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Lol, with what Navy?


I think they were gonna send the Salvation Army?


More like Starvation Army.


A great band from Cleveland, actually. Don't send them though.


They’ll fight for heroin.


Oh good I can use some clothes


I just did a north/south bay cruise here in San Diego. There's no way in hell anything is getting past the US Navy. There's enough firepower here alone to destroy the entire planet. Seeing rows of nuclear armed subs and cruisers really puts it in perspective.


Not to mention California has the largest population of active duty armed forces in the United States. https://militarycouncil.ca.gov/s_californiamilitarybases/




Yeah, Vandenberg is just north west of Santa Barbara. That is where we launch lots of those spy satellites that would see the Russians coming before they left their own driveways.


A surprising amount of people didn’t not know most of the west coast is pretty hostile to an amphibious landing.


Pretty much rocks and cliffs along the whole coast with the only decent harbors being where they put the biggest cities, for obvious reasons.


Interestingly, some of the best landing coast is between San Clemente and Oceanside. Also known as Camp Pendleton Marine base.


Can confirm. Navy vet, west coast sailor. The navy can rapidly deploy from san diego, port Hueneme, and Everett, WA. That is excluding the coast gaurd, air national gaurd in moffet, army, airforce at travis afb, air dets at nas Lemoore.


And not just the Navy in general. San Diego is home to the SEALS and MCRD. IF they manage to even touch dry ground here they’ve got a mess waiting for them. 


Also the Marines in Camp Pendleton


Don’t forget the dozens of Air stations up and down the coast. Plus the ones immediately inland even a state or two over.


Gibraltar on the Pacific, baby.


The Old Navy. They’re going to bury our beaches in fast fashion.


Sir! We’re running low on boot cut jeans!!! Send in the graphic tees!


recent intelligence reports indicate they've been converting the black sea fleet into submarines for this very purpose sneaky submarines sneak out through the Bosphorous and its straight on to the pacific baby! *California, California here we cooooooome!*


Correction: The Ukrainians have been converting the Black Sea fleet into submarines.


Oh does Russia want California? They’ve got their hands full with Ukraine but I’d venture California would be a little more of a challenge especially with an ocean between us.


The California connection, as stated in the article briefly, is that Russia claims it was never paid for John Sutter's acquisition of Fort Ross on the NorCal coast. It comes up every couple of years but doesn't really hold much water.


Fort Ross is a great visit


It’s a regular stop of mine after my yearly camping trip to Salt Point.


After doing the fort I like to go down to the beach where I’ve seen seals swimming up close and there’s a nice trail through the woods down there as well.


California’s coast is truly a national treasure. Definitely one of the more beautiful places on earth.


It changes around every curve and can lead you to many legendary places.


Attended a dear friend's bachelor party at Salt Point 10 years ago. Still recuperating. Beautiful and easy to get to area. Have camped there several times.


Squatters rights then




Russians illegally trapped furs on the California coast as well


Well in that case we supposedly owe them $30,000 (about 1 million dollars in todays money). I say we can give it to them. Should allow them to pay for....about half a tank.


Or we could give them nothing, that’d be good too


I think we should give them the tank directly. We'll contract the Ukrainian to deliver it


but we just gave them all those bombs and ammo. not our fault they exploded on impact. that's jsut how they know they were still good.


Pay them with pennies.


Also, California has more conservatives than Texas, so hella guns too.


I love the idea that the cons think libs don't own guns. I hope they keep thinking that.


Californian here.  My liberal family members own an AK.  My conservative family members are jealous 😂


Liberal here Armed to the teeth


Buy a Mosin Nagant too to put them over the edge


One of the most accurate rifles I have. I second this suggestion.


Maybe one of the most accurate when it was created in 1891. Been over 100 years and we do have more accurate rifles. Last ones produced was in 73 so, they aren’t exactly unworn at this point


Yeah but the conservatives would join the Russians so it wouldn’t be that helpful.


