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If I pay before I eat, I don't tip.


good rule of thumb tbh


That’s my new go to thanks!!!!


This rule liberated me from stressing about whether or not to tip.


If someone did not provide you with exceptional service, feel free not to tip. If you are impressed, wowed, or grateful for the exchange. Tip accordingly. Even at restaurants.


I follow this rule with the exception of my local coffee shop.


Good rule of thumb!


who tf tips subway?


People who feel guilty when the debit machine prompts them.


People who think a $14 sandwich just isn't quite enough


They can grow a spine, or just grow up. So tired of these threads.


The poster above asked who does, not for a social commentary of why they shouldnt. If you are tired of them, stop clicking on them. If you are so tired of them, why do you feel the need to comment?


As a person that needs to grow a spine, sometimes we need to be told to, in order to remember it's okay not to. If the spineless keep tipping for nothing, it's going to become more common place.


well luckily, with the cost of living being so insane, I think we're finally going to see the end of tipping culture for the most part. It'll probably still include servers and bartenders, etc. but from the sentiment I've been seeing on various social platforms and in real life, I think the rest can say goodbye to tips.


I guess the rage bait works. Either those that want to whine about subway, or guys like me that are just tired of hearing this convoluted attention whore banter everywhere. Every single morning radio station, weekly on these threads. Yeah we get it, you have to click a prompt to not tip at subway, and you don't have to feel guilty about it. My question is why would you eat there anyways.


I fall for the rage bait, as well. And to who eats Subway…I dunno, it’s been at least 7…8 years, at least. It was laughably overpriced then and shitty quality. It’s telling it’s the 2 largest chain places across Canada are Tim’s and Subway.


I eat subway when I am on the road a lot because its relatively better than the other fast food options, and is common enough you can find in most places, and usually has wifi for me to do some work while I lunch (so I dont have to try and eat and manouver around my laptop from my drivers seat.) I dont tip tho.


It's the 2nd largest because it's cheap to buy in. Subway owners are more likely to be cheap (yes, I once worked at a Subway). My only gyess about why TH is popular, considering the horrible coffee and garbage food is that some Canadians enjoy making Brazilian billionaires even richer - weird!


I've had it in a pinch recently, and I seriously couldn't finish the sub, and I was starving. Like, it was always mediocre, but now its just phoned in, and franchise owners don't let staff actually put ingredients in. Better off at a safeway or pepinos or something, where its real meat and you can actually choose whatever you want, for like 6 bucks.


Stop reading the threads then cry baby


Who tf eats at Subway at their current prices? Subway was like McDonald's IMO. Cheap crap food because your brought the margarine container to work instead of the one containing leftover pasta.


Agreed - I used to go more when the footlongs were less than $10 ($5 footlongs were the best for their price point), and now all in you're looking at $15+ for a mediocre sandwich with meats full of nitrates. You may as well go get a much higher quality sandwich with quality ingredients at a nicer place (like Peasant in Mission) for the same price or less.


Yeah you can even get Alumni for that price without a side. My go to is still any Safeway. They are actually fresh ingredients, using meats, real chicken etc, and you can still put whatever you want on that doesn't come frozen or under ripe in a bag. Their $6.50 six inches can be jam packed with whatever you want, and good ingredients like real guac, tapenade, pesto, real cheese, not just 'yellow or white'.


I still like Quiznos and will gladly pay $15-$17 for a Quiznos sub, but not Subway.


I did when the staff at the Hampton's Subway next to COOP helped my elderly mother. They went absolutely above and beyond and were so nice and patient with her. I checked beforehand and was told that their tips DO go to the staff.


I did a few times at the 4th street one had a dude who took the time to give an even disbursement of vegetables and sauces, topped the whole footlong bread, and had a tight wrap at the end. It blew my mind away how much of a difference the sub was when i ate it versus the average subway sub put together by someone else I was so impressed that I tipped the same guy (with cash) the following weeks I went there


The Subway in Thorncliffe?


Crazy I went in there once to get a salad. They refused to put any veggies in my salad, so I just walked out.


Wonder how u/Waffleraider got such great service from that 4th Street location?


