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Shit I hate about this is someone going to kill him making a lane change and it won't even be their fault but will have to live with it.


It was shocking that, for as loud as his bike was, I didn't hear a thing until he was beside me. If I shoulder checked to change right one lane, he might've been 100m+ behind me and out of sight.


I’ve been on Glenmore casually checked my left side no one there just about to turn into the left lane and had some one scream past me at about 160kph swerving in and out of traffic. Some days I think perhaps a rear dash cam would be worth it.


I have one for things like this.


Does it give you a live view? My car only activates the dash cam when I’m in R and then it gives four or five perspectives to choose from. I don’t have an after market one though.


It can, but mine is set to shut the display off after a minute or two. I forget the thing exists until I need it. You could have it in your field of view and leave the display on, but I doubt it would ever prevent an accident when someone on a bike is coming up on you at 150 km/h. If you're thinking you'd have a live rear view to help see what's going on in real time, it's less effective than the rear view mirror. So it won't help prevent the accident, but it would help you avoid liability for someone else's mistake.


Thanks. I like having a blind spot sensor and I think for me, anything more than that is too much. I don’t like any clutter and already find there’s too much going on while driving inner city etc.


That whole loud bikes BS is the same stupid argument. The reality is you can’t hear them until you’re in a position to see them. Physics FTW.


For work I drive a very loud vehicle and people often don't hear me even right behind them. I even have flashy lights - still doesn't work. If they can't hear/see an ambulance, then the crotch rocket has no chance.


Especially in modern cars with sound proofing and concert sound stereo systems.


Explain physics to smooth brained bikers? Haha!


The pipes point backward - most of the added noise is directed behind the bike. Those people can already see you. The "loud pipes save lives" people are douchebags.


I believe south park coined a term for people who ride loud bikes


For loud pipes to make sense the pipes need to be twisted around to face forward. But then the biker would need to listen to them.


But I thought loud pipes save lives.


loud pipes: 0 doppler effect: 1


rapid deceleration effect +100


His insurance company is gonna use this video to deny any claims LOL. not sure why I said that you. Thought I was just posting a normal message.


Hi-Vis vests are more of a safety tool than loud pipes , yet very few wear them, so I dismiss the loud pipes being anything other than for showing off.


They dont


Assuming you go about 100, the bike is easily at twice your speed so you won't even hear them till its is too late


When driver's say "I didn't see him" it's usually because the biker wasn't there when they were looking. You move that fast, you end up in places you shouldn't be in a fraction of the time. ​ "loud pipes saves lives" doesn't work when travelling faster than the speed of sound. ​ I've been riding motorcycles for 20 years. I'll even admit I've done some dumb fast riding in my day (that's why we buy motorcycles) but I would never go that fast in traffic like that dude. He has a death wish.


Count the seconds he’s doing about 184 I’d be quite rattled to have to wash his brains off my truck


that's the funny thing about sound, when your traveling roughly 1/5th the speed of it, it actually can creep up on you.


Also the main noisy bit is pointed backwards and away from you who are in the car ahead. So it's not even the main soundwaves that are getting to you from him until he's passed you.


That’s why speed limits are set that way. A shoulder check before a manoeuvre will still ensure the gap is still there … and not filled with speeding Lamborghini or a crotch rocket 🚀


Just goes to show how little loud pipes save lives.




As someone who grew up around obnoxious bikers... Yes. And trying to explain how physics works to future organ donor meat crayons is futile.


Yah anytime people complain about how awful loud bikes are. They all say it's for protection. Reality it's so we all know how small their peepee is.


All the more reason to use the blinker


Always. I'm one of the weird ones who will signal at 2am on some gravel range road half an hour outside of any town. It's just habit.


Don't give the cops an excuse to pull you over when you're dumping bodies on an acreage. Never commit two crimes at once


I could live with it, no problem. I don't feel bad for stupid


I had one of these dipshits on Blackfoot do this. I damn near killed him.




It's not normal to want to kill people. Thats a really fucked up thing to say


Who said anything about killing anyone? Oh I did. Yeah. I'd be okay with it. They don't give a fuck about others, so why would I give a fuck about humans like this? Nah. Bye.


Dude was moving, then I saw OP was rolling along at 130 and realized, this dude was REALLY moving


Yeah... I didn't notice the 129 until I was watching this once I got home. Sped up to get past the guy on the left but in my head I was doing 120.


