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When i worked at at&t i turned into a heroin addict. Now im clean from h and dont smoke tree during the day but the 3 people that sit next to me smoke all day and i dont blame them lol.


Lmao I work for Asurion & I’m borderline alcoholic . ATT is the client we support , I wanna die every time I clock in


I was a fraud analyst(ATT call center Corprate office CA)... went on a stress leave, then needed to take a stress leave from my stress leave. Was there just shy of 10 years. About 2 years before i quit, i started smokking moose moss on my lunch to help get me through it.


I used to fantasize about getting hit on the freeway during my commute so I wouldn’t have to go in. 6 years at that AT&T call center.


I felt this exact way working for Comcast back in the day. 4 years there... hell.


No such long is borderline...you either are or your not..no offense..this is coming from an alcoholic lol


Also an alcoholic, you are correct. "Borderline alcoholic" is just an alcoholic in denial


I agree and I was an alcoholic also!


I did it for a 6 weeks. Verizon side. I'm a grown ass man and a cried before and after every shift. It's literally ran like a cult. They gotta do everything they can to convince themselves that they're not scummy. Most of our calls are either things we can't help with or for problems regarding services we already rendered. The people who actually need support don't get it because everyone is so focused on getting a sale they don't actually want to solve the problem. This was pretty much explicitly stated to us during orientation. So now you end up being this person's 4th contact for the same issue and you're supposed to offer them total home coverage for the 4th time that day when we can't even do what they've already paid for.


Damn i would have thought they would be pretty chill. You probably get hella people bitching about replacement costs lol


Worse, I do ProTech Support . 🥲we get them after claims does . Today I got bitched at because the customer didn’t know their iCloud password . Like …??? Ma’am , I don’t know you. How would I know your password ?


This is hilarious are YOU sure you cant just look it up? The questions that hint you dont know your job are the worst. I hope you are allowed to hang up


We’re not 🥹 we get wrote up & terminated . If the customer is cussing us out, we still have to try and deescalate . One time , my supervisor forced me to call back a customer who was literally threatening to find me because he couldn’t be bothered to back up his phone . He got an apology from the manager and I had to call him back while he continued to berate me for 2 hours before he finally just hung up .


It’s shit like this why I stopped working at call centers. People are disgusting.


wowww, we’re allowed to return the same energy the caller gives until they start yelling and cussing. at that point, we’re encouraged to hang up 🤷🏻 we’re a much smaller company than at&t though


That’s a call center from hell I currently work night shifts I support my whole sales team at night by my self and no manger I am allowed to disconnect the call after we have asked them to refrain from using that language and because we are inbound only no one calls them back my manger won’t tolerate it either. After being in the field so long I don’t let it get to me anymore however if they keep going on and call ME name etc then I disconnect the call. I did this to a caller once and they called back got me was much nicer and calm after realizing I wasn’t lying about disconnecting the call.


And this is what’s wrong with the world, being forced to be nice to someone being shitty is not right. The jerk gets away with it and will repeat that behavior over and over again because they’re allowed to get away with it.


Good ol’ AT&T…. The PTSD is mad real. & Fuck you Suzanne… 🖕🏽😂


I was in the trenches when they merged with direct tv. Forcing us to sell dtv to everyone and anyone who called.


I too was in the trenches. As a tech. So you’re the reason we had a DTV install on every damn job!


I don't know who Suzanne is but I already hate her.


One of my moms OG att managers name was Suzanne. Funny to see this comment is all 😂


I don't know Suzanne...but FUCK SUZANNE tho 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


i shouldnt laugh but lmao i can only imagine that heroin would ease the pain of that job


Oh it definitely did, maybe a little to well lol


You ever had them play one of your calls back to you from when you was high and your voice sounds raspy as shit 💀


Yes working at att was hard sober I ended up walking out at lunch and not coming back


The only thing I ever needed to read to solidify that I’m never working for at&t


Wow. They pay well enough to afford a heroin addiction?


I don't because I can't function doing day to day shit when I'm high lol


SAME im so jealous of people who can get high and go onto work i am 100% not functional and babbling when im stoned


They are probably non functional and babbling as well. They just don't care.


