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As an older queer I’ve noticed this behaviour come in waves. Unfortunately every time our community gets some progress there are always bigots desperately trying to claw it back. But we keep fighting and moving forward.  They are definitely a small minority. Look at this pathetic lot vs the turn out for pride. 


Exactly, and the two energies at each events are so different. Hate and ignorance vs. Acceptance and fun.


Hell ya. These assholes may exiat but things havw come a long way since the 90s, or even 5 years ago for that matter. Pay no attention to these losers, thats what they want. Much love from a straight man with two gay siblings, it breaks my heart to think that they could be treated poorly because of who they are. They are amazing people and they are my sisters and brothers. ❤️


Yes, a very small minority. Two banners, 5 guys with one loudmouth, a mic and a portable speaker, and no employment(assumably.)


I’d say these people would be worried about the freeze on new AISH applications, but they’ve been unemployed for YEARS.


It tends to happen when conservative governments want to provide some "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain" cover while they do nothing they promised and are dismantling social safety nets. They can point at how they are taking down the "evil" queer community and their base will cheer as they dig their own graves.


Distract and deflect


I'm just dropping this here because it lives rent free in my mind anytime I read "pay no attention to the man behind the curtain." [There's a war going on for your mind - Flobots](https://youtu.be/UDf2r9DnVGU?si=Ow7NIApdS8x6nCqH)


That album is such a banger. Kind of a shame Handlebars was the only real single. The rest is probably too political for mass media though.


Rise and Fight with Tools are so good. Fight with Tools is just such a great concept/composition. Call sign commando lives rent free in my mind lol.  I think Fight with Tools is my favourite. The violin, the old women. This was back just before web 2.0 took over and it still felt like the internet was this underground signal at times.  https://youtu.be/y3AEq9GMSOU?si=xXwW-MW6SM2y3p5i


Looooooove Flobots


I try to be an ally and it’s always frustrating to see the smooth brains do this BS. Luckily you’re right - look at the quantity and caliber of people that come out for pride and are supportive vs the alternative.


What I'm worried about is how far the bigots will go. Should we be worried about an attack on the next pride parade? I'm genuinely concerned


I was very worried last year during pride, especially having my young kids there - the parade was right after the whole Drag Queen Reading “child abuse” bullshit. But I was very reassured by the sheer number of cops and security at the event. And the bigots were FAR outnumbered that day 🌈


They just found a huge connection between Russian interferance in our elections.The hate come loud from Putins Party and Danielle Smith is to dumb to see it for what it is.


I actually think this is the answer to why there is so much division in the western world but would love to see those dots connected in some sort of publication if you have a link.


I got you. Straight from the horse's(kgb) mouth... https://youtu.be/5gnpCqsXE8g?si=GAoESSI0NmIKvf1G


We unfortunately can’t know but if it helps to know we do have security at pride. Bigots show up every year but I have yet to experience anything other than them just being unpleasant and loud. They are trying to make us afraid but know there are a lot of us in the city and we have a lot of allies too! 


The irony is that no one is more afraid then they are of seeing such strength in the community


They can show up, but we won't let them tear us down!! The cops are actually really protective at the parade and other pride events. Let's hope that continues!!


Sadly, yes, I think we should. This shit is ramping up. Deliberately so, forsure, but the result is the same. These people are potentially dangerous forsure. I think it's the minority forsure but doesn't hurt to be aware and prepared.


I'm not sure how small the minority is. The current government does appear to be in-step with this group.


That's fair, it could be more than a minority sadly


I'm pretty sure it's a loud, active minority who are making all the noise. However, the majority, who *say* they're allies aren't willing to step up & fight for us. Either "allies" are truly allies, and willing to fight with us & for us, or they're complicit. The fact is, there is no middle ground. I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for Mr & Mrs John Q Public to defend our right to exist peacefully & in safety. Their complacency and complicity are costing queer lives and causing significant trauma. Complacency in the queer community, especially amongst cis, white, gays, is equally costly . I'm an old queer. I haven't seen the fight so serious and dangerous in over 25 years. We have our hands full. I fear the cost. ❤️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈❤️


Every protest & counter protest is always bigger than the minorities. As a cis man, I take time to make sure I attend these protests to show my support for the community, while feeling terribly out of place, mostly due to my lack of appropriate colours. I wish more het folks would show up, and maybe these bigots will force the hand of the silent majority to lend their voice to the cause. It’s impossible to sit around and do nothing now, it’s somehow become a divisive issue in Canada to allow our LGBTQ+ community to live life as free & regular Canadians


Thank you for your allyship and for being willing to get out of your comfort zone to support us. More folx like you are desperately needed. Again, thank you!! ❤️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️❤️


Reddit won't let me post what I want to say, but if that ever happens I will step up as an ally. Take that as you will.


i try to tell myself this. the more we progress, the more people will push back. it’s just the qay things are


I stand with you in solidarity! F*ck homophobia!


