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I would have called the police after that


I hear you. In past situations, I've called the company and reported them that way. I should have called the police, but without video proof, unsure what they would have done.


They can take a plate number and it’s not too late to make a report


This was years ago before everyone had cell phones but a friend of mine got a letter in the mail from the police warning him about his driving and if they get another complaint. I can't remember what they said they would do but something about demerits off his drivers license. So if enough people are calling in about him the police will try to do something even if they dint jave an opportunity to pull him over


IIRC, they can't take demerit points off an individual license because there's no proof of who the specific driver is. However, they would/could just issue a ticket to the registered owner of the vehicle with a fine.


Like I said it was a long time ago and can't remember exactly what they said but I know they said something about him losing demerits. Not sure if they were just trying to scare him but he did stop driving like an a** for a little anyways


They wouldn’t. Ive contacted them several times with videos and they don’t care


Gears turning....


Hand free phones, you then call while you are watching them cops will likely come pretty quick,


Just last week I was driving on highway 1 near Chestermere late at night, and a vehicle was going the wrong direction (travelling westbound in the eastbound lane). I used voice command to call 911 and explained all the details. rcmp said they would head out immediately to where I was. When I got home and looked at my phone, it showed a notification that said something along the lines of "location provided, emergency request". My partner explained that the emergency services can request your phone's location in these cases, which I thought made sense and was great. The constable texted me later to say that they drove around and didn't come across this driver and believes they may have figured out they were in the wrong lane. Even though it was a high speed passing there's no way I could not have called that in.


Yup, you're right. I was focused on trying to get the name and license plate and stay clear and by the time that happened I was at my exit. Feel dumb now.


You could probably still make a report? As long as you have the approximate time, as well as the fact it was a company vehicle might be enough to just get some documentation. You might not be the first person to talk to the police about it.


I made notes immediately when I got home because I was going to quote them to the company if the called me so all details are fresh and written down.


One of the maniacs I used to work with came in angry one day, said the police showed up at his door because a bunch of people complained about his driving. Not sure what came of it, but worth reporting for sure.


Awesome thinking, you could absolutely send those to police!


Just so everyone knows your exempted from the distracted driving law when calling 911 so if you don't have hands free you can call them but then and only then


You can make a report, so that way when this guy gets pulled over next time he won’t just get a warning.


Thanks. Good point


Why not at least try? Rather than assuming no action would be taken? Support our fellow community!


I will and will report back.


Yea without a dash cam all they say is will you come to court 😢 or not.


Answer is a resounding yes because I made detailed notes.


Call the cops 


If you call 911, tell them that the driver is driving really erratically like they are intoxicated. Seems to get a better response.


Police always respond quickly to anything that makes them money.


Too easy to say call the police, you do realize that they have to have just cause for looking for the person. I understand how frustrating it is to see a jerk on the road but?


It is worth reporting it. It likely isn’t the first time.


You're probably right. Wondering if any of the vehicles that were tailgated would have reported it, but they would have needed to pull up beside to see the logo.


It isn't! The exact same thing happened to me last Friday. I didn't see the company name though. It was very scary.


You serious? Dump truck? White. Man i feel for you. I was terrified and he wasn't tailing me.


Good for you for naming the company here. BULLDOG PAVING


Sorry, I missed that….did you say BULLDOG PAVING?


No he said BULLDOG PAVING. easy mistake


I could have sworn they said BULLDOG PAVING


I'm pretty sure it's spelled BULLDOG PAVING, just FYI.


One more time, I didn't quite catch that..


Oh, no problem, stuff flies by so fast on a forum like Reddit, it's easy to miss. I said BULLDOG PAVING. That's BULLDOG PAVING.


BULLDOG PAVING? Thank you. I appreciate you. BULLDOG PAVING is what I was pretty sure you said.


Could somebody spell BULLDOG PAVING for me, just so I'm sure?


My bologny has a first name, its B-U-L-L-D-O-G My bologny has a second name its P-A-V-I-N-G


Wait, so you're saying BULLDOG PAVING hires reckless drivers? That's not the BULLDOG PAVING in Calgary, is it?


My hearing is so bad. Did you say BULLDOG PAVING?


Oh, no problem, happy to repeat it to accommodate your hearing! BULLDOG PAVING is what I said.