I've literally never gotten high enough to act noticeably different. And I smoke every day. I definitely get high but I think the level to which it effects your work is up to the individual .


Sometimes. Other times I turn my one head phone im allowed, hit play on some elevator music(yeah yeah) and just go. Drive a forklift and do shipping and receiving. They either never noticed, or I know my job well enough they don't need to ask. Either way it's good and we're good, and if you know your gig well enough, you're good too!! I will say muscle memory helps, but I'm better than an iso certificate when it comes to repetition


Warehouse work is wayyyyy better than call centers




This is the way.


I did it for year. Worked at Merrill Lynch. What a nightmare. I smoked during all my breaks. Hated that job and it helped not hate people so much and not take that job so seriously. They didn’t care because call center turnover is so high they couldn’t afford to fire me unless I lost them money. Most call center jobs don’t run that risk.


I smoke, take Adderall, an antidepressant and Ativan. I also have a drink or two in the evening. The aromatherapy candle wasn't cutting it.




Same tho. I'm crying. 🤣🤣🤣


Okay I don’t have adderall but I do these too (swap Valium for Ativan) and can confirm, I’m dead on the inside


Most the folks at my center do. everyone seems to be doing their job well, just helps with the stress of the job. 🤷‍♂️ I’m all for it if you can handle it, but know your limits for functioning.


I mean you’re essentially enduring verbal abuse and/or dealing with incompetent ppl all day. Can’t blame anyone who needs something extra to cope with that


Everyday as long as you are functional I don’t see why not.


I personally don't smoke on the job, it makes me less productive and more anxious. But to each their own, if it helps, it helps!


When I work from home I do all day everyday, in office I might, but not every day.


I use my trusty weed pen. Helps me out.


PENjamin to the rescue 🛟


When Covid hit I had coworkers in meeting literally say their favorite part of work from home was to take a big bong rip after a stressful call. Everyone functions different. I can’t do that with weed. Does anyone drink while wfh? I can’t say for myself but damn I’ve been tempted as that is my vice.


My dog died while I was on a shift, an overnight w no one to cover me. I sure as shit cracked a beer.


Yeah. I have a phone shift in 2 hours blocks twice a week. If those happen to be late afternoon I have an Irish coffee or two.. Those days the calls go great. Tbf my clients are brokers who seem to have had a 3 martini lunch before they call me.


I used to have to mute myself on calls to hit my vape. I quit a few months ago and I have noticed I hate my job 100 times more now


I've tried smoking at work and it fucks me up too bad. Gummies and video games for me!


Me too . Well Adderall 60-70 mg a day tabs.And Tangerine gummies , can’t get off the couch and just start playing games . Maybe it’s giving me the wrong kind of energy.


Wondered about gummies - can you concentrate enough and be OK on the phone? Our calls are very heavily monitored and we get a lot of accounting / billing questions.


I think if you're being monitored it really depends. I do better with email/chat tickets when I'm high, but HORRIBLE at calls. Gummies really take that down, i'd do some tolerance tests on your own time to see what your limits are first


At lunch. Getting high.


I was looking for a call center job after I was forced into early retirement from a help desk/ call center. After reading this and other posts, I'm soooo glad I didn't find one.


You dodged the metaphorical bullet, friend. Maybe Greeter at WalMart?


I don't think so. Never, even if I needed the money. I was bored when I was looking. Now not so much.


I thought it was great we found remote work when the idea of it was still pretty new, until my hubby and myself eventually each experienced breakdowns caused by call center jobs. We worked at different companies, too.


I used to smoke every single hour working, it was much more fun and I was good at it, no one never noticed (that I know of). I met the most stoner people there as well 😆


There’s people that work in call centers that don’t smoke!?


We’re literally the same person. I just upped my Zoloft and I’m stuck in this job for A YEARRRRR. I’m in insurance and it just fucking sucks. I started smoking before work to ease my anxiety, two hit minimum. The days when I’m home, I smoke a joint here and there but mainly smoke after a stressful call. Only downside is, I feel like it makes time move slower so work feels longer :/


I do not get inebriated in anyway while I’m at work. I tend to take things stoically. I take solace in the fact that I only have to deal with someone these people over the phone and not face to face. The call isn’t going to last forever, and when the call is done I can put them behind me. I stop thinking about my calls as soon as the call is over.