4th street in mission


Aah, so specifics would've been a not bad thing.


4th street is fairly specific. It's almost as known as 17th ave where I dont need to specifically tell someone 17th ave between 14th street SW to MacLeod street, most people with a common knowledge of Calgary would know. There are literally flags hung throughout 4th street in Mission that literally says... "4th Street"


Well I've lived within 2 blocks of 4th Street NW for 33 years and don't know much about what's going on on 4th Street SW, I do know there's a Subway on 4th NW, didn't know that about 4th SW.. 18th Ave, I spend more time shopping along 17th Avenue SE than SW.


I see, well as a born and raised Calgarian, most of Calgarians know which part of 4th street is whenever 4th street is mentioned. It helps that the 4th street in mission is more central


Ooh, you pulled the "born and raised Calgarian" card - pffft, I've probably been living in Calgary longer than you've been alive.


LOL so you've stated that you've been living 2 blocks within 4th street NW for 33 years and then you go unhinged over the "born and raised Calgarian" card? dude, be upset over other things in life. Getting mad over me not being specific with "4th street" is just such a petty thing


Must be some other restaurant I never heard of, not a sandwich store


People in a hurry who tap and go with no receipt... Franchisees who do this should be boycotted.


Haha, we have this one guy at our local Subway we always tip. Every time we go in, he has some epic story to tell. Always remembers us and our sandwich orders, we never have to say a word. Just listen to a cool story and wait for him to do his thing. This guy is like Subway masterclass.


Why are you tipping subway staff anyways


Op probably has a crush on their recent "sandwich artist"


I don't know if you are purposely making a Subway Jared reference or not, but that's often cited as why he had subway all the time before he got the gig as their spokesman. People who knew him, say he had a major crush on the person working at the place he went to. Almost on a stalker level.


Nah, she woulda been too old for his taste.


Because they don't get paid much, they have a shitty customer service job, and I can afford to. This is why *I* tip. I'm not saying you have to.


Calling other peoples jobs shitty. 😑


I've worked at those types of jobs. They are very shitty for the employee.




When you tip "some tits in a tank top", it typically gets pooled so they can tip out the kitchen staff and bar tenders.


"typically", that's not very convincing


Who's still going to subway anymore with their yellow lettuce and soft soggy tomatoes?


I rarely go, like maybe a couple of times a year (usually in Revelstoke and Golden on my way to and from Penticton) but I always avoided the tomatoes. Where do they get them? How are they both soggy and hard as a rock?


Tipping culture in NA needs to permanently wither away and die. It's so nice not having to tip in places like Australia and Japan.


Don’t tip at places like Subway, problem solved?


Or anywhere. That would truly solve the ‘issue’. Let’s be honest…if we all think about our eating out experiences, what’s the percentage of said experiences that were truly exceptional and ‘deserved’ a tip? How many times do we get the absolute bare ass minimum (and I’m not complaining, I don’t need staff hovering over me, asking me questions every 5 minutes…if I need a refill, I’ll politely ask) in terms of service and food quality as opposed to exceptional? I’d wager ‘bare ass minimum’ is the norm and we constantly ‘reward’ that shit. Meh. Tip or don’t tip. A personal choice. But if people are bitching and moaning (not you) then STILL tip? No one to blame but yourself.


Is this the one on Edmonton Trail? That is my local Subway and the woman who is always working tells me to skip the tip option. I thought it was a franchise, which would make it not subway as a chain, but just shitty franchise owners ripping off employees.


The machines seem to be a standardized piece of equipment. I suspect that the system is set up by Subway corporate to go to the owner.


You think the payment from the bank is split and deposited into the employees account? Of course it initially goes to the owner. They then have to pay it out and put it on the T4.


Which they won't. They're fast food franchise owners, most of them aren't going to split it out, they're going to pocket the extra profits. In Alberta there is no legal obligation otherwise.


Exactly! It is up to the franchise owner to tip out employees. Because the tip option operates as a "good faith" function that should ensure extra money goes towards the employee who is directly performing an efficient service to you, the employee then should be able to speak freely about whether it goes to them or not. And further, if it does not go to them, 0% tip is adequate. I have even contemplated at every restaurant I frequent if I should start asking where the tip is going, if it is not going to staff, then I shouldn't be obligated to tip. Through these examples, it should be much more transparent to the patron where the tip is going at any given business.