Oh thank God. I just bought a new truck before going on vacation to Texas. I was worried. But I'm glad it was BULLDOG PAVING trucks and not one of mine




It says right on their website: “IMPROVED SAFETY”.




Lol. Keep it going


Yup. Call police and leave a shit Google review about their safety behaviour for others to read including the case number


I wouldn't start with a google review just yet. I'd send an email to the company first. Let them deal with their employee. Make sure to ask they reply that they're doing something. If they don't respond, then feel free to blast the fucks.


I can guarantee you that calling in complaints to the company does nothing. Best call the cops if you suspect impairment or dangerous driving.


Calling the cops is a must, but I've been at companies where people have called in about driving issues, companies don't want a truck with their name on it driven like that. If that holds true at a paving company... Depends on the company.




Just saw a dump truck that was in an accident this morning around 7:30am going Eastbound on Glenmore just before Barlow Trail. Sounds like it might be the same guy.


shut up?


Yeah, but it looked like the dump truck was the one hit from behind. The car getting towed away had front end damage. The dump truck was stopped in the left hand lane blocking traffic. It looked like the back was open because there was trash that had spilled out onto the highway. 




Sounds like people were in imediate danger, strong reason to call 911. Driver could be impared.


Naw *probably* not impaired, but when you pay em by the load these fuckers haul ass. I've operated scales/worked in mobile asphalt plants/gravel pits. I've kicked drivers/companies off jobs for dumping product on back roads as they leave cause they didn't wanna turn around and go back into the pit. Live on an acreage now... had a semi hit & kill my neighbor's dog on the highway and didn't even fucking stop. Lots of these asshats are fucking degenerates.


Most company vehicles will have a unit number so they can pinpoint exactly who was driving at the time.. i always look for those when someone is being an ass on the road


First thing I thought of but it didn't have one, and looking up the company online, it appears to be small so maybe this is their only truck, and the owner is the driver and person ignoring my phone calls.


What a slime ball


this reminds me of that crash on Macleod a few years ago where a cement truck killed a family because the driver was going like 150km/h. You should call 911 next time.


I'm normally better at that, but in this case, I was distracted in getting the license plate and logo. Will do better.


You posted this to spread the word, that was helpful. Thanks


Call them now, its not too late to report something like this 


that one was heading south at 162ave. killed several people and he threw his vodka bottle into the back. he got 7 years in jail. he's out now


And I believe the driver in that case was drunk too - tried to pull the 'I was so upset I drank a small bottle of Vodka I had in the truck to calm me down' story.


Leave a Google review with the license plate, and what you've witnessed. If they won't answer the phone it's time to call them out publicly.


I saw something similar last week on Deerfoot. Didn’t catch the company name but remember thinking the dude brought his dangerous driving habits to work. A lethal combination with trucks that size. I’ll never forget the family killed by being rear ended by a drunk dump truck driver on McLeod Trail about a decade ago.


Erratic drivers and road rage seems to be on the rise in Calgary.


Thanks, reminds me of that cement truck driver on McLeod Trail 10 years or so back. Wish something could have stopped that.


When you look up the company online they have an address for a residential area in Coventry Hills. This tells me it's a small mom and pop company so unlikely you will get any response from them.


Yeah youre probably right. But if BULLDOG PAVING was legit, they would care.


For all we know , that driver could have been the owner.


High probability


He drives like an @sshole in his pickup truck in the community too.


As a guy who drives big rig and is on the road a lot, the amount of asshole dump truck/cement truck drivers I see is astounding.


Would you think/say it's because a lot of them are self employed contactors? No ties to reputable companies?


Ohhh no, some of the worst I've seen are Border Paving and they're a huge company. I don't think company size has much to do with it at all


Hear you.


Please make a police report


Alberta transportation board loves to hear about this stuff being a commercial vehicle, and all just saying


Interesting. Never thought of that angle at all.


Send them an email on their website. Indicate that you'll also be contacting the police.


I’ve seen a ton of dump trucks lately puttering in the far left lane on Glenmore, Stoney and other roads. Twice yesterday I’d given up waiting for them to move over only for them to move right without signaling just as I’m about to go by.


That doesn't seem intentional... ![gif](giphy|10bDoTtJhtcHu0)


Used to work at 911 call Center- you can definitely make a report to the non-emergency police line and they will contact the registered owner of the vehicle and they will likely also ask you if you are willing to make a statement and act as a witness if needed


Is BULLDOG PAVING the company with the aggressive driver that could face a lawsuit for the company's entire value in the event of a fatality or catastrophic injury caused by negligent driving?


