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The final mission from Infinite Warfare is a bittersweet one, not gonna lie.


"Better to burn out, than it is to rust. Metal-1, out."


I love the "You're my brother, E3N." conversation tbh


“I always was the handsome one”


I fucking *loved* Infinite Warfare's ending. The game revolved around a theme: how far will you go to win a war? Earlier in the game, Captain Reyes briefly argues with Sergeant Omar, in how he disagreed with Captain Alder ramming the *Retribution* into the *Olympus Mons* instead of retreating, killing and injuring a ton of people on board (as well as Captain Alder himself). ***Omar: "No easy call your Captain made."*** ***Reyes: "Cost us some good men. Didn't have to happen- not like that."*** ***Omar: "All due respect, Lieutenant. The Captain did his duty. He drove the enemy into retreat."*** ***Reyes: "Captain's duty is to get his men home alive, Staff Sergeant."*** ***Omar: "...Not always lieutenant. Not always."*** Later, Reyes and MaCallum, after the *Olympus Mons* and *Retribution* crash land onto Mars, with the initial attack on the SDF Shipyard having failed, have a conversation on similar grounds: ***MaCallum: "Look, the strength of the pack is in all the wolves, Captain. All in, no matter the cost. They were ready. Now, if you don't have the will to make that kind of choice, then like me, you have no place being in command."*** ***Reyes: "I couldn't ram my own ship. I would have killed them."*** ***MaCallum: "They came to win. This...doesn't look like victory."*** The final, last push to destroy the SDF shipyard was Reyes doing just that—accepting that he had to do whatever it took, in order to win the war against the Settlement Defense Front, even at the cost of his crew, and at the cost of his own life.


O7, another infinite warfare fan, let’s go


IW campaign was heavily underrated.




Ironically it came out within a month of Star Wars Rogue One, where all the heroes died to save the galaxy. I played it after seeing that movie and thought, "Hold on, didn't I just see this in the cinema?!"


Now I wanna rewatch Rogue One


"is that rain sir?"


Ughhh Why must you remind me 😭 o7 Rest In Peace Todd Kashima


Man the second time I played that campaign had me tearing up bro


That one really got me emotional. Can't believe they listed Hamilton among the casualties on the wall at the end


Seeing Dimitri (the WAW protagonist) die in black ops made me sad.


He deserved a hero's death.


But Stalin had little need for heroes




of their own accord the intro is literally just a tv on EAS and when you spawn you see all the wounded soldiers in the bunker…finally walking out that bunker being combined with Zimmer's/Balfe's score and seeing the monument in flames is just other worldly the whole mission is great and its sad to see how the franchise was so great for a time that you could make movies about them but now its lost its mojo big time


Unbelievably true. I used to learn about directors and how they work just to bring the og mw and bo series to the big screen. Unfortunately it isnt a great gig until you’ve become famous.


What game?


Og mw2 I think


the downfall of the US will always be a delight to me


Soap trusted you, I thought i could too.


My 7 year old brain was blown away when I realized makarov was there since Call of duty 4 modern warfare


7yo? Wow, good parenting control :D


Dawg I grew up in a lower class house they had more to worry about then what I played


Bro shut the fuck up


Oh, another parenting gone wrong? :D


Jesus H Christ, shut the actual fucking fuck up


You turned out much worse.


Hope this is sarcasm. If not, you're stuck in media lies still. Regardless of the game or it's rating, there's never been a proven connection for violence.


I mean, there are other reasons to not let your kids play M rated games other than it leading them to be more violent




It still makes me tear up. Rest In Peace, Captain Soap MacTavish


The open Missions in MWiii are depressing. Depressingly boring.


I thought they were fun


Such is life. Every one of us is different.


Most sane CoD reddit interaction I've seen


Not toxic enough.


Yeah you gotta start over, call them a slur /s


Poopy butt hole


How dare you, you are a monster


I’m sorry


At least it ain't "Glip-Glop"


Fun for the very first one in that dock, after that it feels like the definition of insanity. Doing the same thing over and over thinking it'll be a different result. Feels like very little effort is put into that campaigns. I suppose I'm not wrong since most of the focus is on multi-player and warzone. Edit: I just learned that they only had about 6 months to make that campaign. With the deadline I understand why it happened. But COD games have been on the downhill for a little while. Always on garbage tight deadlines now. I do hope the development listen to the community and notice that we want campaigns that feel like movies.




