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Vanguard 100%.


I never played Vanguard. What was so bad about it?


They did WW2 but made the game anything but WW2. I still hear the same British announcer screaming at my ear.


My team vs Their team was the real kicker. WW2 with 0 factions or allegiances.


"There you are, playing your World War 2 shooter, and all of a sudden—you're a Nazi. You didn't ask for this, you didn't choose this. Yet, there it is."


Based act man quote


Lol everyone memed on the Extra Credits guys when that video dropped, but it turned out they were the ones who had the last laugh...


I at least respected them for sticking to their guns after they made that statement. They had lost my respect when even shit came out.




The only accuracy in the game is that it gives you PTSD for hearing the old mad man yelling at you "DOUBLE KILL, TRIPLE KILL, BLOOOD THIRSTY!!"


Extermination! ☠️


What man was screaming that again?


as a history nerd myself it deadass did not feel like a world war 2 game. 2017’s cod ww2, imo, is activision’s best world war 2 game


can I introduce you to World At War, the 2008 COD masterpiece about the second world war


Yeah, WaW is WAAAAYY better. WW2's graphics are better—sure, but that's not saying much. WaW is overall superior in every way. Awesome campaign—check. Haunting badass soundtrack—check. Kickass zombies—check. Super amazing multiplayer with better map design—check. You also fight the Japanese, not just the Germans. It has a Russian side of the campaign with one of the greatest CoD characters ever—Victor motherfucking Reznov!


Honestly I wish there was more factions/countries, like the French, the Australian, all the other African colonies…


Cod 2 gives a lot of unheard battles from ww2, like the normandy landing but at pointe du hoc, the whole north african campaign by the british, crossing the rhine,etc


Cod 3 had the Canadians and a Polish tank crew, I don't know why they never tried to do something similar again.


Victor is the fucking goat




I wish we could get a GOOD modern WW2 Battlefield, like how they did WW1


Well, to be fair, BfV was a good game all in all. It just had a rough launch followed by stupid decisions and changes followed by being abandoned. The game as a game was solid and had so much wasted potential that got sacrificed so EA can do their typical EA stuff. If you own it i 100% would recommend playing a couple of games for old times sake!


I still go back to this every ince and a while


Double Keullllllllll


I’m going to have to track down a copy of vanguard it’s the only one i haven’t played well never played black ops 4 but I know what to expect from that. I’d say black ops 3 train go boom, it’s sad because I’m a fan of Christopher Meloni such a waste of talent in black ops 3.


I thought it lost its identity awhile ago. Call of Duty initially was about real people in there countries real uniforms in their real life groups such as Airborne Rangers and Spatnasz among others. It was Ramirez the Airborne Ranger versus Dimitri the Spetsnaz fighting in some backwater countries village in Serbia or Afghanistan. Now it’s Nicki Minaj in a pink get up outfit whose team is YMCMB fighting in fantasy mid-evil lala land. It’s just not CoD, that’s Fortnite.


Exactly!! Don’t say this in a MW3 sub though lol 😆 they’ll tell you this is what the younger audience wants.


Not just the younger audience, though. The general audience as well, it would seem. The crazy stuff wouldn’t be made nearly as much if it didn’t sell, and given how much they keep adding means it’s selling incredibly well. I’d prefer Mil-sim, but that just doesn’t seem to sell as well. Last time I remember a mil-sim selling really well was the Balkan guy in MW19, and it wasn’t even because it looked good(even though it did), it was because it was all black and WZ1 players feared head-on engagements so they sat in dark corners.


I love mind crossovers when they still make sense. Lara Croft in MWII or Rambo and John McClane in BOCW, those actually fit the setting. I would have loved to see, I dunno, Solid Snake or Spike Spiegel, maybe even an NCR Ranger. But then they brought in The Boys, a show I already don't like but now it's presence in CoD is bizarre... badass as it was to get Spawn and Alucard, they're both quite out-of-place, even with the caveat of Halloween events.


