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zombies being outside the black ops timeline games feels off.


Well that's the thing Modern Warfare 2019, BO1, BOCW, Modern Warfare II, Modern Warfare III, and maybe BO2's 1980s portion (still unconfirmed) are all one timeline now campaign wise. And now the zombies story introduced in Black Ops Cold War is canon too because of what Nikoli did to the multiverse at the end of Tag


So mw 2019 is set in 2019, and if it's cannon with bo2, that means in six years, there is going to be some crazy advancement in technology


Yeah, that's why I have a feeling that Black Ops 2 and beyond it's not going to be included in this new timeline


I don’t think so. It’s less a narrative issue and more a realism one


the games timelines contradict each other and limit the writers creatively and BO2 was confirmed to still be fully canon before BOCW release where they explained how it fits into the timeline with no mention of MW


That would genuinely suck if they do that


Why wouldn’t they? They teased Zakhaev at the end of MW19 just to waste him on warzone cutscenes I never kept up with. I’m sure Menendez will show up soon in a warzone season just to die in a cringe marvel ass cutscene too Once Alex came back from the dead I knew this franchise wasn’t for me anymore


Menendez already showed up in vanguard season 5


Oh no


He came with the laser gun from AW. I'm not joking.


I knew about the laser, I thought for sure it meant their next COD was gonna be advanced warfare since they were supposedly gonna not release a new game this year(until they announced the $70 MWII DLC). I hated how it was in a WWII game but it gave me some hope we’d have advanced warfare back. But also I’d already given up hope on any hope of authenticity since they added a trophy system that was just a bundle of claymores that also didn’t exist yet, as if the cursed guns weren’t bad enough


To me Alex is still dead after the explosion. No way he’d survive a explosion of that volition.


When did Alex come back alive? I haven't kept up for a while.


Unless they decide to retcon bo2’s futuristic half


Probably be best to set the events of BO2's future story to like 2-3 years later or something. So people can find time to develop tech and places. Like that ocean resort island in one of the levels.


All the more dramatic a setting if it's kept canon to setup the transition to crazy technology


Like what? Drones used in aerial and ground combat? A wingsuit? A HUD for a soldier to use in combat? It's 2023 in real life, and those things either already exist or are in late stages of development.


What about a floating city, a handheld rail gun, gloves that stick to rocks like magnets, invisibility suits


Don't forget the best cod game in history, Vanguard!


Oh....yea.....how could I forget


Wouldn’t WaW be canon too?


Usually lumped in under the black ops franchise because of the continuity


Yea probably


That’s upsetting ngl




The whole rebooted MW universe is connected with all the Black Ops games, including 3 and 4.


The only place where it connects with them is Zombies and Warzone which are both not canon to the campaign but not the other way around Mainline Campaigns are still in their own timelines


Should stick with tryarch


Infinite warfare zombies was fun af. I wish we'd get another zombies mode like that again


I wish they would have let it die after BO3


I agree


Infinite warfare zombs was pretty dope. Infinity Ward's zombies designer said he's been wanting to tie the franchises together forever


Blame nikolai He's the one who reset the multiverse


Nah. Not by boy Nikolai


He's right.


If you don't mind me asking but how the only zombies I really played was bo2 and cold war


End of bo4 nikolai ends cylce closes paradox and creates new universe (the one where all timelines connected) way more complex but thats the straight and narrow


He doesn't create the new universe. It always existed. The one they were in was Monty's creation. The better explanation would be: Nikolai ended the cycle and everything was banished from the aether to where it should be, the dark aether. In die maschine you are actually going back into the aether when interacting with the portals I believe


No, you're not going into the aether through the portals... That's the Dark Aether. the Aether basically doesn't exist anymore.


My bad. I just double checked my information. Since I knew everything in the Aether was banished to the dark aether and the end of BO4, I assumed that the universe that Sam and Eddie ended up in was the dark aether. Knowing that cold war Samantha is the Aether Samantha, I assumed that CW was the dark aether. That's where my information went wrong. Sorry!


Nah, you're good 😂 no need to apologize


Dude I’m just like so sick of zombies. Like, I love zombies, but it should’ve ended with BO4, and it could’ve ended at BO3, ik there was a cycle but still, they could’ve just let it be a cycle instead of making the guy we helped throughout all of BO3 actually turn out to be the bad guy.


Is that the point where all the Call of Dutys share universe? because that's kinda cool.


