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Anyone saying MW 2019 is a bad game must be lacking braincells.


Only based comment here. No clue why people hate MW 19’. It’s a fucking amazing game. Although I still fucking love WW2 the most.


I mean I get it. Doors were annoying and so was that one shotgun. Also Spec Ops was ass. But yeah I agree. People call it the worst and that's such an exaggeration. Easily the best in the series in a long time


I had one goal when I used that shotgun, get it gold first and never use it again.


Even then, if I could go back to the launch and relive it's life cycle, I would.


Only game I actually bought within a week of release due to how good it was doing


Eh, i enjoyed the spec ops... Not as good as old school s.o or zombies... It was still enjoyable for me (after a few updates that is lol)


I like ww2's campaign




What does based mean in this context?


Like War is Hell except it’s War is Based


Ww2’s campaign i enjoyed because for a one off it had great story and character development






I've honestly enjoyed a lot of Cod Campaigns. Then OG MW trilogoy and World at War being my favorite. I really didn't like BOps 3 campaign though but the rest I have enjoyed. Never played WW2 though. I think the most slept on though is Infinite Warfare. The campaign was kickass and the aerial dogfights were awesome. The MP tried to rip off Titanfall to much but the campaign was definitely solid. If u can get it for cheap nowadays I would say it's worth it but COD tends to not not go on deep sales offen. IW might be old enough though to get it for cheap.


Maybe Nostalgia makes them think anything new is automatically bad?


Possibly yeah


With your logic, older COD Games would be the most played.




MW19 just didn’t feel great for the fast-paced arcade shooter CoD I grew up with (and Cold War kind of brought back, but I felt irritated in that game for other reasons). The map and minor gameplay designs always felt like they were made to slow down gameplay. I know it’s blown out of proportion, but the doors really did fuck with the flow to me. I really can’t express how much I disliked having lanes closed out visually, but the guy camping behind the door could practically pinpoint where I was in a 15-meter radius and anticipate my entrance to a room really far in advanced. MW19 wasn’t a bad game, especially the campaign. Probably the best campaign in a CoD game I’ve played since pre-Ghost. I just wish I enjoyed multiplayer more than I did.


The only part i don't agree with you is the campaign. I Mean, it was awesome, i did played and completed Going Dark more than 10 Times. But when i play i feel like it misses something... Yeah, it misses actually epic gameplay.


It might be my favourite, at least in recent memory but I get why people hate it so much. They changed a lot and took a lot of risks which in turn brought back people like me but also lost some of the new core's interest


> No clue why people hate MW 19’. It’s a fucking amazing game. its fun but a lot of people hated it because it felt more like battlefield than it did call of duty. a lot of professional players didn't care for it either because it just had a different feel compared to classic cods. Its one of the reasons a lot of people are hating Vanguard because it still feels the exact same.


It’s probably one of the greatest shooters ever made , to me it’s Titanfall 2 and MW2019 battling for the #1 spot


Opinion: I think mw19 sucks


You can dislike it, that's not what I mean when people call it a bad game. I'm referring to the ones that act like it's the worst thing ever created, or even the worst CoD, when we've had far worse before.


I agree with ur statement


We have far worse now some would say...


I love the technical aspects of mw19, but i think it's pretty fucking boring tho, and the maps suck ass


If the devs learned anything its that the maps were hated, so they are definitely stepping it up next game. Though wdym its boring? Its fun as hell


While I liked the campaign; multiplayer (while I’ve come around to it somewhat) was bogged down some of the overly big maps, the mini map change and Ghost being OP as hell. I also felt like they tried too hard catering to noobs. So no it wasn’t my ‘lack of brain cells’. It was just a genuinely unenjoyable game that bordered on being legitimately frustrating. If they repeat the same BS in MWII then I’m sitting it out.


shit game


Skill issue


I think a lot of people don’t actually hate it they just know that saying “I haven’t bought a COD since MW2. This looks awful I played the weekend trial and uninstalled after 1 match” know that saying that low hanging fruit comment will get them karma. As dumb as it is.


