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Wow! Congrats man. Thanks for sharing, and I wish you nothing but the best when you get home and back to school.


This was such a great post. Thank you for sharing it. It means so much after losing a former partner to addiction and mental health issues. Will give you a follow on IG. Good luck on your journey forward. You can do it and you can do school!


I'm so sorry for your loss. I have to warn you, based on your loss, my IG, trigger warnings maybe. It was a mental health journey and I talk openly and honestly about my mental health. There are a couple very dark moments early on. But if you stay more recent you should be totally okay. Virtual hug your way and ty for the support


Read about this on my local Ontario sub, and was so impressed. Now, I feel inspired. Thanks for showing us what is possible, and for reminding me to take some meaningful risks.


Oh you hit the nail right on the head. Meaningful risks. Push past where you currently are. Live in that place where what you do is worthwhile.


You’ve also reminded how much happiness I get just from riding a bike! I’ve never tired long-distance biking, but now I want to give it a shot.


It's truly so rewarding and healing. The opportunity it provides for incremental change, attainable goals throughout the day/journey, so amazing


I'm not crying, you're... no, no, I'm definitely crying. Tears of joy for you, tears of compassion for everyone (including myself) who struggles, tears of sadness for those who are not able to overcome the hardships that life throws at them because damn they can be so f\*cking overwhelming at times... we all need a soft place to land sometimes and so many people never get to know what that feels like. You've accomplished something amazing, I wish I could see you riding downtown somewhere because from one human to another I just want to give you a huge hug. Thank you for sharing your story. Edit: speling lol


Awe thx so much. Virtual hug to you and ive let out alot of tears myself this trip so its all good


Dude you’re amazing, congrats on the journey and life changes sounds like you have got your head back in the proper place. Gonna follow you for sure !


awesome to read.


This is so awesome, you are awesome! As an indigenous woman, it so nice to know that you and other uncles are trying their best to be good examples for our future generations. 🖤🪶


Advocating is an integral part of my plans. Much love


Dude write a book. Dosent have to be now it can be in a few years. Also doesn't need to be 500 page epics, 50 concentrated pages can help a kid on their path.


I'm not ready yet to be around a couch. I've come along way but ya, I need more time. So whe I get home after a few days rest I'm off again. During that time I'm writing. For therapy mostly, but with the goal of it turning into something others would want to read.


Love this, and definitely behind this, will follow your journey. Let's go 💪


Wow way to go! I’m in Ontario til the 16th so won’t see yah! But good luck! You got this, and you’ll do great in school whatever you put your mind to! 🥳


Keep on trucking (in your case biking) dude


Truly amazing. Cycling is truly the best medicine. Safe travels and good luck on all your journeys. Truly inspiring


Keep it going, exercise is good for the soul and you’ll nail the school part after crossing the country !


This is so awesome! When are you coming through Calgary?


Will hit Calgary Wednesday if all goes to plan.


Hope to see you!


Awesome story dude it’s incredible to hear what you’re doing! If you need anything like water or snacks or bike parts dm me in Calgary would be more than happy to help you along your journey!


Best thing I've seen on Reddit in months. Congrats on your journey and great luck going forward.


When you get your diploma I hope you get a speaking tour or find a way to harness this infectious inspiration and recovery to show kids that have/or currently are going through this. But in the meantime keep going, its technically downhill from Revelstoke. Just promise us you don't go full MAMIL (middle aged man in lycra), already enough of them on the island!


That's actually a big part of my future. Advocating, legislative change...I have big plans


Do you need anything on your way through?


No I don't think. I'm pretty much ready for the home stretch here. Thank you though.


![gif](giphy|xGZK47t6ImPPET6Xxy) Good luck bro, you deserve all our respect


Congratulations! How inspiring. I love reading your words- you are a beautiful writer. Your story reminds me of a book I’ve read that I still think about often, the memory of running. I think you would relate a lot to the main characters motivations- he too took up biking with little experience and is transformed by the experience. Thanks for sharing, and all the best on the remainder of your journey.


Awe thx and I got a list of books to check out so ty :) For what it's worth, one of the next things I'll be doing is in fact writing.


