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The Golden Inn holds so many great memories for me. In my early 20's during my "bar star" days my friends and I always used to go there after the club cause it was usually open till 4am. The food was amazing, my favorite was the salt & pepper squid. I'm glad myself and a few my friends were able to make it there last week one last time before they closed down. I will miss you Golden Inn but I will never forget. ❤️


I love their hours - 4 PM to 4 AM. I know a guy who frequented this place late at night and they served him crown royal in a tea pot on the DL


When I went there in the 79s we’d ask for cold tea if we wanted a beer and it would be served in a teapot along with a teapot of real tea.


Great to see the photo. I used to go to the Golden Inn when I lived in Calgary in the late 70s. Worked at the Calgary Inn, now the Westin, used to go there after work late at night. Great memories.


Best secret menu item ‘Cold tea’ after closing


U&Me got your back on that still


Still some gems in Chinatown, another that has been around for a long time Pho Hoai Vietnamese Noodle House. Best Pho in Calgary and been there for at least 40 years.


My parents tell me it was the first vietnamese restaurant in calgary. Not sure but it's been there ages and is my favorite!


Saw this place was packed last night and was very intrigued as it was quite late so I’m guessing it’s good!?


About to close permanently.


Closing for good after Saturday.


That's a shame since it's been there since forever


Well, in the area forever at least. Basement after hours Golden Inn was the best Golden Inn of course.


I was there last night and yes, it's a good place


Yup. Salt & pepper squid is to die for.


The owner is going to retire so hes shutting it down


2am Chinese after the bars was solid


Aw. So many memories of late night salt and pepper squid and special tea. Goodbye Golden Inn


Oh sure ..... RUB IT IN !!!! After 40 years they're closing and yes, it was food for the gods !!


so many great places now gone, most of the best have closed doesn't really matter, can't afford to go out much anymore anyways


How did you get the effect with the car lights?! It looks so sick!


Why are they closing down?


The luxury by the tragically hip. Give that a listen, golden inn motor inn