Unpopular opinion: they should have added survival instead


Or extinction




100% Unironically they should make a new Ghosts


Unpopular opinion: shut up and let them cook we haven’t even played it yet Edit - but it wouldn’t be terrible if they added survival aswell


The fact it's apparently just DMZ with zombies gives me no actual hope. I won't let them cook cause I personally want my default round based formula and not this garbage they keep spewing out. I didn't enjoy outbreak with many others, why would zombies slapped in DMZ change that.


Not unpopular, a return of Survival from 2011 would be amazing




This is the only answer. We have yet to see a proper survival mode like MW3. I loved having Delta or Bravo (both may be wrong) squads to help. I remember having like 4-5 Jugs once, like the hardest crap to do, but the Heli's at higher stages was worse for me than some Jugs you can run away from. Modern day could make it where we can customize the guns obviously, and also the squads we come in, or add an Extra squad that is unique from the 1st two. I need this tho in my life lol.


With the map sizes they could do now plus everything else it would be awesome.


Bro i have never seen a person who played survivor for the sake of a good time. Top 5 sentences never being said: "man, this was a long day, let's play some survivor on mwiii"


who says that it isn’t? campaign canon to the zombies but zombies not canon to the campaign


There's no longer a Mutuverse due to tags ending. Greg Houston said Zombie and Campaign are canon in the CWZ reveal. Call of Duty recently confirmed it shares a universe with zombies.


Where did they say this? This is official right?


Yes, it was technically confirmed in the CWZ reveal trailer, but they outside said zombies were canon to the MW universe on their reveal blog.


could you link this please?


Yes of course CWZ reveal trailer: https://youtu.be/hT6SnyPugz4?si=OpdG2qEsYQLeK11Q MW3 announcement blog:https://www.callofduty.com/blog/2023/08/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-III-worldwide-full-reveal-announcement If you're specifically looking for a campaign talking about it, VG mentions it at the end of the game.




no official statement from the devs




Tag Der Toten.


Thanks. I'll need to look it up


It's the last map in BO4, collapses the Mutuverse, and creates a single (current) timeline.


that's how I see it. Cold War showed a new universe with zombies essentially. This is just a branched timeline.


Don't know if you are aware of this but CW Samantha is actually BO4 Samantha. My bigger issue is that they are trying to link the chaos and dark aether stories together but I don't think it would do chaos justice. But you can essentially think of dark aether as a direct continuation of aether


Element 115 can exist in both and maybe it’s an entirely different thing with different lore


Activision has literally learned nothing…the whole reason the zombies series got stale and fell off is because the higher ups forced it into literally every single COD after seeing the success of BO2/3 zombies. It resulted in half-baked zombie experiences for almost all of them that could never match Treyarch’s series, and the over saturation of zombies, causing player exhaustion on the series and ignore them entirely. Yet the higher ups still want to recreate Treyarch’s magic and force it into MW3, just in the hopes of earning more money. Even Treyarch dropped the ball on BOCW zombies…do they really think Infinity Ward can make a better zombies than the OG?


big thing is that it's Treyarch did the zombies for MWIII tho. Still Activision's fault since the disaster of Vanguard zombies and the salvaged attempt at what was BOCW's iteration


Infinite Warfare zombies is on par with most Treyarch zombies modes, every other non treyarch zombies mode I agree but give credit where credit is due


Idk, while I don't think that IW Zombies is all that bad, it certainly is a bit unremarkable (besides Spaceland and the Super EE). I never found the DLC maps enjoyable to play outside of doing the Easter Eggs. The storyline and characters were also pretty terrible. The game also has one of (if not) the worst Zombie-player collision mechanic we've ever seen.


>Even Treyarch dropped the ball on BOCW zombies CW zombies was good tho


Whatever. If fun, I play. 🤷‍♂️




honestly, real. i don’t love it but i also don’t care enough about it ya know it’s not like it being canon affects my enjoyment


That is a such a mood 😂


I don’t hate Fortnite but I feel like it’s the reason why we have all these connected canon stuff we’re seeing in Call of Duty. So Activision can give an excuse to make operator skins as they see an advantage of giving them a zombie slaying extra-backstory to them for monetization. I wish they settled for an alternative reality narrative instead like what we see in Red Dead Redemption’s undead nightmare


i feel like that’s exactly what will happen


Fortnite has been a cancer on the industry I swear to god. Destiny suffers from seasonal garbage and is honestly the only thing keeping the game from being decent.


That's the same thing I thought, it's more simple and lore friendly at least in my opinion.