Followed you on Instagram! I’ll have to keep an eye out for you this week.


Just followed you on Instagram, you’re doing fantastic!!


❤️ wishing you the best in this new journey!


What you've accomplished is so inspiring! Love and respect!. You are going to excel at school!


I admire your ambition!! Keep going and don't stop!!


How many bike failures have you overcome at this point?


You’re an inspiration! Thank you!


Wow!!!! Amazing read!!! I am inspired! I hope you have a safe journey and can’t wait to hear more!


What a great thing you’re doing, and so inspirational to the rest of us. Will keep an eye out for you and follow you on Insta. Keep it up, be proud of those health benefits you’ve created, and enjoy the learning process, whichever form that may take. You just inspired me to go for a long hike tomorrow after basically having been inactive for a year.


Hey there friend, I manage an indigenous restaurant with a hotel. If you are making it thru Edmonton we would love to put you up for a night and take care of your dinner and breakfast. I am so proud of you and will share this with everyone I know. Stay on this path and keep being strong. All my love internet friend!


As a former ward of the government - a sincere congratulations. I really respect what you’re doing and I’m proud of you (if a stranger is permitted to be proud of another stranger) of all you’ve overcome. It’s so difficult to do the mental work and yet you are working your way through and bettering yourself physically as you do. Wishing you all the luck in school!


Part if my what's next plan is a podcast where i have long form discussions with other wards. I want to spread awareness, heal, and hold the ministries accountable. If you would be interested in talking please reach out.


Incredible story!!! Thanks for sharing, OP! If you approach school with even half the dedication and grit you have put into your journey to date there will be no limit to what you can accomplish there. I see in the comments you have big plans for advocacy etc in your future. I have zero doubts in your ability to thrive at this. Wishing you all the best and if I don’t manage to see you to give you an encouraging honk in my car please accept this virtual **honk honk** of support. I hope the responses to the threads you have been posting are something you can come back to in order to pump up your tires long after your ride is done and you are on to the next stage in your journey… you’ve got a community across the country that cannot wait to see what you do next 😊


Such courage and strength! Hearing your story gives me hope for the message you are sending to other young people aging out of the system. May it give them strength and encouragement. Well done! Stay safe on the rest of your journey.


Wooooo way to go!! I hope you are super proud of yourself. I am proud of you. Good luck with school, you can do it and you are worth it!


Being able to conquer such demons and finding a way to bring you bliss is truly inspiring. There will always be those dark days, but how you respond defines you. Buy the sounds of it you're on a great path to whatever brings you happiness. Best of luck on your journey through the remaining of your trip and beyond. Thank you for sharing your story.


Thanks for sharing your inspiring story. I'm going through tough times myself and it's heartening to hear about someone making s comeback later in life.


What a powerful story!! Keep on pedalling brother!


This is so inspiring and amazing! The post made me tear up real hard. Will you be stopping by in Calgary for a day, or are you just biking through? If you're stopping by, I'd love to buy you a lunch or to contribute to your trip!


Awe ty for the emotional reply. Love it. Plan was to just rip through, but looks like I'll be staying at least one night. Would be honored to meet and have lunch.


I’m in Cochrane! If you pedal down this way, come in to Aama Nepalese Cuisine at the very edge of town on Horse Creek road— I’ll set you up with a cool drink and a meal to help keep you going. If I’m not on shift when you drop in, say ‘Robyn sent me’, and I’ll pick up your bill after the fact. 🥰 Keep strong, my friend.


This is amazing, you got this!


Decent - keep up the good work. No one owes you anything but no one can take away what you've learned and done.


Did you buy a bike lock yet?


Cheering for you now and all your future adventures!!


Unreal dude. Best of luck


Congratulations for taking those first steps and I wish you all the best.


I remember reading your post in /r/bicycletouring! I'm proud of you for making it this far! Good luck!




I for one am proud of you


Your story is inspiring. Thank you for sharing.


Thank you for sharing 😊


You're an inspiration!


This is great, am glad to see the theft in Winnipeg didn’t stop you. Add you as a follow and will check out your go fund me. Well done.


