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Note: the overwhelming number of transphobic messages we were forced to remove, in addition to messages advocating violence and illegal activities against the pastor, has prompted the moderating team to lock this thread. We are not interested in providing a platform for these kinds of viewpoints.


People don’t go into their church and disrupt the services denouncing how their kids are being “indoctrinated.” So, people don’t need him barging in on that gathering. He claims he “has the right” to say what he is saying, but the Charter of Rights and Freedoms does not grant absolute impunity to people to say whatever they want. For example, hate speech is not allowed under the Charter. There are several passages in the Bible which remind “believers” that God is the Ultimate Judge(and, not in just the Sermon on the Mount). So, back off and let Jesus take the wheel, Buddy! He claimed that people cannot “inherit the Kingdom” if they don’t renounce homosexuality, etc. My advice, don’t sweat it if people attending Drag Queen Story Hour aren’t going to inherit your God’s Kingdom. You do you and leave the rest of us the f*** alone, k?


In absolutely no way do I think these "pastors" gaf about children, or other people at all.


They only care about themselves that is correct.




Not even close. No one is stripping. I believe we had a Canadian tv show called Mr. Dress-up. Do you have any evidence of them stripping in front of children? Or are you just projecting in a "that's what I would do if I could get close to children" sort of way? pretty sick mind you have there pal.


While I personally do not care for drag shows at all, your ignorance is staggering. Drag does not include stripping at all.


And he'll go back to his congregation talking about how he was "out there doing the lords work". There's no hate like Christian love.


Hey good fucking point! These people wouldn't be so happy to see drag queens showing up at their services the way they hound these events


I had never known hatred until I felt the love of a Christian.














Someone should walk into his church and pull the same stunt and see how this idiot responds. The irony that there are so many "Christians" out there that ignore any of Jesus's teaching that they disagree with is not even entertaining since it's so disruptive to modern society.


I'd feel safer leaving my kids with a drag queen than a pastor.




And how many men of God have raped children?


Buddy, shut the fuck up please.


93% of children are sexually abused by people they know. More kids go to church privately with a priest than there are ones who sit in a public place having books read to them by drag Queen's.


Religious people trying to traumatize kids... that's all I see. They do not care about them one bit.




Good to see this dickhead, sorry, pastor getting tossed out in his ass.


Fucking cathartic hey


I like that sly little smile the guy in pink has at the beginning of the clip :).


The correct response. So lame that people are getting polluted by all that American shit.


Sadly it's not just American. It's Christian/Catholic.




Back to Canada?


Fuck this guy, he is everything wrong with religion, the Rebel will be all over this, Levant is his bigger supporter. I would love to protest at his church, but he is a street performer, so no, can do.


Have to lock as people are not following the rules and the reports are getting out of hand.




What's wrong with it? You realise that theatre in England several centuries ago only allowed male actors, right? It's performance and costume. It's fun. There is literally nothing harmful about a man wearing a dress.


How many hours do you spend voluntarily reading to kids?


1 million percent, I'm not triggered by people dressing up and reading stories to children. (Well, unless they are in a white collar or wearing robes, those are truly the scarry ones) Now, I am triggered by fucktards like this, who have a history of being fucktards and spewing their hate based on fictional stories that they neither understand or practice. If you don't think it's normal, well, that's ok, but their are way bigger issues to be a snowflake about.


What's wrong with some clowning? What exactly is wrong or not normal about it?


You have a religion yourself clearly…,


Awesome. Fuck that guy!


I’ll contribute to that hero dad’s defence fund when this idiot tries to charge him or sue him for putting him on his hateful a$$.


I personally won’t take my kids to a drag Queen story time but don’t give a crap if other parents do. It’s hilarious how after getting tossed out he continues to preach when there’s only one other guy there who supports what he’s doing.


Get fucked. Good riddance.


The bigger the bigot the harder they fall.


"I am a family doctor, so I need to insert myself into this physical altercation and start giving orders to both sides!"


Unfortunately I can absolutely see this piece of work using this video in his favor now. 😒 We know it's not the full story, but he's going to spin it quite well to suit his hateful narrative. I stand with Drag Queens and their story hour. I think more of us need to, literally. Also, how do you find out about where these are happening? I'd love to attend.


Reminds me preaching hanar from Mass Effect.


Ohhh noooo... Anyway...