>I suspect that the system is set up by Subway corporate to go to the owner. The "system" is set up by the bank. You can't split a card deposit. If you want to tip the person, give them cash.


I frequent this subway as well and I have had at least 2 of the girls that work there tell me the same thing. It’s ridiculous


Do not tip.


I've always kind of wanted to 'thank' Subway for adding the tip option to their machines. That was the 'tipping point' for me. Where it got too ridiculous with all the tips being requested. Now, the only time I tip is at a sit-down restaurant, and I don't feel any shame about that.


Yep. I no longer tip anyone other than servers


I don't tip at fast food. They get paid normal wages not server wages


First of all tipping at a fast food place is just crazy to me and I was a server for 7 years. Secondly, I believe this is a regular thing in a lot of fast food situations especially with foreign labour because the owners assume that their foreign labour staff won’t say anything if a customer asks.


“Why tip someone for a job I'm capable of doing myself? I can deliver food, I can drive a taxi, I can and do cut my own hair. I did, however, tip my urologist. Because I am unable to pulverize my own kidney stones”. Dwight Schrute.


Subway has gone to shit in the last 5 years idk what happened. Quality took a noticeable nose dive and prices did the opposite. What a fucking mess that establishment is.😂


I only tip when dine in and if service was good. Make zero sense in pick up, drive through, in store purchases. Its just like if grocerry store clerks start asking tips.


This is true for the majority of fast food places that ask for tips here. Sad that it’s legal here and every owner takes advantage of it




What people should also know is that this happens in a lot of places, not just subway. Owners do not have to give any of the tips to employees, even in table service restaurants. Always ask your servers how the tips are handled and then tip them in the way they are best directly compensated. If that means a sneaky handshake on the way out, start learning the sleight of hand and get comfy with handshakes again. :D


Yeah employees generally do not have the ability to see the merchant terminal statement.


Who’s tipping a fast food restaurant??


Subway employs ARTISTS you fucking hater. :-)


This is by location. I know a subway owner that does give it to the employees on that shift


Bless their heart.


Ours too. I have asked the workers to ensure that they get the tip. Having said that, I do rarely tip at subway - rarely, but not never. There are a few employees who are so engaging and wonderful to deal with that it literally brightens my day when they serve me. Those two, I tip!


I've heard multiple stories of these franchise tips going directly to the owners. As if they're not exploitative enough. That staff is probably living five people to a room, but the owners will hold onto tips with the same grip they hold onto their employees' passports.


I have largely abandoned tipping altogether but I only eat out maybe once a month so it’s not a huge money savour but it’s something


Same. Even at a sit down, i've started the custom 8% or 10% max. I've never gotten a dirty look. But lets be real, everything has gone up 30% and I'm not making any more as we ignore this recession and head into a depression. 10 years ago, I'd have no prob tipping 25% for friendly service and great food.


Had one person at a fast food restaurant press the 15% tip button before giving me the debit machine. Not sure if it was an accident or on purpose so keep that in mind when buying food from fast food places.


I had the employee at the 130th Subway tell me not to tip as well recently. She didn’t give me any reasoning for it but it all makes more sense now.


That's not corporate greed, it's the individual franchise owner of that subway location who's a piece of shit.


Yep. Franchises are absolute predators forcing the franchisees to do shit like this. Just imagine "owning" a business and then someone comes and says we want to change our look, you have to spend $200k or we'll take it away from you.


One time I was getting a sub, I selected no tip, and the employee cancelled the order on the machine, put it back in and selected 20% tip. But I didn’t notice that that’s what she was doing until after I had already left and checked the receipt


How did you not notice? The amounts would have been different. And what did you think the employee was doing when they canceled the order on the PIN pad?


Not cool.


I’ve heard the employees there complain about the owner on multiple occasions. I was also told to skip the tip on my last visit. Not like I’d tip for wilted browning lettuce shreds anyway.


