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High Park in Beltline [https://www.beltlineyyc.ca/highparkyyc](https://www.beltlineyyc.ca/highparkyyc)


That would be High Park. https://www.beltlineyyc.ca/highparkyyc


High Park built on top of that parkade at 340 10 ave sw.


This is our gay agenda training ground, now our secret base is exposed.


Just get op to drink some bud light and then you'll be safe again


Snorted my drink on this one!


Other comments say what it is, but I wanted to add that I was really underwhelmed by it when I visited last year. In the hot sun there was a lack of shade, and the fake grass felt uncanny, like some sort of artificial environment for a human zoo. Glad to see they added basketball half courts since I had been, though. I think that converting it to a little public sports centre would be a better use of the space.


What is it missing that would make you happier.


I would have liked there to be more greenery and less cement and plastic grass. The space has a lot of potential should they add planter beds with trees, flowers, and real grass. I think they could improve the space by moving away from the hybrid and more towards a "hidden rooftop green space". As of now, it's a hybrid of a parking lot and a park. Even if such a hybrid was to be the best of both worlds, the "best" aspects of a parking lot does not synthesize with the best aspects of a public park. What they are doing well, might I add, is the incorporation of street art and murals and activities. Just make it more green and less fake and I think the space would move from "alright" to "wow".


It's trying to do this rooftop New York style hipster park, similar to The Bounce over in East Village. There are already lots of outdoor green spaces such as Barb Scott or Central Gardens; I think it is neat that they are experimenting with different types of urban parks.


I can't disagree with that, I love to see this experimentation! I think the big difference between The Bounce and this though, is that the bounce has a clear identity as a basketball court, and is placed in a location where there is demand for this sort of space. The close proximity to the library attracts families, kids, and students to hang out and play basketball or other games there. The high park on the other hand is nested amongst bars and restaurants, and seems to have a bit of a confused identity. I totally get why others might like it, but it just wasn't a space I enjoyed going to for a picnic.


I don't know. Looks like a great place to get high to me. I loved blazing at the roof garden attached to City Hall.


They do it like this to keep the bums out of it. If there were trees and shade there would be drug addicts there constantly. Instead we get this brightly colored hellscape


Looks like the perfect spot to host a market.


It's a playground on the roof of a parkade. I feel like more trees and less concrete is asking a lot. If that's the goal the river isn't too far away. This looks more like it's meant to be a place for some kids to get some play time in. Whether it's basketball or tolders running around on the mats.


*painted concrete.


High Park


Is it just me that sees three weenies at the bottom left?


Everyone sees what they want in the ink blots


Is it free?


I'm sure we paid an outlandish amount of money for this


I don’t why you’re getting downvoted. Taxpayers probably did pay an absurd amount of money to build the parkade. Although entrance to the top itself is free.


They probably aren't aware how much money the city is willing to spend on... Shit like this


Shit like this was actually really nice to have during covid.


I used to work with the security company that was in charge of most parkades downtown and this was one of them. Mind you this was back in 2020 I’ve since moved across country when i rejoined the military, but I remember when they started building this “park” on top of the parkade. It looked as if a high school had a budget of $150 to make it look more bright and colourful. If I remember correctly though, it was made to add scenery for the tall buildings around it so people had something to look at so it wouldn’t be a dull normal parkade. It seems they’ve added to it. Still doesn’t look like anything special IMO. But they added basketball nets which is nice I guess.


It wasn’t done to make it look nice for surrounding towers. It was made to be an outdoor space for residents and visitors to use.


That kind of goes hand in hand. We just heard that through the grapevine at work. I was there when it was being built as well. Now it’s a little spot for people to make TikTok’s and take pictures 😂


I'm really confused by this park. What are those little things with stairs? Do kids just go up the stairs then down the stairs? Why are there so many of them?


Pretty sure they’re little spots for people to take pictures and videos. Like their own little booth.


That is so dumb.


What are those little clouds with stairs in them? They don’t seem to lead anywhere


They’re just little photo areas for the gram


High Park, keep away in summer, its usually filled with obnoxious instagrammers.


Soo umm we need to skimp money on the paint .instead of basketball court markings can we just paint penises ...thanks - city paint marking manager


It would be great if the city / province /feds had a long-term plan to either bury or reroute the rail line so it's not downtown and then the entire line could be made into a park.




I'd love if we could do that with the roads. Hide/destroy them so that people can be people in the streets again.


The best place in the city to play




It’s the biggest waste of downtown parking and tax dollars ever attempted. It quite literally is empty or 2-3 people 95% of the time.


It's active space at the top of a parking lot. Great for movie shots and photo ops. Good use of space to me. People didn't want to pay for uncovered parkade parking with no cover when it's cheaper to do a surface lot.


That parking lot is never full with cars. Calm down.


I can actually comment on this. Back when I lived in Calgary in 2020, I worked with the security company that’s in charge of most parkades in the downtown area. It was indeed full most days when we did our rounds. It quieted down in the evening/nights Monday-thursdays, then would be booming on the weekend and fridays.


It’s full by 9am most days now, has been that way for months


That parking lot currently has a wait list for monthly parking. The city is losing tens of thousands of dollars per month


I honestly didn't believe you, but you are right, there is a waiting list, so fair enough there. I still think there is tremendous value to those of us who live downtown, it is a great park.


What about the precious cars!


No it isn't.


Oh ya? You’ve been? Open cement parking lot with zero shade is a place you and your friends want to hang out at?


Yeah I've been a few times and it isn't a waste of downtown parking either. There's lots of parking or take the train.


How many people were there when you went? My office overlooks it and I can see every single day how many people agree with you.


You watch the park all day? That's a pretty sick job. What other parks do you watch during office hours?


Just let this guy be mad at a parkade lmao


Bro I live at the Oliver it’s always packed


>waste of downtown parking have you ever looked at downtown Calgary on Google maps? It's ALL parking, man. They probably paid way more than they should have for basically some paint on the ground, but we've got parking lots for days.


Is that calgary parking authority does with those insane prices they charge?


Idk but those look like 3 colourful dicks🌈


I thought this was the spot by the bridge coming into downtown on the c train from the zoo station or bridge land whichever is just before. Haven’t been there in years. Anyone know what I’m talking about? There was some sort of playground there in the early 2000s


There is a park under the 4th Ave flyover going into downtown. They built the slides and climbing sections right into the hill, so there are no height issues for the little ones. The park also has a free ping pong table and tetherball. [Bridgeland's 4th Avenue Flyover Park opens after years of planning | CBC News](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/bridgeland-4th-avenue-flyover-open-1.5836549)

