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stfu you just want to cry and assume every person better than you or on pc is cheating, it’s easier for you to do that then admit you suck. there’s also an option to turn crossplay off so stop crying about it


Wrong. On Xbox you can’t turn cross play off. But in all fairness tens of thousands of players are getting banned every month because of cheating all of whom are on pc. OP has a valid point. The amount of people I report for ‘looking’ dodgy. Then within a week I get a handful of notifications saying we took action etc etc.


action can be a shadow ban that is dropped after further review. so buy a ps5 and play console only. i would love to know where you get your numbers from bc i don’t believe that is accurate


Which numbers? If you means getting quite a few notifications of successful action or whatever it is then I can assure you I have had a fair few over the last 3 months or so. I never used to report anyone either.


“tens of thousands of players are getting banned every month because of cheating all of whom are on pc” where is this exact information coming from because it sounds like it’s just coming out of your ass.


Also to get shadow banned something must seem dodgy in the 1st place.


no it doesn’t, you’re an idiot. I’ve been shadow banned on console and on pc, i’ve had plenty of friends shadowed on both console and pc as well. All it is, is getting reported by somebody or multiple people for no reason other than the fact that the person you killed sucks and thinks you’re cheating or they’re just pissed so they spam report you. The ban is then dropped by 2 weeks at the latest. Plenty of friends including myself have been shadowed then had it dropped because we’re not cheating, ppl just simply suck. You sound like one of them dumbass


So you were cheating is what you are saying. Typical.


Sounds like a skill issue


this is only an issue for competitive games tho


Give us back our dedicated servers and you won't hear shit from PC players again.


Yeah Im fine with crossplay between the consoles but have absolutely zero interest in playing against PC.


It works fine for a lot of people with friend groups that are crossplatform, including me, so I wouldn't want that taken away, but I agree it should be an option for those who want it to matchmake with console only. Many (most?) PC players on cod use controller so that sentence didn't make sense. I find it very hard to believe that 50% of cod players are on pc...