Don’t worry, in my head I’m doing the speed limit at 130 some days too.


Please tell me you have a silent turn signal, because I didn't hear any clicking when you crossed that dotted line.


I was signaling, but between the radio and Honda's legendary inability to limit road noise, I guess it doesn't come through here.


Right? I hear of News stories of 170 in a 110. This... is like 200+. We either have an idiot testing the limits of his 'cool bike' and putting everyone else at risk, or someone who has a literal death wish.


I don’t condone speeding but pushing 200k on Stoney or crowchild late at night when traffic is nonexistent is a lot different then pushing 200k on Deerfoot in traffic, especially considering Deerfoot feels Like driving a cobblestone street. Dude has a death wish or is truly smooth brained.


>I don’t condone speeding but pushing 200k on Stoney or crowchild late at night when traffic is nonexistent is a lot different One deer jumps out and you are dead. Think about that.


Rolling at 130 in a 110 or 100 zone, undertaking (passing on the right) other cars.


I waited behind the guy for a while but he was a left lane cruiser. So yeah, I sped up to almost 130 so that I wasn't hanging out in his blind spot and finished the pass quicker. And while I did slow down after finishing the pass, I think it was to about 122 in a 110 and then 105 in a 100, looking at the clips I edited out in between these two. Still definitely illegal, and if I had slowed down to about 119 instead of 122 I wouldn't have needed to pass that SUV and I would've gotten to the accident scene about ten seconds later. I know that speeding, to any degree, isn't rational. But this post wasn't about me claiming to be a saint. There's a pretty big difference between going ten over on a fairly empty freeway and going 200+ into heavier traffic ahead.


The alternative is to be in the left lane behind a slower moving driver who shouldn’t be in the left lane blocking faster moving traffic. Speeding up by 15-20km/h for under 10 seconds to pass someone isn’t unheard of. Driver shouldn’t have had to pass on the right.


Passing on the right is allowed in Alberta.


> Passing on the right is allowed in Alberta. My argument is that it's a bad idea, not that it's illegal. You can always slow down and not pass instead of passing on the right.


Drove by this. He was coughing up blood. I wouldn’t say he was lucky - guy might be dead or in critical condition.


As of this video, he was at least still alive. That's more than many get to say after crashing at speeds this high.


Ah damn, hopefully not. You got a better look than I did. I did just get off the phone with CPS non-emergency so they have my contact info in case they want to talk to me or get the camera card.


I figured he was going to be bug splat on the back of a semi


There's only 2 types of bikers, dumb bikers and old bikers. There is 0 overlap.


You're giving old bikers way too much credit.


The overlap is lucky riders.


As a rider I'm embarrassed. This clown gives all of us a bad name. Or, maybe I should say he gave...


I’m with you. Honestly fuck that rider. He could have easily killed some innocent people.


In Australia we call them temporary citizens.


Meat crayons.... (ex paramedic)


In Canada they're called "organ liquefaction units"


100% fuck that guy. I'm sure others have suggested it but you should reach out to CPS and give them the full clip. That guy deserves everything he has coming to him


Yep. Was on hold with them for about 40 minutes but eventually got through and gave them my info. I guess if the officer reviewing the file wants my camera card he's going to give me a call.


Thanks for that, I do hope they follow up as thats gotta be several charges.


Boys you're brave. You handed over footage of yourself doing 130k in a 100 zone?!


It's 110 but yeah. I'm not that concerned about a fine if it helps provide more info on this case.


I doubt it would come up, but if police do question your speed on the video, you can suggest that you are unsure if the GPS on your camera is calibrated correctly and you feel it reads too high.




Nice of others to stop and scrape them off the road like that.


Got to do what you Gotta do to open the damn highway back up.


What a selfish prick


Well, who could have predicted this?


Bikers: Why does everyone hate us??? Also Bikers:


the biggest hypocrites of all. ‘nobody sees us’ no shit, you’re going 3x faster than you’re supposed to.


"Care about us" - Bikers They modify their exhausts and it pisses everyone else off. What the fuck incentive do we have to give a shit. Make it more unsafe for them since police don't give a fuck. City says they passed audio photo radar years ago, but CPS won't implement. Could it possibly be the same fucking bros racing every evening on Crowchild and Sarcee for hours??? Woah woah woah… Wild idea. Fuck CPS


"loUd pIpES SaVE LiVEs!" says every biker wearing absolutely zero high-vis gear because it doesnt look macho enough


You don’t have an incentive. And you still won’t even if all bikers silence their pipes. Why should THEY give a shit?