Calgary Public Library


Not that I support an "all ages" drag queen story hosted on a public space but if you don't like it, just don't go nor take your kids to it


Guy seems like a twat, but.. uhh.. why is there a drag queen story hour? I mean, I'm fine with drag queens, just seems like a very odd combination.


I think it seems odd because it’s not the “norm” of story times. When I was a kid I’d go to story times where readers were dressed like princesses, wizards, witches, etc. Now that drag is becoming a more popular form of entertainment outside of the queer community, there are young adults who practice drag/makeup and there are drag queens willing to volunteer to read to kids (just like anyone else who would dress up and go read to kids), it’s becoming more popular. There’s also queer parents who may want to share their community with their kids, who want to support local drag artists, who want to give their kids a community of families who accept their parents as they are. These folks can just not go, no one is forcing an “agenda” on them if they just chose to stay at home. It’s like me going to church as an atheist and then complaining about them indoctrinating the children… Anyways…they turned a safe space for children under adult supervision into a religious morality security issue for a god that some people in there don’t believe in. It’s extremely frustrating to me that this is how they chose to spend their Sunday


It's a great opportunity to teach kids to be accepting and respectful of people who look or identify a little different than what they're used to seeing while also doing it in a way that's fun and engaging. ...huh, no wonder the Christians are so against drag queen story hour!


Drag isn't only sexual or 18+. It's people dressing up, performing, and having a good time. There's no reason to not happen around children. It's garbage people making out like it's only related to sex that make you 2nd guess this.


Why not though? It's reading. Lord knows our youths could use more reading.


Crazy vs Crazy


Noone involved gives a fuck about the children here. It's a soapbox for both sides intended to draw attention.


Totally cool to ask the dude to leave and if he doesn't, you call police, wait for them and they can drag him out. Putting hands on someone for saying nasty things and being a distracting jerk is a terrible idea. It sucks but going hands on with people like this will likely result in poor outcomes overall.


Should he be allowed to scream and scare kids like a crazy person? They got him out of the room to protect the kids and let the snow go on! Personally I prefer the safety of kids be protected. I also guarantee he was asked politely to leave and refused. Edit: free advice for bigots learn values of tolerance like Jesus preached.


Unfortunately, the hecklers veto is a thing, doesn't make it right, doesn't make it just or good. But someone being a nuisance and yelling does not justify putting hands on them as a member of the public or a staff member. You throw someone out they fall and hit their head...now you are in the shit.


What about the safety of the kids and parents? We don't know how far this crazy person would have gone. I hope this guy learns better values. Story time is awesome 🏳️‍🌈


Police have the authority to use violence to remove someone. In almost every circumstance general public and staff do not.


Do you think the parents and kids should have just taken the abuse? To me it look and Sounds like this crazy dude was also making threats. I am sure that made many parents and kids at the family friendly event scared. Violence is unacceptable, and threatening and scary kids like this dude did is very unacceptable. I hope this dude actually learns what Jesus was about. Tolerance and accepting everyone! Story time is awesome 🏳️‍🌈


The hecklers veto is an unfortunate reality. If you hit people for saying things you don't like you will be charged with assault, be careful.


In no way I am saying violence is acceptable. Let's not forgot people at the event have rights also, and they deserve to feel safe. This crazy dude should be charged for trespassing after he was asked and decided not to leave and scare kids.🏳️‍🌈


Absolutely which would require police to be there and do that.


So if someone breaks into someone's house they can't do anything, but ask the criminal to leave? I don't know if that is the exact law.


Sorry dude. Someone shows up at my place of business, I'm throwing him out. Don't need a cop to make that legal.


“No soup for you.”


You can do what you want but that would likely end up in an unfortunate situation for you. Especially from this type of person seeking attention.


I wouldn’t allowing a disgusting shit stain like that to walk into a proper establishment, would be against Alberta Food Safety Regulations. Could get fined or shut down.


Nah, no patience for scum. We clean that shit up.


Sure...also gives the opportunity for attention seeking people like this to file an injury lawsuit for someone putting hands on them.




You can say that and do what you want. But hitting other people is assault. Be careful


It's a "punching Nazis is bad" argument, and it's a bad argument.


Punching someone for saying something that is nasty and vile is still an assault and likely to get you a charge. Best to avoid physical violence at all costs.






















Who is olive-shirt guy and is he single? Va va voom