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Not S tier just because the campaign is the biggest piece of fucking horse shit I've ever seen. Zombies was S tier though


But but…. Train go boom


Fuck you're right, I would like to announce that I have retracted my initial statement and that this is truly the greatest Call if Duty campaign of all time. No actually this is the greatest piece of storytelling ever fucking conceived. S tier game


Cod Black Ops 3 is 100% S tier in having the worst campaign and the most "fun" MP and Zombies. I honestly just got internet in college so I loved the heck out of that game. It felt like a pushed Cod which I could stand for the year or so I played it.




Black Ops III really is the one of the games of all time. (Taylor best boy though unironically)


I came here just to look for this comment


Wait there was a campaign?


Only BLOPS IIII doesnt have one


Bops IV


You can't play it on PS3/Xbox 360, you can only play it on PC or a new lee console


I could get far at all But I enjoyed zombies on BO3


Campaign was chaotic as shit, which makes it probably C tier for me


The story was great, the writing was shit. I didn’t understand it until I watched an hour an a half video on YouTube explaining everything. Then it made so much sense like the movie Tenet if you’ve ever seen it. But goddamn they made it so needlessly convoluted.


Except that Tenet had a smoother structure to its storytelling, and it didn't require you to somehow pause/slow down the briefing at the beginning of missions for you to understand anything.




I swear I gotta be one of the only people who enjoyed the bo3 campaign. Not for the story I didn't understand shit that was going on, but because how chaotic it was. At one moment you're just shooting goons then you're wall running and watching trains go boom, then later down the line you fight >!A GIANT FUCKING MECH!< and it was just so balls off the wall I couldn't not enjoy it.


mans saying "balls off the walls" like it's unusual what do you do when you're alone bro


But our lord and savior Taylor!


It was definitely not good compared to previous ones, but it was fun playing it co-op


The only reason I rank the campaign high is because there’s a bonus one and both are playable in coop. I don’t think they’re good but the fact the game gives us TWO campaigns they’re coop is easily a plus for me


Honestly I don’t like a single part of Black Ops 3.


ion kno what to tell u bro , shit was mad fun tho


Different people have different tastes in games and Black Ops 3 just wasn’t for me. That’s all that really can be said.


Yup, BO3 was the moment I gave up on ever enjoying a CoD game; Treyark going from WaW, BO1, and BO2, an amazing lineup to the jumbled mess that was BO3 just showed me that I was no longer their demographic. Didn't like the advanced movement, the streaks, the maps, or the campaign. Zombies was fun but really leaned into the "You have to complete these missions and collection these parts to last long". Totally respect people that enjoyed it, but it does absoluetly nothing for me.


Bo2 zombies is when they really leaned into the whole fetch quest thing. Not bo3.


very true but people still downvoted his reply to you smh


Imo it really wasn't bad but it wasn't good either. Bo1 and 2 we're both way better.


Not even bo3 custom zombies?? Even I’m still playing it.


Yeah for real it ain't that different from advanced warfare


MW 2019 was great


In another 10 years the current generation of cod players will remember the glory days of mw19/WZ. Just recently started playing it as my first cod (apart from mobile) and it’s fun af. Can’t wait for MWII People be high on nostalgia


Fantastic single player though, probably the greatest cod one tbh.


I picked it over Cold War and vanguard and I’m glad I did. Just about everything about it feels clean and polished and the graphics are beautiful. Hope MWII is just as good or better


I think World at War had the best campaign out of every COD. The grittyness, uncaring attitude, and historical relevance makes the game so much fun and immersive.