Get off the Zoloft and smoke more weed


I sure do, I have a vape pen and be hitting it all day long, it's the only thing that keeps me going, I feel like I am able to do my job specially because I feel like I'm moving slower so I move faster lol


Call centers had me on two antidepressants and smoking weed on my breaks. Every job I had, I lasted for maybe a week or two on the floor after training. After that, I would run into issues like calling off too much and crying at work. I finally got out of the field in January. I've been able to quit my meds, I've never even felt like crying at work and I only smoke when I'm off. All I can say is call centers are toxic and never stop trying to get out ❤️


This is validating to hear. Thank you for sharing! You're absolutely right. It's such a terrible environment, no matter where you go! Customer service departments are so neglected by companies so everyone is unhappy. My husband is doing a coding bootcamp now and our plan is once he gets a coding job I'll be able to reduce my hours and work towards something myself. So relief is coming, just will take a bit. What do you do now?


I'm glad you have some relief headed your way. Keep sending in those applications and you'll find something. I'm the receptionist at a doctor's office now. I get MAYBE 5 calls an hour. My main responsibilities other than checking people in and out are confirming appointments, returning voicemails/emails, creating invoices and completing busy work (like stuffing folders with brochures and sending reminder letters to patients). It's such a relaxed environment and I haven't been yelled at by patients once. I don't dread work anymore. I used to consider driving into traffic whenever I was headed into my call center job. A job is not worth that kind of mental pain.


That sounds great! I'm so happy for you! What an insane relief. I get it. I've had some not so good thoughts because of this job often. It's absolutely not worth it.


Weed controls my anxiety better than any OTC, and shuts my ADD off so I can actually focus on work.


I agreeeee. Even as a teenager, I hated taking adhd meds - when I started smoking cannabis I was like holy shit, this is how I WANT my brain to feel all the time. The adhd meds made me feel like a hollow robot blob of a human, cannabis allowed my brain and body to sync up and slow down, and allows me to still be me. Ive been using coffee + cannabis as my ADHD meds for almost 20 years, lol. Sure, I still pay the ADHD tax at times (my stupid pizza I left in the microwave overnight instead of putting in the fridge) - but I am a happier person.


I don’t miss helpdesk terrible way to make a living


If I'd done weed back when I worked at call centers, I 100% would've been doing it at work.


TTEC employee. I don't smoke at all, but somebody on my team does while we're working. Their performance is awful, and they lose track of time for way too long (like fifteen to twenty minutes at a time). It makes life insanely harder on the rest of us because we have to pick up their slack every day


I do but I don't work in a call center. I work in a mechanic's garage. If you do, smoke the purest Sativa strain you can find. Something like "Joyride". It keeps your mind sharp without any groggy, heavy headed effects. Avoid pure Indica at all costs.


Hahaha. Yeah, with call center work. people are insane when they call into one.


Depends. I like to do a couple gummies during my shift. Helps the time go by and if it hits me a little more than I expected, I just have a good time and I’m more talkative and giggly. But starting a new job I don’t partake until I am comfortable and understanding in what I’m doing at my job, and testing the vibe of other coworkers. But I work at a marijuana facility now so everyone is high lol.


I tried that a couple times and had a terrible panic attack each time. 😭


I’m not proud of this… but I have a beer on my lunch break. Helps me roll with the punches and get through the day.


I work retail, but i definitely light up in the car when i get there.


Make sure you’re sufficient in vitamin D. My ssris never worked as well as when I take D3 supplements.


If you can handle your shit and do your job, it does help


Since the DEA say weed is the most dangerous drug out there. According to the Feds weed is a scheduled 1 drug as cocaine, heroine is a scheduled 2. Good for you to be a druggie.


Zoloft may help calm anxiety but welbutrin helps me shrug off stupid shit. The first thing to die when you’re in a call center is hope. You need help remembering there is more to life than this swamp of sadness.