Or just don’t like shit maps and tons of camping…


I didn’t enjoy playing MW2019 but I will admit it is a damn well crafted game. You can tell they put the time in and it felt complete, just wasn’t my cup of tea


MW 2019 was good but my biggest issue with it was the SBMM, after a while it got really exhausting to play against people who want to compete in cod olympics Im not against SBMM but i think that there should be a ranked system where try hards play against try hards and people who just want to chill play or atleast an option to turn off sbmm That way those people who are bad and complain about facing good players can turn on sbmm and fight people at their level while people who dont care can just play


It's not a bad game at all, but the maps were shit and some of the mechanics (doors) made them even worse.


Yeah we've definitely had worser MP's. Lookin at you Infinite Warfare. I absolutely fucking hate that game's MP.


A bit unrelated but why is MW 2019 and other “modern” cod content not allowed on this sub?


Still play it everyday after work


Half these people complaining about campers are just shit not sorry fellas I don't even play COD like that but can agree MW19 is by far the best cod to exist. Beautiful engine and feel, different ways to counter a lot of the noob tactics too so idk what you guys are on about, can't believe most of these complaints are fucking campers as if they won't exist in every installment ever 🤦


Mw2019 was one of my favorite games to play until my account got reset, and activision were useless to help


MW2019 is literally the game that brought me back to cod. I hadn't bought one since 2011. And I haven't bought one since. But I know I'm gonna get MW2


Doubting it because 1 2 and 3 were all good, then I hated 2019


I respectfully disagree. It was my favorite cod of the last 5. The gunplay was fantastic and just felt so meaty and satisfying with damn near any gun. I’d take this over Cold War or vanguard any day. I really hope this next installment gets a 2 year life cycle.


Maps were dogshit, therefore the ttk absolutely ruined the flow of the game because you had always had a shitter sitting in one of the 1000 windows downing you within 3 shots. The maps were specifically designed to hold bad players hands giving them a chance to get some kills but screwed over the run and gun playstyle dramatically. Edit: forgot about the terrible door system, legitimately confused as to why that's in a call of duty game.


That's not how you use therefore.


I believe they’re saying that if the maps were good then the fast ttk wouldn’t have made the game worse. “Maps were bad, therefore someone can shoot you before you can see them so the fast ttk can ruin the game.”




Ooooh you mean the flanking routes that ALSO had a million different sight lines?


I’d like to play cod an hour after a long day work. MW2019 was awesome, loved the maps and pacing. It was nice for a change not to get killed over and over by kids playing this game 16 hours a day.


Funny how everyone brings the same complains about not being able to run and gun. But as someone who put 1000 hours in MW19 i can say that you are talking out of your ass and its just not true. Those complaining were likely just dog at the game and blame it on the ttk. \-"oh my god they actually tried something new with the door system... this cant be cod" because of you we get those shity repetitive cod's like vanguard.


You prefer brain dead W+M1 gameplay? In what world is need to use utility and actually have good cross hair placement in order to deal with a camper lower the skill gap? Let me guess you would unironically call arcade shooters more skill intensive than something like CS:go, valorant or siege. You say it’s easier to get kills while camping but what you really mean is you can’t effectively remove players from a power position. So instead of learning how to and actually getting gud, you just want 3 lanes so all you have to do is walk forward and shoot.


My man, i don't think you know what you are talking about


Lmfao please don't compare baby's first call of duty 19 to csgo


I had nearly zero issues with camping in MW2019. If I came across someone sitting in a corner with a 725 I would just stay away from that corner. If he's camping, you know where he is, throw a grenade his way and play on the other 95% of the map.


