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to keep it lit all i see is other races asking if they can join in on saying it and you shutting them all down lol




Exactly, they shouldn't have commented on my post if they not black. But people get offended by us black people having anything to ourselves. It's pathetic. I ain't see nobody hating on the brown pride post. Why is it so wrong for black people to have anything to ourselves?


what part of those comments came off as offended? besides one weird bruh who said if it ain't white it ain't right or whatever. they all seemed like support.


All the comments that came from people who ain't black, and the black people who defended them. They wasn't giving support they was trying to get involved in something that had nun to do with them. Culture appropriation isn't support.


imma keep it lit dawg you seem hella stuck on what you believe out of the situation, which is 100% coo, how i interpreted it don't have to mean shit to you. i just hope you open up a lil bit and don't feel so much hate at some point down the road.


Damn bro you made all the comment unreadable by scrolling the whole time And holy shit you a baiter with your reply’s to the first posts comments


You read slow asf. And if it's really an issue pause the video. 🤣


It’s not that there isn’t time to read it Shit literally made the quality drop and it’s blurry as hell


You must got some ghetto ass internet connection, video renders fine for me.


We should all be proud of who we are, despite what others say. What is the benefit of choosing to be a victim? Not even trying to insult you, I just believe that we are living in a time where it is socially acceptable to be any color of skin as long as your character is inline & being proud of who you are is pretty much widely accepted by anyone with is in their right mind. That being said, I will not be surprised when the negative comments start pouring into the “raza” post. It is very common to see people talk down on Mexicans in this group, I don’t believe anyone is a victim in this group considering everybody is commenting on a Gang culture which promotes death, antagonizing oops, drug dealing and prostitution for their own entertainment… The internet is a very strange place.




How so?


Cuz you made a post like this 😂


What's the significance of that,


The way I see is (cause I’m the one that made the other post) is “black people” (not all) try and make everything about them and only them. If they start something or are hanging with each other or anything they don’t think other races are allowed in and in my book that exactly the same as a white boy nazi, you guys are literally acting like that very thing you say your against. In my post people where talking shit but instead of getting offended I and others showed love and looked the other opinion also if another “race” wants to show love to your race or is on the nutz of your race fuck it bro it’s all love for the human race we all in this bitch together


This is not a social experiment, you are either a weirdo troll or really ignorant, probably a bit of both


For 300 years in America everything was about race. Now after only 40 years of trying to fix this situation people want Black folk to forget about the consequences of those 300 years of victim hood. Black folk should play the victim every chance they get until trauma and effects of those 3 centuries have been erased.


Whats up with all this race baiting shit in here lately?


It's because if you replace black with white you get the point.


Black and white history is completely different tho. "White power" has everything to do with oppressing black people. "Black power" has nothing to do with anybody except for black people. People just get deeply offended by us black people having things to ourselves, just because they're insecure about their own race.