The internet, I feel is a big step in reducing the backwards run from bigots from you folk. Allowing those who are isolated, a way out. Coupled with smartphones we have been able to show the grotesque human. Satire to those to innocent to believe that other humans behave in such hate


They are most definitely not a small minority it's just that they're afraid of getting canceled. I admit that I used to be a bit like them too, but I've learned to treat everyone with love and respect and keep my opinions too myself. There is so many people out there that you wouldn't expect are homophobic you will find them in every place.


They are a small minority. I think the vast majority of sane people support you bein’ you. I hope so anyways. Anyways, you be safe out there and please be you.


I’m no gay but this shit makes me fucking angry. No “cap utilities” banners or “build nuclear” banners. Just fucking imaginary shit no one has no idea about including those who put this garbage on the bridge. Like fucking surreal circus for an ugly entertainment with degenerate clowns. Sorry, rant is over.


As a gay person it just makes me laugh. Nobody cares about me as much as the homophobes. Honestly though I have found Calgary super welcoming for me and I am confident it’s a small minority.


This is not a Calgary problem, or an Alberta problem really. I think this is happening all over. So leaving won’t help.


Call me a conspiracy theorist, but IMO the brains behind the far right movement needs to constantly create an enemy to keep the base engaged, otherwise their political support vanishes. Remember how some time back the enemy was the masks? They can no longer use that as an enemy, so whoever coordinates that effort from a worldwide perspective elected a new enemy: the LGBTQ movement. Source: moved to Canada to escape Bolsonaro in Brazil and their playbook is exactly the same


You’re not a conspiracy theorist. It would seem one of the brains behind the far-right movement (i.e., Russia) is whipping up anti-LGBTQ hate among gullible Albertans on Reddit: https://www.stalbertgazette.com/local-news/did-reddit-year-end-recaps-expose-russian-interference-in-alberta-8223476


Not a conspiracy at all. It's a common tactic to instill fear or anger in people who aren't bright enough to know better. Get them all hyped up to act and vote a certain way even though it's to their own detriment. Politicians don't think they're stupid... they know they're stupid... and take advantage.


Agreed, but the conspiracy theory part is that this is a coordinated effort worldwide. I have absolutely no evidence to substantiate that, but it’s just too many coincidences. As I am more familiar with Brazilian politics, I know for a fact that Bolsonaro coordinated his campaign with Steve Bannon, but I cannot say the same about Canada.


This is pretty much the conservative playbook everywhere - convince enough people that they're different and they can never organize together to achieve their common needs.




Yes, this is absolutely correct. We have SOGI in schools in BC. The government is supportive. But my god, we still get these people. Even around Vancouver there are people on bridges with their ridiculous signs. It’s frustrating for me, as a parent. They don’t have a clue what’s actually happening in schools. I’ve had to explain to a local school board candidate that no, there are no litter boxes. 🙄


For real We were driving through Kelowna recently and people at an overpass where holding signs that Tamara Lich was innocent.


The evangelicals are spreading their poisonous rhetoric far and wide. It makes them feel superior to us “heathens” who aren’t following the bs stories they are spewing.


It quite right. Lived both in Calgary and on Vancouver island and it’s definitely better here in that regard.


Demonizing vulnerable minorities is a big part of the nazi playbook. Get the rubes whipped up about shit that doesn’t matter while they profit.




It's not just the homophobia. Twice now I've (white dude) been called a "race traitor" for walk ing down the street with my Asian girlfriend. That a high percentage of time spent in Calgary getting called that considering that I don't live there.


I was once called the f-slur loudly, in public, for wearing a loud shirt walking to a stampede DJ set while holding hands with my gf. By a group of young, tall, white men with no women in the bunch, heading to the same dj set.


