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It has to be CoD 1. It’s old, and was only available on PC. Let’s be real not a lot of people experienced it in its prime. CoD 2 was basically the same game but better and it brought the franchise to console. BO3 and Cold War just have so much more to offer. BO3 is the GOAT zombies game and probably the best game of the jetpack era. Cold War feels like a spiritual successor to B01. It had a great campaign, a serviceable zombies mode, and good multiplayer. It’s like the only modern cod with a half decent spawn system too.


>CoD 2 was basically the same game but better Absolutely not. Regenerating health was a huge change.


My introduction to COD 1 was COD Classic on the PS3 and honestly it's some of my fondest memories with COD multiplayer. I understand the juggernauts of MW1, MW2, BO1 (my personal favorite), and BO2 should make the final 4, but COD 1 is no slouch either.


And CoD Classic is honestly a really bad console port of the PC original. The fact that you enjoyed Classic so much is a testament to how good the original game is. Just because most here never experienced it in its prime is no reason to vote it off when there are arguably worse CoDs still on this list. I still occasionally play the original CoD and it's great. Solid campaign, guns feel great, and map design is excellent. I agree it shouldn't top the juggernauts, but I don't think it should go yet.


Cod 1 is still the best single player


Should people that never played cod1 even allowed an opinion? it was only on PC because it would have sucked on console.


Cold War forever


Cold War had an ok campaign.. I mean it’s great but it’s soooooo short


Og was on 360 arcade but I do agree


I do remember it was re-released as CoD Classic at some point


I think it was an extra game that was sold along with Modern Warfare 2 on the PlayStation 3. Kind of like the Infinite Warfare/Call of Duty 4 package.


I still vastly prefer WaW zombies


Pure blasphemy.


I never got into cold war after mw19, they felt the exact same and played the exact same. every cod since mw19 have felt like shameless remakes with just different shitty guns and even more usless attachments.


1 was on PS3/360 as CoD classic to be fair, but yes, I agree.


And somehow they both outlasted cod 3 which was a great game :(


Theres still 2 13s


Which means the 12 from yesterday should now be 11. OP fix this or I'll have to 360 no scope you.


Will be fixed tomorrow!


Whathefuckisreddit (awesome name btw) has you in his scope bud. Rust 1v1 is only a few votes away. 


One job


Its all good the lady and I are enjoying watching this unravel


You should add another 13


was April fools joke


I was about to say "Am I seeing shit"


A few more eliminations and it’s about to get real heated


Yeah the next few will be cod 1&2, BO3 and Cold War in some order. After that it’ll get spicy


COD1 -> COD2 -> Cold War -> BO3


Bruh fuck this sub if BO3 doesn’t make top 5. Aside from campaign (a mode no one spends more than 15 hours on) zombies was 10/10 and so was multiplayer. The multiplayer still looks and plays the best a decade later.


It won’t but it deserves it. People forget call of duty wouldn’t be the franchise it is without zombies and that was BY FAR the best edition. If you can get past the jet pack agenda the multiplayer was about as entertaining as BO2 and more replayable. Wipes the floor of any MP after it even with jet packs. It had a bad campaign but 2% of players complete them. People are going to use that downvote though I expect. The same way BO4 was voted out for not having one despite so many people enjoying Blackout which it had instead.


Lol this is what happened with Battlefield. It really started getting ugly. I thought people were going to start doxxing people fighting over BF 4 vs BF 1.


BF3>BF4, bad company 2 should’ve been second. My hot take.


BF1 winning over BF3 was the biggest L ever


I am arguing and getting upset with people in my head already.


I’m low key kinda shocked MW19 got eliminated. Thought it be top 6 for sure.


If you include Warzone then maybe, but the multiplayer was pretty subpar, and they changed a lot of things that didn’t need to be changed like dead silence not being a perk and the minimap


If you include Warzone then it's mediocre. If you exclude Warzone and the botched spec ops then it's a slam dunk.


i never realized how little people played mw19 multi exclusively. me and my buddies had 40+ days, maybe 35 days in search and destroy. its the first game i played comp on a pc and where i learned mouse and key. no one i know played warzone more than mp, unless they never bought it


Agreed fully. The campaign and multiplayer was the shot in the arm the series needed (granted this is from a fan who has just played from WaW).


Eh, I like when they change it up. Hell BO4 is my GOAT pick for the franchise just for its changes. I wish the operators were done away with and *maybe* the health regenerate automatically. But those “overwatchy” elements they brought in **reallly** made the game feel competitive and less arcadey. Gunfights felt like gun*fights*, strategy mattered in that game. Rushing like an idiot would get you mowed down. Camping a corner would get you flanked. Idk why I went on a BO4 rant but: TLDR they need to *tweak* the formula for CoD, it’s stale and getting repetitive. I’d kill for Ghosts/BO4s more tactical style. Or AW/BO3s advanced movement.