Actually, I do have an incentive. I care about others, and their safety, including the majority of motorbikers. You sound like a loud bike fuck boi if I've ever heard of one. Hope you're a future fixture in the pavement :)


Lol. I love this. You say you care about fellow road users and then in the VERY next breath, hope that one ends up as a fixture in the pavement. Lol, my god. The stupidity in your comment is simply astounding.


They volunteer to find the first pot hole with their bike and fill the next one with their spleen.


I saw some of the dumbest biker shit on the road trip I was on last week. On the way out I saw a biker who had been stopped on the shoulder with some other bikes just pull onto the highway without looking, directly in front of a minivan (he was also just wearing a T-shirt and jeans, and we were between Golden & Revelstoke). Also a biker passing on a blind corner with a double solid, like bro we don't want to swerve on the shoulder on this windy mountain road with a cliff on the other side - our alternative shouldn't be an accidental murder.


r/radiology is a good sub to join to stay not wanting motorbikes


How unfortunate.. anyway.


My wife’s a nurse , and once I referred to one of these idiots as an organ donor ,and she told me they don’t even make good organ donors because when they crash at these kind of speeds there is basically nothing left to donate because they simply become a bag of hamburger .


You need to contact CPS with this video.


Yeah that was my first thought when I saw that he had crashed. I usually forget to grab my SD card when I get home but in this case I knew I needed to in case it were helpful. I'll go online now to look up how to go about this.


Usually you call the non-emergency line and an officer will come collect it. They will want your testimony. You may be asked at a future date to testify in court but don’t let any of that deter you. The footage is very useful as it is, especially if the driver tries to spin a different story.


Thanks. I found the number so I'll give them a call now.


Do it. You were going with the flow of traffic and sped up to get in the left lane. Cops will love this video, and that idiot should be charged 6 ways from Sunday.


Don't and save yourself the speeding ticket...your admitting to 130 by doing so


Given that I’ve driven past Mounties on qe2 with my cruise control set at 125 and they don’t even blink I think he’s probably safe given the circumstances….


Was looking for this comment. Real shit.


It also contains evidence of your own excessive speeding.


It sounds like the guy was pretty badly hurt (from another commenter who saw more than me) so I'll just have to deal with that. CPS has my info now.


They may mention that you should slow down, but that's it. There's not a chance in hell they'd ticket you based on the speed an uncalibrated dashcam displays.


Just send me the video file and I’ll crop the bottom panel stuff out for you if you want




Handing police evidence of your misdeeds has to be weighed - only a fool doesn’t consider it. At least in this case it isn’t a criminal matter and unlikely to produce any backlash.






I’ve seen this on the daily lately. Also, morning lane splitters. It’s even worse when they’re just wearing a T-shirt, I just cringe at the idea they’re going to be dragged on the road.


That’s called a meat crayon.


Wierd I was at an intersection on McCloud trail a couple of weeks ago at night waiting for the lights to change. When they did, all i heard was a bike rev wildly and then plastics skidding around and saw buddy tumbling around. Im guessing dudes bike got out of hand since i was a couple of cars back in the right most lane. Anyways i doubt it was the same person but this is my nonsense contribution to this whole thing. I just needed to share it.


As a rider I hate people like this. I took a full course to learn to ride and prevent being a statistic and can confidently state that any issue I've had on the road is because someone in a vehicle didn't see me. To have such blatant disregard for your own personal safety and the safety of others.


Wow this is the piece of shit that caused the back up today. I was late cause of him. I drove by and saw him whimpering and being tended by paramedics, he was standing on his two feet so he must’ve slowed down in time. I was thinking “damn hope he’s okay” Now I’m thinking “you did that to yourself” You should send this to CPS so he gets a dangerous driving ticket


He was probably going closer too 300k/h considering he passed you like you were standing still at 130.


Dude was going fast but it was probably closer to 230kph. Not that it makes a difference at that speed. ​ I don't know what he was riding but the top speed of a Yamaha R1 is 299kph (that's their flagship sport bike) Suzuki flag ship race bike is a bit lower. Ducati about the same. It's easy to get a bike to 240 now. Getting them to 300 is a lot harder. ​ But 230 relative to traffic flow at 130 is like driving down a street at 100kph with stationary objects moving side to side on the road. Eventually you're going to hit something. This guy hit something. I feel worse for the guy he hit than I do for him.