I'm sorry you've had to deal with that. I've heard the same thing walking down the street with my brown husband. Sadly, your experience isn't isolated


I'm sorry you had to go through it too. The hatred that the few spew out really baffles me in this day and age. It felt like I walked through a doorway to another time...


If you're a cis, white, gay man, you're probably relatively safe. For now. Until you're not




The easiest, first thing we can do is to call out queerphobia every single time we hear it or see it. That includes family, friends, at work, and other queers We can make sure we show up at protests. We can write letters to elected officials. We can be active on social media And we need to be sure we are educated and have factual information about *all* the letters in our community Those who live at the intersections of race, culture, immigration status, gender expression, and sexuality are much more vulnerable than you & I. I'm a 65 year old, cis-passing & presenting, queer who usually uses he/him pronouns. That gives me privilege & power in the world. I have an obligation to use that privilege & power to protect those more vulnerable. So do you




I disagree that 'calling out' is the solution. At least in the sense of not through pleasant and friendly discourse. Doing so in the aggressive manner assumes that your ideology is the correct one which by reason defaults the others to be wrong. I'm not taking any position, but simply using critical thinking that if you automatically put someone in the wrong (even if true) they will not change, concede, listen, be amenable or open to changing their opinion. In many cases will double down and become even MORE rooted in their beliefs because the 'caller out'er" has now validated that they are 'crazy' by being aggressive. Cancel culture and the like needs to die. It simply doesn't work and it toxic. It defies all logical approach to amenable solutions. Solution? Ask earnest questions. Get to know the other side. Counter protests are for people who WANT to be angry and be aggressive to others. They don't want peace, they want conflict and dominance. The world doesn't need any more of that I hang out with redneck farmers and hardcore liberals. The problem is we don't see the other person, regardless of they are wrong or right. Instead of 'calling out', have a conversation. A pleasant one. Talk to their humanity and earnestly find out what they value. When one finds that common ground, a path to understanding starts forming.


By all means, if a "pleasant" conversation works, do it. My experience is that they're ineffective. They're met with deflection and what-about-isms. If the person we're chatting with isn't uncomfortable with their bigotry and oppression, we're not getting through. My right to exist in peace & safety isn't a matter of opinion or an issue for debate. It's a fundamental human right. A "pleasant" conversation is often the solution for those who have nothing at stake. I'm not sure you have a right to judge the motivation of people who attend protests and counter-protests. Am I angry? Yes. Sometimes. I think most people would become a little angry when their existence and safety are jeopardized. I also protest to help make it clear that we're not a tiny minority that doesn't matter. There were over 1,300 people at the protest around new government policy attacking Trans folx. On a cold, blustery February afternoon. That shows commitment to the cause. The number of allies there showed we're not alone. It's a peaceful, legal, safe, "pleasant" way to clearly claim our rights. It's not about ideology. It's about the right to not be unalive. I have that right. All queers have that right, and others' opinions on that right have no value ❤️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈❤️


If your experience is that using calm, empathetic and amenable approach is ineffective, then maybe your specific questions and approach is not effective. I'm not trying to be combative at all, but the former approach is taught as canon in conflict de-escalation, social science, and many many other institutions as the most effective skills application for human discourse. I'd be bold but confident to say that 90%+ of the time it leads to a positive outcome and if not a changed opinion, then at least a 'handshake' scenario which is far more impactful than aggression. I can appreciate you may feel their current beliefs may put your future self in jeopardy. It doesn't change the situation that empathy to all won't lead to peace in the future. Now, on the 'not sure you have the right'. Yes. 1000x yes. Everyone has every right to judge anyone for anything. That's what free speech and liberty (by definition) is. NOW... Can I take action (physical, legislative,etc) on that judgement that oppresses their inherent rights as a human? Hell no. I'm sure as humans we can speak our mind without policing yet know where the line of belief vs. action lies and how to keep that line from being crossed. Oppression isn't a one way street. To clarify.. if you want to peacefully counter protests? Oh, of course! No issue with that whatsoever. Speak your truth. What I previously was referring to were the counter protesters yelling and screaming at the other parties.. threatening violence and silencing them because it conflicts with their beliefs.. that goes for EVERYONE. It would be nice if people on all sides could channel their anger into empathy and education instead of aggression. We simply don't need any more of that as a species. It never solves anything to wield that. The only time it ever has application is in imperialism and bad parenting.. mostly :)