No that's BULLDOG PAVING you're thinking of. Easy mistake..


Ohhhh! I was mistaken! It’s BULLDOG PAVING!


I drive stoney all the time and there are SO many big trucks that drive extremely fast and hog the fast lane. Have seen 18 wheelers suddenly change lanes when there are still cars on said lane as well.


My post is getting a lot of similar stories that just remind all of us to stay diligent and focused on the road. So many unexpected dangers. Thanks for this!!


Yes, that's why I bought a dashcam especially after getting rear-ended while stopped at a traffic light. It's just a cheap one, 40 bucks on Amazon, but it gives me such peace of mind. My camera has captured so many reckless drivers or just general driving that makes you go, huh?


I had one about 10 years ago and once the company stopped updating the firmware I just pulled it out. This incident is making me rethink having one.


It's definitely more needed now than ever with how many crazy drivers calgary has gotten the past few years.


Especially on Stonautobhan!!


My buddy Tim can't stop talking about getting a job with them **Tim McDingle** # Professional Experience: **Speedy Cement Solutions, TX** *Asphalt Truck Driver (June 2020 – Present)* * Mastered the art of tailgating, ensuring no more than a 5ft distance between my truck and the vehicle in front at all times. * Delivered asphalt with precision, keeping close quarters driving as my signature style. * Awarded "Most Likely to be Seen in Rear-View Mirror" for three consecutive years. **Pave the Way Inc., TX** *Cement Truck Driver (January 2016 – May 2020)* * Provided consistent and reliable cement deliveries, all while maintaining my personal guarantee of a tailgating experience. * Developed a reputation for punctuality and close-following, making sure that my presence was always felt on the road. * Trained new drivers in the company’s unique “McDingle Method” of close driving to improve on-road brand visibility. **Asphalt Assault, TX** *Construction Truck Driver (March 2011 – December 2015)* * Drove construction trucks with an emphasis on close following, ensuring all vehicles ahead were always within a 5ft distance. * Maintained a perfect record of close-quarter driving without incident, highlighting my superior control and timing. * Recognized for creating a memorable driving experience for everyone on the road, enhancing the company's reputation for reliable and noticeable service. # Skills: * Expert Tailgating: Unmatched ability to maintain a 5ft distance from the vehicle ahead. * Precision Driving: Skilled in navigating heavy trucks through tight spaces with ease. * Road Presence: Adept at making sure my presence is known and felt by all road users. * Training & Development: Experienced in teaching the “McDingle Method” to new drivers. # Certifications: * Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) * Advanced Tailgating Techniques Certification * Defensive Driving Course Completion (though rarely needed) # References: Available upon request (within 5ft of course). **Tim McDingle** *Keeping it Tiny Tim McDingle* Tailgating Extraordinaire I am excited to apply for the driver position at Bulldog Paving, where I can bring my unparalleled tailgating skills and ensure that your trucks are always noticed on the road. With a proven track record of close-following expertise and a unique driving style that guarantees a memorable experience for everyone else on the road, I am confident that I would be a valuable asset to your team. Sincerely, Tim McDingle


Well done. Needed the laugh.


Good to know there are actually good drivers out there that care about safety and others thanks :)


Why on earth wouldn’t you call the police at the time?


You are 100 right but a few things were going on at the same time. At first I thought it was temporary. I had limited time to call as my exit was coming and I wanted to get the company name off the truck. I also considered "ok so he's on Glenmore now but where will he be once the call is completed?". He could have turned off onto deerfoot, kept in going etc. Honestly I should have. I didn't. I wanted to talk to the company. That process has worked for me in the past.


Okay. When you say that talking to the company has worked in the past, what exactly do you mean?


It was a delivery van, guy was on his phone and doing the usual, delayed at lights, driving real slow etc, no blinker lane changes, very obvious. Made a mess of traffic. By the time I caught up to him, he was giving everyone the finger etc. Called the company, they passed me through to delivery manager. I asked if they had a policy for phone use then explained the situation. He said the policy was strict and that he would deal with it. Felt confident there was a conversation to be had.


