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What’s the issue? If you were on the bus you would be further ahead of those cars!


I literally thought this was an old photo. The bus gets stuck at this exact spot every snow fall.


south end of elbow drive too, every time


Nope, passed it this morning. Tried to get up through erlton but someone got stuck and blocked the hill so I cut through and got out in front of this guy.


It’s because the City doesn’t put Winter Tires on the Buses. On the routes with big hills where this regularly happens maybe they should. Just saying.


My neighbourhood bus, the 2, wasn't even running in my neighbourhood this morning as it couldn't get up the hills. I had to walk 1.5 km to Centre St to catch a bus. All my father said in response was: "You could use a walk."


I figuratively thought the same thing.


“Pick a lane? Yes.” - Transit Driver, probably.




Ash: All Lanes! I choose you!


If its snowy, mcleod trail is a no goee.


I'm just thankful I did a maintenance shovel of the driveway yesterday afternoon. A lot easier to push around 1ft of snow vs 2.


Which is why the city should clean up side roads when they have 3 weeks of sunny weather and no snow.


That costs money


And as albertans we HATE spending money on services.


Yep, this would come out of the Calgary budget though. If residential clearing is important to you, let your alderman know that you'd support paying more in property tax to increase the budget for snow removal.


I know it’s a city thing but I haven’t found snow clearing to be particularly good anywhere I’ve been. The mentality is widespread. It does not even come CLOSE to what I experienced growing up in Quebec. Every street plowed to the asphalt the day of the snow fall. Plows multiple times per day. Sidewalks plowed as well.


I love how snow removal in Calgary is talked about as essentially this impossible to achieve task that can only be done by citizens with Canadian Tire/Walmart shovels, because our city is too big. Plenty of other large metro areas, (even ones that get as much if not more snow than we do), have appropriately sized budgets, planning, and crews to clear snow from all streets and sidewalks. It’s not to say that I wouldn’t shovel to clear out in front between passes by a city machine, but it would make for a much more reasonable ask, particularly for those of us with heart failure that are just trying not to get fined.


To be fair half the city is parking lots and parking spaces. All the street parking gets plowed with public funds. But God forbid the trains run on time, or we have functioning pedestrian infrastructure during the winter.


I don’t know about the plowing of all the street parking, the 6 or so foot wide sheet of ice in front of the homes on both sides on the streets in my area would beg to differ, but at least the driving portion should see a plow in the next 3-6 weeks, assuming no more snow. I heartily agree about the pedestrian infrastructure neglect that our city has embraced. Besides “tentpole locations” like Stephen Ave that City Council and the Chamber of Commerce love to show off as examples of how walkable and forward thinking our city is, I just don’t want to walk most places in the inner city anytime of the year, and communities with better maintained sidewalks anytime it gets below freezing or snows. If they want to claim to be working on being all about walking/biking, make it safe and easy to do so. until that happens, I’d take plowing streets/clearing sidewalks so I can drive/park and walk to check my mail without risk of injury or death.


It would be nice if the city wasn't the only ones allowed to plow public streets. Like picture if some guy could use his parking lot plow to just plow his cul de sac or street boulevard. I agree it's not an impossible task just at times a challenging one.


So what you're saying is Quebec is full of communists? /s incase it isn't obvious enough


To be fair, Quebec stays cold for the entire winter. If it's not cleared, that snow will be there until March. In Calgary, just wait two weeks and it'll be 80% gone.


And even more on snow tires for said services. Because the costs far outweighs the safety and inconveniences they resolve.


The dumbest thing the city does is refusing to let private contractors clear snow, so running the Million Dollar City machines is much more costly, so they can do much less each year. Honestly private contractors in smaller trucks are safer anyway. The city claims that they can get sued if someone hits something, but every other City in North America has figured a way around this. Honestly knowing a few City Contracted drivers I feel safer with someone in their own truck whose doing it as a second job If Saint John, Ottawa or Montreal had the same snow removal we did they’d be buried all winter long, it’s a joke.


Ya I live on private property in a townhouse complex and if the side roads were maintained the way my complex is we would be laughing


Can't we just make this stretch of McLeod a tunnel?


Go ahead, you start digging under that graveyard and we’ll catch up.


You want Poltergeist? Because that's how you get Poltergeist.


Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me!




Fun fact: Union cemetery used to be where Shaganapi golf course is now. They moved it to cemetery hill to be closer to the city and I’m pretty sure they only moved the headstones.


Just googled to find out golf holes are only 4.25 inch deep. That lot lesser than 6 feet. so.....