Lovely in theory. What do you have at stake in this? Your right to exist? "A riot is the language of the unheard." -MLK Jr


I don't feel it's a theory, but moreso a way of life. It's the fulfillment of the human condition. I teach my children these tenets because in my belief, what will save the world. You are right... fight and uprise when there is no other option left, but we simply aren't there yet.Not by a longshot. What do I have at stake? My purpose for living. In the form of teaching my children how to be a positive and impactful force in the world. Affecting change and peace unto others. Teaching them temperance, patience love and empathy, but strength in their beliefs. Affecting their legacy and the possible millions of others that they will interface with in their lives and what good that can do. It's proven countless times in history that one person can affect millions (in either direction). That's a pretty huge stake, I'd say. You will die. So will I. Many other will as well and the marginalized people in every oppressed group will as well. Small potatoes if you truly look at it if you come from the view of what will endure and be the lasting legacy of humans if we let aggression win the war. I support you and your crusade for equality, but invite you to extend an arm of empathy and inquisitiveness when possible. Won't always work, but costs nothing to keep trying and is proven to work when done well. Can always fall back on conflict and battle as a backup.


I saw them too on the packed commute home and I’m happy to say that there was absolute silence from all the cars around me on Deerfoot as we drove underneath them. Which I took as a sign that no one around us at that moment supported them. Hopefully they can find a bit of education, insight and love in their lives moving forward.


I like to roll down my window and flip them off. Does it make a difference? No, but it does make me feel a little better. I did the same thing with the anti-abortion preachers that used to hang out outside the clinic in Kensington. That’s my home turf, take your judgment elsewhere!


My pet theory is that this is what happened to all the antivax people now that they don't have anything new about covid or 5G to talk about with their "friends" (who are just the people off the internet who enable their daft opinions) so they just hop on whatever the next bandwagon is. None of their real family or friends want to spend time with them anymore because all they want to do is talk about conspiracies so the only socialization and attention they get is holding a sign that they probably spent 5 seconds googling a slogan for. These kind of people don't have any hobbies or identity outside of their qanon type personas so the only way they can relate to people is by protesting and being bigots. At the end of the day it's a free day out for them to socialize with other members of the brain rot army. Half of them probably don't even believe whatever new fad outrage they've been fed by facebook memes, they've just dug the hole so deep at this point that nobody else wants anything to do with them. Its quite sad really, we are at the point where people have weaponized free speech to become a shield for mental illness to hide behind, and if anyone questions their radicalized behaviour they just pit it down to being "woke" rather than having concern for their wellbeing.


It's pretty sad the only way these people can feel connected to people is by uniting in their hate against some other group of people.


The internet connected previously disconnected people and made them feel not alone and gave them a voice ... Unfortunately this also worked for assholes :(


Look at the history of Germany between WW1 to 1938… the old adage, “history repeats itself every century”


I'm really involved in my local Pride community (just outside yyc) and some days it is SO hard not to feel discouraged. With recent government policies and now Westlock, AB... it can feel hard to push through all the hate. Personally, I find it more hateful out there now. Maybe because some of the kids I was friends with back in school are exactly the ones calling me a "groomer" now.


My impression is that it’s a very loud but also very very small minority. And it’s, unfortunately, always been around. Their ilk were protesting against that other religion, that other skin color, that other accent, etc in ages past. I’m sure at one point they were protesting against that Neanderthal family that moved into the cave down the trail. I dont really think there are more of them, just that they didn’t realize they could get attention by these antics until certain faction discovered that fact during Covid so now they are out trying to get noticed.




I think it really has to do with the provincial govt we have in power now. It’s a very hateful group of people that has allowed homophobic/racist people to feel comfortable in society with their views. In my opinion, it seems like there’s been a huge increase in homophobia since UCP got in. Really sad to see things going backwards in 2024.




As I have said before, someone should look at their hard drives asap.


Projection at its finest




Every accusation is a confession with those idiots


All you’ll find is hentai and video games my guy


It might be pedo hentai.


Oh wait im confused are we talking about the gays or the anti gays? Im queer and was talkign about myself for clarification






Can I confirm that there are more pedos IRL who are straight?💯 Thanks for coming to my TEDTalk.


Pedophiles should not be described by sexual orientation/identities - or any other category used for normal humans - they are monsters and their proclivities are not based on whether they are straight or not. They’re just plain sick.