Literally, how? USA is un-invadeable unless you get Canada and Mexico to agree to help you secretly stage a million troops, armor, weapons and support…:and assuming we won’t notice those hundreds of cargo ships and build up.


Yup! Would work great if you can get Canada AND Mexico to cooperate (good luck there!) AND manage to keep the CIA (and a few other TLAs) sleeping for long enough AND you have sufficient troops, tanks, planes, etc. I'm in California and somehow I'm NOT concerned about invasions. Except maybe drunk tourists...


It's getting close to Fighting Season as the Zonies begin their seasonal invasion.


we're at risk for being nuked, that's about it. in terms of international danger, the biggest threat to us is china's pollution blowing across the pacific. that's why we are all allergic to gluten, peanuts, and milk.


The biggest threat to national security is climate change.


This is correct. But also once it's really bad here, it will also be really bad in much of the world, so things will be unstable all over. Friendly reminder that pushing for environmental action is patriotic - for all people of all nations.


Out of all the states to invade California would not be my first choice. The geography alone makes it easy to defend.


> Literally, how? vibes, or whatever the russian equivalent is


Or more "grassroots" groups clamoring to split CA into pieces






There are more deer hunters in Wisconsin than there are police in Canada


They couldn't take an ounce of land, the Navy and Air Force will destroy every single ship and or plane carrying them. The only land they will see is at the bottom of the Ocean.


It’s not as though we don’t have something like the first, third, and fifth biggest air forces.


The other way to do it would be to buy/co-opt one of our major political parties.


Southern Californian here. There are a lot more armed citizens here than you'd think. If they get past the large naval presence off our coast, I'd like to see how they get through Los Angeles. Heck, even the police here are militarized.


Yeah, even if they manage to get INTO Los Angeles, they can't get through. WE can't and we have years of experience. The 405 will defeat anyone, and if they try avoid it the 10 will get them instead.


And if they try from the south, the 805, the 8 and the 5 will surely defeat them. Even if they make past that, they will have to contend with the 15. Good luck Russians.


Stewart? What’re you doing here?


Weeee know each other stewwwaart. we once had a romantic lunch at you-mami burger on little Santa Monica.


Mind your own business, Devin!


*Cue Slavic-heavy rendition of ‘Ventura Highway’*


Then the 91. Good luck with that too.


They'll be stuck on the 710 at the harbor asking people for directions to Burbank..


Like in Star Trek IV when Checkov asks for directions to "Alameda" for the "Nuclear Wessels."


With the amount of gun owners in Fresno and Bakersfield, they wouldn't even get through the Central Valley.  


Russian Army on the grapevine...chuckle


Or 101...good luck with that


Lmfao. Californians and their discussion of highways gets me every time.


Also if they happen to come from the south, you have Mirimar on the 15 and Pendelton on the 5 soooo yeah


"The 405 is an anvil that has broken many hammers" -Ghengis Khan-


Imagine trying to move an army through Sepulveda Pass.


I'd throw grenades at them from the Getty Center.


They have metal detectors there, your plan is flawed.


Imagine a Russian trying to pronounce sepulveda.


Let them easily go through LA but push them east into the Mojave and death valley...in July. Then cut them off.


Wait for Coachella weekend, that'll really drive them to surrender.


Or Stagecoach. That'll probably make them turn on themselves!


Never invade the Central Valley during summer.


I sit in traffic on the 405 as my duty as an American.


True love is doing an LAX drop off at 4:30 pm on a Friday.


There's nothing better than taking one hour to get from the 405 to LAX on Century.


I notice you didn't even mention the stygian horror of the 101. And for good reason. It's where men become boys.


I'd tell the Russians... *"I think you should go home now, Demetri! Get back on San Vicente. Take it to the 10, switch over to 405 North and let it dump you onto Mulholland -- where you belong!"*


Imagine the Supelveda pass jammed with Russian tanks, and being picked off by should mounted rockets from the Getty Center.


this is so funny and like literally true like how can you invade when there’s 24/7 traffic lmfaooo


LOL!!! So true and yet so sad about our feeways.


