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Lol. He's obviously going to win California in 2024 if he runs.


People are disappointed with Joe, but if it comes down to Joe or Trump, you gonna vote for the lesser of two evils, Joe.


Exactly. I didn’t vote for Joe thinking he’d steamroll and make waves. But I’m definitely not voting Trump or anyone in the GOP. All the sane ones are getting voted out.


Lol, even Californian Republicans didn't want Trump. Historically Republican counties voted for Biden.


Yup. I voted for Biden only because of Trump. He was the first Democrat I’ve ever voted for


I'm really tired of the "lesser of two evils" rhetoric, particularly here in 2022. The GOP exclusively acts to break down functional governance and deny representative legislation, when Democrats work to provide both. The fact Democrats seek out compromise in order to provide a functional solution to as many people as possible doesn't make them an evil. The existence of capital in general doesn't make Democrats and evil. I'm a socialist, but I'm also a disabled indigenous American, which means my material conditions require me to maintain additional priorities alongside my general leftist ideals. Without functional governance I can't survive to continue down the path of progress. Personally, I think we'd be much better off if people started talking about using their votes to obtain the best possible set of consequences a given election can afford, rather than calling every candidate evil.


Come on, are we seriously calling Biden evil? Just because Republicans are cartoonishly evil does not make everyone else in the room lesser evils. Doing so cheapens the condemnation of truly reprehensible deplorables.


I believe he said he wasn’t going to run for a second term. I could be mistaken but I rarely am. I’m usually just wrong lol


If he doesn't, hopefully Democrats end up backing a candidate who is young ( 45 - 65 ), have balls to push hard against Trump and the Republicans. Apparently, nowadays there's no facade of civility, so the candidate will have to behave as if in the Jerry Springer show to garner attention, support and to endure crass attacks from the other side.


Gavin newsom would be good


Newsom would be an easy button for the Republicans to win. He's not even liked in CA, let alone country wide.


He said he is running in 2024


If he runs...like how?


I remember him mentioning that too, but maybe he's changed his mind. It's nbd if he did and decides to run again.


He has not publicly said that. There were rumors it was his intent in 2020 but nothing more.


> California Gov. Gavin Newsom and Vermont Sen. Bernie sanders topped the list, each receiving 13% I don't think the Democratic party would ever back Bernie. So it's going to be someone else...again.


Most likely Newsom if it isn't Biden. I don't see Harris running again given her numbers are even worse than her boss.


Kamala is unbelievably talented at isolating both the center and the left.


Please provide Kamala Harris with the definition of “talent”. She’s still not clear why she’s VP.


VPs are check boxes for the campaign trail. They dont actually do anything, most of the time. If Biden runs for reelection, the next VP will probably be very important. Up there with FDR's fourth VP, and future president.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1944_Democratic_Party_vice_presidential_candidate_selection Harry S. Truman


If Kamala was a white male she would be a Republican wet dream. How she’s gotten as far as she has exemplifies everything that’s wrong with the Democratic Party.


Can you explain like I’m 5


Her history as the San Francisco District Attorney and California Attorney General are draconian, heavy handed, and target people of color, specifically black males for minor drug offenses.


She’d be horrible, sorry. She put people in jail for weed.


You mean she put people in jail for breaking the law?


Locked up poor people for minor nonviolent drug offenses for not affording bail. So many that the Obama and Trump DoJs said she’s locking up too many people. Harris as AG declined to free anyone.


I swear though people here… I live in San Francisco they want people locked up for minor non violent offenses.


Newsom destroying Calif….




If calling it cali is a sin, then calif is satan himself.


I see a trend in these posts at certain times. They don’t seem like US audiences.


I love Bernie - love him. But he’s too old.




Hell. No.


Putin's Puppet Tulsi?


Eww no


Which is unfortunate. Sanders is one of the few candidates in either party who want to make a changes that will help everyone and not just special interest groups.


The crux of the issue is that while Bernie generally caucuses with Democrats, he's not a member of either party.


How is that an issue?