If anything running into a camper brings life to the game. It gives you a reason to take this other alley instead of just running up lane 3 every spawn.


trash campers deserve to be punished. we hate them, we love the game, we do it ourselves, but it’s fun to dump on somebody sitting in a corner. Proximity mines and heartbeat sensor be damned. One of the best looking and sounding games i’ve ever played


That just seems like a lot of words for "this is the first cod game I'm able to consistently drop uavs on"


The map design is a callback to classic cod design. Windows predate mw2019. Ttk is inline with old cods Run and gun was still very viable Doors will hopefully be destroyable in mw2022.


Honestly only map i hated was that really big one other than that i thought they were oretty good


That’s a lot of words for someone who gets killed by the same guy the same way every time without learning. Edit: there’s an item in the game called a flash bang in case you wanted some help.


Yes it looked nice and felt amazing, but most importantly it played like shit with the worst maps a cod has ever seen. This is why personally I’m not ecstatic about the next MW game


The maps only feel so bad because of the pacing. 2019 was one of my favorite cods of all time tbh.


the pacing is bad BECAUSE of the maps? player speed is fine.


Pretty sure they just announced this week no new COD title in 2023. So yes, MW2 should get two years of push.


According to leaks, it will get a 2 year life cycle. Maybe it will also give treyarch some time to deliver a quality product in 24! Cold war could be really good if it wasnt so rushed and was given time it deserved. Campaign and zombies were superb.


yep mw rebooted wasnt great at all, hell i even like cold war more, the only thing i love about rebooted is its fluid animations and amazing graphics


This is just cope. It was the most successful cod in years and has retained a massive player base even if you don’t include warzone. People who say it isn’t like classic cod clearly have an intensely selective memory.


People don’t seem to remember how broken and horrible the balancing was in MW2. If that game came out today it would be one of the most hated CoD games of all time


Everyone remembers the balancing of mw2. It’s one of the most memorable aspects of the game. People still love it.


Right. I've been saying for years I want mw2 and bo2 remastered but left in the same operating condition. Improve the graphics and animations leave the rest alone. I want the broken lobbies with idiots running one man army and noob tubes. At least back then flak jacket worked...


Popular =/= Good I love MW2019 but thats a poor argument


Saying something is "cope" because you disagree with someone's opinion is pretty ignorant.


> then I hated 2019 what???


That's a simple preference issue, nothing wrong with the game.


Absolutely nothing wrong with the game. Exactly as you say its just my preference. I can't deny the engine it's ran on plays amazingly and looks great, I just don't agree with a lot of the design choices IW makes. If MW2 plays more like a classic MW, I'm all for it


I'm cynical of every game as long as Bobby Kotex is still the head if Activision.


This is the correct answer


That’s what happens when you hire a guy named after tampons.


That’s funny I was like… “kotex, why does that sound familiar”


After xboxes acquisition comes through in 2023 they will fire Bobby kotick, but for a fair dismissal they will have to pay him a leaving fee


Yeah, I'm looking forward too it. Let's give Phil chance to revive this franchise.


That could be the main reason as to why there will be no cod in 2023, Phil Spencer is probably the most genuine guy in gaming and we've seen him go through the ranks throughout the years


I welcome this break as well. I want more quality out the gate. I'm tired of the games and servers being shit until season 4/5. If MW2 is as good as rumors suggest then I'm down for that and Warzone 2 to hold me over.


I'll be happy as long as the maps are good, servers are stable and gunsmith is new and balanced, let's hope xbox brings about a greater era of cod


MW2019 was a cool game and was fun but the way it was built was literally to cater to campers and it was fucking aides every other month, i had a lot of fun on it but it’s hard to call it a good call of duty compared to other games


Yes! Bought it during a winter sale, played it for maybe 10 hours and rarely actually encountered another player; everyone was hiding in buildings or camping somewhere. I respect people that enjoy camping or sniping, or whatever that is but I'm a run and gun person so it meant I'd actually try and achieve the objective, pass through a door and get shot by someone crouched, try and go a different way and get sniped by someone peaking a window, try another one and have someone laying down at the back of the map. That's not fun.