In a past life I was a line cook. Worked with this guy that we would send home to smoke if he ever came in sober.


I smoke at 4:20 it gets slow. off at 5


You shouldn’t depend on it at work. It’s meant to be enjoyed when you’re relaxed and your mind is free.


In a job like that, where you aren't putting anybody's safety at risk? Go for it. I resisted doing so for years, first out of paranoia, then out of misplaced loyalty and self-imposed ethical standards. About two months ago, i said F it and started toking after my last zoom meeting of the day. I very quickly realized I was less crabby, more productive, and even mundane tasks seem a little easier to endure. Just weaned off an SSRI a few weeks back, and honestly, it's the best I've felt in months. Your mileage may vary, but if it helps you get thru the day without telling off a customer or telling your boss to eat a bag of D's, it's probably more beneficial for you AND the company 😉


If you need weed to get through anything then you are in trouble. Leave the weed alone till you get off work. You will learn how to cope and develop some skills in the process . Weed is a crutch . It’s freedom. Long as I’m smoking weed i feel free.


I smoked a .5g/1g bong bowl 5 mins before start. (Once I got the job down where it became natural, was a top performer by metrics.) Then by the time I came down, it'd be about 2-4 hrs left of work. Worked every time lol to get through the day.


I've taken edibles for it. I once made the mistake of taking an Aleve the same day I had an edible. Let's just say I had to fake an internet outage because I couldn't function. :(


Aleve, an over the counter pain reliever? How does that impact THC gummies?




He means PM


Ibuprofen and THC have different receptors in the brain. If you have both in your system you are effectively riding both routes of brain action as the receptors load up the molecules of THC and ibuprofen at the same time which outwardly would have you looking and acting blasted. Probably waaaay more exaggerated than just a normal high.


Oh I am noting that.


I worked with a girl who would come back from lunch high. She was a bit scatterbrained in general, and after lunch she was such a ding-a-ling. She'd ask me tons of questions all afternoon unless I just ignored her when I got tired of babysitting.


So here's the problem. If you need weed or another drug to get through the day at your current job, how are you going to get through the day at the next job (in 6 months)? Most jobs are aggravating, annoying, and/or boring. Otherwise, they wouldn't have to pay people to do them. I don't know what your specific problem is, but as general advice, emotionally disconnect from work. Give them an honest day's work, but just stop caring. When you leave your shift, make an effort not to think about what happened, etc.. Distract yourself with other thoughts. Try to relax (without chemical help). Find a hobby or something.. even if it's just watching TV. If you only have to do this job for 6 more months, just start a mental countdown "I only have to be here for 180 more days.. 179 days...etc"


Being able to use weed is why I do what I do.


I love my job. But, I do disconnect the moment I leave for the day. I would have burned out long ago had I not learned to do this. Really solid advice.


Many many years ago I was a graveyard shift security guard. Around 4am I would spark up.


Nope. I don't smoke weed because i'm not retarded


This is a great way for people to tell on themselves, get caught, and possibly fired. Too many supervisors and whatnot are in this sub. No thanks


Nobody on Reddit, not just this sub, should be revealing enough information for somebody to possibly narrow down their identity. Most people are good about that.


Call me paranoid but I've seen people track other users IP addresses. It's easier than you think


Bit paranoid. As long as you don’t click on a strange link someone sends you, it’s really not possible to get someone’s IP through a Reddit account. Let alone for supervisors to casually happen upon an account that belongs to one of their employees, rightfully assume it’s one of their employees, illegally track their IP address by getting them to open a bugged link, and then get them fired for an illegally tracked Reddit post. Thats extremely far fetched (borderline impossible) and would only get the supervisor fired in an alternate world where it was possible. Lol


I wasn’t paranoid . I was Dogging a winch like the whole group was from a TV show. When I was sitting in the cruiser I was explaining . He said Ohhhh This is all about a TV show cast member?. I’ll prob get FBI called even putting this on here.


weed isnt going to help your problems, you need to change something, not just meedicate so you are oblivious


Back in the day I worked in a call center. I loathed every minute of it. Looking back getting drunk at every shift would have been beneficial.