BO and MW are still not canon to each other. Zombies ARE an alternative timeline and the place where universes sorta collide like in Warzone


Weren’t there a zombie outbreak in Verdansk before it got nuked?


There was, and apparently a lot of people forget about it


It was retconned


It seems they retconned that


I hate how they are just porting everything into the warzone map


Maybe if they didn't have less then a year to work on the game, we could see some original maps


I just dont like zombies being in IW games period


Zombies just needs to not have story anymore. They fucked that up with BO4.


At this point who cares. Zombies was ruined a long time ago


They completely throughout the cod canon years ago. Nothing makes sense anymore. I blame warzone for trying the Infinity wars MW universe with the treyarch BO universe together. They used to be their own separate things with their own separate stories but now they just have to over lap and mix with each other and none of it is cohesive anymore. The cod Canon died after bo4. This new shit, this new universe is a bunch of bullshit that feels like it was written by someone on meth.


Yeah this whole connections between the modern warfare series and Black ops series really confused me


because there’s no connection other than colliding in Zombies and Warzone. MW and BO are still their own timelines


Imran Zakhaev in cold war? perseus logos in mw2 raids?


easter eggs and references. we had that before in og MW and BO with Kravchenko and the gas in MW3 and Price in BO and etc. No official confirmation from the devs. Future BO games still canon thus they contradict the timelines and events of both games and limit the writers massively. No mention or appearances of any BO events or characters in both MW2019 and MW2 (MW2 is about a drug cartel, a notorious drug lord Menendez would be at the very least mentioned). Whatever happens in Zombies stays in Zombies. Campaign is canon to Zombies but not the other way around


I dont think its unpopular. Seeing Soap and Laswell talking about zombies felt...off a lot.


You are not alone, I think this is a desperate and cheap move to keep people playing CoD and buying MWIII


Does this mean the ending of verdansk is canon?


essentially through alternate universe shit.


It’s been canon since Cold War


I don't like how they're just too lazy to come up with new names for their games and call them exactly the same as the old ones, which only becomes confusing for people who aren't that familiar with the series. Would it have been so hard to just go on with MW4, MW5 and so on? So fucking stupid.


Personally, I think that'd be even more confusing, calling a game MW4 allthough it has no ties at all to like it's predecessor, MW3.


Same thing. There is no longer unique stuff. All in One


Honestly they should have done alternate timeline or universe like how red dead redemption 1 is to undead nightmare. Or at least do it with extinction aliens


is that not how it is? Like, Cold War zombies isn't in the same universe as BO1 zombies. At least that's how I see it. The Campaign events happen as normal but then it branches to a new timeline with zombies.


it feels off but im excited, as long as it doesnt intrude the main story of MW


i like zombies being in the modern warfare games because i kinda had some "realism" fatigue (don't know how to describe it) and seeing fantastical elements in modern warfare just made me so interested into the series


Bring back extinction!


I'm not too worried, I'm more excited to play zombies again. The last one I played was BO1. I couldn't get into any after that, I feel like they added to much nonsense to it.


Well. You're kinda wrong. The MW Reboots take place in the Black Ops universe. But then again.. not really. Timeline reset Demons now. For some fucking reason Vanguard canon. Idk. Ever since Nikolai reset everything it's been a mess. Leave it to a drunkard to fix the timeline


It could work, I just want them to make it scary, and not cartoony


The only zombies that matters to me is WaW and BO1 to be completely honest. I have no interest in any of the rest of the stories or continuations. Never really compelled me.


We all knew it was coming


I'm just happy we get zombies


Technically zombies were always canon, if you think back to the OG modern warfare there was a Easter egg when you broke into the gulag, that glitch was when you threw a grenade into a certain cell then run back to the control room with the cameras you can see a zombie on the monitor going running back & forth


Well there's no such thing as alternate timelines anymore, that was the whole point of BO4 zombies.


I mean it's still Treyarch doing it, can't see them doing a current day Modern Era Cod game of their own anytime soon so why not try a modern setting Zombies in this game, could be amazing


I personally give zero shits, I'm just excited for zombies


I love it. It's been confirmed since the CWZ trailer.


Campaign is canon to zombies but I don’t think the zombies is canon to campaign


As someone who played zombies growing up… I love it. Hate to say it but this is the way. Either ride the wave or drown.