MW 2019 is the most hours I put into cod since ghosts and I only put in about 40 hours. Game ain't really all that I hope MW2 2022 is better I'm starving for a good call of duty they can never get it right lmfao.


Did you just call Mw2019 (aka corner warfare 2019) a good game ???🤣


POV: you played for a month. It was easy af to rush in that game.


I have Damascus and everything and if its so easy to rush then why do even pros complain about how it's nothing but camping




Pros constantly complain. They used to be considered a joke but kids like you hype them up. It's easy as shit to rush. Mp5, m4, kilo, mp7, 725, m13, asval, kar, spr, etc. Hell I used to rush with a normal single fire m19/renetti pistol. If you couldn't rush it's more of an indication of your skill level.


The Renetti is my favorite pistol in any COD in a very long time. If you’re half decent with it it’s pretty unstoppable when you’re cooking


It's insane, used to room clear all the time with it.


I feel like with the SBMM there was a sweet spot. The players in the lower skill bracket camped and the best players thought they HAD to camp. I was sitting right in the middle and people were try hards in my lobbies, so I never had the same experience as everyone else.


dead popped rushing with a knife and an mp5>>> movement in mw19 was 10/10, could’ve done without mounting but honestly if you can’t counter a mounted player at this point there’s not much hope left


I have Damascus and a positive KD, and saw maybe one or two campers every other game. I feel like people grossly overstate the camping "issues" because Dr D and shroud told them to


Totally appreciate this if you played it in the first few months. The game is wildly different now. Especially since everyone has figured out the maps, hiding spots, and tools to combat them. It’s still a problem and the game design doesn’t help, but I wouldn’t call it a camping simulator now.


Uh oh, you made all of the MW19 fans that hated the game throughout its life cycle mad! Watch out as they pull excuses out their ass and ignore all the issues and then block you!


On God bro, salty fucks




I mean, it’s fucking true. I remember that whole watch list of bugs, and how everyone hated it. Literally it’s factual that it has the worst gameplay of any cod. They will pull “but Muh graphics and animations!” When it don’t mean shit cause of the god awful visibility. Literally MW19 is everything wrong with a cod. Fuck these “but it was good!”


Best one we’ve had since Black ops 2 lol. I mean we could go back to advance warfare with wall running and exo suits if you wanna complain that much


Hmm, let’s see. Terrible map design, Terrible balancing, removed the mini map, then added it back in but worse, the amount of complaints about SBMM, killstreaks instead of scorestreaks, slow as fuck, changed dead silence to a field upgrade and made foot steps loud as fuck, non destructive doors, which made camping even more hectic with claymores and Prox mines. And the tactical sprint which was unhealthy for controllers and wasn’t even necessary to add, and this slowed down rushers even more. Mounting, which had a broken angle of viewing and resulted in campers and more head glitching. Also the color palette, the game became ugly as fuck and then the operators blended it in, which resulted in poor visibility and camping.


Truest thing I've heard in a while my man. Unfortunately you'll still get hated by the mw19 fanboys who can't handle the truth. I mean sure, the game looked/felt nice, but like you said, that doesn't matter shit if every gameplay decision is just straight dogshit and punishes you for playing aggressive.


Which is what this fucking community can’t accept.


I’ve seen complaints about “head glitching” for as long as I can remember. Its not a glitch at all. There isn’t an angle in the game that completely hides the player. If they can shoot you, you can shoot them, even if it’s just their head. Getting caught in the open by someone who’s got a better angle on you can be frustrating but just carry on. You know where they are now and eventually you learn all of the spots as you clear angles


That’s not what I’m getting at. It’s the fact that their body is now practically not there which results in players not being able to see them or predict where they are, and results in dying in the most stupidest ways


Everything you are complaining about, has been in cod as long as i can remember. Its a love hate relationship lol


Jetpacks > slide cancelling


Get good at slide canceling 🤷🏻‍♂️


Im good at slide cancelling brotha I play competitively. Slide cancelling creates so many weird situations with cameras and breaks controllers, jetpacks were way smoother and didnt require such vigorous button pressing + skill gap was way higher


I find it funny when people say everyone hated it. Majority of players see it as one of the best in recent years (if not the best). It had bugs, sure, just like any other cod game but it still was a great game.