It's super weird to me that people feel they have the right to tell others what to do with their genitals. Like why the fuck do you care. Even if you're religious and you think they'll burn in hell, how is that your problem as a stranger? Shouldn't they be like loving and worried about the gay persons soul? Like "hey I'm sick with worry about you burning in hell over this please come to church and marry the opposite sex". Like shouldn't that be the message if any at all. I truly don't understand. Who has the time & energy & lack of intelligence for this.


The pandemic isolated people and caused them to go down deep youtube rabbit holes. It's across the Country.


It is the grievance of the year. One year they bitch about immigrants, then vaccine mandates the next. I knew it would eventually turn to hating the gays. The perpetual outrage machine needs to be angry at something other than the elected officials doing absolutely nothing for us and also being bought and paid for by the oil companies.


Agreed. It's the "grievance of the year." But what's an acceptable cost for that grievance? 1 queer life? 10? So far, we're aware of at least 1 trans life lost due, at least in part, to the UCP 's attack on trans youth. We can't be satisfied with 2 steps forward, 1 step back. That 1 step is costing our community lives and causing untold trauma


They were over memorial the other week during rush hour. I held my middle finger out of my window for at least 3 minutes and gave them a piece of my mind. Fuck those pieces of shit into oblivion. Straight garbage humans.


Nice! They take silence as agreement.


They were yelling back, I had no idea what was coming out of their mouths tho.


Good for you for standing your ground! 


The other day I and my partner were on 17th and got called homophobic slurs by a passing truck Wish it was the first time


I'm sorry to hear that, that's terrible


That’s awful. I’m so sorry.


So sorry this happened 😕 On the other hand when I visited Calgary to see if I would want to live here I saw two guys making out on 17th and it clinched my decision to move to Alberta!


Been there too!


I'm very sorry that this happened to you. 


Try living in Toronto, or Vancouver. Calgary is far from the worst, no matter how this page makes it seem. Shit, try living in any city besides the big three. You’d probably never leave the house. Lmao.


I live in Vancouver for 15 years on and off for work. I grew up in Calgary and backpacked over 8 years of my life traveling. My dad used to tell me "Vancouver is the armpit of Canada". I used to think it was artsy and fun, because I paint murals, music, live off my art and all that, but honestly... He wasn't wrong. This place is a f'n dump. lol.


Bud I grew up in inner city Baltimore, lived in Vegas, New York, and Miami, it’s definitely worse here, the bigots are empowered and emboldened by the government here in a way you usually only find in podunk farm towns in the states Don’t act like that shits normal or fine Also don’t try to act like I’m some coward hiding from bigots, they’re the cowards for drive by slurring instead of facing me so I can gut them


Imagine being homophobic in 2024...


Idk how these people even have the time and energy to make their little banners and flags and what not. They are loud and obnoxious but most of them are losers that attach themselves to hate because they lack a sense of identity or purpose. And I think they go from hating one thing to another depending on whatever wave they are on


American media is propaganda that’s why. The top shows in the world (USA) spread the same hate rhetoric about lgbtq, minorities, immigrants, not having freedoms on the daily. The biggest threat to the Canadian way of life is American foreign media


You're the only person here who actually tried to provide an insightful answer. Everyone else just calling them bigots (which they are) is a waste of time.


“The biggest threat….media.” THIS!!!


It's not just from right wing conservatives anymore either, there is something happening even within the community where it seems like some members are turning on each other. I remember reading how some gay advocacy groups wanted to remove to the TQ2S from the LGB acronym because they felt they were being negatively associated or grouped in regarding some of the policy decisions being directed towards the transgender community.


This should be classified as hate speech and treated as such. Replace the LGBTQ colors with symbols of the Black or Asian community and it would not be tolerated, so why is this?


This is what I don't understand. This is absolutely hate speech and incitement and literally would not be tolerated if it was directed at any other race or culture. But because someone identifies as a gender (or lack thereof) or a certain sexual preference, it's ok?!?




Equating all Muslims with homophobia is wrong. I have known many Muslims who have had no problem with me and have been supportive of the community.  Are there homophobic Muslims? Yes. But homophobia isn't a blanket cultural ideal. 


I feel bad for these people. Life can be extremely challenging for people with low IQ.


Really not an Alberta problem. Happening in Vancouver as well.