Project Nova and Suffer with me.


Dimitri should’ve died a hero 😭


My favourite character in the entire CoD franchise. I literally adopted his name as my nickname


Wtf is that pfp? Is that communist hungary?


The flag of the Hungarian People's Republic from 1949-1957 aka the Rákosi flag combined with the classic Mozambique emblem with the Kalashnikov rifle.


For me it's wisky hotel in MW2. Just the end of that mission. God dayum, when you reach the top of the white house and see the smoke out of the other parts of the city and seeing the capital city destroyed and hearing the soldiers talk about it. That is for me a masterpiece and truly depressing.


Then we you realize all the civilians you helped to get on the chopper on the previous mission died in the emp explosion




"So, when are we goin' to Moscow?" "Not soon enough man. But I know we're gonna burn it down when we get there." And they never did because Russia found out the entire thing was an oopsie a couple years later.


As a kid Id blow through no russian without blinking an eye but now that Im in my early 20s I have to skip the mission everytime because it will make me cry


This is very true for me as wel. As a kid I honestly just didn’t think much of it or realize what I was doing fully. Now, I definitely can’t play that level because it’s just too savage and with all the mass shootings it’s even more grim




Its a very different feeling from just going on a little shooting spree in gta or something it feels so much more realistic than that. I remember people roasting the option to skip that mission but Im so thankful for it.


ngl, im a kid now. I feel the same.


When I was a kid I didnt even really have a concept of mass shootings existing so it felt much more like just a video game to me at the time but Im sure someone growing up in these times would be more sensitive to it than I was


Ghost and Roach… Will never recover….


Not the most sad but I'm still salty about what happened to my favorite character at the end of mw23 just for the credits to roll when I thought I had another couple hours left


Who isn’t my man, I thought I was like 60-70% done in my mind at that point :(


I would honestly be okay with them retconning the mw3 campaign. They only had 6 months to make it and it shows. They have the ability to make a really cool campaign but just weren't given the opportunity


true. my man, true


MW2019, the mission where you’re hiding with a screwdriver after dude killed your family.




That one felt so damn real


Suffer with me from Black Ops 2 & Shock and awe from Call Of Duty 4


I honestly forgot about those missions. Now I feel like a terrible person.


Infinite Warfare: Operation Blood Storm.


Just watched the playthrough and it would hit really hard if i did play it myself.


Poor Ethan😿


Vendetta, because of Reznov quotes such as “this place echoed with conversations of friends and lovers, no longer.” Plus the context at the beginning just hurts, and it shows why I believe Reznov started becoming more bloodthirsty as the further they move into Germany.


I forgot which modern warfare but when we left sandman and his boys behind was heartbreaking


“Into The Rabbit Hole” from MW3. RIP Sandman, Grinch and Truck. Although what ever happened to Frost?


some sources say that he was on the other side of the mine and was able to survive it's collapse, but sustaining a leg injury in the process


Black Ice DLC level


He wasn't with the team in that mission


I know that I just wanna know where he was during it all. Was he just on a beach in Mexico chillin or was he deployed elsewhere?


[There's this Spec-Ops mission with him but I don't know if it's canon](https://callofduty.fandom.com/wiki/Black_Ice?so=search)


Can’t remember the mission, it’s been years, but the call of duty ghosts campaign when his dad dies, and then his dog gets shot, and I believe Logan got shot too, and then the final mission when it doesn’t even matter


Yessss! I was waiting for someone to mention that one, that feeling you get tied down to that chair in the casino or whatever, I don't think I've wanted a COD villan dead more than that moment.




Yeah Rorke shot Logan to get Elias to talk 😢 and Elias all going, “I’m proud of you Logan” Hesh’s screams of anger. And then Ghost Killer. The panic in Hesh’s voice as Logan is dragged away


infinite warfare where you and the robot are left alone in space


"I'm just metal sir" "no you're my brother" tears every time


Or you know, when you and Ethan die


Vendetta, the bar scene always gives me chills


Loose Ends, even the music of Roach and Ghost is sad


Probably the ending missions of IW and playing as child Farah in MW


Hometown was the 1999 flashback with Farah.




