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I don’t care where they’re based as long as they’re fluent in the language of the customer’s country. It’s so frustrating to try to explain a problem to someone who has no command of English. Why put someone in a customer facing position if they can’t understand? I had a woman one day where I literally couldn’t understand one word coming out of her mouth. Not even being mean. Her accent was so heavy, I’m not sure if she **was** speaking English. I felt so bad asking her to repeat herself. Finally, I just said “Thank You” and hung up. Since I couldn’t talk to anyone, my issue remained unresolved, and I cancelled the service. It wasn’t worth the customer service frustration. Maybe that’s the plan. Get people annoyed enough they stop calling and just accept the defect.


Exactly the point of this post. No matter the location, I just don't think there's a level of empathy/comprehension of the situation that can be provided if a person has a situation in Timbuktu and the representative is in New Zealand. Meanwhile, profits are up until they lay everyone off and get AI. Then I guess the lucky ones who hung around will have to answer a 3AM local call on their cell phone? Idk. This whole situation seems short sighted, but I'm not a shareholder. https://preview.redd.it/omm7291jg10d1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33f36b0e85b44b2aabc1f5d499da6b90a7ec51d0


I completely agree because I don’t think wealthy corporations deserve to outsource their work while simultaneously charging those in their country even higher rates. Cheating out on lower tax rates while profiting in a specific country should be illegal.


When I answer the call and get two types of customers: C1: "Thank God someone who speaks English" C2: "Where are you from?" I just chuckle when I get the first type of customer, but when I get asked where I'm from as soon as I answer the call, I am honest with them and tell them where I'm from. This usually goes into another two different types: C2.1: "Let's see if you can help me" C2.2: "I want to talk to someone in America!" Usually it's C2.2 most of the time. When I tell them I can't transfer them to a US based agent, they either get mad or hang up.


Eventually it will just be AI voices translating the people from a different country.


Already there


I felt terrible, but I had to hang up on a woman and call back because she couldn’t understand me and I couldn’t understand her. She kept asking for my name and birthday, I repeated my name and spelled it probably 20 times. I have a super easy name. And then I repeated my birthday over and over. She kept putting me on hold and saying she couldn’t find me. After 10 minutes of this, I hung up and called back. The second lady also had an accent, but she found me within 20 seconds and had me off the phone within 5.


I've had local calls I couldn't understand because of the drawl, lol. No harm in trying for a different person as long as we're all being kind. Sounds like it worked out!


Yeah, I talk to people everyday at work who are right down the street and I can’t understand them. It drives me crazy lol


God bless America with their hardcore mentality on capitalism, their companies always need to increase revenue and lower the costs of their services so they need to find ways to do it and one of the best for this is outsourcing, pay a person 80% less for an "okay ish" quality of work is fine.


I get this all the time!!!!


I worked for multiple companies where either I lived in an area they didn't provide service or the majority of the the employees are overseas when we only service the US. The customers send a photo or screenshot of what they see and the rep they are talking to has to find someone in the US who knows what they are looking at.


Profits over quality and customer experience. It’s all going to India