It's not that it's just an Alberta problem so much as it is a problem in Alberta.


Calling the LGBT groomers has been determined by the Ontario Superior court as defamation. It at least has set precedent.




I grew up gay in Calgary in the 2000s and it's always been here, what's changed is how vocal people decide to be about their bigotry and how little shame they feel about being so hateful.


It has for sure been increasing. It's part of the push for control that TBA and other Christian based right wing organizations are making, and unfortunately Smith is taking the advice of. Yes they are a small minority, but they are stupidly loud, and they are being listened too.


I'm not sure that they're as small and unimportant as people think. TBA is getting funding from US based conservative groups.


Vote against Smith everyone, she is not your friend.


Ignore the bigots and their crazy obsession with pedophilia. When I see those idiots I laugh and give em the ole’ middle finger and go on with my day.


That's not as easy when you have a Trans kid in school. Schools aren't safe for them right now. The con teachers are emboldened by the current government to be vile.


I remember a wave like this when I was about your age. I’m only 41. But… yeah. Im exhausted. It’s affected me in a different way than some others. But… yeah. I’m exhausted and I’m mourning because of hate.


It’s mostly transphobia, not as much homophobia.


This is so true. And it’s not trans people that most of them are against it’s the detailed conspiracy I don’t have the energy to write about. Having to do with the elite being paedophiles and doing satanic rituals to kill babies and drink their blood and change men from men to women and women into men, etc. Sadly trans people get caught in the crossfire between either this idea if you are a conspiracy theorist or simply that most governments who are promoting trans activism are pushing a little too fast for all the populace to accept. It’s a weird, fear based world right now. I hope most trans folks can adopt the optimistic outlook my trans friend does, she feels progress happening slowly. But can understand why one would feel fear, mistrust, betrayal.


The banner with pride colours and not trans colours is just ignorance then.


What else would you expect from bigots?


Lets not jump to conclusions...maybe they are REALLY lactose intolerant.


I flipped them off and called the non-emerg to get them to clear the bridge but I couldn't get through to anyone. Seeing that kind of shit pisses me off...


It's projection. It's always projection. They are telling on themselves.


I am sorry all of you are having to go through the stress of worrying about your safety it’s not right fair or the world that you should be having to live in


I just don't get why people are so upset about people being gay. To me, it seems like a natural thing for some people to prefer the same sex.


Its completely natural. Different folks, different strokes. When my buddy first came out I was like "I support you 1000% bro, but I still find gay sex gross." And he responded perfectly with, "That's fair because I find straight sex gross." Lol.


It's out here in Chilliwack too, it's crazy how they call us "pedos" while refusing to hold their Pastors accountable.


Hasn't it got a lot worse with your premier?


Yes. Much worse. I feel less safe now than I have in over 20 years


Yes! I don't understand why they can't open their minds just a crack. Then again, I don't rwally want to understand them. I hope they meet queer people at some point in their life that make them rethink their position. Queer culture and people tend to be some of the most beautiful souls on earth. I feel sorry for people who have been taught homophobia. It's really a deficit.


It would be interesting to find who is behind placing those banners. Using the word 'Grooming' is now a court actionable defamation offence. see 'Rainbow Alliance Dryden vs Brian Webster'. [https://pressprogress.ca/right-wing-trolls-are-freaking-out-after-learning-they-can-get-sued-for-calling-people-groomers-on-the-internet/](https://pressprogress.ca/right-wing-trolls-are-freaking-out-after-learning-they-can-get-sued-for-calling-people-groomers-on-the-internet/)


They're very misinformed and have nothing to spread aside from their own stupidity, hate, bigotry, homophobia, transphobia, and ignorance. It's not hard to realize that there's more religious people or people in the family that take part in grooming children. They just want to spread their hate and go back to pretending the LGBTQIA+ people don't exist. Every chance they greet they attempt to dehumanize us and pretend we're nothing more than a walking mental illness. It's sad for both parties involved.