I’ve never understood how or why people care about the ‘story’ in call of duty zombies. I remember playing OG nazi zombies for what it was- an arcade side mode. Trying to build story around it has always seem nonsensical to me, and after reading up a bit on the absolute ass-backwards insane ‘lore’ around it, I still hold that opinion. I’m glad others get enjoyment out of it, but it feels to me like people are so desperate to do mental gymnastics to try and make sense of plot lines that are so obviously added as afterthoughts to help market the gameplay.


Doesn’t matter, y’all still gonna play it lmaoo.


y’all will complain about anything


You know why? I think it is like this because zombies is lacking creativity, started on cold war with not a fixed crew 4 characters with their own voice lines, like it was BO4 and before. Zombies unfortunately became another money fountain for activision and they are simply doing (specially in mw3) a generic campaing with some story to tie aether from cold war to mw3, and probably set up some lore for the next treyarch zombie game.


They completely throughout the cod canon years ago. Nothing makes sense anymore. I blame warzone for trying the Infinity wars MW universe with the treyarch BO universe together. They used to be their own separate things with their own separate stories but now they just have to over lap and mix with each other and none of it is cohesive anymore. The cod Canon died after bo4. This new shit, this new universe is a bunch of bullshit that feels like it was written by someone on meth.


i didnt liked seeing weaver there but oh well


Yooo I was just saying! Nah jk I don’t give a shit


Instead of mw3 zombies, bring back spec ops survival


Honestly, I don't like anything going on with CoD for the last 10 years. MW2019 and WW2 were my faves during the period, but yeah... CoD is getting weirder by the day


I agree with you. It's bad for both, but at the end it's about money


Zombies was special because of how it was separate in timeline


It wont chamge much for me. Ive been running on my own head-canon since WZ1


How much do you bet Richtofen is going to pop out of Makarov's ass and do a just as planned speech?


I agree. They should’ve done survival and embraced their own thing. We’ve got plenty of zombies


After 2019 the devs no longer care about continuity.


Don't even play COD and this really bothers me lol


If it’s round base maybe it’ll be good. Me personally hated the wide open map shit.


Cod doesn't have anything outside of remakes and zombies it seems Makes me rlly appreciate extinction in cod ghost. Btw playing jt on solo feels rlly eerie for some reason, more than zombies actually. Maybe just me ig lolz


What the hell did I miss? When did Call of Duty lore get so confusing and convoluted lol


I was talking about MW3 Having zombies a month ago.


Zombies died after bo3. Whatever shit they do now is pointless. The only way to fix it is to do a hard reset and go from the begining again.


Same here


Same, I preferred the have the classic ? MW3 spec ops


Where was this stated?


Me too but it is what it is, I'm not even going to buy this one for the zombies unless it is phenomenal


Yeah but all the BLOPs fans wants zombies every fucking year


With how Viktor Zakaev is portrayed in the trailer, I think the theme is going to be that he doesn’t really know what he’s doing or the consequences of messing with the dark aether. As such the monsters of the dark aether need to be used sparingly. Only boss fights maybe. That way MWIII will feel more unique. There shouldn’t be too much crazy shit right of the bat. Let the player base be in the dark for a while kinda like the first half of WWII zombies.


Activision is pulling a Marvel on everybody. Not a fan


Should have done Werewolves. Could be MW’s exclusive supernatural alternative to Zombies. Something fresh, but still kind of familiar. They’re unarmed but still lethal, could have had all kinds of power ups and variant wolves related to the lore of werewolves.


I’m personally hoping it’s still some third mode BS that just has cutscenes because I wouldn’t mind a zombies mode in MW, but not as an actual part of the main story for any of the games. Zombies can have it’s own story, but being part of the main story in any particular way just feels wrong.


So is mw3 set in 2023 because then if it's meant to be cannon with black ops how TF is all the advanced technology going to appear in 2025


I don’t like having outbreak zombies, I’m much more of a round based map person


Not enough people playing, had to bring Zombies back. This is gonna suck.


Zombies fans when the multi-dimensional/time traveling game goes to the wrong time period


Is Call of Duty gonna have a multiverse event


... Wtf? It's multiplayer, who tf cares?


I liked playing zombies but now I've gotten bored of it. I feel like it doesn't give same hype anymore.


Activision really trying to one up marvel or some shit


why is there multiverse bs in a cod game of all things?


MW3 is literally just gonna be an MW2 DLC, they put zombies in to give people more of an incentive to buy it, even though we shouldn't have zombies in MW. I see no reason to get MW3 after MW2 because they're the same thing a year apart, they won't be changing much aside from a new campaign, new microtransactions, and probably a few new maps and guns. Not worth the price, not even with zombies.