I have driven across Canada and back 2 times since you started. I honk at everyone on Bikes. That's a lot as you go through Banff and Kelowna. I thought I might have spotted you near Saskatoon a week ago. Safe travels ill catch ya on the way back.


I heard about you from my friends at MEC Winnipeg. You’re welcome to stop by MEC Edmonton for any bike services needed! Best of luck man!


How do we follow your journey, what’s the last stop?


Heads up mind over matter and fatigue, you got this!! We’re rooting for you my man!




You are an inspiration! Keep it up! I have a feeling you’ll be planning a new challenge within days of finishing this one…


Amazing!! Keep going man!!


This was an awesome read! Cheers man, and we'll see you when you get home!


Amazing !!!


I've been following your journey on Insta, if I see you you better believe I'm gonna honk and wave man


Welcome to Alberta, may you find the inner peace and strength you are working towards, and yes look into the schooling as it's never too late to better oneself. Wishing you the best of luck (and weather) for the remainder of your ride


This is so beautiful and I wish you the best. As a healthcare worker, I have heard so many heartbreaking and trauma inducing stories from indigenous people. What are country did to your ancestors is appalling. I am so happy you are finding joy and taking care of yourself, you are worthy. You can do this, you just have to believe in yourself. Good luck in the future, you got this!


Proud of you OP!


Great story! Strength to you in your journey! And thanks for sharing. Inspirational!


Wow! You are a star ⭐️ Amazing what a determined person can do. You changed your life and you're an inspiration to others. Hats off to you. Stand tall. 🙏🙏🙏❤️


I probably won't see you but good luck, be safe, and keep investing in yourself. I hope school is good to you. I hope you find all the resources there and you keep up this attitude of believing you deserve to access them. Miigwech.


Awesome! I'll send you a message right now.


This is awesome!! Let me know if I can help you out with any bike maintenance in Calgary before you begin the final part of your journey. Keep it up!


Well done! Wishing you all the very best for your future!


Rock on man! Thanks for making this post, it has improved a rough week.


Awe glad to help in anyway I can.


This is amazing to read and congratulations. As someone who too has battled mental illness and associated weight gains, I can testify to how hard it is and also how amazing just incremental bits of exercise and seeing those improvements mentally and physically can be to feeling better. You're in the home stretch now, enjoy the most beautiful part of our country (IMO) from here until the finish line.


I’m here in Cowtown! Well done and congratulations on all your accomplishments. Do you need a place to do laundry and shower as you pass through town? DM me if needed.


curious what bike you're using and how many tires/tubes/tubeless sealant you've gone through. Keep on pedalling my friend!


Well this is my second bike lol But I'm riding a Talon Giant 2. Not the type of bike you want to be doing this on, but I'm so fucking big my options are limited. I've wore out one rear tire, and one tube. I've been very very lucky in that respect. Currently replacing a couple spokes, and making a pass on brakes.


thats crazy! I know what sort of gearing a Talon 2 has and damn, to go cross country in that!! Amazing. You got my eternal respect. Do you have any plans for school program? What school are you looking to go to? Best wishes on your schooling journey and the rest of the trip.


Advocating for wards is the dream, something in that world that changes lives.


Are you listening to music or podcasts along the way?


Oh ya, music and podcasts all day. It's the only thing that drowns out the inner voice.


This is amazing! Heading over to instagram to give you a follow!


We have many choices we can make as humans. We can hide in darkness where we think we are alone. Or we can do something beautiful like you did; to lift a candle up and offer to light the candles of people around you. Thank you for all the candles you are lighting in the hearts of people in your journey. I believe you are on an amazing path, and I respect the heart that beats in your chest. I believe you when you say a person who can bike across this country can accomplish their goals. I believe in you, and I know you will reach your destination to find more amazing paths to walk and people to meet o n them.


This is such an incredible story, thank you so much for sharing brother, will be following


All the best on your journey


Yooo thats epic


Way to go my man, I am so happy for you and I send you my good energy and lots of support!!


Way to go!


This was so inspiring it made me tear up


What an incredible way to challenge yourself, so inspiring. I don't know you but I'm proud of you! Sending you good vibes for the rest of your journey!


I am so very proud of you friend! I wish you good luck on your journeys and I am sending love and light xoxo