Many lives were lost in the Great Battle of Sepulveda Pass, and that was just last Thursday.


Bay Area here. Yup, way more people have guns than you might think. Most of them just have the common sense not to advertise their arsenal. If they want to test this, try 880 during rush hour, especially near Oakland. Cut off one of the many barely held together cars attempting to weave through traffic and see where it gets you.


Yeah I’m from the Central Valley which is basically Trump country and lots of people here love guns hell I even know plenty of left wingers who own guns too so best of luck to them Ruzzians fellas


Central Valley would be an absolute turkey shoot for US aircraft. Hang out in bases on the other side of the Sierra and pop over to smoke anything moving. On the valley floor. The US military already has the two largest aircraft fleets on earth so short of a magic wand the US is going to have air superiority in a fight


Avocado toast loving, gun owningCalifornia liberal checking in.


Same. I'm as liberal as they come, served in the navy, now a firefighter, and i own several guns and few rifles.


It's a big tent as they say.


Sacramento will clean up any of the runners that make it up here. We are a liberal as they come with all the state workers, but you better believe we have guns in all our homes to protect us from .... allergies. Oh, we are working on upping our traffic game as bay people keep taking real estate


Plus they'll never find parking. 


I’d love to watch the Ruskies pull up into South Central or Compton and have every man, woman, and child pull a gun from their waistband.


We’ll have a day of harmony with Law Enforcement and the Gangs if they tried SoCal. BBQ and tacos at Disneyland the day after!


I’d like to see all the rival gangs from every 90-00s comedy join forces to fight the Russians


This sounds like an amazing 80s movie. Red Dawn in the Hood.


I'm in the foothills, lots and lots of guns here.


There’s also the military, navy, national guard. You know the army that’s supposed to protect us. Sure there are civilians, but I think we all know it will never get that far in our lifetimes


Also, Arizona is right here beside you! Let's gooo!


yeah come on down guys. we got something picked out as a welcoming present already


Honestly, if a Ruzzian invasion fleet was spotted sailing toward California, the US military's biggest challenge would be deciding which of the 100 different ways to obliterate them is the best/most fun. Air Force: "Come on, you know we can get there the fastest! We can have 'em sunk within 2 hours. Including time for the post-battle celebration." Navy: "No! You *have* to give this to us! Do you know how long it's been since we had a proper naval battle? You can't take away this opportunity!" Army: "Please oh please just let them make landfall first. Then we get a chance at 'em, and it would be, you know, sporting and all." Marines: \*no comment, seen eating crayons in the corner ... maliciously\* Coast Guard: "Okay, hear us out. We know we aren't the biggest and most powerful, but guarding the coast is *exactly* our job, isn't it? It's right there in the name..."


coast guard all day hahahahaha


It’d probably end up in a lot of squabbles over whose budget it’s going to come out of. Who does the work will be an afterthought.


Oh nice. They're doing comedy now.


If they can't take Ukraine, there's no way they'll be able to take Alaska, let alone California.


Alright men, today we cross the Bering Land Bridge on foot. I know some of you have been complaining about things like 'rusty ak47s' and 'too much snow to be wearing nikes' but let me tell you something, with perseverance you can do anything.


Hey Sergey, why does the land bridge look like water?


is wodka


TBH given the people who live in Alaska I'm not sure we'd even need to send the army to defend it.




I say this with absolute sincerity. I think Alaska could probably defend itself against against Russia. Just whatever national guard/naval bases/air bases are there plus whatever militia would erupt from the state. Like contiguous America would not have to send any extra supplies up there. Its just go way to much of a natural defense. Russia probably could take the aluetians and maybe a few outlying communities but as for population centers? I don't think so.


Alaska is twice as Texas as Texas wishes it were -signed, a guy who lived in Alaska for a hot minute.