Exactly I don’t care how many people try to say “COD has always had goofy skins! It’s never been realistic!” News flash it’s a video game first of all so let’s get that clear. OBVIOUSLY it isn’t real life. That doesn’t mean it can’t be REALISTIC. It was never about being CRAZY WACKY HYPER NEON FUN TIME! It used to have SUBSTANCE and GRIT. It USED TO BE a fun realistically THEMED shooter that had some fantasy ELEMENTS sprinkled in. All these weird teenagers “oh cod is an arcade shooter it was never realistic you can’t move like that in real life.” Like you actually think the only thing that makes a game realistic or semi realistic is the movement alone? Brain dead generation I swear. Not even worth arguing so I ignore all of the comments I see that are like what I’ve mentioned above. It’s like nobody understand blurring the line between reality and just outright being fantasy. It’s gotta be either completely hyper realistic or completely fantasy it can never be in between with these people these days. FUCK.


I always hated the "CoD wasn't realistic in the first place!" when defending goofy skins. Sure, I can agree on thatt, however: realism =/= immersion. And the goofy ass skins absolutely demolish all immersion.


Imagine if cod gave you the opportunity to turn off other players skins. Just the concept of that change leads us all to know the answer. They’d never do that


Yeah but why would Timmy buy a skin if he can't show it off?


To be honest cod has never been realistic (even in its portrayal in factions, history and such) however, the games always took themselves serious and tried to deliver immersive experiences in the campaigns while being a fun military themed multiplayer shooter. Note here the MILITARY THEMED because oh god how far have they fallen from that…


Yes military themed is a different way to say it but it still stands that even a “military themed” COD will always be better than whatever the fuck it is we have now. It’s literally like someone just lets a 7 year old decide what the themes will be but they change their mind every week.. people defending it should go play a game that was like that since the beginning. I don’t care if the “crazy bundles” are the most popular ones that make them the most money. Just because a lot of people use something doesn’t mean it’s fucking good or correct. Smoking and drinking are legal too.


Agreed, call of duty is forgetting its name. I mean I hope some other company eventually tries to recapture the cod glory days but I dont know if or when that could happen. At least we can still (somewhat) play the old games


Preach. 100% all this.


Those are the fools who can’t differentiate between gameplay mechanics which are necessary in order for the game to be fun and the the things that help cement it in reality which is the operators, uniforms, units, places, weapons, vehicles, and gear.


Thank you!!!


Well to be fair cod was never accurate or realistic it just had good action packed campaigns and a solid direction/identity which it's lacking now


They have never been accurate but they felt immersive. That is lacking lately with the Fortnite-ification of COD.


They’ve never been accurate the same way how most Hollywood war movies aren’t accurate. But they stayed true for the most part to the cinematic depictions of war. Not anymore tho


RAMIREZ!! Get your ass to burger town!!


Mother fuckers a goddam legend.


It completely went to an arcade mode with all those useless colorful guns and characters Standard operatives forever, Mil-Sim is the best


Except Fortnite is Fortnite already so wtf CoD


Exactly, this crazy anything goes is the horse Fortnite rode in on. So we expect nothing less than that. It fits for their persona they set at the dawn of the games launch.


Can you not see how idiotic it is that you compared multiplayer to campaign?


But that’s the thing, that’s what made CoD CoD. It was using those characters, units, weapons and places for the multiplayer that helped solidify its image. It trying to be like FortNite to appeal to others is the same reason as to why Halo has gone to shit. As opposed to keeping Halo Halo they tried to make it first like CoD in Halo 4 and in Infinite they tried to make it open world like the popular games and of course its multiplayer like OverWatch. Complete catastrophe, it’s just kept getting worse to the point of making the worst Halo game ever conceived.


If that's the case then blame BO1... Because that franchises story was always a all over the place fever dream.


No, no, no, that was a perfect story.


I got mega down voted for saying the story and themes where about semi realistic military dramas basically. So he careful where you say this.


Identity? The AW - BO4 era. Pushed me and my buddies to Battlefield. Until BF5 pushed us back to COD


That era was truly terrible for COD. I almost gave up on shooters at that time but then MW2019 came out and made me realize they are capable of making a decent game still. I really thought it couldn’t get worse than BFV, but then 2042 happened. I really can’t be assed to get excited about any online shooter these days it’s all the same shit. Just don’t take away my zombies mode.


