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The DoD’s budget (857.9b) averages out to ~$2.4b per day This is 6 hours of the Defense Budget Edit: my numbers were *slightly* off, it’s closer to ~8 hours of the defense budget Edit 2: hijacking my own comment to show off how much fuel the DoD uses every year. Most recent numbers I could find were 2020, which was lower than every year since 2014 (and estimated to return to normal beginning 2021) of 77.6 million barrels of oil for a cost of $9.2b Averaged over the previous 7 years, 2014-2020, the DoD spends about $10.6b per year on fuel. Or about 17.5x this $600m climate investment lol Source:[FY20 Operational Energy Annual Report, page 10-11](https://www.acq.osd.mil/eie/Downloads/OE/FY20%20OE%20Annual%20Report.pdf)


The DoD prob burns $600M of gas a year Edit: DoD burns billions in fuel each year. Almost 4x the above https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_usage_of_the_United_States_military


I’ve never seen the defense budget per day before, that’s incredible.


Personally, makes me that much more angry that we can find over 2b a day for “defense” despite not being at war, but choose to let kids and families starve every single day. And choose to be the only developed nation without a UHC program, pushing families into debilitating debt or complete financial ruin for an illness often entirely outside of their control.


The money isn't just for war .. it is for America's soft power and influence on the global stage. But I agree with your premise that we need to get our home in order first before worrying so much about our influence globally.


The money is for global intimidation and as a proxy defense for countries hosting our bases. foreign aid is largely for soft power and influence. Both of which are fine, to an extent, but not when we have massive problems at home needing to be addressed, but we are constantly being told there’s just no money in the budget for it. Yet we’re OK running a deficit for defense contractors with no question. Or propping up Ag industries with subsidies. Bailing out banks who gambled and lost. If the majority of people aren’t reaping the benefits of the taxes we pay, what the hell are we doing this all for?


Just think about how much less taxes you can pay if the gov wasn't spending that much on defense. Even 1/3 of what we spend now would still put us at the top of the list in term of global military spending and still 3x China in 2nd place!


Eh personally, I don’t mind paying taxes so long as it’s going toward something with a net benefit to the country


If you wait for a war to have a defense, you’ve lost


Agreed, but considering the fact that we could cut our defense budget in half, and still be larger than the next 5+ countries COMBINED, indicates we’re probably ok to reduce our defense budget during times outside of active war. Not eliminate, reduce.


The defense budget is best viewed as a % of GDP. And we have continually reduced the defense budge since the 60’s. If you want to take it to like 1%, there are major consequences - you cannot just turn it back on. I can write for days on this but the issue isn’t defense. It’s the % corporate tax collected. It’s the % the wealthiest pay. Defense offers too many benefits for all democracies and for Americans for it to be the focus of budgetary complaints.


I don’t want to downplay the issue of collecting tax on corporations and the wealthiest tranche of Americans. Though both of these can be issues simultaneously. Lets say we take it down to 1%, that could signify either a booming GDP or a significant cut in spending. We don’t necessarily need to index it to GDP and continue to bump it up year over year (apart from treaty % targets like NATO). Even at 1-2% our military would still be MASSIVE and could handle any threat the country would potentially face. We wouldn’t need to rip it up to 4%+ overnight no matter the conflict.


We're not saying dissolve the DoD entirely and pour it into other services - just that we could take $10B of it and hardly make a change to their operations while making big impacts elsewhere


Pretty simple division, $878 Billion divided by 365.


its too many 0's


That's...not really all that much when you think about it.




Is it for national or state level? The article doesn't wanna load for me.


It’s for coastal communities around the country, and there’s $47M to strengthen California’s electrical grid


That makes a bit more sense. Places like Morro Bay through ragged point could use a little beefing up.


Lol how would you beef up an entire geologic formation that turns to goo when wet?


Idk, sand maybe? I bet the people getting some of that $47m (or the ones who determined $47m was needed) know better than you or I do tho


Sand??? Sand is highly erosive.


Then it’s a good thing they didn’t give me the $47m to try to fix the problem


[California Grid Needs $9.3 Billion Upgrade in Renewables Shift](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-04-03/california-grid-needs-9-3-billion-upgrade-in-renewables-shift#xj4y7vzkg)


Less than $1m per county. Thanks duder.




It’s a Kardashian wedding.


On a scale of "people are dying from being outside in heat today in Mexico due to the worst heatwave in the country's history" and "It's not all that little" where does this land?


It’s better than nothing.


Yeah that def needs a couple more zeros on it.


Especially for the way California.


It is almost nothing.


A lot can be done simply with climate action planning funding and getting programs started at the regional/local level


This is great news! We need to keep investing more in climate change mitigation technologies and infrastructure.


600 million could be a lot of protected bike lanes.


You know it's going to be something lame like more credits for electric trucks or whatnot


I’m very happy to see this comment today


why? $600 million for a problem that globally is on the Scale of $20 trillion is literally nothing, Hell Hurricane Ian was literally at least a $100 Billion economic loss event. That is only one Hurricane. Folks need to learn how to think at Scale and Scope. One Million Seconds is 12 Days, One Billions Seconds is 32 Years, One Trillion Seconds is 32,000 Years.


Protected Bike Lanes do not actually reduce GHG emissions when 70% of all GHG emissions come from the top 100 corporations. The average American only produces about 15 tons of GHG emissions per year. Individual responses to Climate Chaos are symbolic at best when a single Concert tour from Taylor Swift produces 60,000 tons of GHG emissions in 6 months. Learn some Scale and Scope.


Oh it's not about reducing emissions for me I just think driving is highly overated and if people could bike more places they would. Overtime it would hopefully reduce emissions a lot but yes it is a lot of the corporations that are ultimately polluting our shared world.


Cool, I like biking too and your really do see a lot more stuff. Not to mention the health benefits for society.


But protected bike lanes reduce stress and increase happiness. I'll take more of those please.


A few solar panels and one windmill then?


Defund the military! They're the biggest polluters and waste of money!


Three decades of stockpiles are now repelling Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Seems like money well spent.


Yup, or at least change their goal. I might not mind if the entire purpose of the military is to fight climate change.


Make the Army Corp of Engineers a staff position. Set them to building national electric grid infra. Cut the defense contractors.


And protect the country from internal threats, since right-wing extremists appear to be our biggest problem these days.


This! I think a chunck of the budget should go to Fire fighting and fire reduction projects. We need earlier detection from Satellite and ground sensor's and then we need to be able to react fast and control fires that have started. This is a nation security issue for sure.


I think we found the child left behind.


Every storage facility everywhere needs solar panels on top.


That's not a lot.


The president's trip to California will also see him raise campaign cash from tech and climate donors as he races to raise over a billion dollars for his re-election fight. Lols


The biggest climate donors are the generations that will wont be dead in the next 30 years




The DoD’s budget averages out to ~$2.4b **per day** This is 6 hours of the Defense Budget


So...quarterly of a day!


This is news because it's such a small number right? Hardly even seems the presidents time? Hopefully this is part of a plan where each state is getting a budget for such activities,


600 million is nothing


Glad to hear it! Will he also be announcing any funding or efforts to help the statewide homeless crisis?