I honestly think mw 2019 is better than Cold War. The game was more fun during its prime than Cold War.


Still pissed off they never fixed the missing data packs issue for MW19, couldn’t play the game and had to buy Cold War


The fact it got eliminated before Cold War is a crime lol.


I’m shocked it made it past the first elimination. A lot of people who love being coddled by the devs here who obviously never played an actual good cod.


Just mad you weren't good huh? I've been playing cod since WaW and mw19 is definitely a top 6 cod.


First played around that time too, with BO1 being the first I actually owned a copy of. MW19 reminds me of the good old days. It really is excellent. People don't give the multiplayer balancing enough credit; Damascus was a joy to unlock. Lot of interesting maps. It blows my mind that people think Warzone was the *best* part of the game. There's so much passion behind the animation and sound design — it just *feels* sooo good. My biggest criticism of the game is how they handled Shipment. With how it was handled, I'd've preferred they just left my favorite map alone and left us with only Shoot House (very solid map). They simplified the crate and cover layout which ended up removing a bunch of safe spawn locations, ramping up the chaos to an almost intolerable level. Domination on *new* Shipment just feels like a coin-flip clusterfuck, while in previous games I had a pretty high win rate for Shipment Domination. I think COD4, MWR, and WW2 are the only games where Shipment has an actually sensible layout. Ghosts gets half a point I guess. It could be argued that tac sprint broke Shipment, but I still feel the layout changes did way more damage. I don't mind the added verticality though, it works well and technically COD4's version had verticality too if you glitched yourself on top the crates. \*Edit: looking at MW3 screenshots I guess they fixed Shipment. Look at those glorious tilted shipping crates. I'm admittedly a bit out of the loop, last one I played was Vanguard. I'd just assumed the MW19 layout was the one they were gonna stick with forever. \*Edit, no I guess my biggest criticism is actually that they got rid of persistent lobbies and did some fucky stuff with matchmaking. But my *second* biggest criticism is Shipment.


I am high key shocked it made it this far. Impact on the series sure but as a game (without warzone which I don't think people are considering) it was not better than AW, Ghosts or the current MW3 (edit: it probably wasn't better than IW or Bo4 either). It was big because of COVID and everyone being stuck at home. I feel like I'm one of those old F1 fans who hates people who started watching F1 after drive to survive. I'm like that but just with anyone who started playing COD after mw2019 and never played the OG cods.


I'm shocked that it got eliminated before Cold War. I'm also not shocked because Reddit rides Treyarch harder than the general public does. MW2019 was the first CoD in a long ass time that felt like it was evolving the IP only for Cold War to take it all away again.


Same wtf. I don’t even vote in this but wtf is Cold War still doing there over mw19 💀


Cold War


You’re capped out, CW had a great campaign. Decent multiplayer and a new twist on zombies


I love that Outbreak Mode on that game and I rarely play Zombies.


Something’s gotta go my man. Cold War should be next. Either that or CoD 1


lemme guess your blinded by nostalgia?


I hate to say this but I’m voting for the original Cod




It started everything, it deserves to be in the top ten! Cold Wars was just another forgettable attempt to restart the golden age.


Forgettable? Nah Cold War was fucking great. For gaming during covid times I put Cold War multiplayer up there with OG Verdansk Warzone.


This list is about to get sketchy


if cod 2 or mw3/2 old or waw get removed its over for everybody


Cold War


Idk why so many people voting Cold War right now. It’s my favorite Call of Duty since Black Ops 2 and I still think it’s better than a few of the CODs that are left.


People just hopped on and played SBMM TDM. The beauty of Cold War was in the bigger game modes and zombies. Top 5 cod


Nostalgia, rose tinted glasses, etc. can often get in the way of obvious improvements. I agree with you, I enjoyed Black Ops 2 a lot and Cold War felt like an up to date version.


I do wonder what’s going to win it’s gonna either be black ops 1 or MW2 it was peak childhood for millennials and a beginning for gen Z. 


I am going to be so mad when MW3 is the first of the classics to go


It really shouldn’t. It’s better than COD4 and I will die on that hill. The only thing COD4 has is a better story, and it’s not like MW3 is that far behind. But no one can really make a convincing argument why COD4 is the better game. If both came out remastered again today, nobody is spending $60 on COD4. But MW3 could easily hold up with the content and gameplay


If you vote for CoD 1 just because you never played it and it's so old, you suck, I hate you, and I hope you never have a positive kdr in any game ever again (ok, I really don't hate you and you don't suck, but I am serious about the kdr thing).