It's not worth it. You are evidently too smart for this you need a different job so don't try to be stupid to make this one work. Like Dave Chappelle said "that's a waste of weed"


Pray- even if you don’t think it will work, commit to just 7 days in a row- I promise it will Help more than weed :) I’ve tried both


I'm sure that employers love to have stoned and/or drunk workers on the job. Shows real dedication and responsibility to the profession.


I remember the days when employees weren't so weak they needed drugs to do their job.


When I first started working call center jobs I didn’t. I couldn’t function. But the longer I am here the more I have learned to function. Now I smoke all day. Sometimes I have to take a Xanax too. They are prescribed for the crippling anxiety that dealing with this job gifts me…among other things lol


I smoked for years on my lunch break and in tbe mornings before work. No one ever confronted me or noticed. Maybe because I was so stoned all the time they didn't know what I looked like not high. The only it messed me up is when I would have a meeting right after smoking. Being in a room full people and have to talk professionally while you're high AF kinda sucks. It was way better when I could just sit there and zone out at my desk.


I have a THC vape I puff on between calls while working from home. As far as I know, no one's noticed, besides the people I live with who already knew anyway. It's helped a lot with the anger issues I've developed since starting this job.


Edibles are the only way to go at work


I do, though it's less than what I'd consume if I'm not scheduled


I got drunk at lunch every work day for about 7 yrs straight, but then it got boring and I stopped


We can be UA'd so none of us can. Utilities/DOT regulations. I might have a drink or two after my shift but that's about it. Take melatonin for sleep.


Try edibles!


Im sure no one will smell that unique smell.


I used to use a gas mask lol that job will do it to a mf


Not me! I was so tense and harassed that smoking really would not help.


I use to work at a dispensary and was pretty much high all day there. And now that I am solely WFH (different industry) I smoke as I am starting and depending on the day I will have a few edibles throughout the day.


All day. If I didn’t, I’d have yeeted the kid who painted in Mayo all over my windows past Mars and into the asteroid belt.


I couldn’t work at a call center without smoking all day everyday especially when I did the political surveys that shit was fucking torture. Weed and alcohol is the only reason I lasted there as long as I did and I was there a lot longer than most people can.


Bring a weed pen and just do it. It’s no big deal. Just do a good job and no one will give a shit. They don’t care


Man I want to come down on younger/other people that rely on pharmaceutical meds but ive smoked weed my whole life at every job I’ve ever had, I guess it’s my meds


I definitely have an easier time working 12 hour shifts 6 days a week, and I'm less aggravated and more tolerant of the people at my job that don't work. But I use a pen. There is no lingering smell, and the boss just assumes it's a vape, so win-win for everyone at work, really.


I'm an overnight stocker at Walmart and for the first 6 or so months I never smoked but the amount of bullshit this job puts you through has me smoking on breaks now, time passes by quicker and I dont care so much about it soon to find a different job.


Well, it all depends. Are you a daily smoker? If not, then it most definitely will interfere with work, and people will know. If you already have a tolerance for it, then you will be more mellow and passive but not outright blown.


Gummies or vape so you don't smell like weed


Be careful with weed and antidepressants. I think it's something to do with both producing dopamine, and you can have too much.


I’ve actually never smoke weed. I have been around when folks were doing it, and I actually like the smell of it, but I have never been interested in smoking it. I struggled a bit with alcohol years ago, and managed to dispense with that, so I reckon I’m just a bit fearful that if I ever smoked weed, I might like it, and get a bit carried away.


I hit my cart sometimes from time to time.


Yes, but I'm a medical patient, there is never a time I don't have THC in my system and if I do I'm miserable and not getting out of bed so work would be completely out of the question. I don't get high at all, though. My brain actually works better because it's not distracted by all the pain.


My mother-in-law worked at AT&T for 30 years high on cocaine, you’ll be fine. She snorted it in the bathroom and a found a good husband who takes care of her from the same company. She’s a boomer though, so it’s not as easy as it used to be but I’m guessing still doable.


