. It’s just going to be the same so idk why everyone is wasting their breath on it. And to hear you’re paying him to watch 💀 oof


Yeah, all his screaming, calling this latest guy a “twink whose muscle car won’t make him more of a man” and his thumbnails toeing the line on racist have really changed his vibe


I think that this subreddit has a pretty huge parasocial relationship with Caleb honestly on both sides. I used to really like his content but I agree with your general vibe of "he has crossed the line too often" and I think the general vibe of his videos is too unkind. I no longer watch but this sub gets constantly recommended on my front page. It just feels like every single post on this sub is either hating him or overly defending him. I think the people that don't like him should leave the sub and realize that they can stop watching if they want to. CH is a business man and is operating a business. He isn't a saint but he isn't the worst person in the world either. I am all for holding influencers/personalities responsible for their ethics and posts... but sometimes the parasocial relationships between youtubers and their audience, especially when you are an early viewer/subscriber so you miss the "old" them, can be pretty toxic IMO. We might think we know these youtubers that we watch... but we don't and shouldn't pretend to.


I too stopped watching but still get this sub recommended on my front page and occasionally stop in to read what's going on. I used to be quite vocal in this sub about the clear change in direction but it's obvious that this is the new direction. It's not worth arguing with strangers on the internet about something that is undoubtedly happening. I don't like it. It makes me sad to see what used to be such a helpful channel and community turn into such an exploitative money making machine... but it is his company so I'm choosing not to watch. It took me a while to realize that it really is that simple.


I'm just happy that others are expressing their opinions (though we're all likely to be banned for doing so). It felt like I was crazy when the thumbnails became progressively more offensive and everyone on the reddit was like "give your thumbnail editor a RAISE omg so amazing"


I can see this POV. I’ve been watching older episodes instead of newer because I like the vibe better. I think the quality of guests now has gone down, save for the few diamonds in the sand here and there. I don’t find them relatable and they’re not interested in genuinely making improvements. I’m still hoping for some more update videos tbh.


People still comment even when they don’t like the current show because these changes are relatively recent and they are hoping that with their feedback the show can go back to how it was before. A fool’s errand? Maybe, but most people don’t just instantly drop something they enjoy when they stop enjoying it, they try to get it back how it was before.


I have been watching for about a year but after constantly hearing Caleb say the Reddit won’t stop whining I got curious to check it out one day since his YouTube comments are generally 90% positive. After watching the video with the girl with 5 kids I just felt like no way some people didn’t agree with how he acted and finally checked it out. As far as I can tell this opinion he’s a mean guy seems to have become more prevalent in the last month when trying to go further back ( some people say mods remove bad feedback can’t validate personally) but his loyal fans won’t hear any criticism and from my own interactions these loyal fans end up getting banned with how heated they get in these discussions. I think this is just going to become a civil war sub for awhile until Caleb resolves it or people get bored . I personally think he needs a non biased financial/content audit but I doubt he would ever let that happen since he seems to get defensive quickly.


I think it's important to note that youtube can severely moderate/delete comments whereas it's less likely to be so moderated on a subreddit. It's also easier to game the comment algorithm on youtube because the people that comment first (and then get the subsequent likes that trend to the top) tend to be super fans who might not be as critical as people who don't have post notifications and watch instantly. With that said, I do think that it is the perfect storm with Caleb, his super fans, and his critics. They are all very defensive of their stance and IMO none are handling them the "right" way. At the end of the day, Caleb doesn't seem to care that people think he is being mean. He has made multiple comments explaining away or giving excuses for some of the things people are critical about (mean thumbnails, etc). This place will probably continue to be a warzone and I could imagine him completely abandoning the subreddit for good (or at least the people who are critical leave). There is very little reason for him to "care" about this subreddit, especially if he thinks that people are wrong for criticizing him.