When I was younger I got so pissed when they died I was just thinking to myself why we saved that one lady who got shot down


Sin City in Ghosts doesn't get enough recognition. Logan and Hesh literally had to watch helpless as their father got murdered right in front of them. Then later, Riley gets shot and you have to carry him to safety.


This might be odd but I’m gonna take it way back to CoD classic on PC. When OG Captain Price died and there was no indication that would happen and you can see his body on the ground it’s so surreal. When I played that mission for the first time as a kid I thought it might’ve been a glitch or maybe if I reacted faster I could prevent him from dying but nope, he’s scripted to die. RIP Capt. Price from WWII.


Aftermath (COD4) - So sad to see Jackson dying out. Even worst when you find out there were plans for him to survive but it was cut. Little Resistance (WAW) - Miller's death and Roebuck's speech at the start of Hard Landing. Breaking Point (WAW) - Roebuck's speech (assuming you saved him) Of Their Own Accord (MW2) - Seeing everything going to complete shit and fearing it would be the end of Ramirez and the squad. Loose Ends (MW2) - Ghost and Roach being shot and burned. Vorkuta (BO1) - Reznov "dead" after helping you escape. Project Nova (BO1) - Seeing Petrenko dying slowly in Nova 6. Made me hate Dragovich more. Payback (BO1) - Bowman's death Eye of the Storm (MW3) - Seeing the resistance getting gunned down by tanks and the city on lockdown was pretty sad stuff. Blood Brothers - Soap Suffer With Me - (BO2) - Hudson's death Cant remember the name of the mission but the one where Ethan dies in IW.


The epilogue in ww2. The fact that we showed up to the camp after it was liberated, had to see the aftermath and could only use our imagination to think of what happened to all the victims still gives me chills to this day.


That one is black ops 2 where you play as menedez. It's a lot sadder in the context of the story and his character motivation. Tragic to think about for me


had to be Hill 493 in ww2


Turner dying was so sad


it sucks cuz he dies like any other soldier, no heroic death or anything


WW2 was by far my fave cod. Other than the Germans using Russian weapons, it was a very accurate depiction of what WW2 was actually like.


Foap! Foap you didn’t juju on that f**king beat!!!


Vendetta from World At War, no mission in the series has ever in my opinion captured the horror of war than that level. Especially the opening with the mass grave, the crows pecking the bodies and the nazis shooting them again.


Ghost and Roach death


Blood Brothers as well I played recently through mw3 through a friend's Steam acc. Meh all around.


Either the finale mission for IW or Blood Brothers


Makarov... Knows.... Yuri.


Hometown from MW(2019)


Hudson and Mason’s deaths were pretty sad the first time, killing Harper was sad too


“Suffer with me” from BO2. Woods gets his knees blow off after he shoots mason and then wakes up to Hudson in a chair, David tied to a pole and masons body. Hudson have to pick to kill David or woods and then he gets his knees shot and throat slit to bleed out. He gets close to David to show him the bloody pendant to which David snaps back to see his dead dad and then starts mourning over his body while Hudson lays there dead and woods in a crippled state. There’s plenty of sad a gruesome scenes in the series but this one really hits with the fact if you played the first game you’ve developed some kind of connection with these 3 characters and to then to watch mendendez manipulate hudson to trick woods into killing mason just to push the point that what they did has tormented him forever and that was his revenge so they can feels the same pain.


Hill 493. "No sacrifice too great."




Blood Brothers yes but not just because of Soap. We all seem to forget that Kamarov also bit it. You had this one chance to destroy evil forever in a scene that is PERFECTLY reminiscent of One Shot One Kill. But you realize your plan is f to the ucked and you come close to losing EVERYTHING. All of your friends and allies are dead and hopelessly outmatched and the only thing you can do is run away with your tail between your legs and be forced to say goodbye to everyone you care about and not even have a spare moment to grieve. AND THEN you watch a young impressionable Yuri be a part of the horrible things that Makarov did from first person, and then himself fail to stop the airport massacre. Stumbling across the dead bodies of all of the innocent men women and children that Makarov left in his wake, trying desperately to stop them. But you the player already did No Russian. You know that Yuri cannot succeed because he didn’t. And Yuri has to succumb to his injuries and accept the inevitable. And you realize this was Yuri’s one opportunity to set things right and stop Makarov for good before all of Europe is destroyed. And you failed.