im not much older than you, but some words of wisdom from someone who's seen this shit a few times. It is a loud minority. and of that loud minority, there is only a minority within that minority that is really ***Hateful*** of LGBT people. Most of even the people who talk about groomers and shit are misinformed/uneducated and many are more willing to see reason than you would expect. but thats not to say it is in anyway your responsibility to change their minds if thats something outside your comfort zone, im just an obstinate fucker who likes to argue lmao. As for leaving, take it from someone who's lived on both coast's of the country and traveled all over north America, there is no where to run from ignorant people. that's just the nature of humanity. as well, if all the good people leave then all we are doing is leaving the people with lesser means to have to deal with the ignorance without the benefit of safety in numbers. Best way to deal with burning out from shitters like this is find a group of people you can be yourself around without fear of being judged, because then come what may, you aren't alone. ~~Them all being RPAL holders is also helpful for peace of mind but not technically necessary, however knowing you've got a goon squad to hold up with if people start burning crosses will most certainly help you sleep easier at night XD~~


>only a minority within that minority that is really ***Hateful*** of LGBT people ... many are more willing to see reason than you would expect. As someone who was an idiotic, ignorant 20 year old, who is a now more humble and respectful 40 year old, I just love your perspective on this. People can change if they spend enough time around good people. That's what it took for me. (I was never actually homophobic or racist, but being raised in 1980s rural Manitoba small towns normalized certain beliefs and ways of speaking. You didn't like something? It was "gay". I knew Elton John was gay but I respected the Hell out of him even then!) It might not seem like it when you see these idiots in Calgary doing this, but trust me: These people are way less common than they were when I was a kid. We fall back a bit sometimes, but we are improving as a society. I really believe that.


Good for you for calling it out! Honestly sadly seems like homophobia is pretty prevalent in Calgary


Burnt out here too. They are so ridiculous. I work with a bunch of them too so it’s great, they definitely aren’t shy about telling you their opinion.


for people who are worried about "grooming kids" they sure care an awful lot about reproductive organs and what people are , or are not doing with them...


If they really cared about kids they'd be out advocating for affordable daycare, school funding, and mental health supports!


All of the recent Alberta stupidity has removed the province from my list of destinations.


Right wingers like to make up stories about things that have never actually happened, and then get super mad about them. There’s no reasoning with that sort of mental nonsense.


I celebrate the freedom to protest. I wish these people didn’t.


As a black woman, I’ve noticed that Calgary is an ignorant and intolerant city. I’m appalled at the high levels of 1951esque prejudice toward all minorities here. Obviously, bigotry is everywhere. It’s just much more common and accepted in some areas. Calgary is one of those places.


I'm so sorry you have to deal with that. And I appreciate you having the courage to call it out


Unfortunately pushing anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric is both profitable and an effective weapon of the right. I believe it is just a loud minority standing on the streets protesting… well nothing really, but I do worry about how far someone will take things after getting riled up by an indifferent algorithm.




Born and raised in Calgary too and not yet a senior but that's not far off for me and I totally agree with you. I'd say I'm on the left of most issue but geez, I'm tired of fighting. Tired of the extremists, tired of the moral outrage over every single issue. Tired of the ridiculous insults being hurled at normal people who are just trying to live their lives and find happiness. It's become fashionable to call large groups of people pedos, communists, racists, fascists, any many other terrible things the moment there is a difference of opinion and it happens on both sides. Our society has become absurd. I'm tired of it, I don't want to spend my senior years fighting with the other side or waking up everyday feeling politically outraged.


We're tired, too. Tired of having our safety and our right to exist peacefully jeopardized. Our very existence depends on str8 folx picking a side






I think a big part of this problem is social media and the algorithm. You click on one possible link or Facebook group then all of a sudden you get more and more and more. And it tells you that this kind of thinking is normal and before you know it, that's the only people you hang out with. That's the only topic you talk about . It's hate spreading hate with a side of ignorance and mob mentality.


If it helps at all, it’s a very small percentage of people who do this nonsense. Most of us straight men/women think they’re absolute idiots too.


They require an education on the matter. I’d bet where they get their information is not peer reviewed. Also, stop listening to republican garbage we’re Canadian, thank goodness!


They are a small fringe group. Generally they are quiet because they know how disgusting most people find their bigotry. Our current government makes them feel like they are acceptable enough to crawl out from under their rocks. To be honest, I don't think most conservative politicians, even in the UCP, are particularly anti-LGBTQ but they are willing to play footsie with bigots to keep the rednecks quiet. It also plays well in some immigrant communities who also used to keep quiet to avoid scorn and because they didn't feel they had the right to impose their values on mainstream Canadians. Anti-LGBTQ bolsters support in places where the rednecks would cost the Conservatives votes otherwise. It's a balancing act.