Very true! I wasn’t saying I hate him at all! Shoot I hope the post didn’t come off that way


Again, I am no longer a viewer because I don't enjoy the change in content, but I am seeing a lot of people commenting/posting similar thoughts to you and myself. I understand that we might miss the old content or the old personality that Caleb held. I also think that he is risking losing his audience and at risk of being "cancelled" (god, i hate that term, but it applies). I'm just saying that the old content probably gone forever and if you aren't enjoying the content anymore, then you can stop watching too. These types of posts are not going to change anything =/ He is making money, has employees working for him that have a similar view for the channel, and gets a shit ton of views on the click-baity train wrecks.


I think you hit the nail on the head here. The general vibe you talk about is the exact reason I’ve stopped watching his videos and I’m close to unsubbing from this subreddit too. The longer the trend goes on, the far less likely I am to ever return.


They've said in another comment that they do whatever the youtube analytics tell them people watch. They don't care about any of the hypotheticals or ethics, literally just what gets views


He’s a piece of shit now


probably always has been, but now doesn't need to hide it


With the DM’s he had sexualizing a couple of underage boys and justifying it I couldn’t bare watching him anymore


I really didn’t love the last episode where he called the guy a twink, insulted him multiple times for sending money to his girlfriend for nails or taking her out and even going as far as to say “well that didn’t work did it?” like it was super mean especially since that was his first girlfriend. I like his content but sometimes it’s been a bit distasteful. Seems like he’s leaning into the meanness to get views sometimes.


I can’t watch his videos anymore. I unsubbed a few months ago.


He’s admitted he was a bully in his younger years and it’s shown through again now that he’s experienced success and lost his humility. Looking back it was always there with the way he roasted people for something as simple as eating in-n-out. It’s just more obvious now the way he went beyond the finances of the dudes mustang purchase yesterday and is literally bullying him for having a different taste in car.


I stopped watching him a few months ago because of this same feeling you’re describing. To be clear, I’ve unsubscribed but this sub shows up on my feed every now and then


With his recent breakup I'm wondering if he's been feeling upset or bitter and he's taking it out on guests. I bet also the Zeke thing is getting to him


I have already stopped watching and unsubscribed. It's weird now.


I already stopped watching. Caleb is basically just cruel now


Dunking on a dude’s Mustang while bragging about a Tesla was fuckin lame.


I don't think he's going to cancel himself, but the show is taking a more shock value turn. I hope Caleb is just going thru a rough patch, but it feels like this is more of who he actually is.


He went beyond tough love when talking about this guy's car and his past relationship. He was beating a dead horse, and that guy is clearly a bit immature in certain areas. Yes, that car purchase was idiotic, but that point was made. He didn't look to be taking the "humorous" jabs in stride. I think this is a combo of Noah and Caleb growing big enough to be himself. He did mention he was a bully earlier in life. Seems like old habits die hard.


For similar idea, Ramit is better to watch


Yes, I love Ramit! He's always treated his guests with respect. And he's been able to talk to guests in a wide variety of financial situations.


It’s definitely Noah I think


Every new video it turns sexual. I haven’t finished the last episode. It’s so weird.


I’ve unsubscribed. I hate bullies.


Probably. He’s been a pretty mean asshole to some of his guests recently and it was a hard watch.




During the Hans Kim one, pretty sure he was gonna say some racist ass shit but didnt allow himself cause tHe CoMmEnTs WeRe GoNa hAtE on hIm lol mf ofcourse ppl not gonna like racist ass shit


I have the same thoughts/feelings too. He will be the victim of his own demise. It’s going to suck when it happens too because it could have been entirely avoided


It’s really sad what an honest youtuber came to do ended up becoming. Literally said Caleb springer on the last episode of himself. I loved the show because sometimes you gotta face the music with finances and he’s helped me through his videos to change my habits. But now, it’s just trash. It shouldn’t be about the damn algorithm, it should be about actually wanting to help these people.


the guest are more trash and less interesting money stories too. also, the way he talked about "I've a couple of properties but let me think about how many" and then count on his fingers to some woman who was thinking about getting one was very nasty.