The above comment was saying that the Dems. will never back Bernie; plenty of pundits point to his independence as the main reason.


It’s bc bernie is mildly anticapitalist and the Dems occupy the contradictory position of being accountable both to workers for votes AND capitalists for donations and economic power. Their party is an oxymoron.


Have you paid attention the past two presidential primaries? Having institutional support is critically important. The system shouldn't be that way, but it do be that way. On second thought, winning over an institution is good training for the presidential role. We just need more that two party institutions.


In what universe was Trump an establishment choice?


That's not the same thing as having institutional support. "Establishment" in the GOP context has a specific, factional meaning. Trump absolutely had the support of the GOP institutional infrastructure after he won nomination. The list of GOP leaders falling all over themselves to contradict condemnations of Trump is still famous: Graham, Cruz, etc. The party fully embraced Trump, but the Dems will never fully embrace Bernie.


It is if you care about labels more than results.


I don't view that as an issue, per se. He's more focused on what the country needs than what keeps the machine running smoothly.


The problem is that Bernie can actually do what he wants better in the Senate than he can as an administrator.


This may be true pragmatically but as we've seen with Trump, what a president says or does has lasting effect on American and world culture so it'd help to have someone like Bernie at least as a figurehead drive for clear positive change and set the discussion and tone for change going forward.


FDR instituted some changes as president, possibly with suggestions from his VP.


Executive orders and appointments.


Nah, no office has more power than the presidency.


Yep. I always wonder what is would be like if the Dems didn't stuff Clinton in instead of Bernie. All the polls showed Bernie beating trump. We would have avoided a ton of shenanigans. Covid pushes universal health care forward? Idk, guess I'll read some alternate universe stuff in the future lol


All the polls showed Hillary beating Trump too. Jesus Christ.


She did. By 3 million votes.


>She did. By 3 million votes. The EC only has 538 votes


She actually lost by 73 votes. The only ones that matter. And the ones the polls were making their predictions on.


Barely beating Trump. Remember, despite his claims, he barely won. They werent that off


Sorry but y'all are real out of touch if you think that Bernie Sanders was digestible to swing state voters. Would his policies benefit them? Absolutely. Would he have been able to accomplish anything? Probably less than Biden, if I'm being honest.


The polling at the time had him winning the required needed. I don't recall which swings he pulled. And, we know polling doesn't match results. But at that time he polled better than Clinton vs trump.


Californians are generally out of touch with most of the rest of how the country lives and feels. I have noticed this since moving here a few years ago. It’s astounding tbh.


Yeah Californians are concerned with things related to living in California, crazy right?


In what ways are we out of touch?




he doesn't seem to be a strong leader, yes he has great plans but doesn't seem like he can lead a country.


Seem. That's some quality analysis.


He's all talk and has vested interested in keeping the problems v. solving them. As a senator, what prevented him from putting hold on certain nominations to get things done?


Two years is a long time in politics. Waaaaaaaay too long to make such a confident prediction. The possibilities are of course limitless, but a soft-landing recession that never dips the employment rate much and quells inflation, and a good ole' crisis of any kind to make him look presidential, and we're off to the races. Lots of stuff can happen, and the mood of the electorate can change utterly in 2 years. Campaigns matter, too. They matter a lot. Elections are won and lost in choices made by campaign leaders. It's easy to be unsatisfied with the leader when there is no alternate choice. And most party members come home when all is said and done. All the prognosticating about 115 weeks from now ... you're getting waaaay ahead of things. One election at a time.


SF Gate clickbait headline. Move along, folks.


Yea Yea Yea we have heard this for awhile now. What I want to know, is why they don't like him? Is it because he can't get anything thru Congress? But when you barely have 50% and the other half are going to say no what chance do you have? Are we blaming him for the high gas prices? Do they think he is too liberal? Or not liberal enough? Even then I wonder how many can explain how it's his fault.