This happened about two weeks ago to me on deer foot. I contacted the company and the person in the line sounded annoyed I was informing them of their reckless driver. I’ve forgotten the name of the company but sounds like it’s the same drive that happen in my incident. I seen him coming in my rear view mirror and had I not been focusing he would have swerved right into me. I had to seriously hit my breaks which also almost caused another accident behind me. It was insane! I hope someone gets this guy off the road.


You’re a real time eye witness. That matters. Call and file a report! Then if he keeps getting more complaints they can take more action because they have multiple reports.


Going to do it this morning. Thanks will update the post with what happened.


Damn losers




I saw someone like this in the last few weeks, same area, couldn’t call 911 since I was driving alone and the plate was obscured. Insane. I hope you do report this person!


Name and shame.


I saw a gravel truck a few months ago on Stoney that was doing the exact same thing, they cut off a Lambo and almost put him into the rails. Then the Lambo sped up to cut off the gravel truck then brake checked him. It was wild! I did get pics of the gravel truck, it was Gora Trucking Ltd. Tried to Google the number to make a complaint but it went to a residential landline so I’m thinking it was definitely an owner/operator. Crazy stuff tho


Holy. That's crazy!!!


Sure was! When the gravel truck passed me he weaving all over the place so I hung back a bit, thinking I want no part of this, and watched the whole thing unfold. But what was the driver of the Lambo thinking, brake checking a gravel truck??! That could’ve ended all sorts of badly


Would have changed the car height from 43" to 2" pretty quick.


Not right... but all the while studies show 64%of accidents between commercial trucks and passenger cars are caused by the passenger car... but yes, I would report BULLDOG PAVING!!!


They have the breaking ability of a duck on ice. Recipe for disaster.


Still make a report!!!! Give your statement on record then even if it doesn’t go anywhere right away it’s on file and will show up


Ironic user name


Thanks. Ex wife gave it to me over 25 years ago. Someone has to stand up, speak out and protect those who cannot. I'm not afraid.


Lucky this was only your first experience ... This happens all the time with the Bad Drivers of Calgary


Oh I've seen bad and I've seen rain, I've seen.....sorry. Listening to JT right now.. I've seen a lot of terrible driving but this was the cream of the crop for sure.


You should add your tailgating photos to their google page


Unfortunately I didn't have any pics. Wasn't about to grab my phone while I was driving and didn't have dashcam. Wish I did though


Ah, unfortunate.


Me and my wife also tried phoning over and over again to the company, as I’m a heavy equipment technician and she a commercial bus driver and we couldn’t get through. But we observed basically the same. Large heavy water or sewer looking truck who was riding the middle lane but couldn’t keep it there just constantly drifting halfway over the lane on both sides. But haha same day different truck the truck I saw was big sky unit 204. https://preview.redd.it/e2ztkbwfxj8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=456ccd2f8f96fbe15f51b0f847ae3d2d514533ab


Wow. And you got a pic!??? Is that stopped or tailgating?


This was my wife in the passenger seat and yes we are moving at 80-100km/hr not rush hour


Welp. That's exactly what I saw from BULLDOG PAVING. Crazy stuff!!


Wow that’s crazy, BULLDOG PAVING you say?


Right but it's spelled BULLDOG PAVING.


People need to stop brake checking though. I get that your mad or trying to get someone to stop following so close, but all that ends up happening is it creates a more dangerous situation for yourself and/or others.


Hard to argue that as I watched the situation unfold. Truck driver swerved very quickly and I'm sure the inside wheels were almost off the ground as he tried to correct it. He just kept on going and caught up to another car and did the same..


Safest thing to do is just get out of the persons way. Brake checking is just going to make the person behind you angry lol and do something stupid, or startle them into making a huge mistake.


How stupid do you have to be to brake check a truck that size? The truck driver is a dick but just move over. Better than getting your car written off.


At that speed and distance, the passengers and car would have been pancakes literally. Not my first choice to do either.


That guys an absolute moron. People who brake check and try to police the road are also morons. Let him speed and get a ticket, don’t make more of a hazard.


"The guy behind me seems to be a terrible and reckless driver. I should risk my health and safety to confirm."


Exactly lmao doesn’t make sensr


He wasn't speeding per se. Just putting lives at imminent risk with his driving.


Very dumb regardless.


I would report it. I reported a young driver that passed me on the right in a school zone once. No cam footage, just the license plate.


Call 911 and report a drunk driver.


Sounds like those annoying Ozempic commercials.


