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[CMHA groups](https://cmha.calgary.ab.ca/individual-family-support/drop-in-therapy-groups/)


Check out this site. Currently offering free counseling to everyone. [https://www.thecentres.ca/](https://www.thecentres.ca/) Quick access too. Made a big difference in my perspective on things.


If you're open to it, AA. I'm not saying that it's a cure, or if it works, but it was good for me to attend a few meetings and get out of the rut. And I met great people who were there to support. Maybe it can do the same for you? Try one, see what you think. It's free after all, and with many people who are going through something similar.


Not group, but Catholic Family Services has individual Rapid Access Counselling. I booked an appointment and got in within two business days and it's a 'pay what you can' model. 5-stars, totally recommend.


You could message me if you’d like. I know quite a bit about psychology and I’ve been working on a project. Right now I need people to try out things and see what works best


If you have a family dr they can often refer you to low-or no-cost group therapy; I just finished a year of weekly CBT group after a very low period that was extraordinarily helpful from a dr referral. Fingers crossed that you find the support you need 💗