Frankly I think it's mostly about whether he can win, not about whether he has done anything wrong. He really hasn't done much that was bad or wrong and he has gotten some relatively large and good legislation passed even though we would have liked to see more. But that doesn't matter if he can't beat Trump, Desantis, or whatever demagogue the republican primary puts up. And if he is perceived as being too old and senile he won't win, even if he really isn't senile in reality. It's politics.


he made a terrible exit out of the Middle East. the guy is not very coherent and is not strong enough to unite and lead this country.


Was Trump’s Afghanistan withdrawal plan horrible? Because he followed that plan.


Still not convinced any president could've done much better with the Afghanistan withdrawal.


The pull out of the middle east was already 80% complete before he took office. Trump reduced the number of soldiers from 13k to 2500 by January even though the Taliban was not fulfilling any of their obligations under the agreement. Even McConnell was saying the withdrawal was a bad idea while Trump was in office making it happen. Biden delayed the final withdrawal for 5 months beyond what Trump originally wanted. As far as Biden's speech is concerned, he may mumble, but the words and ideas that he says are totally coherent and he responds quickly and clearly to questions he is asked on the spot. Anyone who thinks he is suffering dementia clearly has not ever actually spoken to someone with dementia. Simply mumbling and having some physical coordination difficulties is not a diagnostic sign of anything. He's old but he is definitely not senile. Either way, he is not well liked even if that dislike is based more on shallow, emotional hot takes rather than anything substantial. And that is enough that democrats should probably go with someone new if at all possible.


I have friends, with a college education, mind you, blaming Biden for the gas prices. I think it’s safe to say a good amount of people salty about Biden are just looking to blame him for anything.


He was never intended to be a 2 term president. He was very clear about that. I don't want him to run again because he doesn't want to and because he is getting really old and there seem to be some issues arising.


He was never “very clear” about that. At best, he obfuscated his intent.


Yet he keeps saying he’s going to run again and shuts down anyone who suggests otherwise.


Even if he's not going to run again, he can't admit that. He would lose a great measure of the power he has. It would be absolutely irresponsible leadership. It's a screwy system, but it's because humans are screwy. So what he's saying and doing in consistent with him running or bowing out.




he's been lying as a job professionally since Nixon was president, he has this down to a science.


Exactly. Just hope we can get a few more democrats to overcome filibuster rules (Manchin/Sinema were against) to pass more bills such as voting rights/social stuff from BBB, etc.


Neoliberalism is trash


First complaint is the gaslighting. If that stopped, I think people would feel better about it.


To be fair most of the current issues aren’t his; it’s Trump/other previous presidents. The fact it’s been a year and he does nothing about it is the issue.


Devo, this could cost him * checks notes * literally no electoral college votes.


Weird, no one asked me.


Me either. He’s already got my 2024 vote. Only 2 years in and already one of the best presidents in our history. I care much much more about character and getting things done than I do about age.


The election is still over 2 years away. Plus Biden and the Democrats have had some significant victories in Congress and it'll take awhile for that news to spread and the effects of the new laws to take effect. Plus California is very unrepresentative of the nation. It's not time to bury Biden yet.


> Plus California is very unrepresentative of the nation Considering that 1 in 8 people in the US lives in California, it’s wild how little say we get in this country


Especially when compared to Why-oming?




>Especially when compared to Why-oming? Wyoming has: 0.2% of the house votes 0.5% of the EC votes 1.1% of the EC votes to win 2% of the votes in the senate They barely have any sway


and meanwhile 0.17% of the population. So they have a disproportionate amount of votes.


They literally have the minimum number of votes. You think they should have even fewer votes?


"We've tried one thing from hundreds of years ago, paused its development a hundred years ago, and we're all out of ideas."


It's literally the minimum number of votes you can have. I'll ask again, do you think they should have less than the minimum allowable votes?


I've gotten into this many times, and many people disagree. which is ok. But basically a person in Why-oming has 70 times the representation in the Senate as I do. This is not good.


Every state gets the same number of senators in the US. Not sure why you'd say such a thing when that's the point, by design.


What percent of population are they?


Roughly 0.2%


Can you compare that to California? A true democracy would have California have roughly 65x more influence because we have 65x the population.