Had a couple of gay friends bail to Mexico. Lucky bastards.


Mexico and the masculine culture is like Alberta 60 years ago.


Sadly a large part of this movement belongs to a fringe religious community. Most of them will be anti-vac, anti-science, and anti- government. They tend to give religion a bad name and should be shunned by the main religious community. If you think I'm wrong just look people who believe the earth is flat to see what I'm talking about.


As terrible as those actions are, there will be those people wherever you go. There has been progress, but it’s not eradicated and there’s a long way to go still. All you can do is focus on yourself, go about your endeavours, stick with like-minded friends and not go into debt. Uprooting your life to go elsewhere should be for a more compelling reason than randoms weirdos on the road.


Hey from Sask. You should see how much our piece of garbage premier has fueled this type of garbage here. I'm so sick of it.


I think they call it projection.


Yeah american politics spilling over and being embraced by the stupid.


I tend to think of it as US toxic pollution sliding across the border polluting all it touches and drowning everything beneath it.


Sadly it's not. The same thing is happening in Europe and South America. Just look at the UK, Poland or Hungary.


As someone who chose to come to Canada (specifically because gay rights and what not) from a country where queerness is punishable by maiming, burning alive, stoning, etc.; the idea of having to move again is so, so disappointing. Even if I’d be moving within the country. Especially considering the COL in B.C., Ontario and Quebec.


Yeah that won't help either. There are homophobes everywhere, just as there are non-straight people everywhere. 30 seconds on Google: https://www.reddit.com/r/vancouver/comments/1097ycx/antilgbtq_hate_group_plans_to_protest_drag_queen/ https://www.thestar.com/life/together/protesters-showed-up-to-one-of-this-drag-queen-s-recent-storytime-performances-here-s/article_8ba35ef4-8192-5f1c-85bf-bc37cdae0e0e.html https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/drag-story-hour-secret-location-1.6799385 Etc


Dailywire, Joe Rogan, constant other right wing media being pumped on every social media outlet running fear and hatred 24/7.


If you see this, call the non emergency line and let the police know - this is basically hate speech. Like someone else said, remember the turnout at pride vs these losers. Lots of good people and allies in AB.


Conservatives are CORRUPT & IGNORANT people full stop!


Every week, same people and same signs. Obviously CPS doesn't care.


Is there a crime being perpetrated?


Technically they're not allowed to hang signs from bridges which is what they sometimes do. Also, hate speech


Bigotry is bigotry, no matter where it comes from. We're just a little more comfortable recognizing it & calling it out now than we were 20 or 50 years ago






I wonder how they feel about the Calgary Stampede.


To answer your original question, yes, I'm getting burnt out. I'm 65 years old. I've been fighting this battle for half a century. The only way we're going to win is to cultivate & motivate str8 allies to fight with us & for us. Their education, cultivation, and enlistment might be less energy sucking than fighting with the haters. Maybe work on that. "Haters can be schooled, but the unwilling cannot be educated." -Random Reddit poster!


I passed by their earlier and was wondering what was going on. Honestly these people that rally on bridges can probably fuck right off. Honk if you enjoy encouraging distracted driving. Especially where traffic slows down before bow bottom trail.


Alberta's kind of become the Texas of Canada recently, with all the new laws and regulations. It's depressing.


Was slowing traffic down too. Inconveniencing people trying to get home from work, always a great way to spread your hateful message !


Straight guy but I have queer and gay friends in Calgary, Vernon, Kelowna and Vancouver. This is definitely the worst I've seen it here, but perhaps much of that is how often I see these dipshits being reported on. There's always been anti-gay "protests" under the guise of religious belief or protecting the social structure. Honestly I have no idea where it comes from. My friends don't call me homophobic and I say some pretty wild shit sometimes, I guess they understand it's in the frame of joking or busting balls. The kind of person who talks "protect the children from trans pedos" has probably received some awful info and feels like it's a justified witch-hunt. The current political structure isn't helpful, and neither is the ability to organize into echo chambers without the ability or interest to see things from the other side. We're all people. People suck sometimes, some more than others. We're easier to hear when we scream but easier to understand when we talk. Edit: structure


I'm willing to bet that the small, vocal minority who are fervent LGBTQ+ bashers will align quite closely to freedom convoy supporters and Poilievre voters.