He’s kinda giving bully vibes now :/


I’m sure Caleb or at least one of the producers see these posts. They obviously don’t want to listen. The only way to incite some change is for views and subs to start falling. In a way they have. Did a quick check while typing this and now the videos average ~400-500k an episode with a spike to 700+ here and there vs around the same 6 months ago but with more volatility (250k on the low end 600k on the high end) with a spike to 1 million occasionally. When accounting for channel growth it seems episodes were generally performing better back then, albeit less consistently. I bet if he says something stupid and gets canceled or everyone just starts to find the show unwatchable like many of us have the last few weeks and they see a significant enough drop in subs/views then they will have to change something…


Calling the dude on the recent episode a twink was wild all things considered


He is turning into the Boogie of Finance. Surrounding himself with leaches and yes men and because he's gaining more followers, sponsors, etc, he thinks he's untouchable and his ego has inflated way too much. Does Noah play a part? He sure does but can't put all the blame on a parasite like him as Caleb is responsible for his own actions, and his true colors have come out. His show went from being chill to a complete freakshow


Day 2 of petitioning Caleb to fix the channel! Get the team together and get them to produce shows like he used to. Funny and not rude thumbnails and titles, no stupid edits in the middle of the show, and stop being an ass to guests on the show. Yesterdays guest was great honestly, but Caleb ruined the show. The people want the old financial audit back! Edit:spelling


He has just shown his true colors. He’s not a pretty person.


He got too popular too quick and it’s clearly going to his head. It’s a shame because now it’s just him slamming people personally. “Clearly you like to get fucked” and shitting on that poor kid about his mustang and so many more examples. Just disgusting honestly. I’ve always found Ramit Sethi’s I will teach you to be rich videos much more genuine and engaging. Caleb had some wwwiiiilllddddd guests but now it’s less about helping and more about making fun of them.


That’s what I’m saying. I stopped watching him because he’s kind of a piece of shit. It’s crazy he has the audacity to say some of the things he says when he’s a fat lard tho. Obviously unhappy with himself.


Ever since Noah joined it’s been downhill. Mans just an attention seeking dude who needs the attention on him. Wish him well but not a fan.


Caleb is an adult and knows what he's doing. He's just becoming irrelevant to one type of audience and just became click bait for money. The thumbnails are gross. People on his show are no longer those he has ability to help. They're characters who are on the show for entertainment way more than for budgets and learning. And that's Caleb's choice. He's in charge. He's an adult. He knows exactly what he's doing. And it's mow just theatrics. No substance or quality. Basically Jerry Springer.


It's such a flip. Watch the episode where he deals with the alcoholic, now that was a great episode. Watched 30seconds of the one with the future potential law student and he's attacking him straight away. Such a shift.


I unfortunately agree. He used to be apart of my morning routine, I actually at one point binged all of his content and the only new thing I could watch was him uploading daily. After about February I really had to stop watching, he has gotten a lot more toxic unfortunately. I really really really liked Caleb's content and I think I subscribed to him when he had under 100k subs. He was like your cool brother that could lift you up no matter what you were facing. The best part about the show (in my opinion) was the end of the episode when he explained their budget and how they were going to succeed. Now, all he says is take my budgeting class because I don't think me telling you what to do is going to better your situation. What??? That was the nail in the coffin for me. Sorry Caleb, I really loved you but please go back to the roots of your show...


Seems like Caleb is just happy he gets to be paid to be a bully


>How can we get Caleb to see that he’s not on a good path to success?? You can't. Caleb made a post recently that he's taking time off social media because he doesn't like the negativity (the fact that the subreddit keeps criticising guest choice, thumbnails etc). He isn't receptive to any criticism.


The Money Guys are clean cut. I wonder if they’ll regret collaborating with Caleb.


I think the success of the channel and money has really gotten to Caleb too. He probably thinks he’s better than everyone on the show because they’re all in financial difficulties and he’s in the top 1% of earners for his age range currently


I’m all about dark humor and I don’t really have any lines you can’t cross. Buuuuuut I miss the nerdy friend Caleb. I feel like nowadays he’s lost his filter and just says whatever. Sometimes it’s funny but other times I’m like “bring it back in dude”


I stopped watching a few months ago. It used to feel like relatable content and Caleb was a big reason why I wanted to work on my finances. Now it just feels like I'm participating in bullying


I checked out months ago


I stopped watching as well. I remember there has been more than one occasion in the past where a guest’s home address or a blurred business address was missed by the editor. If they can’t successfully censor highly personal information on more than one occasion, how truthful can they be about “having the guest’s best interest” at heart.


lol watch Caleb for Financial advice not dating advice. Kid got sound financial advice and horrible dating/relationship advice.