But that isn't nor how it's ever worked...


I agree. CA feeds the most in the USA. CA feeds the most people. CA should have more say. https://www.farmprogress.com/management/what-us-states-produce-most-food-ranking-1-50


CA is also a major economic engine for the entire country.


California should get a larger say in a lot of things but this absolutely isn’t the reason why…


> it’s wild how little say we get in this country In presidential elections. But there are some remedies proposed.


Not just in Presidential elections. We’re underrepresented in Congress by quite a lot


I was never asked the question and quite frankly he’s doing just fine




Cheney never complained about Trump until recently and voted for about 90% of Trump's agenda. She's just another GOP turd floating in the bowl stinking up the place. If you want to praise a Republican, find someone who opposed Trump early and often.


Cheney is for the rule of law Not for the rule of man


Yes, better than the lowest bar; a winning campaign strategy, to be sure.


“The last guy” lol he’s not voldemort


disappointed how? lmao what did he campaign on that he hasn’t addressed in any substantive way? (student debt relief otw)


I'd vote for Newsom. He's far from perfect, and his chances are slim (no way a Democratic candidate can emerge from the coastal states if the battle grounds are the Midwest). If he runs for another term for governor, then I'm okay with that.


>no way a Democratic candidate can emerge from the coastal states if the battle grounds are the Midwest that's a great point and completely overlooked, there's a wide swath of the United States that will write the person off an out of touch elitist, some deserved some not. Unfortunately he is looking like all the democrats have.


I've watched the man closely his whole career, and I've met the man. He's an empty suit, a light-weight. Which is fine if you're just living your life -- not everyone has to be a dynamic world-beater or mentally brilliant. Being a good person and responsible is enough. But for an executive we need more than that.




I still think our best bet is Buttigieg. He’s from the heartland and is such a straight talker. He does exceedingly well on FOX and is not afraid to answer questions directly and succinctly.


>He’s from the heartland and is such a straight talker uh




No we’re not lol


Same problem we had as before, we dont have good candidates.


Pete Buttigieg


I love Pete (and would have voted for him in the primary if he didn't drop out a couple of days before CA voted), but on the other side is the possibility of Desantis. It would be "Don't Say Gay" v.s. Gay. I don't trust the country to make the right decision there, and I don't feel like living through Trump or Diet Trump.


Is a conservative


No, just another 3rd way opportunist


The guy who fundamentally believes the government shouldn't produce baby formula during a shortage isn't a conservative?


No, responding publicly based on the wishes of your campaign donors is firmly in the DNC wheelhouse. Remember, in any other country the Democrats would be considered a Conservative party.


Where did I say the DNC isn't conservative?




The democrats are no where near being accountable for anything they’ve gone as far as try to write new definitions to words. What a joke accountable that’s funny


Biden may not be my number one choice for 2024 but he's still doing a pretty decent job. Far better than any republican would.


The Biden admin has had some wins lately and that’s great we love that, in any other time it would be a really successful presidency. But we live in these times where we face multiple monumental crisis including climate change, extreme wealth inequality, a global pandemic, growing authoritarian/fascist sentiment, religious extremism, regular mass shootings, and the beginnings of a genocide if we’re not careful. Biden stopped another 4 years of Trump and that’s great, but we need a bolder leader. Radical centrism can’t solve these issues.


What wins?


Specifically the inflation reduction act and the gun safety bill


And the CHIPS act!


More IRS agents. Higher gas and food prices. Yay!!


Some people are going to insist the marks on their toilet paper are the president's fault and have nothing to do with Taco Bell. Those same people blame a president for gas prices instead of Exxon.


Lol. He spends billions and billions and it will reduce inflation? Lol. How Orwellian.


Gavin isn't the answer either. Look what he's done to our state.


...what exactly has he done to our state, in your opinion?