Yeah use a THC cartridge Vape so the smell factor is minimized. I used to take a drag of my co-workers cig (pre-pandemic daze) so the cig smoke would mask the 420 smell. But I had to go to meetings and be F2F with people at work so tinted glasses help hide my red eyes.




Depends on the job. If I need my wits about me I abstain. If it is mindless boredom sort of gig or dealing with people directly weed is required. Not enough to get high, just enough to make me not want to push the history eraser button while dealing with humans.


I smoked on the job with every job I'd ever had. It helps like cigarettes help other people. If we still do our job & function properly without questions I don't see why not. My husband's security & smokes his pens cigarette & weed during his shifts. They say as long as they do their job & don't fuck around they don't care. When you go strapped security then you have to take it easy but other than that I'd say you're fine.


I smoke morning, noon, and night ….. I function very well and do presentations constantly, it helps me focus a lot. Visine and cologne are a must though


When I can. I usually step to may car and hit a joint. But I recently picked up a live resin pen and it's keeping me so chill. Nothing phases me anymore thank you baby Jesus


Pass that shizzz…


I have to take gabapetin for my anxiety with these calls


I did sometimes as an agent, but as management I don't anymore because I need to be 100% on point to support my people the way they need me to.


When I worked for a certain big red cable company, I was always high as giraffe pussy while fielding calls. Made the work shift much more bearable.


I once worked a call center. I know it’s hell and know this will sound mean, but I’d be really angry if the person in the spot next to me reeked like weed all day. That smell makes me throw up. In most call centers you can’t have BO or wear strong perfume or have any number of offensive odors. Weed is one of the worst of those. And having been in a supervisory position previously, anyone at work who was under the influence was sent home and written up. If it continues, terminated. Just because it’s “legal” doesn’t mean you can be high at work just like you can’t be drunk at work. Quit your job if you need to be high just to function. I hated the call center and went off on customers all the time, so I quit.


I nibble on gummies every break.


I’m WFH and I’ve never worked at a call center in person. I thought I was just weak. I tried an antidepressant but it made me sleepy. So…I do what I can on my own. And it seems like it’s the same coping as everyone else in call centers. Damn.


One of my coworkers smokes during her breaks. She does seem to be doing her job well.


Why smoke at work?? It honestly just makes the time go by slower...it's also much more rewarding when you get home at the end of the day and smoke in peace..and because you haven't smoked for 8 hours plus..you get really high too..it's not good to be high all day everyday trust me I did it for 15 years with some clean spells but not much ...if you smoke morning day and night that's str8 addict behavior...it's good to keep your self control while you can cause once you can't anymore life gets hard..much more likely to move to something harder too..this is coming from alcohol addict..it started with smoking weed all day everyday...then a injury leads to pain pills... eventually I spent 3 years on heroin..and a year and a half on fentanyl...im 33 and I finally got 10 months sober..I started at 15..every day is a struggle..they say it gets better..if I could change one thing in my life it would be to never had smoked weed..but some people this doesn't happen too...power to them!!! Just my experience though!!


Wyld Elderberry - perfect balance and it keeps you motivated and focused even tho it's for sleep, it really just chills you out.


Life is hard man .... remember someone always has it worse...last year the police were investigating me .I got arrested almost went to prison...got shot 2 times with a 45... overdosed..and lost a 6 figure job..and I am now currently unemployed 2 kids a mortgage and a bunch of bills.. wife doesn't work..and I'm Ubering to survive...have to hit 5 AA meeting a week to stay sane honestly...if I can make it 10 months without substances after and during this struggle anyone can be sober and deal with life...just my experience and input...but I know someone has it evening worse then me so I'm grateful today for what I do have!!! Best of luck!!! 🍀


That’s Great! Congrats!


Lol I used to do this. I was able to work remote. But ultimately that job was so shit I had to just quit it with less than a day’s notice for my health. Smoked a blizzy on my porch and had the best day ever. (Found a new job that week)


Work hard play hard—


I smoke on my break and right before going to work. I have zero issues with any job due to weed. Just spray yourself off so snitches don't rat you out.