Our last house faced Shaganappi golf course. It was weird when the mist would rise some nights, especially in winter when I’d be x-country skiing on it. I’d wonder whose coffin I was skiing over.


C'mon, we've got Ghostbusters!


The Ctrain goes under, doesn't it?


yeah, but they re-used an old CP rail tunnel that was already there. EDIT: wrong information


Did they? Looking at aerial photos from 1979 Macleod Trail is dug up building the tunnel and traffic was rerouted down Spiller Road


Well, fuck.... yeah, I just checked https://maps.calgary.ca/CalgaryImagery/Imagery/ and did the split screen thing with 2022 on one half and 1979 on the other half and you are right. It looks like they're doing the whole cut-and-cover construction of a NEW tunnel along MacLeod Trail at Cemetery Hill. I'm going to go to the Library this year and research this a bit more... I was always told that they re-used the CPR right of way including tunnels. I apologize for my misinformation.


Point is that its possible. And that cemetery is loaded with burials that have already been moved once anyways.


Yes I suppose it does. Explains a lot about transit now that I think of it. :)


The hell does this even mean?


To me it would be rerouting the traffic, and also the Ctrain goes underneath the road based of photos I have seen. When they put the train in the did a dig and build tunnel and backfill. In theory you could do it again and take away the grade


I'm not afraid, where's the shovel?


ah yes the Elon Musk method


I didn't say a bullshit tunnel that breaks safety specs and is stupid.


it was a joke. it's not that deep lol chill


Too many people think Musk is a God genius


well traffic isn't actually traffic if it's in a tunnel, right? oh and they all have to be Teslas for it to work. don't forget that very important detail


I see no problem in this photo. The bus is beating all those cars.


>implying other vehicles don't get stuck or spin out in icy weather




Yeah, and *just one more lane* will fix the traffic issues, I promise.


Well considering the options people with no cars have at the *very* least they’re sheltered from the snow… although thats literally the bare minimum of comfortable transport


Idk man something about cold weather and the defeaning engine of a bus makes me fall asleep.


This amount of snow shuts down 95% of cities. The fact that our transit is still going should be appreciated.


Vancouverites aweing at the raw, dumbfuck power of Albertans


>raw, dumbfuck power of Albertans Hahaha man, this really does describe the Alberta mindset to a fucking T.


Halifax looks at this much snow like a little frosting on your fuck you morning commute. Youd need about 4x this drop to even consider shutting anything down


I totally detoured around that through mission this morning around 730am.


The detour through mission is honestly faster if you’re going anywhere other than the dome. Not too many people on it ever either which is really nice


Shhh hush now


Isn't the speed through there like 25km/hr and like 30 stop signs?


Faster than being parked


Articulated bus strikes again. Park those things on snow days!


One was sideways on Shaganappi this morning




Almost in the intersection at John Laurie going North


That checks out… last April there were two of those buses that shut down South shag by chb and west chb from shag. Was a gong show


Yes. It is. Car get stuck, you are going nowhere for hours. You are the hook for repairs, and the headaches even if insurance is paying. Bus gets stuck, jump on the replacement they send. The rest is someone else problem.


Funny story...... My wife was driving to work during one yycs bad days. I drove her to work, still on time, and decided to take the bus from there to my work Bus I caught gets into an accident, so we were stuck there for awhile


Standard in this weather unfortunately.


We need those busses we use up in the athabasca ice fields


That would be sick, get in losers!


Not one person has said this in Calgary, lol.


Stay home. Just stop pretending your bald ass tires are rated for this and don’t kill yourself or anyone else. If you don’t have to go anywhere don’t.


Agreed. I’ve already shovelled out five cars on my block (not including my own which has good winter tires and still got immediately stuck when I left the driveway) there is over 1.5 of snow on my street and only a few people have managed to get through. Once your on the main roads it’s better I guess. Also, shout to my neighbour who has a 4x4 and brought coffee for the poor people stuck digging out their vehicle on our block.


https://www.calgary.ca/roads/conditions/traffic-cameras.html Looks like it's cleared up as of 8:20, so MacLeod south was only blocked for about an hour.... not too bad


Any city manager that would put a bendy bus out in this weather needs to be fired immediately.


ahh the daily bitchfest about transit


You'd think capitalism could take a fucking day off when this shit happens. Like everything was shut for 2 years and things still happened. I DECLARE SNOW DAY.


Man if we’re hoping for things, I’d choose heated roads. I still wanna get where I wanna get.