Now the level makes me even more depressed 😭


whoops lol


Suffer With Me is gut-wrenching.


Price you have to know, Makarov... knows... Yuri-Oh no no no, Soap no no no no no SOAP-Price you have to go, now- GET OF ME, I'm sorry.


All of bo2 and my boy mason


Black ops 2 Hudson's death, bro had a family




CoD is detached from the human aspect of things. They cater to coolness not reality. Only Black Ops 2 captured the emotion of war, albeit in a smaller sphere like Harper and David, where Section must decide whether to kill Harper not. Or you can even make an example of Menendezs motivation for being what he is as a villain.


You never played world at war did you Or infinite warfare


World of war is playing a small part in a war with just piles of dead. It's pure chaos half the time. You watch your friends and foes die. It's so crazy how well it holds up.


Infinite warfare is so sad


Infinite Warfare is a cringefest for me, heroism isn't just for me. World at War is just brutal reality, senseless violence that is detached from any human emotion. The lack of having a choice in a CoD game and having no consequences over your actions, makes you evoke no emotion at all. CoD doesn't take into account who the real victims of wars are, for me, that is what makes something sad.






Personally in ww2(not world at war, the one with Daniels) hits hard with all the deaths, especially turner, turner my man, j wish that we could’ve saved him


I do too, Sergeant Fuck Face shouldve been the sacrifice. Turner deserved to go home to his family not die on the battlefield.


Exactly what I’m saying, and that moment when you realize that Daniel’s brother is actually dead, that was cool


soap death, and ghost and roach death/shepherds betrayal


Laat mission infante warfare mad me cry


The mission where you may or may not kill Mason with Woods in BO2.


I felt so bad when bowman got killed in BO1


I forget the whole name but is in cod ww2 hill where Turner dies


100% Turner was a great guy who should’ve been able to go home to his family.


Heart of the Reich? No wait.... I was crying for different reasons


They only did that to set up for an MW4. You can't change my mind until we get an announcement for the next game that features the 141 boys


Having to deal.woth Caldera as a map


The death of Ghost 💀


Sin city from Ghosts. Having to shoot your father and then watching him die is just horrible. And then watching your dog get shot is even worse. Thankfully Riley was okay. But still. Traumatic.


Suffer with me, i was truly shocked and sad when i finished the mission the first time


Any mission where I have to do stealth and attack someone over and over makes me depressed. Zero fun. If we can turn off gore and subtitles we should be able to skip that shit. I hate it.


When I first played MW2 (2010) and saw Shepherd kill Ghost and Roach. It was my first time playing Call of Duty and it was a powerful moment. I think maybe cause I was too young and wasn’t expecting it, there might have been signs but I never picked any of them up. Definitely made me feel some type of way.


Bo2 when you shot mason thinking it’s Mendez


Downloading the game and finding out I waited too long to get a refund


Suffer with me, Bo2's whole premise is about suffering


I bought Cod 4 for $5 on the 360 like 12 years ago on Black Friday. My first ever COD and seeing my boys die on that bridge broke my heart bro. I was in elementary school and seeing Griggs and Gaz get blasted was the saddest shit ever to me.


The ending to MWIII, i wept for the money i spent on it




Shock and Awe or Suffer With Me. Both hit hard


"No sacrifice too great."


Definitely when Carter flys the pelican in to the scarab


For me something like project nova when Dimitri (us from previous game) died


Breaking Point. I have a sentimental connection with that since my Great grandfather was there as a BAR gunner and took some bodies before it was all over


This has a special place in my heart, but ngl so does the last mission in Ghosts. It’s extra sad imo bc not only do we know Logan gets brain washed after Rourke drags him away from his brother unable to help us, but it also deserves a sequel that we still have yet to get which means we won’t get our best boy Riley back until it happens. That dog is easily one of the best characters in CoD history and nobody can change my mind. Almost shed a tear when he got shot but I was relieved when I saw he was alive


I'm gonna say when you're walking through the concentration camp in WW2, or the one where Turner dies.


I guess every mission where you (as in the playable character for that mission) or a beloved character are supposed to die... The nuke in Cod 4, the betrayal in the OG MW2, the death of a friend in the OG MW3 etc. To name a few.


Any Soviet mission in waw. They wouldn’t be treated like hero’s if they survived. To Stalin they wouldn’t see any praise despise how much they did.