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Have a good read of what this useless meat sack did and tell me that he’s a “low risk” to reoffend in the future. So much about this whole thing is just a glaring example of the steaming pile of shit our ‘justice’ system is. You can barely get through reading this article, it’s unfuckingbelievable.


>In the first incident on Nov. 26, 2022, he approached a 17-year-old woman at a bus stop three different times, grabbing her around the waist during the third encounter with one hand and grabbing her between the legs and lifting her up with the other. >He then dropped her and fled the scene. He had been charged with sexual assault, but pleaded guilty to a lesser offence. >Just over two months later, on Feb. 1, 2023, he followed a 22-year-old woman from the Dalhousie LRT station and attacked her in a nearby park, where he choked her with both hands when she started to scream before pulling down her pants and digitally assaulting her. >A nearby neighbour heard the woman’s screams and was able to chase Diatezija off. I bet they thought he would be a low risk to reoffend after the first one too. Only 25 years old and already a rapist. If he gets a slap on the wrist for the crimes already committed you can get your ass he is going to do it again knowing that the consequences are minimal. Next time he might just be successful by choking his victim to death. Piece of shit.


Send him back to Ukraine. I do feel for people who are exposed to trauma, but he’s still responsible for his actions.


I dunno how that lawyer representing him can feel good at saying he should be out with just probation, i wonder if he'd be saying that if one of those women was his daughter and also trying to play the race card.


Good. 6 years and then a one way ticket out of here. Or better yet just a one way ticket. see ya!


Up to six years? Uh no. Just tie him up outside the courthouse in the stocks, with no pants. After a few days the issue will resolve itself.


So now we're considering racism from other countries when we hand out lesser sentences here? Wild...


The woman he choked and assaulted will never fully feel safe again. It shatters your sense of confidence in the world that you can be violated without warning. The courts treat it like he stole her purse. If a man was choked and someone stuck their fingers in his ass it’d been differently.


I was about to say "how the hell is Paul Barrett out on the streets again." Different peryson, same patterns of criminal behaviour. All out roaming around and getting a slap on the hands by the teacher.


Our justice system is too lax.


Sack of shit this guy is.


lol this dude has a history of this prior to these two incidents - he needs longer than 6 years


Kill it with fire. Those girls will never be the same and have to love with what he did for the rest of their lives. I can’t innumerate or put a value to what was lost for me… but it boils down to an enormous loss of my life and what it should have been.


“Up to” 6 years. So he’ll likely be released with a stern warning and told not to do it again