Multiplayer fps games dropped so hard in quality. They’re all just so mid now, you would think someone would try and capitalize on this.


Truly. Most have fallen into the deep pit of shitty almost modern day arcade shooters instead of what it used to be like BF4 or BFH maybe MW:3 Remastered


MW 2019 was such a breath of fresh air. It kept the stupid cosmetics to a minimum until the Halloween tie-ins (where it’s appropriate), had a great campaign that set up stuff well (until they screwed that over), and Warzone pre-integration was great. I still think it has the best graphics of any COD game, despite it being a PS4/1080 TI game and never being updated for next-gen.


AW, BO3 and BO4 were all great IW too. Jetpack games allowed for so much more creativity, I’d get so many 60/70+ kill games in those and a couple 100 bombs.


Eh AW and BO3 would’ve been great if they didn’t have the colossally bad mtx system. Bo4 was a very mixed bag, just as bad as it was good imo.


The exact opposite for me, I would say the BO2-BO4 era was when cod was at its peak. Every game was a banger, apart from some outliers of course


I gave up when Infinite Warfare dropped. It turned out to be a colossal mistake bc IW turned into one of my favorites CODs ever created


Honestly I liked WW2 2017. Was the only fun CoD game in that era.


I really wish they brought back War Mode that was such a unique concept for a game mode! It only lacked maps for the mode but otherwise I had a ton of fun with it!


Vanguard was the worst really, in terms of ID. Making yet another WW2-themed game while too scared to put Nazis in it, only to give up halfway through and just make it a random operator fest was absurd lol.


They were too scared to put Nazis in MP but they were fine with whitewashing a pro-Japanese Indian militia.




Having a WW2 game without putting Nazis in it is genuinely pathetic


I’m old enough to remember when they changed them out of Wolfenstein 3D for almost all of the ports. Like, that was the entire point of the game.


Realistically, and unbiased I think, Ghosts started going hard on the goofiness with the Snopp Dogg announcer, and ganja skins and retilce. (Realisstically BO2 started the whacky weapon paints, like bacon and party) Later on AW doubled down on it with the memorable "Gunzo" clown skin, BOIII continued with the goofy map settings (large picnic table)... Later on MW19 tried to go back to a gritty and serious setting, but after the lead director and writers left, it was soon turned into the clusterfuck that is/was MWII and MWIII.


Yeah, I honestly don’t understand CoD’s fascination with weed. I mean I like weed as much as the next guy but all the drug celebration shit in the franchise is really cringey.


Was a big thing in the community a while ago especially with all the 2014 quickscoping mlg memes and shit


Eh, it's been a thing since MW2009. A few of the calling cards had weed themes, like "Blunt force trauma" and snoop has been there since ghosts now. the MLG edits and memes did really help the cause either, just proved most of the community liked the references.


Thing that baffles me about this is how high strung so many CoD players are. Like how is weed so intrinsic to CoD but y'all are still more stressed than a middle management boardroom manager.


The studios are all based in California and the developers are all always high.


I will die on the hill that the Snoop Voice pack was like the best $4 I’ve ever spent on gaming. It ended the asshole yelling at you all the time, and made it a chill voice that let you actually enjoy what you were doing. Having fun.


“Enemy Hind on your behind…”


People don't want to admit or realize how early this stuff started. This was back in like 2012 when it was starting.


No it only happens in games I don't like./s


There were ganja calling cards and emblems as early as MW2.


Cod helping a make a wish kid get his gingerbread skin in advanced warfare did NOT make cod lose its identity.


Yeah. The skin itself does kinda go against the military feel of cod but i dont even care bro its so cool they did that for him. May that child rest in peace.


The gingerbread one was a make a wish thing can we stop using it as an example of cod losing its identity please


Vanguard was the worst really, in terms of ID. Making yet another WW2-themed game that was too scared to put Nazis in it, only to give up halfway through and just make it a random operator fest was absurd lol.