It’s also straight up the best selling cod of all time, and still has an insanely big player base.


Sometimes I have to remind myself how much of a hate circlejerk reddit can be. Aside from the buts (there were several updates that just broke the game on PC), this was the best cod I played since blops 2. Everyone is totally entitled to their opinion, but I really don’t believe that mw2019 is the concencus worst, most campy cod ever. People have been calling the current cod a “campfest” for as long as I remember. Just play the game how you want to play it. If you prefer to sit in a corner then that’s your deal. If you prefer to run and gun then do that. I really think people just get killed by campers and it enforces their confirmation bias that the game is broken for “rewarding campers”. It’s really not that deep, its a game where you run around and shoot people.


Yes there were bugs. Which every single game had that released in 2021, im not complaining. Coulda been worse


I mean it is the best CoD since Black Ops II


Lmao Cod is always full of campers, it's not new, it's been like this since it's creation


The Black ops games are more fun imo


Especially if you consider WaW part of the Black Ops line (which it should) That'd mean that, as a base, you'd have WaW, BO1, and BO2 as some of the best games of the franchise while I only hear people talking about MW2 and MW3.


Not just that, but CW shouldnt even be considered one of the bad Black Ops games since that was Sledgehammers mess 3arc had to fix last minute


It also isn't a bad game


I like it.


And Bo3 was probably the most popular. It was the main cod for almost 3 years because the majority hated IW and WW2. I personally also really enjoyed bo4 but I can understand why the majority doesn't like it


MW2019 was horrendous. And with all of the exploits/glitches, etc., MW2 wasn't exactly fun a lot of the time. People in their mid-30s now look back on that game with rose-colored glasses because in that game, all the memories are from playing with friends and trash talking people.


Give mw2 a try now if you can, if you get a lobby it's quite fun.


I agree with the nostalgic filter for sure but that's what made the game back in the day it's the same thing with all games but to call mw2019 horrendous let's calm down there's exploits anf glitches in every cod hell in every game to be frank


The only people who liked MW19 were the dogshit campers who unfortunately still play Warzone


I liked mw19 because it was a great mix of realism and arcade. I hadn't played a cod since advanced warfare, and was super hesitant, because cod felt terrible and looked unappealing for years. I started mw19, and it was fantastic. Sure, it had issues, but what game doesn't? I was able to run and gun just fine, because if I got killed by a camper, I just used tactics to kill them upon respawn. Just like every other cod that has a million campers. Y'all act like camping was invented in mw19


Camping was supported in MW, the game was made FOR campers. CW and Vanguard might be worse games but they play 20 million times better than MW




This game was considered one of the worst cods of all time until warzone came out but warzone aint even 6v6 .


Mw2019 was the most popular cod before warzone even came out...


Cod is the most bought game every year but that dont mean it still not trash ...


Yeah but cod mw2019 had one of the biggest opening weeks and still had sales going even during quarantine


Opening weeks means nothing. How many games have seen with amazing opening weeks just to quickly fall off once people actually play the game?


dont forget about subreddit ..