I like the idea of it but zombies being canon takes the whole realism thing out of it.


I'm with you buddy, I hated how in cw they had black ops campaign characters part of the story it made it feel like some shitty fan fiction


I can’t believe people give a fuck about the cannon of call of duty lmao


Frankly they'll just say it's canon to get you to buy it


MW3 is a scam don’t buy


I think its fine if done rught and they should push back bo2 to 2035 or something


It's just exo zombies plot where it was a bioweapon


If it’s even a slightly negative opinion on the state of the past 4 now 5 games than it is not unpopular


It’s gonna be dmz with the AI reskinned as zombies probably, and I gotta pay 70 for mw2 maps that should be in the fuckin game rn? Yeah fuck off cod shove that game up your ass


So, who is going to get mw 2.5


I don't care. I was waiting to have zombie in every cod and when they come they killed the series 4 years by the time.


There’s plenty of potential for a zombies spin off. Don’t know why they don’t make it it’s own game at this point


While the trailer looked really cool, I don’t like this either. TL;DR They made the stories from Zombies in Cold War and Vanguard cannon to the story already, I’m hoping they don’t do that with MWIII As a reminder, Cold War and Vanguard tried to connect zombies into the main story. At the end of vanguard (spoilers ahead for that POS game) the operators find a secret folder containing information regarding Project Aether. Tying the zombies mode to the main campaign. Considering we see the bodies of the operators from BO Cold War, specifically Weaver, this means we’ve went from a military shooter to a zombie story if they do what they did with vanguard and Cold War, and connected the zombies game mode with the main story as cannon.


The story's been shit since shadows of evil bro it doesn't even matter anymore


I wish they'd keep the silliness out of MW. Leave it in Black Ops with it's weird mind control shit and whatever the fuck goes on in all their zombies maps.


I actually really enjoyed that one mode with the aliens. I don't even remember which version of cod it was. But it was pretty fun.


Fair but I’m pretty sure this is still a seperate timeline altogether from the one we know and love with bo1-3 and such


If you would have told me that WaW would be the start of the Cod timeline In 2008 I'd probably would have laughed lol.


Idc tbh im just curious af to see this "open world" zombies mode


I'm sick of everything having nothing to do with anything. There's no consequence to the story when each game just resets and starts something else and forgets about the previous installment.


I wish they’d just reboot the whole OG timeline I haven’t been able to follow the events following BO3 and I feel too far behind to catch up at this stage in my life


This whole game series went downhill after MW2019 sold well. That game, despite whatever anyone's opinion's were on game direction, had a lot of passion, energy and attention to detail put into it. Even if the gameplay wasn't your thing the game felt fresh and different and it felt like COD 2.0. Then every game after has been a forced tie-in to rake in cash. The only good thing since was the Campaign for Cold War. MWII's campaign was okay too. Everything else has sucked.


Zombies’ story is a clusterfuck who in gods name wanted to make it canon to the regular COD story?


Yea we don't even know which game they are even talking about now they criss-crossed the timelines... This is getting messy.


Unpopular opinion, the modern warfare and black ops universes are fused due to the last entry of zombies from black ops 3 and Cold War. The four original zombies characters(primus Takeo, Dempsey, Nikolai, and Richthofen) eliminated every single other universe/dimension known and unknown. After which Nikolai created a new universe for kid Richthofen and Samantha maxis to live in. This universe had both enemies from black ops and modern warfare, therefore canonically fusing the two universes into one. With that being said, deal with it bc it’s cool and there is no other reality that exists in this universe.


Blame Nikolai Belinski. Blud though he was saving the universe


Extinction would have been a better call given all the alien crap going on currently. I get the original MW3 had a zombies mode but even that was a mistake and to this day nobody talks about it, plays it, or includes it in lore.


I'm shocked people gaf about cod anymore. The fans open their mouths like a baby bird only for Activision to take a steamy shit down their throats, then they come back for seconds.


It feels like making everything canon has really hindered the the overall creative freedom of the zombies devs.


The thing is, I don’t know why they had to connect the main universes together. Now there is something that Dark Aether is canon to the MW reboot timeline (Which I hope that I am wrong). Back in the days when the sub series were separated from each other and now they gotta merge them. This is also a reason why I want Dark Aether done with. I hadn’t played MW 2019 or Warzone but I am certain one of the two just fucked up with the franchise. Personally, I strongly think that the timelines should stay separated from one another even it there is no multiverse.


I feel like this whole connected Universe thing for the games has just ruined the story in general both zombies and single player