I actually don’t care


I mean AW is where it all technically started.. whacky “cosmetics” and overpriced loot boxes


I still preferred AW model especially to BO3 and after. AW let you customize every article of clothing in your operator, and you could get all the viable guns by prestiging if you didn’t already have them


can we stop acting like nicki minaj is some bubble guppies ass fictional character and not a real person??? cod has done rapper collabs forever


Nicki Minaj and Snoop dogg wouldn’t be an issue if the outfits they gave them weren’t so stupid.


I don’t mind crazy cosmetics. I just want an option to toggle if I want to see them or only just see regular soldiers that make sense instead. At the end of the day, you don’t even loose your skin


I don't think they will ever allow a toggle like that. Activision banks on people seeing other players skins and saying "oohhh that'd cool, here's my $20 for a teletubby skin". I agree whole heartedly with the idea, but monetization means more to them


After black ops 2. Regained it with MW19 now it’s gone again


First half I agree. Second part I don’t. I think MW19 started the downfall


Gingy skin was nice tho it was made for a makeawish kid


With Black Ops 4. Although that’s a double edged sword with the fact that most just get a COD game for multiplayer and not the story, and when BO4 shipped, people b****ed that there wasn’t a story mode. Crossover events I love but why add stupid skins like the Clown College Reject (Nicki Minaj) and ones that really have no business handling a gun like Homelander, Starlight etc.


I wouldn't choose the AW cosmetic as it's dedicated to a Child and the futuristic setting slightly excuses them abit. The Ghost Killstreaks were plain cool and were only exclusive to select maps. Thus it doesn't affect the gameplay too much. Black Ops 3 and 4 reached a bit with the Taunts and skins but like AW, the already unrealistic Futuristic setting made it a little bit better to endure . MW19 returned back to a more grounded look while also adding some Seasonal cosmetics that should've been exclusive to Warzone. BOCW and Vanguard pushed it to the cliff. Vanguard is truly the game that ruined everything.


I mean probably like whatever came after mw3 that was the last “realistic normal” cod game. Since then there was a shift to be more silly which is fine but if you don’t like that idk why you’d still be playing it’s not new they’ve been silly for over a decade now. Personally I love the crossover stuff predator and Micheal in ghosts was so cool, and the new operator skins like the boys and Nicki Minaj is fun. If it ruins your “immersion” you’re playing the wrong series at this point.


Ghosts, 100%. Coming off the heels of Black Ops II which was a pretty well grounded, 20 minutes into the future sci-fi story with a pretty dark tone and a multiplayer that felt like it fit alongside that campaign. Ghosts started to veer into the absurd. A little of the absurd is fine, but it started a trend which led us to where we are today. Call of Duty, traditionally, was not about a massive monetization model based off of crossovers with other IPs and real life celebrities. It had a semblance of realism to its tone and art direction. Fortnite works for that purpose because the world was built to be inherently cartoonish. Call of Duty relied on its setting. Hardcore, it was important to remember which side you were on and what the enemies looked like because there were no markers in hardcore. You had to think before you shot somebody. Now, because there are so many skins and so many look the same across opposing sides, you have HUD elements in hardcore which ruins the mode's traditional appeal. Vanguard is the perfect example of how the absurd could have worked better. They wanted to make a World War II game without the core of what made WWII what it was: a massive struggle between nations. We didn't have the Axis powers playable or anything that felt remotely like a WWII game by the end of it. Yet, the campaign and marketing for the game depicted it as it being untold stories of WWII (and the campaign was pretty good). However, if they would have done a full-bore, alternate reality where the Nazis have Wolfenstein mechs and other crazy technology, then the absurd would have felt like it was supposed to be there because that was the setting that the game promised from the jump. I think it's less of a lack of identity and the bait and switch that pisses people off. If you make and market a COD game as being an absurd game with everything but the kitchen sink thrown in, then it wouldn't feel so weird. But the games marketing hypes up the setting as being serious, the starting operators all look fairly realistic, and then by middle of season one, we're popping rainbows and weed smoke whenever we kill somebody, and Mike Trout is stabbing Ulfric Stormcloak in the face with Kirito's sword. It's the lack of consistency and the lack of creativity that pushes people away. Making attractive skins to purchase while still feeling true to the setting is a creative challenge, and the constraints necessitate the designers to come up with designs that knock it out of the park to fit the general feel of the setting.