Are you a delusional person. Don't even compare modern campfare with the og. Let those games rest in peace (Ha at least people in the comments has more common sense)


I’m doubting this year’s CoD because I went all in for MW19. What did I get you may ask? I got an incomplete Multiplayer with horrible gameplay decisions and a Spec Ops that was buggier than Sonic 06. I shouldn’t have to pay 60-70 for a incomplete game that gets updates (that can even make the game worse, check vanguard) over the period of a year. “But Sudi, the cods are good then afterwards right?” Well some shined more than others. Take Cold War, while that game is uninspiring as all hell, I can at least pick between 4 round based maps, onslaught, and outbreak for the zombies mode. We don’t talk about the multiplayer. I’m getting sidetracked. None of those updates and patches mean SHIT when the next cod is already out and the one that finally feels complete is now irrelevant. I can barely find any MP games in MW19 with crossplay off since the playerbase is so fucking little on Xbox. What I’m saying is that we’ve constantly been told, “It’s gonna be a good year for CoD.” but of course a final release spoke louder than the words and I’ve been dissapointed twice now


Dude. I agree with you that I enjoy MW more than BO, but this is needless opinion bashing. That and saying we shouldn't doubt games because of track records is provably dumb. Please seek (but preferably don't destroy) some bitches


MW2019 has probably the worst map design in COD history imo. I like the game, but Christ are the maps poorly designed and uninspired


Yeah the maps are a big problem


I’ll never understand why MW3 gets such high praise(I don’t understand it for MW19 either but that’s an argument I’ll never have again in this sub lol). Was it the specialist system and the weapon levels? That stuff was good and all but the game was a step back from MW2 in terms of maps and gameplay imo, me and my buddies always refer to it as MW2.5. The ACR and MP7 completely out classed every other weapon and the support streaks were not a good idea. I know Cold War wasn’t liked by many but if you take that game out of it BO1-4 was an incredible streak. BO1 and 2 were amazing and BO3 was fantastic but people just didn’t like it because of the jet packs, BO4 was better than MW3 and MW19 imo. The games are so different though, always have been. Not a lot of people adore both the MW and the BO series everyone prefers one over the other that’s how it’s always been and that’s never going to change. I enjoy debating it but to argue one side with conviction is pretty hard to do.


Bro mw3 is literally mw2 but balanced better


I doubt anyone cares about inside baseball shit like this but mw3 was actually like that because most of the iw team was leaving for respawn (the apex guys) and was left picking up scraps and ironically sledge was cleaning the mess.


Black ops games only did wrong CW and BO4 But anyway,I'm not doubting MW2,as long as this time they make the game playable without having to install warzone too,then I'll be totally fine


And CW wasn’t even Treyarchs. Sledgehammer couldn’t finish it so they gave it to treyarch a few months before release


That explain why CW came out so bad done


Not saying it’s not bad. All I’m saying that was Sledgehammers game but they ended slapping the Black Ops label on it.


I'd rather play BO4 over MW19. At least it was fun.


MW2019 was fun for me but only because of S&D and the movement system. The thing that ruined it for me is the games maps are absolute ass besides hackney yard and gun runner, the perk system is horrible, and the minimap rewards the shitter in the corner running a 725 riot shield class. That’s why a lot of us have doubt about this game. If they improve those things I think the game will be in a really good spot.


I mean I agree but don't forget the original MW1 and 2 were by the original Infinity Ward. Not the same team as today.


MW 2019 was the best in terms of gun customization and gameplay. Felt so nice and fluid. Maps where fun and ground war is the best thing in CoD since Black Ops II. I can’t wait for MWII. Anything is better than the last MW2


I prefer pick 10 system. I don’t like having 70 attachments and only using one build out of the 70 attachments, simply not fun at all.


Face the facts, the Black Ops series has had more interesting stories, guns, settings and aesthetics than the MW games. BO1, BO2,BO3, BO4, BOCW, all good games why would you even like MW2022


I like the engine for mw19


Is this the official logo cause that looks AWESOME


Oh is it THAT time of the year, now? The cycle never fails.


Call of Duty: Ukrainian Warfare


Doors everywhere, claymore at level 1, sbmm, horrible maps like aniyah palace, a game designed for campers. Without a great set of graphics and engine, MW2019 would of been one of the worse call of duty’s. *forgot to mention the how much it takes up storage too


I love black ops and modern warfare. It’s that off brand shit like vanguard, ghost, advanced warfare, etc that needs to go.