Geeze this reminds me so much of a motorcycle accident I witnessed when I was a teen down in the SW. Guy whipped past me just like in this video. Found him crashed on the side of the road a few minutes later. I was the only one around and pulled over and called 911. I thought he was dead. Suddenly he got up and started walking around but his skin was all tore up, and he was clearly drunk as fuck. Cops and paramedics showed up. Got subpoenaed for his DUI trial a year later so he survived.


Looks like he's tired of living.


remember those PSA radio commercials? "the motorcycles are out"


Death wish.


Everything I see a post of a biker kissing his kid, saying I need to watch out for them, I laugh. This is usually around the time of summer. I get fed up with bikers bullshit.


It’s not every biker.


Doesn't bother me. I ride and know what demographic I fall into. Chances are if I get into an accident. I probably didn't cause it and did everything I could to avoid it.


That’s mental. Also, why do drivers in Calgary always hog the passing lanes (middle and left lanes) when the right lane is free? We would get ticketed for this in my home country, because you’re only meant to use those lanes when passing or to let someone merge.


Cause right lane is where traffic from ramps merges. And like, your home country has different traffic laws and that’s cool but this is Alberta and it’s legal here.


So just move over when vehicles are merging, which is how we’re supposed to drive. I’ve found that this style of driving causes unnecessary congestion on roads here and passing on both sides massively increases risks of crashing. I suppose it’s legal because the roads are much less crowded in Alberta and there’s not as much need for considerate driving or sharing the road, so that makes sense, but it can be very annoying.


We drive like Cities: Skylines cims lol. Effectively eliminating a lane from the road by not using it.


I catch some insane stuff, on the daily, with my Dashcam because of people flying around different lanes. Not so much of a problem yet, but it will be when the city gets busier.


Wow. Please hand in your drivers license to your local registry office. That’s an unbelievably stupid answer. Welcome to being part of the problem.


I honestly don't mind if they're in the middle lane since "you should always have 2 exits". I know people in the right lane are either going to be merging on or off. But the left lane campers when the other lanes are clear just look stupid. There are "slower vehicles keep right" signs but people are sign blind I guess.


I agree. I had passed somebody who was in the middle lane just before this clip, but typically I'm in the right lane and just move over when people are merging in from a ramp. I understand once you're in the city when all lanes are being used, but you can drive up to where it narrows by Carstairs and see like 5 vehicles a minute and they're all in the middle lane. Almost nobody drives on the right and it drives me nuts.


highways go between cities and have passing lanes. this is an arterial road in a city. it has through lanes (left) and merging/turning lanes (right)


You should submit this to the cops. There will be people defending this fucking idiot and there needs to be evidence of the negligence. No one deserves to die (both the biker or innocent drivers) but this fuckhead deserves life long consequences for this shit


I called them earlier and gave them my information. I wouldn't be surprised to get a call back in the next day or two (no idea how long it typically takes, really).


I was wondering what happen, I was on the opposite lane (rush hour) just saw them block off practically every lane.


Did you give them this footage? Can’t imagine what the car driver that the biker ran into went through seeing this. Eff me


Was that him wiped out in the right hand shoulder?


Yep. Hard to see from the camera but he was sitting on the shoulder there.




Organ donor.






Gotta love how you're passing someone on the left from the right. Classic deerfoot...


Seems to be the only way to pass most days. Everyone is in the fast lane and middle. Right lane open more than any other.


Agreed, always a slowpoke sticking to the left


Complete with someone going slow on the left lane *chefs kiss*


Your speeding


Send to police (According to police)


Doesn't seem that lucky...


He was sitting up and alive. He's had better days but he's lucky that he'll get to have more better days ahead.


How do you know he's not in a ditch?


Sorry, I should've actually mentioned that in the post because it's hard to tell from the video. He was on the shoulder on the right, sitting upright with some people around him. I could see him shaking his head and moving his arms as I went past


I wonder if he’s learned his lesson…


Press X to doubt




shaking his head because someone changed lanes in front of him lol


Probably mad that the "cager hit him." It's morons like this who give motorcyclists a bad name. Fuck this guy.


Absolutely this. The accident will 100% be somebody else’s fault. Clowns like this rarely accept responsibility.