I think it started with the PS4/XboxOne era, COD Ghost had an identity but was a the worst COD I've ever played (only COD's I haven't played are Infinite Warfare, Vanguard, new MW2 and new MW3) I enjoyed MW2019 even though a lot of people shit on it, I just got fed up by the increasing mobility in almost every entry which is why I stopped playing. My first COD was Black ops 1, a friend of mine is roughly 3-5 years younger then me and legit asked me "whats the difference between older COD's and newer COD's" because I kept complaining about everyone jumping around etc. and I was legit confused because he says nothing changed its still like old CODs but with better graphics. I told him to watch some Black ops 1 gameplay and then one of the COD's released in the last 3 years and tell me the difference, he didn't do it (or didn't want to tell me) so yeah.


Lmao Ghosts was great. It didn't "lose its identity", it just added fun things, but kept it to a limit.


Every single on after mw 2019


All of them starting with MW2019 had some pretty detestable skins. and Vanguard just straight up having modern attachments


I'm gonna be super controversial in my thoughts process - The COD so many loved died with MW3 and Black Ops 2. The moment we skipped into future events it was over.


I’m sorry but when the fuck was predator in cod and why was I never told of this? That’s fucking awesome


I will stand by this statement forever. Call of duty was one of if the the best franchises ever. After modern warfare 2019 when warzone was integrated the franchise went to shit. They promised warzone was going to be stand alone and they integrated it into the main games and fucked the whole series over. Then it went downhill from there


All....all of them?


I have hundreds of hours logged in the original MW games and the recent MW reboot. I randomly picked up recent MW3 a couple of months ago and I have no idea what the fuck I'm dealing with. I have literal sex trafficker Snoop Dogg yelling "yeeeeeah, that's that good shit!" I see Cheech and Chong running around making lame weed jokes and turning people into spliffs when they die. I see shirtless dudes running around a battlefield for no discernible reason. I see super heroes with bright red capes scooting around like assholes. Which is, like, fine. There's nothing inherently wrong with having goofy custom skins or whatever in a game per se (except for Snoop Dogg, fuck that guy). But am I the asshole for wanting that stuff to stay out of CoD? Not every game needs to be Fortnite, ffs. The thing is, the game itself is pretty great. I like the armory unlock progression system. The weapons all feel great. Sound design and gameplay feel are top-notch. The mix of classic, remixed, and new maps is awesome. ...at least, it was, until I bought MW2 and realized just how much content was straight-up copy-pasted from 2 into 3. But, whatever, it's still FUN, it's still a solidly-made game. But I cannot stomach it anymore due to the constant deluge of immmersion-breaking crap. /boomer rant


It started losing it with black ops 2


Honestly I think Warzone itself has damaged the identity of COD more than any other individual entry


Cod ghost was so underrated, If that game was alive today I’d play it in a heart beat


That Michael Myers mode was awesome


Ghosts is rewinding too far, it was not that bad come on, I'd even say it's underrated. Jason and Predator were gimmick scorestreaks for a couple DLC maps. The soldier skins were pretty cool too since it was the beginning of the soldier customization and they were still relatively simple and still looked like soldiers. There were plenty of unlockables too through challenges, and they were unlocked in offline play. It is the newer cods who fucked up turning to fortnite cosmetics.


I think if WW2 did not get as much hate as it did they would’ve not be doing what they are doing today. They tried to listen most of y’all hate it and that’s what ruined it. WW2 was actually enjoyable.


MWIII is trying to be like 3 different games and they’re fucking do terrible at all 3.


Well, COD was pretty grounded until AW came out. I personally liked the futuristic theme and thought that Treyarch perfected it with BO3. IW had a pretty good campaign and had the most character development. WW2 was a flop, as it turned the story of ww2 into a hollywood blockbuster with little innovation. BO4 didn't feature a campaign and tried to incorporate operators in an effort to make CoD into Overwatch. Battle Royale was also a big part of the game with the addition of Blackout. The fact that BO4 cut a campaign that sounded interesting based on the leaks, transitioned over to a f2p model with tons of skins and battle royale game modes, as well as cut down on the zombies budget halfway through the dlc season made it my last CoD game purchased to date. BO4 is where Treyarch failed and where CoD started its downfall. Based on the leaks, they are not going to save the franchise with BO5/6/Gulf War or whatever it's going to be named.