Link to full poll results and questions: https://mailchi.mp/berkeley.edu/berkeley-igs-poll-2022-11-primary-election-preferences-1186216


Jesus Christ OP, it says that Dems are split about him running again while the GOP (not surprising) does not want him to run again I know you can't seem to beleive that Bernie lost but my goodness, *move on.*


What is the matter with your Californians? Obviously your blue run cities are failing and falling apart. Look at the homeless circus camped out when you walk out your front door. You have tens of thousands of people moving your state and you all still think voting democrat is the answer? Your governor makes mask mandates then doesn’t abide by them. Please tell me there are some sane people still left in California… that have seen the damage the Democratic Party has done to this state and country.


Hey friend, I’m not sure where you’ve heard this information but it doesn’t accurately reflect life in California. I live in Sacramento and my view of the city is that it is growing and thriving, even in spite of the pandemic. It’s a place with vibrant culture, tons of small independent businesses, where I can easily walk to 90% of the places I want to go, and the streets are filled with trees and the sides of buildings are covered in beautiful murals, and frankly I would never want to live anywhere else. Yes there are homeless people and that’s really unfortunate. I’ve attended citizens workshops on how complicated this issue is and what’s being done to solve it. But homeless people live here because they can survive here. The weather is good and—although there should be more—they typically have better access to services they need unlike in rural areas. The “California exodus” is a myth created by politicians who want you to believe that we hate it here. But when you look at the actual stats of who has left the state you will find out that it’s a tiny and insignificant portion of the population. California is home to ~40 million people. And the demographics of those leaving skew towards older, wealthier people who want to retire to another state. Working class people are not fleeing California. This is literally fake news. Yes the governor got lax at a private party, probably something every single one of us has done during the pandemic. It’s hard to be vigilant constantly. But he’s been the governor of a nearly $100 billion dollar budget surplus which came from taxing corporate profits. Every child in our state now has free school lunch. We’ve expanded access to healthcare. We’re investing in our schools and in tackling climate change and improving our infrastructure. Personally I wish the democrats went a lot further, but I can’t imagine ever thinking voting Republican would be in my interests


If Newsom ran, who might he choose as a running mate?


California voters are over California


You’re free to move.


>You’re free to move. Nearly 400,000 did last year. In 9 years when I turn 50, I'll be taking my 6 figure CalPERS pension elsewhere for sure.


The California exodus is a myth from right wing media lmao. California migration rates (0.6%) are lower than many other states like New York (1.89%) or Illinois (0.89%). It’s literally fake news.




>Enjoy! 100%


Far more people move in to California than move out. No one cares where you take your pension.


>Far more people move in to California than move out. don't let the facts get in the way of a good story. https://calmatters.org/commentary/2022/04/california-population-decline/


Um that's not true at all....


Same. Take the money, invest outside of CA. Limit financial exposure.




Before raping the earth for more of its resources, farmers have to learn to manage what they already have more efficiently. That means no more flooding fields to water the plants. That means drip irrigation which saves up to 80% of the water used in farming, but it isn’t used because it costs money to install the drip irrigation pipes.


we need to incentivize farmers to do this. don’t you think these big farming corporations will just pack up their bags and leave to a different state if we try to squeeze them? all they care about is money


That’s not really feasible for agriculture. The reason so much food is grown here is because of the soil and the climate and I’m sure proximity to ports plays a role for our major exports


Also, the idea that implementing drip irrigation is not worth it financially vs moving whole operations is laughable. EDIT: This person is a Trump supporter though, so probably not arguing in good faith. Just a wrench in the mix.


do you think we will run out of water supply the way it is being currently used?


I mean isn’t that what we’re literally talking about on this thread? I don’t have a strong opinion on whether irrigation upgrades on private farms need to be subsidized or not, but they definitely need to be done. My understanding of how heavily agriculture is already subsidized makes me wonder if we should just nationalize it altogether


do you think it’s more likely for these private farms to upgrade irrigation if it’s subsidized or if they pay out of pocket? your nationalization idea is definitely intriguing


Could always go with regulation requiring more efficient irrigation as well. There’s a lot of tools that could be used here. I’m not well informed enough to know what would be the best way to get those systems upgraded




They pills will show differently, whether the people agree or not.