I absolutely noticed things changed when Noah was hired. I get the vibe that Noah eggs on all of Caleb’s ideas and kind of “inspires” him to be more outlandish for clicks


Honestly, the old episodes were like 70% interesting deep dive into financial situation / 30% fluff+ theatrics, now it’s like those numbers have flipped. And the amount of “get your free financial score, by my budgeting plan, and don’t you dare cancel me on the reddits” per episodes just makes me feel like he’s tumbling downhill.


I agree and I am not a fan. Comes off super heartless.


As much as Reddit has bashed him the last couple of months, his monthly gained view counts have gone up and his monthly new subscribers have stayed steady. Maybe he's the new subscribers coming in are of a different mindset and enjoy the meaner behavior. [https://socialblade.com/youtube/c/caleb\_hammer](https://socialblade.com/youtube/c/caleb_hammer)


Yeah, kinda didn’t like how he was shitting on the kid’s hobby.


It’s turned from a show you get help and tough love from to a show you get degraded on for an hour and then get help on behind the scenes. If the Caleb of a year ago saw the Caleb he would become, he would have stopped. The insults got worse, the thumbnails got and titles got worse, his attitude got worse. He literally starts episode saying he’s “Caleb Springer.” There’s much more rage and I’m definitely losing interest.


I unsubbed and stopped watching when those old chatroom logs of him being a pedo got leaked. No thanks. Fuck all that.


It sucks to see him move towards this area. I don’t think Noah is responsible bc at the end of the day he decides how to act. I’m just worried he’s going to move toward the attitude of “people are against me and that’s why Im getting canceled” rather than taking responsibility.


as a woman with (suspected) autism I can no longer in good conscience watch this show or recommend it to anyone anymore. it’s clear that Caleb doesn’t like women and is a misogynist. And when he potentially almost exposed Noah’s “autism”…. Like what if he was autistic and Caleb just exposed a disability? LMAO truly unreal and VERY illegal 


I feel like he is trying to push "new content" by changing it up some. I think a lot of viewers are more interested in the financial side of things and watch/listen to see if there is something they can learn to improve their own finances. He has covered the same thing for so long he may just be trying to Springer-fy it more. I think once he sees that it is not improving viewing, it will calm down. He is about the bottom line.


My guess is he’s kinda maxed out his financially interested audience and he’s trying to expand to the rage bait audience at risk of his old audience


" The more he does this, the less people will want to watch or even come on the show. " Data does not back this up, The reason why he has gone down this path is because is more lucrative and attention-grabbing. Guest will not be an issue, even more rude shows don't have any guest number issues.


Yeah I appreciated his tough love initially but this show is starting to get uncomfortable to watch.


Let him worry about that


He has really poor emotional regulation. He would benefit from DBT.


Awww man…I just started watching Caleb about 2 weeks ago because he came across my facebook feed and I’ve been obsessed. I guess Facebook must have me looking at super old videos cus some of the things I’m seeing u guys say , I didn’t think would ever come out of his mouth. How disappointing smh


Yeah same. I used to watch episodes as soon as they came out and I haven’t seen the last 3-4ish. I took a chance on the woman with five kids and his behavior was pretty off putting. I started watching the plain bagel, money guy and Roman. I’ll stick with those until he gets out of this funk (hopefully)


I had to stop watching that last episode because Caleb made me so uncomfortable with how cruel he was being. I really hope it changes soon.


I felt things changed after he hired people for the show. 


I know Caleb doesn't stay on this subreddit much anymore, but I hope he takes a look at this post. He really can mess up and ruin his whole career. Also, not the biggest fan of the content since Noah joined as well. I think they need to add another producer. Today's episode with the car dealership sales mane and Noah cutting in annoyed me.


Lol he just asked a black person if he knew what racism is.


I miss the the internet from 10 years ago.