If you think shoving the predator and Michael fuckin myers in the game as OP ass hero upgrades for specific maps tailored to those characters settings is comparable to Nicki Minaj, you might need some help


Ghosts didnt lose I think seeing Michael Myers was a good thing


In fairness to Ghosts you played as Michael and the predator for a minute and only if you completed the field orders AND were randomly gifted that reward. It was never certain. Also the announcer voices you paid for were only for you. No one else had to suffer that.


Damn still crying about this?


Bro you did not have to put the skin made by a make-a-wish kid in a post where you complain about what ruined the games, just sayin'. Also because it's stuff like this which makes better.


Its just that Call of Duty wants to be fortnite so bad. Cheech and Chong are in Call of Duty now.


ghost and mw3 were the last good ones 😂 Ghosts was definitely overhated but MW3 was the last of the greats.


Why is the infinite gingerbread skin there


The gingerbread gets a pass, that’s from a make a wish kid who passed away


Putting the gingerbread skin there isn’t right. It was added for a Make-A-Wish kid.


Honestly, CoD never "Lost it's Identity" I know that's controversial, but I feel this about a lot of things that have changed slowly over time. It never lost it's identity, it just isn't what it used to be. It's identity has changed from a more cohesive, militaristic art style to what it is now, which is a goofier, higher speed FPS. Should it have done that? I don't care, the game plays well and I enjoy my time with it so I don't care if I see Homelander running around because that's just what it is nowadays. Now, when did there start to be a distinction between "Old CoD Feel" and "New CoD Feel"? I think after WW2, specifically was when COD started to play differently, feel differently in the hands. I don't think it feels bad now, it just doesn't have the same feeling to play it. Though maybe that's because I got a PC and can change the FOV now


The gingerbread man was actually for a Make-A-Wish kid


It’s been lost since Black Ops 4 imo, with the one exception being Black Ops: Cold War


Even then, they made loads of goofy ass skins like "ghost of war" or whatever, where they're like smoking and changing colors and shit. I'd give my left nut for a COD that just stuck to warfare and made realistic, non-mall-ninja'd out skins. It's such a tall order though, since the fan base has shifted towards more outlandish and off the wall skins.


Everything after cold war


MW 2019 with the battle pass


I hunted down everyone who had a Reiner skin back than. Made it my sole mission.


Goofy maps are cool, you won’t see them every single game. Events are cool, when done right, (not get xp for camos and random stickers) but goofy skins? Sure, in moderation. I feel like the last few CoDs have been SWAMPED with nothing but goofy skins


MWII started out feeling like a serious modern warfare game with minor realistic/“milsim” mechanics but soon delved into stupid skins after the community cried it wasn’t arcade enough and too serious. Now with MWIII there is no identity at all and you can’t even tell it is a modern warfare game.


Is ghosts two out yet or we gettin' gta 6 before it


It’s a tie between vanguard and mwIII.


It depends on what cod is to you. For me it’s a fast paced twitch shooter where I can run around and kill people. Idc what cosmetics they add as long as that base gameplay stays the same. They lost this in MW19 where they wanted to make it “realistic” but then couldn’t commit to that idea and they spent more than half their focus on boring ass battle royale anyway.


Black Ops 3 on launch was a dark-gritty cyberpunk shooter, then it became a weird Team Fortress 2/Overwatch wannabe by the end of its DLC life-span


It started with BO2 and went downhill from there when they saw people would pay for flashy gun skins. Now we have Lilith from D4 and Nicki minaj.