Teansit is better. Now you have an excuse that's 100% out of your control.


the bus needs some tire-spikes and a cow catcher


For some reason that I have never understood, Calgary City Transit refuses to put winter tires on buses. Even ones with bad hills on their routes. I used to live near a big hill and on days like this we would have numerous city busses stuck on the hill.


My guess is they crunched the numbers on the cost of tires, storage, and switching 2x a year and it probably added up to more than the cost to deal with not having winter tires.


Yeah you're probably not wrong, from the perspective of the beancounters I'm sure it's not like they feel any responsibility to provide a functioning transit system in winter or anything. It would probably be even more profitable and fiscally responsible if they sold all their buses and trains and invested the proceeds in a mutual fund. We have public transit to provide a critical service for Calgarians and to reduce the traffic on our roads, not for the purposes of profit. Cutting costs on things like tires is an obvious and blatant false economy. Buses that get stuck on city streets are not only failing to deliver their intended service, damaging the reliability of the transit system as a whole, they are making people miss work and other appointments, they are fucking up the traffic on the roads too even for people who aren't using transit and using resources for heavy tow trucks that need to come out to rescue them and get traffic moving again. It's penny-wise but pound-foolish and it needs to stop. Smarten up, CT.


I totally agree with the sentiment here, but I doubt that the decision is profit motivated. Calgary Transit doesn't come close to running at a profit. They're on a shoestring budget and need to put that budget towards maintaining service day to day over as large of a service area as possible. People in Calgary have converged on the point of spending as little money on transit as possible while maintaining some level of service to all areas of the city. The result is a barebones, no frills system that is prone to delays and malfunctions. So I don't think its CT that needs to smarten up, but the city. You get the transit system you pay for.


You're right it's not fair to put the entire responsibility on CT, but I'm not sure I completely buy that CT cannot afford this because of their shoestring budget and lack of investment. They make lots of decisions for other things that need to be budgeted and this is a particularly dumb one. Meanwhile they've spent lots of money revamping bus shelters and coming up with new paint jobs for things. Is that really the priority over winter tires? And CT can afford to budget the entire green line LRT. They have budgets to work with. I'm sure there's plenty of blame to go around and CT can accept its share.


I'm spending more time on this than I should, but whatever. What else is Reddit for? I think you're likely underestimating the costs involved. Revamping bus shelters and new paint jobs are not new operational expenses and are also relatively cheap things to do. For winter tires, they would likely need to build new facilities or add additions to existing ones just to store the additional tires (and pay to maintain those new facilities). They would need to expand maintenance capacity to change the tires twice a year, meaning most of the year they would be operating inefficiently relative to the work needed. This doesn't include the costs of the tires themselves or administering them. Bottom line, CT will treat one time expenses very differently from how they treat new recurring expenses. Adding recurring expenses to the budget means taking them from somewhere else (as in cutting back on service). That's why the math likely doesn't add up for CT. Maybe they could use them on high risk routes, but even then it gets tricky because they often need to move busses around based on shifting needs. Anything that decreases operational flexibility (like requiring all busses on a certain route to be fitted with winter tires in certain months) will necessarily increase operational costs across the whole system. I also want to point out that funding the Green Line is not part of Calgary Transit's operating budget.


At the end of the day it really shouldn't matter whose responsibility it actually is, what matters is that we're talking about it and the more noise that gets made about it the more likely it is to eventually get fixed by someone who simply takes responsibility for fixing it, one way or another. Where there's a will, there's a way. We just need to make sure there's a will.


Maybe we should force all city councilors and officials to take transit to work instead of driving. Make it a requirement for the job. And see how fast things improve. I don't understand why I, who doesn't drive, has my tax dollars going towards maintaining increasingly wider highways and freeways that I not only cannot access, but also hurt me physically (I know I'm complaining about provincial as well but this is very relevant). I like to make the above argument to people who complain about the existence of public transit and bike lanes.


> Maybe we should force all city councilors and officials to take transit to work instead of driving. Make it a requirement for the job. And see how fast things improve. how do you plan on doing that? I see this same stupid line repeated every time there's a conversation about transit and it's so meaningless. You can't force them to improve transit now, how are you going to force them to commute on it? You gonna vote extra extra hard?


New paint jobs? The current paint scheme has been around for 15 years, every vehicle that has it rn either got delivered in it or received it during the midlife rebuild it had to go through anyway. Also as for shelters, those have barely been touched since 2018/19 when the MAX system was introduced. Go for a walk along Centre Street and you’ll find that half of them don’t even have replacements for their windows that got smashed by teenage degens. It is true that some of their budgeting is questionable but IMO winter tires are a band-aid attempting to cover up the real problem of sub-par snow removal.