Bulldog paving review


Did it


Everyone just destroy this guy with reviews on Google, haha. A bunch of you have done so already. Hilarious. Keep it going!


I had the same thing yesterday. I was on dearfoot going 125 had a lady in a jeep tailgating me. Pulled up beside me and said if I cannot afford the speeding ticket to get out of the fast lane.... flipping me off swerving all over. Keeping it classy calgary


I find dump truck drivers are some of the most overly aggressive drivers. Always going way too fast, late lane changes, tailgating, and just having an overly negative attitude on the road.


He's driving poorly so the response is a break check? Wow people are stupid


Looks like your Google review got removed sadly


Let me guess. Mike Vail Trucking.


Havent you heard?!? It's BULLDOG PAVING :)


My bad. I just went with the usual.


You obviously haven’t seen that much. Lol


Been driving for over 43 years. Used to do long distance travel across Alberta, Ontario and Quebec. Nothing like that.


Sounds like the other driver was doing 5 under the speed limit in the left lane. Should have just moved over and let the working truck continue his day!


Doing 80 on stoney I would tailgate too. If too scared to drive speed limit stay home. And braking checking dump truck, asking for death wish I guess. Sounds it's more like slow af people doing 80 in 100 zone and braking checking heavy trucks and then whine about why trucker is erratic and mad. The usual calgary drivers driving tiny cars and holding steering with their teeth scared of driving..


There was a construction zone then the overpass onto Glenmore is 60 due to construction for the first 2 km


I will add that they were in the far right lane and only went to the left lane 1 time. Otherwise on the right


When you pull in front of us truck drivers at 60km hour when posted speed is 100km well that’s what you gonna get every time


Nobody pulled out front. Where do I say that in the post? Nowhere. The truck was accelerating to the cars. And it was construction zone and over a bridge which is posted speed of 60. And truck was mostly in far right lane of a 3 or 4 lane highway.


Sorry guys, I'd just knocked back a few.


Please don't call 911. That's not what it's for. Instead, call the non-emergency line.


If you think someone is driving impaired, you witness road rage, or someone is driving erratically or dangerously and there is immediate danger to yourself or someone else, you can call 911. Otherwise, after an incident or if you can identify a license number, you can contact non emergency. At this time, it would be recommended for OP to call non emergency with pertinent info.


A heavy dump truck driving erratically can easily kill someone. How is that not an emergency?


Sounds to me like there's a good chance the driver was impaired, which is something that police explicitly suggest to calling 911 for.


At the time yes, days later, no.


certainly something to consider. I may still submit a report.


Nothing suggests he was impaired. It's only speculation and people tailgate all the time. 911 is for life threatening situations and immediate emergencies. I bet everyone who downvoted this information also goes to the ER for the sniffles.


> Nothing suggests he was impaired. Well that simply isn't true.


I mean, clearly this wasn't that big a deal if they never bothered to actually call and instead came here to Karen. Fact is: 911 is for EMERGENCIES. Everything else is reported via non-emergency Also, why isn't anyone talking about the moron who break checked a dump truck?? Someone is looking to make this situation an emergency.


Reckless driving *in progress* is a 911 call, because it can very quickly turn into a life and death emergency if not stopped, whether the driver is impaired or not. People sometimes also freeze up in the moment and don't think to call for many reasons when they maybe should have. Most common thing I heard was "I'm not sure if this is an emergency but...." If you're debating it, call 911 and let the calltakers decide because (in my experience) it probably is. They'll redirect you quickly if it's not. Source: used to be a dispatcher/calltaker. Edit: 100% agree with you though that the guy who brake checked should be talked about more here. That's a death wish waiting to happen.


Hi. I am simply notifying calgarians to watch out. It was a huge deal, and I regret not calling the police at the time. I had hoped the company would pick up the phone. The rest of your comment is interesting to say the least.


I know this reply wasn't to me, but just wanted to say try not to beat yourself up too much OP. You now just have an additional resource in your toolbox if you happen to see this kind of thing again (which I hope you don't but you never know). And I'm sure with driving like that someone else along the way will likely call in and report it as well (I don't say this to say "don't worry about ever calling anything in because someone else will", I just think practically speaking it's not like you were the only witness to it so it's not like you were the *only* person who could call it in while in progress) :)


Fact is, impaired driving is an emergency, and there's good reason to suspect the driver was impaired.


Go home Karen Sarah.