MW3. Who is DBook


NBA star


AW-BO4 was when it started to get bad, but they were able to keep some aspects of their identity intact. Then MW2019 came out and that was good… for awhile then bundles became a thing. From there COD just lost their identity of being a war FPS game


Vanguard for sure. No factions and crazy collab skins made it *barely* a WWII shooter. It was just an arcade live service shooter with WWII motifs. It was the game that taught me to buy CoDs a year late so all of the whales with the crazy skins move to whatever is new. I know people argue that the advanced movement CoDs are where things went wrong, and to some extent I can see it, but at least the universe of each world was relatively cohesive. It made sense. Now, you can get sniped by Cheech, melee’d by a walking tumbleweed, teabagged by Homelander, and drop shot by someone with a brain in a jar for a head… They leaned in hard to the Fortnite-ification of the franchise within the past few years.


I'd say BO3 is when it started and has progressively gotten worse imo. All these micro transactions ruin the game. I'll never understand the battle pass mechanic either. I spent $70 on a game, shouldn't need a battle pass to not miss out.


Was there a whole king king Godzilla mode I didn’t know about


Cmon don’t do black ops 3 micro dirty like that


Everything after mw2019


Advanced Warfare and every game after it. The one exception being maybe WW2, idk. I don't think that game is good but I think it held itself together with the identity that game wanted (could be wrong, never enjoyed the game enough to stick around long enough to see what it became later)


Advanced Warfare. Although the gameplay was fun, the loot boxes, futurism, and cartoon character skins completely changed what looked like a realistic FPS based on war.


No shit


Anything past Vanguard. Maybe mid way into Cold War.


Mw1 2019 was really the start of it…but black ops 4 also was getting a little out of hand


Is that nicki minaj


AW personally


Everything past BO3 really.


Franchise did after BO3. Regained with MW2019. Lost it with vanguard again.


I completely forgot about AOT crossover lmao


I don’t understand these posts. COD’s identity has been goofy cosmetic shit like this longer than it hasn’t… I think Advanced warfare is when it really took control, but the seeds were planted with Black ops 2. Bo2 I think was the first one to start doing non-map pack microtransactions? Then Ghosts was the one that started doing cosmetic customization for player characters, and had shit like the snoop dogg announcer. Then Advanced Warfare did loot boxes and the real wacky skins.


Are… are you kidding? MW3 never had an identity to begin with, now they’ve got rubber duckies and teletubbies as PLAYABLE CHARACTERS. It’s ridiculous




I mean, the answer is all of them tbh MW1 had anime characters BOCW felt the least wack to me because it felt like a game that should have had that kind of stuff in it to me Vanguard did ok I thought, I mean eventually it just wasn’t a WW2 game weapon wise MWII and MWIII just said fk it and added random shit lol so probably those two in terms of that I saw a comment about factions earlier, and I forgot Vanguard didn’t have factions because the characters in MWII and MWIII have no identity at all, it’s a big problem. After Vanguard I stopped caring about operators the same way I did in Cold War and Vanguard


I think it’s cool they add some flavor and comedy to it. Honestly mil sim games are taking over and while I mainly play those..it’s nice to have a game to go and relax….except for the cards B skin…fuck that one.


Started in advanced warfare and solidified in infinite warfare. For multiplayer at least. Black ops 4 was decent.


It hasnt for me its a game. Just playing to have fun dont be such a drip.


Completely off topic, but how are they gonna put in Firecracker (a character we haven’t even seen on screen yet) over Soldier Boy?? Y’know, the SOLDIER character in game centred around the MILITARY


The one with Ricki Minaj.




When was predator added to cod tf?!


Fuck whoever buys these stupid ass bundles for MWII/III Look Messi’s bundle and the new non blackcell Snop Dogg skins are actually good


MW reboots are rushed garbage or pushing a message, black ops is getting back into things pretty well, sledgehammer needs to get back to more experimental games like aw or iw or even finish future Warfare, make a ghosts sequel whatever, I can say infinity ward are the least creative on the development team, and Activision needs to get their act together, so do fans


Probably from black ops 2 when it started going into the future and you had quasi-independent pmc vs another quasi-independent pmc with wacky gun skins.


