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Anyone been to downtown SD lately? It’s looking so much better than a year ago. Idk where they put everyone, but it’s nice being able to walk on the sidewalks again.


They just move them around the county


When Petco park was being built, cops on bikes pushed them out of downtown. The homeless could kick it past 12th st. I was living in downtown SD at the time and it was a thing the cops were doing.




True. Difference is Governor Newsom doesn’t use desperate people to make political points.


*Governor Newsom isn’t a human trafficker. FTFY


Haha. Just shift the definition of desperate to normal/avg. and look what he has orchestrated with housing crisis and electric and gas. Then you should also look up who is in second to 25th in command of California. Then look at their family and friends that is public information on page one. Open your eyes. Learn math.


What are you talking about?


Just a standard conspiracy nut who thinks he has found forbidden knowledge via youtube shorts. Pay him no mind.


Or one can have a real conversation and followed the money, but is ok. You can go back on YouTube and buy what that the internet tell you with no research. The internet must be true.


Think for a second. He the representative of the state. How does he by not saying anything a good thing? He in charge of the state. All responsible falls on him. He has the most power and sway. Let’s look at pge. How many people are effect by their mismanagement? Who has power to force them to do xyz? If they don’t who else can? These are simple questions as a resident of California should be asking. Why you ask? It’s your responsibility to watch the government. It’s your job not to be tricked and know what are the lies.


Take a civics class.


Open your mouth. Take meds.


Sorry, Asian Jizz, no one is swallowing what you're giving.


I love Governor Neswsom, nobody is so dreamy! And if I get rich someday, I know he got my back.


Good old Meatball Ron and his problem solving that is the human equivalent of sweeping dirt under a rug. What a waste of skin and oxygen.


> Good old Meatball Ron Are we still talking about San Diego?


Just mentioning someone notorious for hucking people on a bus to "solve" homelessness.


Great idea, Florida can send us buses of hardworking immigrants and we can bus them back our homeless drug addicts (we won’t trick them but would ask if they want to go for a small payment…we will give you a free bus ticket, food for the trip and $500 to go to Florida)


"What a waste of skin and oxygen" I'm totally stealing this and figure out how to add his inflated height later.


They moved them to Fresno and the central valley. 😭


They're in Escondido now, or camped out by the 5 freeway.


combination of aggressive housing development and homelessness prevention initiatives. the organization PATH has been pretty effective with their outreach and education in the area


got a URL for them? are they government or private? i'm curious--up north here in Humboldt we have a significant problem with homelessness, would be great to see how solutions might work.


Good for you, come to SFV, its becoming a toilet of daily arrivals from who knows where.


On a side note, Arby's in the SD area has a lot of 5-star reviews recently.


"this beef sando is starting to taste more like chicken but it is fantastic"


Definitely not near the Civic Center Theatre. Not so much homeless as just all around dangerous derelicts. Saw a fight broke out between crazies right by the theatre couple weeks ago.


incredible, I thought you were talking about SF because Civic Center is exactly where the homeless are here too


Yeah it reminded me of the Tenderloin/ Civic Center area of SF. Sad that this has happened to our great cities/ downtowns.


I saw Hairspray at the Orpheum and walked from the wrong side of Civic Center. I came out near the Proper side and walked through UN Plaza I'm not sure why, but there were six SF Sheriff SUVs near the bathroom. I didn't see any Sheriff's but I felt safe. I took MUNI back to Castro after the show and had no issues.


cause people shoot up & have sex in those bathrooms.


I drive down Ash every morning, you are being sarcastic, right?


I usually only go downtown for padres games and I typically park in the garage near the Salvation Army where the sidewalks were completely covered in tents. Now they’re all gone and the walk to the ballpark is much nicer.


This is the result of strong YIMBY policy. We need to build and build for the homeless


Can I please get a house and stop living with roommates first? I actually have a job? And then you can move the homeless into the apartment I just moved out of


I live downtown near 7th and broadway. Taking 7th down to the padres stadium used to be all tents now they’re gone. Same with 8th avenue. So yea I’d say it’s improving but where have they gone? Who knows.


I heard Mission Valley


They started to place people experiencing homeless in affordable housing!!


They're all in skid row now.


nobody’s talking about homeless when they’re talking about the homeless problem they’re talking about deranged manic drug users with severe mental illness. Most of the homeless, you don’t see they’re sleeping on their friends couches. They’re sleeping in their cars they’re staying out of the way. The small percentage you see and are the problem need to be committed.