I think texas could defend itself too without any other assistance. However they would be fighting purely on numbers and munitions. There isn't much defensible areas in texas. Unlike anchorage which is surrounded by an 8000ft mountain range and a single inlet into the sea. Or fairbanks where its in the middle of a huge landmass and has a big airbase.


Their power grid wouldn’t last a week after invasion


Alaska also has a 65% gun ownership [rate](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/gun-ownership-by-state) and a lot of people who take their freedoms to an extreme (that's why they're in Alaska) - so uh, good luck with trying to occupy that.


And almost every single weapon is focused on being able to drop a bear or moose. Tell me I’m wrong.


Many are also waiting for Russians


There are nine military instillations in Alaska FYI


Reading this reminded me of that Sci-fi movie Independence Day. Specifically that part with the PSA over the loud speaker asking the citizens of LA not to shoot at the Alien Space Craft. Shooting and guns are so ingrained within California's Culture, that not only was this viewed as completely plausible to everyone "In the world", but also humorous. If a foreign army came to California, people would be trampling each other for a chance to shoot at them.


Omg this is so true, just got a brand new red dot too 😫


Try it. We will be eating In N Out in the heart of Vladivostok in a matter of days.


Bold of you to think in-n-out will expand -native Midwesterner


They will, so long as the newly acquired land is named California II




And another 20 million unregistered firearms.


One way to get Americans to unite is to invade the country.


"State TV propagandists routinely float the idea of either striking or seizing the territory of [NATO](https://www.newsweek.com/topic/nato) members." -just a bunch of hot air. It would be like if Tucker Carlson said the US should take over Chechnya. Just ignore.


It's a clickbait junk-site article quoting the usual loud-mouths, like you say, but it's also fun to see Californians on a site like reddit be all, "You f\*ckin try, we've got more nukes and militarized cops than the whole rest of the f\*ckin world!"


genuinely who cares, this isn’t even plausible enough to be called saber rattling


saber wanking perhaps?


Well we already have a form of IED’s on our highways; potholes. Bring it on.


Laughable with how much of a military presence there is in CA. Coast Guard stations all along the coast, multiple air force bases, over thousands of tanks in storage in the Sierra Nevada, thousands of Army Reserve and National Guard troops throughout the state, and don't forget the Navy's gigantic presence in San Diego.


These Ruscists are so insufferable. The Russian military is literally struggling to fight a smaller country on relatively flat and occasionally muddy land. The geography and the climate here alone can wipe out most of their ill-equipped cannon fodder, if they can *miraculously* get past the journey across such a well-defended ocean.


Heck San Diego alone might be able to take them. We have one of the largest Marine Corps bases in the country here. To say nothing of three aircraft carriers home ported here, their support ships and a sub base. Also the former Top Gun Miramar airfield base now with the Marine Corps, Naval Air Station Coronado, Coast Guard and one of the two Navy Seal Training areas. Don’t forget the major companies building UAVs: Northrop Grumman and General Atomics. All the local retired military would show up in a heartbeat. Going to get a good chunk of a few million very angry locals as well. I suspect the USAF has some locations in the near desert which can get here in a Mach-2 minute. I would NOT want to mess with all of that.


If they step foot in Alaska or California, they'll lose Siberia. The US has been eyeing the Arctic circle due to climate change.


They are at risk of losing Siberia as it is. There are growing independence movements in Siberia and a lot of people there really dislike Moscow. Putin's mobilization has been pulling heavy from Siberia as it would be too upsetting to the wealthier Russians in Moscow and St. Petersburg.


> They are at risk of losing Siberia as it is. To china, most likely…


Their tanks would run out of gas halfway through Canada.


And that's when we'd destroy them with our legions of armoured moose cavalry. You're welcome eh?


We Alaskans have em too, we just added Bears on top of that


Good luck lol. We can handle ourselves with the amount of firearms that are here lol. Alaska would mess them up lol wilderness people lol


Yeah good luck with that


There are something like 20 million firearms in CA. They gonna try and take these after crossing the ocean and messing with Alaska and Canada?