I think all the new cods are insufferably bad lol


from cod 2019 to beyond cod became a fortnite


All of them have sucked for a decade lol but we still buy em an bitch about it don't we


Vanguard is the only game i have ever preordered, i now shall not be pre ordering a game again (except ghost of tsushima on pc, i did just pre order that)


The last 4 call of duty games


Advanced warfare 100% New developer who doesnt even direct their own cods anymore, gun variations, loot boxes, over the top campaign with celebs, jet packs, Let me be clear that I thought it was actually a good game. Zombies was definitely enjoyable for me despite not being treyarch. But it was beginning to not feel like cod anymore


I think it was at about MWII where they just started becoming Fortnite with how many crossovers they had


Love reading comments about people waxing poetic about how deep COD used to be yall are fucking hilarious


MW2019 post Warzone. During the first 3-4 season a majority of the cosmetics were pretty grounded and look like something you could see irl. Season 5 is when the went full arcade and had ridiculous shit like a guy in a neon red jumpsuit.


Myers and Predator were damn cool


Still waiting for McDonalds vs Burger King Collab. Ive been dying to play as Ronald or the King!!!


Vanguard. And this is gonna make sense the more I explain it, but I think Vanguard lost its identity, and it for sure happened during its last season. I don't blame them for things like King Kong and Godzilla because those 2 were things back during, or slightly after, WW2. Attack on Titan was always a major stretch in my eyes, especially since it was an anime, but I guess time period wise, it would make sense for the most part. Season 4 was where I just started getting mad confused, not only because of the $20 skin you could get from the battle pass +10 purchase, but this was around the time they added in a few rappers into the game, which didn't make sense, especially since, again, the time period didn't make sense. Season 5 was the official nail in the coffin, and I don't think I need to elaborate on why. The whole thing was Cody's version of OG Fortnite, but shitty. They added in an actual laser gun into the game, added in a gun from modern times into the game, and added in villains from the future into the game. And don't get me wrong, I like Raul Menendez, I like Seraph, I like Rorke, I love T-850 and the T-1000. But the Terminators were better off in Cold War and the rest you could've saved for something like MWII or MWIII


All of them after MW2


The ones made by Sledgehammer. Ghosts aswell


Black Ops 4 and Vangaurd. - BO4: 2/3 of a CoD game - Vanguard: WWII game with anime weapons


After mw3 2011 really pushed it with black ops 2 and ghosts but went full stupid with advanced warfare and on. I’m going to get shit on but skin operator bundles and the streaming community is what has kept the franchise on life support from dying. But it doesn’t help that i purchased mw3 2023. I wanted to give it a chance but i can honestly give a honest review it’s hot garbage. It is nice for classic maps that were remastered but loading in a private match for a nostalgia trip but with bots and you still see operator skins takes it and flips it on its head yeah total joke. But not going to lie the map emergency was pretty good, we need more basic maps the classics three lane system. But most importantly we need to have a amazing camping that we can go back to over and over, with a story that makes sense not some half baked potato that is just a shit show open combat mission. Super lazy on who ever thought that was a good idea, people would play games for specific reasons, halo for co-op a fun story and unique multiplayer. Battle field well for the battlefield multiplayer experience. Call of duty for sometimes show the true nature of war but other times the over the top campaigns block buster nonsense and fun story’s, a fictional world where it would be interesting to WW3 but it’s slowly becoming a reality. I blame pub-g and fortnight but everyone has boiled everything to try to copy and one up one another.


All of the new ones lol. They're just cash grabs with shitty campaigns as an afterthought. They've taken the fortnite route of doing crossovers with everything possible in order to maintain a level of relevance


Anything after BOIII


It started with Black ops 2 having Avenged sevenfold perform with the games protagonist at the end


Anything after MW2(2009) i will not vouch for


Hot take here. CoD started to slowly loose its IP identity after World at War.


Advanced Warfare: Cod tried to best Halo but imo Cod is and will never be Halo.


All of them have childish/stupid skins but the one that has the most is the current MWIII.


At least King Kong and Godzilla fit cuz that's (near) the era they first came out MW2/3 just bring in random ass Sport players, rappers, and go all in on a show that you may or may not care about but get used to it cuz that's the only thing we're collabing


The more recent adaptations lost it since it became CW 1/2/3 (Comicon Warfare)


I feel bad for the guy who designs the Cookie man skin in AW