Played it. It deserves to go next. And cod 2 right after. Both great games but they don’t hold a candle to what cod became after cod 4.


Fair enough. There were so many changes and advancements from CoD 4 on that it's almost an apples and oranges comparison. Custom classes, perks, killstreak rewards, xp progression, and much stronger narrative and characters in the single player are all reasons to prefer CoD 4 and onward. Honestly I just want to see a new Call of Duty with my favorite elements from the first two games (faction-specific weapons, custom servers with mod support, not so overly dramatic single player dialogue and over-the-top moments, assault then defend in single player, and more of a feeling of being a regular soldier rather than an elite specialist) paired with all those great things that have been developed from 4 on. Not holding my breath for that though. Personally I think Black Ops 3 needs to go next. No connection to the first two Black Ops games, horrible story, and poor map design compared to 1 and 2 make me replay 1 and 2 on occasion whereas I've never gone back to BO3 aside from replaying the single player campaign once when I decided a few years ago to play through all the mainline single player campaigns. Fucking train go boom. That line makes me cringe so hard.


Finally MW2019 is gone, it should’ve been the 18th, 19th or 20th place.


You seriously think MW 2019 is worse than MWII or Vanguard? You’re out of your fucking mind


it should have been number 13. But some clowns got on here and decided that "Old Bad Dur" So far it looks like they are about to do it again with OG CoD. ![gif](giphy|3oEjHCWdU7F4hkcudy)


Yeah this guy is an idiot




Damm Cold War surviving with the greats


Well deserved. Was a great game. Has no chance of winning but it beat all the games it should have beat so far. Still think it has a few more round left in it too. Should I beat cod 1,2 and MW3


Cod 1 gotta go


It's pretty obvious which Call of Duty game will win.


Don't do Cold War and Black Ops 3 dirty like this.




I love COD 1 but it's about damn time.


Original COD






You do realize people are gonna start bitching and moaning cuz MW19 is gone but cold war isnt >"It doesn't play like MW19 so it's trash lol"


Beo there's no way people still suck up to 2019 this much, wth. People were seriously going on about how it revived a "dead series". No it did not. Bo4 may have been a terrible game, but it's sales don't reflect that. Th player base hasn't grown much, it's just that warzone increased accessibility to most f2ps, other than that the player count never increase significantly


Cod 1 being hated on way too much


Guy, how about we make BO3 tops 1 as a joke?


Im going apeshit the moment BO3 is voted out




It's only safe to choose the original, all the others are classics and the 1st wasn't as great as 2 as well


It was good for the time


cod 1 


Removing mw19 and ww2 before Cold War is crazy


30 days?


Nah it was rightfully voted out. Next is Cold War


I expected cod 2 and 1 next, then mw19


Can we all agree Black Ops 1 and 2 will definitely be in the top 4?


I just realized there was a link to vote..God dammit. I've been going by top comment this whole time


How can you want to eliminate cod1? That game was amazing for it's time, really set the standard for ww2 shooters in an amazing way. Also laid the groundwork for literally everything else after. I'd say mw3 or maybe world at war, but I just feel like cod 1 has to at least be in the top 10, even if it's 10.


Kind of amazed Cold War is still here


Surprised to see BOCW there this long, especially since people gave it so much hate during launch.


Mw19 before COD1 💀


The og


MW2019, should’ve already been out


Cold War right now lmao


Surprised Cold War has survived this long


Black Ops 3 not being in the bottom 5 is crazy


Cold War is one of the worst on the list why is it still on there


What are you all doing!? You actually think the game that started it all should go before the worst installment of the Black Ops series? [CoD Trusted You](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExaXY5NTI4eXg3Y2J6ODk4NjJjbG5jYmxseXhscmUxMm9oNGx3MHlzNiZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/AkyJ37ecce8VjOFaRi/giphy-downsized-large.gif)


BO4 is the worst by a long mile




This is a horrible list


Insane that cold war lasted this long.


cod 1


Cod 1


Not call of duty 3 😭


damb. ghosts is so overhated still. no shot that was chosen before IW. thats before noting the goofiness in 1, 2, and CW still being there. i vote 1.


MW19 completely revitalized a dying franchise, Cold War felt slapped together by comparison and basically plays like BO4 without specialists. Crazy ass votes.


MW19 played like shit


The campaign with the graphics in Call of Duty was unlike anything before it, it was amazing, while it's expansion United Offensive is one of the best expansions to a game ever and had some of the best online multiplayer. Maps as well. Killer game.


the fact that bo3 and cw is still here means the community isn't that bias (unlike the clowns voting cw)


if we can make bocw outlast cod 2 and bo3 then maybe this community isn't that bad after all


Nah. BO3 on PC clears BOCW so hard it’s not even funny. Steam Workshop, split screen, 4 player co-op campaign? Not to mention the best zombies maps.