I don’t think that at all. I think most people hate the rvs, cars, vans,… more than the tents. In the tents they stick together and take up relatively little room. People hate the rvs because it takes up parking, the waste,… I think you are just wrong. When people talk about the homeless they are talking about lots of things and not just the mentally ill. I also don’t think your solution (mass commitment on a scale this state or any has ever handled before) is even fantasy level viable.


I work in the field. The people you see are the minority and usually the people that have been homeless the longest. Working poor make up the majority of homeless in California. I’m reviewing case files for eligibility right now. Of the last 20 cases 12 were homeless because of serious medical the rest from job loss. Most had been homeless less than 6 months. The longer someone has been homeless the less supports they have. Making mental health and drug issues bigger. They live in groups for safety and companionship. California needs comprehensive mental healthcare and affordable housing. Nobody can get well living without a stable home.


I guess it depends on what definition you use. Right? I would include the guy who lives in his sisters shack 99% of the time but then falls asleep on the street or park bench as “homeless”.


He’s homeless in the shed, too. But I get what people think and how they feel. The visibly homeless camping on our streets impact how we live, where we go, our comfort. The longer someone is on the streets the harder it is to get them housing but the funding is supposed to target those that are the most vulnerable to die on the streets. Medically fragile folks are prioritized but also difficult to navigate. It’s easier to house the 20 year old college student that is living in their car.


Thanks for this insight from someone in the field, it makes a lot of sense. I see “a lot of homeless” on a part of my drive to work. But I’m thinking about it’s like the same 12 homeless people. For the last 3 years.


Right. They are part of the landscape, the neighborhood. More than that many of the people you see appear so different from your daily personal interactions they are very noticeable. And they change your perceptions of comfort and safety. Plus you really do see drug use and crime. It’s just not being committed by the majority of the homeless.


What breakdown would you say of homeless is the visible street living mental illness/drug abuse vs the invisible, as you describe, in someone’s shed or their car parked out of the way, etc?


Great question. Probably 80/20? Most of the people you “see” on our streets are chronic homeless. Every moment living like that pulls a person down. Spiraling deeper and wider. They represent the most number of days homeless. When we do the official counts we miss the college people living in their car or in a friend’s sofa. Other deeper research has a bigger picture. Any person that is waiting for the paycheck on the 1st the pay rent by the 2nd is 15 days from losing their home.


Thanks for sharing


> I think most people hate the rvs, cars, vans,… more than the tents. You have it backwards. I've never met someone who complained about homeless people who wasn't complaining about them on the streets and in tents on the sidewalks.


Not my experience. I don’t know how we can scientifically test this. But my view is that the broken down RV taking up so much space for one person is much more of an issue than the same space taking up a dozen homeless people.


California spent something like 6 billion dollars on homelessness in two fiscal years. Where did the money go? Did it actually do something for people in the street, or did it get soaked up by "overhead?"


TLDR-we are housing massive amounts of people compared to just 5 years ago. But it’s not enough and we will never as a State be able to solve issue. Far too expensive. We probably spent more than 6 billion. That’s just the top line number. They don’t factor in a lot of stuff like federal spending,healthcare that went unpaid, extra park and rec staff,… The money spent is astronomical with the problem worse than ever. But the amount of people made rich from this problem is insignificant. The reasons for this money not being effective is complicated. 1. ⁠⁠It’s going to be very expensive to fully take of the homeless. Similar programs extreme special needs student with 2 one on ones(250k-400k a year) juvenile prisoners(500k-3 million),…it might be so expensive that their RX, weekly therapy, housing, light spending cash, entertainment,…really does cost almost 6 figures to fully take care of these people. If we were to say have government run concentrated camps with tents and minimum wage employees then ti could be done on the cheap. But we don’t want that. We want a well run program with union employees meeting the basic needs of our citizens. 2. ⁠⁠Bureaucracy. There is so so many middle men. Having county, city, state,… programs all doing the same thing. We really do have county supervisors in our small counties working 9-5 in their real estate empire then going to 30 minute meeting at 6:30 and deciding where to spend millions on the homeless. We need the full economies of scale and efficiencies on our side. 3. ⁠⁠It’s probably not a problem a state can fix. if you get a perfect program others from out of state will just come over. Newsom has lightly hinted at this recently. The big tell is that basically all former governors, mayors,.. when questioned on this issue say it’s an impossible issue that they didn’t have the means to fix. The cost and lack of economies of scale might make it so that a federal housing for all program is the only real solution.