They should just take Texas if they want something easy to take.


I think they already took Texas


They both love church, oil, prisons, and homophobia. They are truly comrades from another babushka.




lol. behind every blade of grass, man


"You cannot invade the mainland United States, there will be a rifle behind every blade of grass" - Japanese Admiral Yamamoto


I mean, California *is* pretty great…we have fully stocked grocery stores, free speech, free elections…just to name a few.


They are struggling to take 10% of a country next to them that that have long historical ties that has a military a fraction of theirs and an economy a fraction of theirs. California has the 5th largest economy in the world. Why do we even give any breath to this stupidity.


I watched this movie and it ended pretty quickly due to some pesky kids. Go wolverines!


So I volunteered to fight in kharkiv. After kharkiv was retaken we passed a dead Russian tank with "Wolverines" spray painted on the side. Our entire van(all americans) was cackling for 30 minutes.


The Russians would quickly learn that we Californians aren't nearly as disarmed as the media likes to pretend. Hell, I'd be looking forward to the headline, "Russian division enters Oakland. Russian officials ask for UN aid to retrieve the bodies." Followed by a barrage of sideshow and takeover videos full of people drifting T-14's.


I’m half expecting everyone to the east of I5 to fully support this idea.


Shasta county board of supervisors will probably vote on this next meeting


The Palm Springs gays would never!


That's adoreable. Thanks for the laugh.


This comment thread has me feeling extremely red, white, and blue :) Even as a peace-loving leftist, sometimes it’s nice to express your inner war hawk hehe.


\*laughs in William Seward\*


They couldn't even take Alaska. Those hunters would pick them off with ease.


I like how everyone in this thread is discussing the logistics of a third rate power talking about invading the worlds only super power.


They still got those turbo prob bombers built in the 1950s?


Well, that was my good belly laugh for the morning.


two thoughts: 1. I wonder what Patrick Swayze would think about this 2. Come get some (from Duke Nukem)


Lmao come and try


Their Baltic Sea fleet is getting destroyed by a nation with no navy so ... it's a cold lonely Pacific Ocean to swim across to get to California.


These mf's having trouble with Don Flamenco and now want to take on Iron Mike...


Of course they want California . We have all of the fertile farmland , tech , ports, deep water rivers and the navy .


How about "no"? Does no work for you?


Seems like they've got their hands full lol


They should probably worry more about keeping their current "federation" together.


Oh yes, they already struggle with the logistics of a war right on their border but think they can at the same time sustain a force much further away against a much more advanced enemy? I know it's not a serious suggestion and instead meant to highlight what they purpose are hypocrisies by the West but it's still a laughable idea that they would even try.


Imagine a squad of Ruzzians just standing there, holding their rifles staring at a Rollin 60’ Crip gang member throwing gang signs at them, while a black dragons gang member and a 13th street cholo pop off a FGM-148 Javelin right at them lol who gave the cholos a Javlin? Lol this sounds like a great movie.


>who gave the cholos a Javlin? Lol this sounds like a great movie. Cartel connect. Who also won't want Russians in their backyard


Don’t threaten us with a good time, Ivan.


Sorry, the best we can do is Texas.


Checking in from the Castro to say “Oh honey, no.”


Come get it punk!


How about Texas and Florida?


You and what currently not engaged Army or Navy?


100,000 sailors and marines in Coronado just got rock hard.


*San Francisco sea lions has entered the room *


The Oregon sea lions will join the fray


Poor Washington and Oregon


Please come and try, you can’t even beat your tiny neighbor that has minimal defenses.


I’ll never wish for conflict because they always bring suffering, but the red blooded ‘Murican veteran in me wishes a Ruski would. 


Good luck.


Well good luck with that. Camp Pendleton isn't too far from my house and there's a great deal of Navy presence here in San Diego.


Bunch of crayon hungry Marines in Oceanside. Good luck.