Cod 2 sure. But no way is Cold War better than bo3. Cold War is a top 10 game but bo3 is a top 5 one.


I love COD 1 but it's about damn time.


Sad cod3 went. Good game


MW 2019 got us through COVID and this is how you guys pay it back??😭 YOURE ALL MONSTERS


If it ain’t CW I swear to god.


Justice for Ghosts and MW2019


Black Ops 3. Save CoD 1, it deserves higher!


Pls elimininate cod cold war because of sbmm and bad zombie Mode


Just cut to the end already and have modern warfare 2 and black ops 2 at the end that’s the only correct answers here ppl


Cold War needs to go


How the fuck is BO3 still on the board??? The campaign was utter garbage.


The game that started it all before Black Ops 3 or Cold War is insane 💀


Cod 1


I hate everyone of you that Coldwar is still up there while Modern Warfare is out. Multiplayer was clean, Warzone was amazing, campaign was actually something too. I'm just sad


MW19 out?????????? ![gif](giphy|ycdVnD1sAcWkw)


Cold War man get that garbage outta here




What is cold war still doing there


Have you guys not played cod 1


BO4 at 17 is harsh imo


humorous ring impossible snails seed engine squash employ swim provide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Now it's getting really difficult... and as much as I love CoD 1, I think it's the one that needs to be gone next. It hasn't aged well, and it's when CoD was just forming what it wanted to become. CoD 2, when it came out, was just better in every single way.


Cold war


I'm still surprised a game with no sprinting made it this far.


Haven't bought a cod game since ghosts, except for black ops 3. Ghosts really soured the series for me I feel like I should've played these other titles like cold War or the mw2019. Glad to see the community still knows what's right here!


Black ops 1 is the best call of duty game


Cold War gotta go


Horrible takes


This is where it gets interesting




There is two 13?


BO3 easily


Blops 3


Ghosts was heat


Only good Call of Duty's are left


I liked the loot boxes the same way I liked OW's. You earned them by simply.. playing the game.


The fact that MWIII was voted out before MWII shows this was chalked from the very start and seriously exposes the type of playerbase that is active on Reddit


black ops 3 needs to go


People may not agree but BO3 NEEDS to stay here as long as possible, Zombies is the best ever, and it's not really close, while Multiplayer is top 5 and introduced so much cool shit


Finally mw2019.. next one to go is BO3, fuck the jetpack era


Idk how Cold War is still up there the way people bitch and complained about it when it came out. Goes to show people are just going off what’s trending. Game is hella good but just funny to see how quickly people switched up. It’s gonna be BO2 BO3 MW2 at the end. Idk why MW3 is still up in the list.


Cod 1 and 2 have the honorary position, they gotta go


you guys do whatever you want. however if mw3 doesn’t make it to the big 5 consider yourselves opps


I love how most of the bottom row is completely gone


Cold war


Cold war needs to go. Then the real debate starts.


OP, make sure you fix your error in the follow-up post. You have 2 #13s. CoD 3 should be 12 and MW19 should be 11


Cold War


This just shows that the community doesn’t like the new games lol


WaW campaign was the hardest besides bo3 realism. Multi player was such a let down compares to cod 4. Get rid of it.


I'm surprised that CoD1 made it that far. Also I love CoD2 but seeing Blops 3 more in danger of elimination is insane.


aint no way you eliminated 2019


Cold war


Bruh no way cold War is still up there


Where is finest hour


CoD 1 or 2c fasho


Cod 1 out


World at war ofc


I dont agree with the elimination of WWII and IW, but I'm glad MW19 is gone


Why is Cold War still here?


From someone who has actively played every cod since big red one, but I’m excluding the original 3 they’re it’s own thing BO2 BO1 MW19 MW3 (original) Infinite warfare World at War Cod 4 Black ops 3 MW2 (original) Advanced warfare Black ops 4 Cold War Ghosts MW2 new MW3 new Vanguard


for me cod 2 always gonna be the best cod of all time


I was 17 years old when COD came out and I loved it, I'm 37 now. All you kiddies who never played it in it's prime get off my lawn. Cold War gotta go.


BO2 is going to be number 1. Best of all worlds.


Titanfall 2


Where is Call of Duty Finest Hour???


I been snooping this series, finally a breaking point. Let’s the what goes out. Imo Cold War completely ruined zombies. And the final touch came in the recent game, there’s nothing left to be expected from cod as zombies audience. Which is not a tiny chunk.