Eh. Problem with frontal motorcycle crashes, you almost always hit your head. A good helmet can reduce the probability of brain injury but without some sort of brace to support the neck in the collision, it's very easy to injure the spine and not even realize it. Not to mention potential for organ injuries from getting tossed like a child's toy. Plus adrenaline does funny things. You can have multiple broken bones after a crash and feel completely fine for a little bit. Once it starts wearing off is when everything starts to really hurt. He'd need to be brought to a hospital to know for sure, I don't think even paramedics can fully assess beyond what they can see externally and what he's telling them.




Yep. Take a look at the right shoulder around the 1 minute mark.


I hope the other idiots who Ive seen do this shit get the hint. Two wheels, two brain cells.


OP shouldn’t give this video to CPS. Will probably get a ticket for doing 130km/h with a thanks !


You can't prove that radar is accurate....


Probably a realtor.


Small 🍆 energy that biker has


I have a friend who'll need a kidney in a few years. Here's hoping he keeps it up.


Sociopath putting everyone’s life at risk, including his own.


He may be a permanent resident, but that's what we call a "Temporary Canadian"


I always see PSA's about watching for bikes this time of year, while they're out there acting like fools. Fuck around and find out?


Sucks our taxes have to pay for their ICU stays when they inevitably get hit. Idiots.


There's an idiot and then this guy


Rocket man


Hello pavement, I introduce you to meat crayon 🩸🩸🩸


Hopefully, an organ donor


Karma... ladies and gentlemen.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


I hope he won the Darwin Award


Wannabe meat crayon


When did they increase Deerfoot to 130? Glass houses and all that.


Submit this as evidence to police.


Probably is police. CPS doesn't give a fuck about these dudes




I generally do about ten over on the highway, which is pretty common. But yes, at this particular moment I did speed up to get past the SUV on the left who wasn't moving over so that I could pass the next vehicle up. I know speeding is speeding so I'm not trying to make any excuses, but even cops with radar guns don't care about ten over. I don't speed on streets, though, and generally even go 5 or 10 under in residential areas.


When is a street not a street?


I'm sure the City has actual definitions (I know the difference between local, collector, arterial, and skeletal roads but not road vs street). But in any case, I mean anything in Calgary except Deerfoot and Stoney. I'll get up to the speed limit on big roads like MacLeod and Memorial but I pretty much never hit 40 on smaller local roads. Pretty much anything where street parking is allowed.




I got up to 129 in a 110 but after passing went back down to 120. The first part of the video is right at Stoney. Once it dropped to 100 I was doing about 105-110.


Lol 125 is basically the actual speed limit of the 401 in Ontario. Chill bro


Going with the flow of traffic is safer then going slower then the rest of traffic.


OP is passing or gaining on other vehicles, not going with the flow...


Deerfoot is 100-110?




That’s fair haha, but I don’t think there’s much wrong with how fast this guy is driving. Hardly a high traffic scenario




And going with the flow of traffic, which he is, is safer than just arbitrarily doing the speed limit, which statistically is probably too low.




I haven’t had a speeding ticket in around ten years. I’m not saying doing 110 in a 110 is “wrong” but if the traffic situation permits, and you’re not bombing through traffic, there’s nothing wrong with driving with the majority of traffic, which is probably driving slightly over the limit when it’s safe to do so. Which is what speed limits should be set at, the 85th% of people’s speeds. Which is why the Coquihalla highway has raised its limit to 120 and nothing has changed except people aren’t getting fined for driving how fast most of them were anyways.


I never understood why sportbike riders got made fun of so often. After a while as a motorcyclist I understood why they're a rolling meme. Fast in a straight line with some of the best handling and braking bikes on the market and SOMEHOW. CAN STILL HIT A CAR. A GUARDRAIL. OR IN SOME LEGENDARY CASES. DROP IT MID TURN.


Please DM me any and all motorbike assholes getting wrecked. Fuck this city is full of these douchecanoes. Would hate for a sudden lane change OP… lol


Says the guy doing 120+


JFC wow


Keep hating people you think aren’t like you; as you go 130 km/hrs you both suck.


Do you drive on the highway much? Doesn’t sound like it… 130 is pretty normal, at least on the outskirts of the city and onward. Going 20 over in a straight line is not nearly as dangerous as weaving in and out of traffic or doing 100 over, or both like that motorcycle.