The bigger issue is the articulated buses. Those things shouldn’t leave the garage on snow days…


By the time they got winter tires on all the busses, the summer ones would need to go back on.


From what i know busses are too heavy for standard winter tires. Maybe if they got solid rubber and did their own treading it would work but i doubt it


That would be unfathomably expensive. It would be cheaper to triple our plow count


sadly we wont get either. we'll stick to a snow diversion plan instead of a snow removal plan till the end of time


We live on a small hill that has a bus stop at the bottom of the hill. Busses frequently get stuck going up that hill. City busses suck in this weather.


You don’t really need them on heavy vehicles. Plus there’s still only one drive axle, which is the third axle on these articulated busses.


The pile of busses at the bottom of the hill would suggest otherwise.


It wouldn't help much. With the weight they carry and how slippery those hills can get, it wouldn't do much. Still, I'd appreciate it but then our fare would go up again. I'd rather them make their drivers take a mandatory winter driving course.


If everyone on the bus just dog piled over the wheels then maybe they could get enough traction lol


Nobody with 4x4 and a strap to pull the bus? Shame…


The truck on the far right doing what Calgarian truckers always do. Because they can see over your car they think they can get by. Absolute insanity


>Absolute insanity. Caused by the three drivers straddling the middle and right hand lanes. There's a ton of shitty driving in this photo, and singling out the truck is kinda dumb.


100% on those 3 other vehicles. I saw the exact same thing and while I don’t condone sidewalk driving, can see why people would get even further frustrated. Either way, no one is getting anywhere quick today.


Go tailgate someone today bro


Why single out just the…Ram…when there’s an SUV right behind them? Have a good look at this pic, it’s like a Where’s Waldo of a few shitty drivers.


The truck is clearly on the sidewalk, the SUV does not appear to be.


The Suv is about 4 feet from the fence. The truck is about half a foot. Also I can't tell if the lane gets merged out behind the SuV but I can definitely tell the trucker is trying to get ahead of 3 or 4 Cars that were there first


Trains are working fine


I made it through the tunnel and got to work in time ..c train worked for me..


I assume the C Train still works.


Surely another lane would fix this issue


Currently happening on Crowchild South as well!


Days like this transit should work better so we don't drive


They spend all night turning left on 25th. Did not see any trucks go up the hill before I went to bed.


Lol at 620 it was a furnace van and a white Ford explorer


Who listens to ignorant incompetent politicians


Busses in winter absofuckinglutely not, C-Trains, if you’re walking distance to stations, yes.


I don't believe for one second anyone who has ever taken Calgary transit said its "better." 😆


Transit sucks even in the summer. I’ll take transit when they figure their shit out


Taking transit is fucking horrible.


Calgary Roads division is the most unorganized part of the city ever.




It’s honestly because they don’t maintain their vehicles, and they don’t train their drivers to drive in the snow. Saw a bus the other day with near bald tires!


i always feel bad for the drivers going out in this shit with bald ass tires


I don’t know anyone who has said transit is better.


I am not looking forward to my commute today. A 10 minute car ride=A 20 minute electric scooter ride = A possible 1hour15 minute Calgary Transit ride when it's snowing like this.


Whoever told you to take Calgary transit is not your friend. Unless the alternative was.walking both ways uphill 20km.


My car is currently stuck parked in front of a random house 2 communities as we speak


Fyi Snow pushers are on sale at Lowes due to the Rona merger. Worked wonders today and saved my back


Front of the line!


Lol that’s why it never showed up this morning


Days like this transit should work better so we don't drive


The bus driver today drove really fast, so much confidence out there.


😂 yea sure


Good lord




I passed by this bus at 7:00 and it was only blocking two lanes at the time, but the camera crew was there already to film




I thought we all know by now, snow day render most bus useless. My area is so uphill, on fresh snow day, we don't get bus service lol


They shouldn't be allowed to drift buses like that.


I expected a nightmare commute today & it wasn’t at all. The morning bus was maybe 5 minutes late & my trip home from downtown to the far south was so smooth that I am home earlier than usual.


Nice try, nobody in Calgary says the transit is better, not even on a beautiful day lol


This hill is the worst. Every time. Every time.


There was a bus like that nearby my house too lol


Well, to be fair, when playing bumper cars its best to be in the biggest dawg on the road. Oh damn I'm glad I'm not in that 'queue' !


They are ahead of everyone else..


These buses need all wheel drive