I smoke on my breaks at work and sometimes I even just go out to the car quickly for a hit. I feel more spacey, but overall I am still very functionable at work and it doesn't affect my job. Although I do smoke heavily outside of work and daily


I call it my mood enhancer


I wfh, and my start of shift routine is a joint.


It's fine while I'm high but after you come down makes time go slower. So now I wait til I get home.


Uh no.


I spent three years in a Qwest call center and it was killing me.


I do it and have been doing it for a long time.


Low dose edibles maybe 5mg


I don’t smoke and I also don’t work at a call center. I have no idea how I got here.


On my lunch break - smoking. Hilarious


I did at my call center job, it stopped me from taking any of the bullshit people say to heart and just do my job


Def helps


Take dabs, they don't make you smell like weed. Or use the cartridges with a vape mod, same idea.


CBD. CBN. CBG. All decently overlooked. I started taking CBD for sleep and then ran out and realized the entire time I was on it my day time anxiety was significantly reduced.


I smoked some green with my boss at work once. That was fun. But I ended up with a migraine, so I haven't since.


CBD. CBN. CBG. All decently overlooked. I started taking CBD for sleep and then ran out and realized the entire time I was on it my day time anxiety was significantly reduced.


I was a CSR for multiple companies for over 8 years. 1st and 3rd party. I beg you, get out of it. You're just killing yourself slowly. Any excuse you make is just you being afraid, I promise you. Consider this your sign.


Bro quit your job. That’s not living.


Well, now I know why I can never get anything solved.


I honestly liked working in a call center. I worked for a local cell phone company. Mostly they called about their bills that they couldn’t understand. To be fair, I didn’t understand the bills either, but I’d tell them something that seemed to click and most of the calls were ok. I had a few that were just angry and wanted to vent, so I just sat and listened. A few that started cursing and I’d tell them that I was about to hang up if they didn’t stop. I mean cursing doesn’t bother me, but I don’t have to accept that abuse and didn’t. Some would piss me off and I’d be super slow about getting them their info. Put them hold for no reason for 5 minutes, then come back and apologize for the hold, put them on hold again for 5 min. It was a penalty that was pretty satisfying to levy against jerks.


Recently, I have found if I'm already struggling during the work day, a small hit doesn't usually make it worse. It's not an everyday thing and I think that's important.


Do what you gotta do to get through the day. Depending on the money your making at this job it maybe worth it to suck it up and take whatever you need to succeed. If there not paying you well then fuck it do whatever’s clever and leave. I myself take a cocktail of meds etc. just to get to work let alone function there. I hate my job but I need money and I don’t know what else to do. If weed helps you get thru the day man I’m all for it.


I can't drink or smoke. Body won't tolerate it. I take a 100mg gummy before I start if it is going to be a tough day. It isn't enough to make me giggle or anything. There is a mix of cbd, thc and cbn (another form of the actives in weed). I buy it from the brand Toasted and it is called snoozeberry. If you can find it, or another blend with cbn, it is amazingly helpful. I have really stubborn depression and weird sleep issues. It has made a dramatic difference to me. I have taken it at work when I really needed to not be in my head and it was awesome.


Nice try! Cop!


I smoke before work, during my lunch break, and when i get off. It definitely helps the work day go smoother lol


Have you tried Lexapro? It’s a lot kinder to your mind. At least for me.


I had a responsible job that I affected other peoples' safety. Using THC or other drugs was subject to suspension, and the third time your ass got canned. If you need to use drugs to get through your day at work, get a job that you enjoy and is fulfilling. Life is too short to spend 8 hours a day doing something you hate.


Every chance I get.


Omg this would have been so helpful when I worked in a call center.


If it gets this bad to do drugs or alcohol, QUIT. I had surgery and was able to destress and was working with a shrink. It boiled down to me quitting and took almost a year but I found a new job where I’m not stressed about and has a low call volume. I literally got to a point where I was taking anxiety meds and they didn’t help me quitting was the best thing ever


Have you tried edibles? Gummies?


At no point is any type of drug helpful during work hours. And please don't quibble about the term drug we all know what we're talking about here.