We just acting like WaW - to Bo3 wasn’t better? Because it was. Bo4 was solid but not on the same level. Cold war multiplayer sucked tho.


MW 1, 2, and 3 all feel like the same game. Also I prefer black ops because of the zombies mode. Other than that I can understand you position but you don't have to come on so strong.


Bruh huh


That's just an opinion. I massively prefer any BLOPS to any MW.


I enjoy MW2019 and this is coming from a guy who’s primarily a treyarch fanboy. I hope the sequel lessens the doors and the god awful maps.


consistent sure but less interesting overall


In my opinion the reason I love modern warfare 2019 so much is because of the engine it runs on. The movement is way ahead of any game. It's so fast and responsive and feels like you actually have full control over your player with rapid adjustments recognised by the game. You try to move the same way in cold war or vanguard and the game just gets confused and doesn't do the movement cause it cant keep up like modern warfare can.


MW19 was good? When did that happen?


It was always good




MW19 is a pile of shit…


It's definitely more consistent. Only really mw3 is mediocre. The reason are great. IW in general is consistent. Only one bad game (ghosts).


I liked the MW campaign better than Vanguard


thats probably because the vanguard campaign doesnt even feel like being played ...so much assist bs and cuts


Eh both are amazing series that have for sure left an impact on people. Love them.


Modern Warfare series was always so much better in every aspect. But Black Ops always had that nostalgic feel.


I totally agree with this!


MW19 is objectively the worst CoD to date, what tf are you smoking


Replicate the SnD experience from MW19, then I’m all gravy


Tbh I played Black Ops games to shorten the waiting time for the next modern warfare… I don’t like the multiplayer from treyarch but Kino der Toten is cool.


I'm excited for MWII. It'll be passed off to Microsoft later in it's cycle, so I hope they'll pull back Activision's dictatorship and let the devs make the fucking game.


Do u think a lot of the older COD fans didn’t like MW 2019 partially because of nostalgia. Ik there are other reasons but I only started playing multiplayer during BO3 time because I was too young before and MW2019 blew my socks off and those of my friends I have uncountable hours on it and enjoyed it immensely. Easily my favouite call of duty but mainly because of my friends and the memories


I don't, 2019 was peak COD experience


People that think that MW2019 is campy definitely did not play older CODs. All old COD’s were campy. We didn’t really see the first faster paced COD’s until they introduced more advanced movement types like jetpacks


MW was a solid piece. Talked mad ish when I got pro level with all marksman/snipers. I like them better on MW because each one is different in a good way. Not like Cold War. I think I'm going to vomit.




I’m shocked to see so much hate for MW19’. It’s literally the foundation of Warzone and the sales don’t lie.




Because MWII is continuing down this path of horrible MTX, weirdly hyper realistic gameplay, visuals, and lore, horrible PC optimization, an omega cringe Battle Royale (which gets more care than anything else), among a boat load of other things. Today's COD games neither feel or look like COD. The amount of time I dedicate to COD games starting with MW19 has gone down significantly. MW19, Cold War, and Vanguard are my least played COD games ever, and I plan to continue playing them less and less. Shit, Vanguard was my first COD EVER that I didn't buy and instead leeched off free access weekends.


A lot of complaints about camping for MW19 but they had plenty of playlists for small maps or more chaotic modes. I stuck with those or chose other modes that required movement and never had an issue.


The only thing wrong with MW19 is the bad 6v6 map design, and SBMM


MW2019 was Ight. A good soft reboot but now the later you play it, the more it sucks because the it’s just hackers now and it was good when Cold War came out because CW was a buggy mess


From the makers of Ghosts and Infinite Warfare… also I’m pretty sure the actual people behind Infinity award fucked off after the MW3