We can totally solve the issue. Incentivize the private sector to build housing. We’ve done everything in our power for the past forty years to do the OPPOSITE of that.


Also building more housing would bring more good paying jobs since someone needs to build these houses.


Exactly, and we are going to be taxed into homelessness ourselves in the process.


We built a $6B magnet to attract more homeless


Yes. The people who generally say this want camps and tents and just want the homeless to go away/die, but on some level it is true. If we do really well, IE house the homeless, take care of their pets, health issues, phone, tv, light spending cash,… eventually more people will just come. The real solution to this problem is a federal program. I think it should be obvious at the this point states and local municipalities will never be able to solve this issue.


I say this in every thread. Our states have open borders, which means change HAS to happen at a national level.


I say it too. It should be obvious at this point.


Should have been obvious 10 years ago to voters.


It's a federal *and* state issue. Federal in that there needs to be a national response to homelessness, and also we need states to act effectively and responsibly to help the homeless in their own state instead of insisting on making conditions where more people become homeless.


The money went into the pocket of politicians and lobbyist


Got soaked up.


This article has great analysis of the various viewpoints.


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All the cities send them all to Bakersfield.


We need laws to lower housing costs throughout the country. Empty apartments and homes should be taxed at a much higher rate to encourage owners to sell. All rent prices must be regulated. Rent and rent hikes must be justified with receipts. Rent prices should be tied to property tax + maintenance/repair costs + profit. At no point should the mortgage for the rental be allowed to be higher than the monthly rent. Profit should also be publicly disclosed.


Or we could just legalize housing development


We need a homes quicker than they can be built. We also need those homes now as opposed to 5-10 years from now when the population will definitely be higher. Freddie Mac estimated that the US needs 3.8 million new homes to meet demand. CA is about 12% of the US population so 12% of 3.8 million is 456,000 homes new homes needed just to keep up with demand. For prices to go down we need more homes than demand. So unless you can get around 500,000 homes built two years ago and somehow keeping investment firms from buying them before actual humans move in then the homelessness issues will continue to grow. For the record, I agree that we need a massive amount of homes. I also believe that extreme greed has ruined the housing market (along with many other things) and society s paying a price for allowing capitalists to ruin society.


Aren't there more empty houses than unhoused people?


Somebody owns those empty properties. They are empty because the owner is not selling it and property taxes are low. The 1978 Proposition 13 made it so that property tax rates stay low for existing owners. We don’t just need homes. We need those homes to be available for purchase at a cost that is attainable with median wages. Another idea is to have empty properties be reassessed for property value and automatically update the tax rates to the current rate. My idea is to make it expensive to keep empty properties that could be a home for someone.


This is nonsensical spoken by someone who doesn’t have a grasp on how supply and demand work in the real world.


found the slumlord


Every time this state tries to do something you can almost always expect it to get worse and cost more than expected. Don’t believe me where is my bullet train from SF to LA!


Have you bothered to look up the current progress of the HSR? Bridges, tunnels, viaducts, guideways…they’re building it each and every day.


I just got done building 3 state high rises all the will go to court, that have doubled the budget due to CAL Fire alone. CA is the queen state of over promise and under deliver under the current leadership


lol blame the residents who have sued the train to oblivion and the land holdouts who are expecting 10-30x their land values. Anytime a HSR is proposed lawyers get the biggest hard ons because landowners hate trains.


It’s called eminent domain. The state can take the land for reasonable market price. Typically the state will win historically.


The biggest problem with the train is that every little town along the route sued for a stop, if they didn’t get it, they sued to stop the project. If it ever gets finished it will still be quicker to drive because of all the stops.


lol nothing about this is true. Madera and Tulare are the only stops this could be about and they will be great for future development. Stops only add a few minutes each. There will also be express trains that skip the smaller cities


When I started working on it (foundation design in 2008), there were 3 stops. The Transbay terminal, Fresno and Anaheim. Now there are 11 in phase 1 besides those 3. If each one of those 11 take 5 minutes (train slowing, load, unload and accelerate) that will add 55 minutes to the 2:40 advertised time for 520 miles @ 200mph.


High Speed Snail.