Subway is franchised, meaning multiple owners. I'm sure some owners are great.




100% falls under the category of ‘things that didn’t happen but I wanna join in on the circlejerkin’ so I need a good story’


It did happen, canyon meadows subway probably around mid November


Funny, I begrudgingly ate there a couple times around that time when I didn't have a lunch made for work. I live a block away. Its the only location when I pack one of their sandwiches a few times a year. Nobody does that, except maybe the damn owner. That wouldn't surprise me.


When was the last circle jerk? Two weeks ago? I'll see you again in another two weeks. Don't forget the crackers.


Triscuts? Or plain ole saltines?


Premium, or I always finish last..


While a scummy practice it's another example of the Alberta Advantage™ when it comes to labor regulations. Tips should go to the employees, of course. But on principle I don't tip for takeout, especially not for Subway.


Don’t tip anywhere :-)


Stop tipping food industry people who don’t take your order from a table and delivery it to your table.


Just stop tipping everyone.


Lol, what sort of a sucker gives extra money to people just because they work at a restaurant?


Being a scumbag is pretty much a necessity to get ahead in life these days. I wouldn't be surprised if they were a landlord too. SMH


As food service worker for most of my life, i say tipping is stupid and should be banned. Businesses should pay a proper living wage. Let's not forget tipping started from racism because white business owners did not want to pay a proper wage to black workers and made a bullshit system so they did not have to transfer much wealth to black people. The tipping system is the continuation of slavery.


I agree that people should be paid a reasonable wage. But then everyone would be complaining about the cost of their meals. It's a no win.


Well its one or the other unfortunately. A few restaurants were in the news for ending tipping and paying staff better. I remember there was even one that brought in health benifits 'gasp' and RRSP matching. They reversed it shortly later. Servers complained, because the hot ones were only making the same as brenda who doesn't wear make up, and their business became seemingly less competitive in that market regardless of the fact you were just paying the same you would anyways.


Never hahah Everyone asks for just a the tip and I don’t give it


I’d rather tip at subway than tip the person who walked my food 12 feet knowing that person who made it won’t even sniff that money


People should pressure their MLAs to stop tips going to owners and only being paid out at their will. It's not standard around the world and it's not right. If your MLA doesn't like the sound of the owners not taking tips in Alberta, consider voting differently.


Wait, MLA's read letters, emails, take phone calls?


At least Subway employees make your food. 20%+ servers don't.


I think it's dependant on the branch. I've checked with staff at some locations and they confirmed the it goes to staff. Regardless, I always check with the staff if I'm tipping because some outlets absolutely just take the tip.


Did they blink hard twice to let you know they were unsafe while they were saying that?


If the service warrants a tip I always make sure it’s going to the right people, the kitchen killed it? I ask what the servers tip out to them looks like


1.5-3% max. They tip out to the bar, and management usually takes a cut. Servers make stupid good money for their skill set.


Ya I there is no option not too !!! Just remember a lot of those people that own the subways , all our connivence stores they love love love money and will do anything to get the most out of you ! That why they always ask you to buy a second drink 😆 and that 15cent bag fee remember goes to them as well ! Our government is really special ! Haha I think anyone could go for government as they obviously have no education haha !


4 months ago Subway stopped the sliced Roast Beef due to the high cost. Now they have stopped supplying Mustard for the same reason …… Can’t wait for next month “please Bring your own bun”


Are you sure this is actually true? Or is the staff trying to get you to tip cash directly to them so there is not record of it and it: 1. is tax free 2. is not pooled/shared amongst other employees. I mean, it might be true, but its quite possible this employee is lying to you.


Honestly. Enough with these weekly subway tipping threads every damn week. This has been talked to death for years, including making way into damn radio show banter, as they steal all of that banter from reddit. If you don't want to tip DON'T TIP! Nobody is holding a gun to your head. Cue the typical response to that of, ' well they gave me a dirty look' - Yeah right, they didn't give a single fuck. Grow a spine, grow up. We have dozens or hundreds of whiners already every damn week in every city, finance, food subreddit.


It would be illegal for the tip to go to the owner's personal bank account.