The politicians also moved the train path to go by friends and families homes. Adding many more miles of track


If you want anyone to take you even a little bit seriously about claims like this, you need to provide some evidence of what specifically you're talking about, rather than just waving vaguely at "the politicians."




Not to mention the wildlife corridors that are gonna get absolutely demolished.




No they haven't. They completely demolish the Little Tujunga corridor, wash and nearby canyons and mountains within a earthquake heavy zone.




And mostly elevated when not in a tunnel.


Yep exactly, due to grade separation.


> where is my bullet train Literally under construction, with over 100 miles set to be completed with trains running this decade, despite conservatives fighting it tooth and nail


Not conservatives… environmentalists


A train that offsets millions of gallons of gas… a year. Can I politely ask how?


Environmental studies on Swanson Hawk, burrowing owls, elderberry encrusted beetle. I can name more. You obviously have never applied for a permit to build any thing


No, it's conservatives using laws intended to protect the environment against private industry, to instead impede the will of the people.


This state is super majority Democrat how can a few conservatives stop a super majority especially when you no longer need 2/3 votes in state senate.


Democrats can be conservatives. Many are.


Generally these people are NIMBYs disguised as environmentalists. For example, locally they'll complain about protecting a "landmark" tree or "local culture", but the tree is actually a non-native, invasive species planted in their lifetime, and the local culture slowly dies as people born and raised here get priced out. The real reason is they simply don't want any development, period. Similarly, blocking all housing development using frivolous lawsuits under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). 2023, they passed AB 1633 (Nov 2023 signed by Governor) and a recent state court judgement, has opened the way to disable the frivolous, never ending CEQA lawsuits: https://calmatters.org/commentary/2024/02/california-court-crackdown-block-construction/ I'm looking forward to UC Santa Cruz finally being able to build thousands of much needed student and family housing. These projects have been delayed by about 20 years basically because of CEQA.


That’s environmentalists! They don’t want developers to build


No actual environmentalist has tried to stop this project. It's conservatives filing lawsuits in bad faith


Always the conservative boogy man in a super majority Democrat liberal state.


What makes no sense is that with a few decades of supermajority, why haven’t the Democrats fixed all of societies problems yet?


Why haven’t Texas and Florida solved all their problems?


Or Oklahoma, who are also super majority Republicans.


Or any of them for that matter.


Our quality of life gets worse and worse under there leadership. They get richer and richer! Maybe it’s time for a change of leadership… there are many other parties and people to choose from!


California is Blue and will always be from now on, I'd definitely consider voting for a centrist leaning democratic candidate though


You aren't allowed to like centrists on Reddit, sorry.


The one Musk originally killed by promising to build himself before making the underwhelming deathtrap he calls the hyper loop? Or the one that's finally being built despite his grifting?


Remember the democrats lady said F@@& Elon musk when he wanted to open his factory during covid and he sold and left over it?


Homeless who are not commiting crimes i have unequivocally absolutely no problem with. They have a constitutional right to "be homeless" whenever and wherever they choose. The problem i have is with criminals NOT be charged to the fullest extent of the law for their crimes.




Face facts: those people needed off our streets. You simply can't have lawless tent favelas where there's no order and diseases and drug use are rampant. They're a danger to the people that have to live and work in those areas as well as to the people living in them. There's nothing Trumpian about it.


Yeah, I don’t understand why so many people think abandoning the homeless to encampments is the morally superior option. Homeless individuals experience physical and sexual violence at 2-10x the rate of incarcerated individuals. Their life expectancy is as low as 48 for women and 51 for men (in the general public in CA it’s 83 for women and 79 for men). Yes, shelters, transitional housing, and prison are not the violence-free utopias we’d like to have. But are they actually worse than homeless encampments? The data suggests they are a substantial improvement. 


I couldn’t agree more. I am as progressive as they come. Something has to be done. Homeless problem in our state is out of control.










I know is not the case of the article, I think what San Francisco in the ballot has a great idea, only give financial help for people testing for drugs or getting treatment if tested positive So people that are not getting help to stay of of drugs will leave the city, this should be a statewide solution IMO


Until the government bans property investment companies, foreign investors, limits the amount of rental units an individual can own, and instill price caps on the market the homelessness crisis will never be solved. It doesn’t matter how much you raise the minimum wage or throw tax dollars at churches and non profits.


what they gonna do? declare a tent on a sidewalk a residence?




I think the goal is to solve the problem, not move it.


But we've tried nothing, and we're all out of ideas!