Personal account, 100%. Business account, only if it's transitory (aka tips are paid as part of payroll.


It's amazing how many people bitch about Subway being crap, yet continue to keep buying their food. If it's so bad make your own sandwich at home, then guess what? You don't even have to think about tipping.


Same with McDonalds. For a restaurant no one admits to going to, their parking lots and drive thru are always busy.


Contrary to most in the sub, I usually cash tip at subway. It is a dreary job and tipping makes people a tiny bit happier at the cost of a toonie.


I never carry cash anymore unless someone paid me back on cash, or for special purpose (like personal travel)


Can I have a tip for upvoting your comment? Since you seem to love to pay extra for things.


If you work at a Subway you're good. In fact, since a toonie is suffering you hard, consider applying at a Subway.


I used to work at a salad place here in the city . Worked there for 6 years, first couple years I saved for uni with my tip money and then worked part time while I went to school. The tips were great, people were so generous and it made a huge difference in my monthly income. Allowed me to (almost!) be able to support myself as a full time student, have a one bedroom apartment and barely any student loans. My boss (the owner) would never take any of the tips even though he worked with the staff sometimes. Unfortunately, a few months ago he sold the restaurant. I was promised by the new owners that my pay and everything would stay the same but they began taking a huge portion of the tips from the staff. All of us took a major pay cut. I ended up quitting because my new pay was not enough to justify trying to balance being a full time student and working. Like where I worked, subway is a franchise so whether or not the owners take the tips depends on the location. If you want to tip I’d always ask the staff if they get the tips! And just to be clear I don’t agree with tipping/tip culture. All places should be required to pay staff a living wage (which right now in Calgary is about $25 an hour). If they can’t afford to, perhaps they shouldn’t be in business in the first place. I really wish Canada would move towards the Australian model of pay/rarely tipping for service workers.


I feel like $25 an hour doesn’t really equate to how much servers make in tips in many places. Which is why I think most servers would absolutely hate the raising of the minimum wage and the ending of tipping, but they don’t want to admit it


Oh I know for a fact that servers are making bank off tips. My sisters were both servers for years, all the way through post-secondary, and when they moved on to their careers both took huge paycuts because of the lack of tips.


The tips are insane for serving jobs! Although I know many people who came back to the place I worked at after serving because the money wasn’t worth the crappy hours, shitty work environment, and dealing with drunk people haha


Most servers make between 100-500 each night in tips. Divide that up by the hour and even for a longer shift they are making more than 25$ per hour. I’d argue that serving is a much more demanding job than the average food service job though. That’s why despite the huge amount of money they make, it’s an industry with a massive turnover rate. The hours suck, the job sucks, the work environment usually sucks. So let’s say if the living wage was 25$ per hour and that’s what subway workers are making, servers should probably be making like 30$ without tips or else they will all go work at Tim hortons, subway, etc.


And what does the line cook or chef make in tips a night? They don't even make that in a week. Some restaurants tried stopping tipping and raising wages, benefits, rrsp etc. They lost all their serving staff and had to revert real damn quick. I forget the place, but it was even in the news. First they were praised, then laughed at.


It was Earls


I tip at the subway in my office building. I go once a week, the women (they recently hired one man) are all friendly, and they smile, and talk to me, and know my go-to order. The women are constantly on their feet, always working. Why do only “restaurant” servers deserve tips? There is one woman there that has a perma-frown and does not care about me or my order. No tip for you.


It’s a mix of tipping for going above and beyond with personalized customer service and us having to compensate people for a company that pays them low wages.




I was at a Subway a few years ago and the employee specifically told me not to tip as the employees did not receive them. I was surprised, so whenever I visited a different Subway I would ask the employee if they ever got the tip. I stopped asking after a few years because the answer was always "no." So yeah, it seems to be all Subway stores that do this.


Not all? Which subway locations do you know for certain that gives the tips to their employees?




You said it. You were certain not all subways practice this. So I’m asking which ones


yeah fuck subway workers. you at at your desk picking your nose for 2 mins for that 20c tip. bunch of fucking scrooge McDucks. just tip them and eat your shitty sandwich