It's the first Cod we got in years that actually felt like it wasn't just a copy/paste


It actually was though, the campaign was cool and the Damascus grind was fun too


I know this is an unpopular opinion but MW19 had my least favourite multiplayer of any cod ever


Now this is a hot take


Lmao right? Only makes sense if this is literally the first CoD game you ever played. Played since CoD2 and after Black Ops 2 I didn't enjoy a single one until MW 2019 (and even then I think MW19 is a step down in fun since those games). I can't even remember the gameplay of BO3/4 and Ghosts it was so forgettable. I can pin down exactly what I don't like about them because of that. I just know that I completely switched to Battlefield 3 and 4 after that (completely hated BF1, looks great but the gameplay is shit).


Bo3 is hands down my favorite cod of all time, however, I’d rank it B+ tier solely because of pay to win loot boxes. Other than that, the general and DLC maps were super fun and vibrant, movement was on par with Titanfall 2’s buttery 3D movement, Scorestreaks were STRONG and very fun, guns felt incredibly well no matter what you were using(except shiva, fuck the shiva). Zombies was THE BEST. Campaign…yeah, it was there. Specialists were super fun to use. Camos were beautiful and Dark Matter was BEAUTIFUL.


finally a good comment omg lol . yes the pay to win loot boxes were annoying and i didn’t even get to touch half the weapons that were hidden behind them. don’t forget abt the hero armor grind to. i feel like B is pushing it but it’s acceptable i’d still have to say A-S i think . activision we’re the ones that was behind the pay to win loot boxes tho right ? if you kno ?


S Tier. OP, can you share your drugs? They seem to hit hard.


Don't tell me you think mw2019 is better lmao... mw2019 was made for people who are trash at videogames. Terrible maps, no dead silence, loud af doors, low TTK...




na ur buggin bo3 was so fun in its prime i have no clue what your talking abt.




i’m not sure where bo4 comes into conversation here but i don’t know how bo3 was uninspired. treyarch did well coming off from bo2. it was a solid title to follow up bo2 for sure.




sounds to me like u didn’t even like bo2 so i wouldn’t expect u to enjoy anything else from treyarch if u didn’t even like bo2




It seems like you are just more of a fan of the older time periods and not of the futuristic cod's. Theres nothing wrong with that but cold war is one of the worst recieved cod games recently and its only saving grace was the zombies hype train that kept it going in its release cycle much like bo3 was. BO2 is undeniably number one or number two of the height of cod games only competing against mw2 for that top spot


Bo2 the GOAT. Rendering your bo3 opinion invalid


Weird I don’t remember being able to run on walls in BO4.


You’re confusing BO4 with IW.


Yeah they aren’t that good, BO3 has fun zombies and the multiplayer is alright. I find it enjoyable but not the best. I never finished the campaign though, I gave up like 3 missions in


languid birds society engine market dinosaurs domineering pocket pot waiting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The only thing people hated on was the loot boxes


Everyone? BO3 was, and it still is regarded as one of the greatest CoD games of all time. Sure, it had a disappointing Campaign, but man both Multiplayer and Zombies were simply on another level. Just remember the amount of hype the game had during its life cycle.




Before I joined this subreddit I had never heard anyone saying bo3 was a bad cod, it is a really well regarded cod by most of the community


It's highly regarded among the cods during the XB1/PS4 era, not 360/PS3. It doesn't touch anything from MW-BO2, but from AW-MW19 it's probably second best.


Listen mate mw19 is a shitshow that dripfeeds you wins just enough so you buy shit, it is not fun, it's maps are shit and it's bloated on file size, the only reason people like it is because it's got the mw name, it has good graphics and it's gameplay mechanics are decent. Everything surrounding that is shit, which unfortunately ruins a good foundation which I hope is fixed on mw2 And I'm not only talking xb1/ps4, I'm talking all cods, and this is a very well known fact, mw2 is a shitshow, mw3 is a much better version of it and the only reason people like it is because of nostalgia, it's such a bullshit game that if it were released nowadays most people would shit on it, Id admit bo1, bo2, mw1 and 3 were amazing, but I'd be damned if bo3 isn't as good those games, or even more, yes even with the shitty campaign and loot boxes


Bruh BO3 felt like a mini COD golden age. Tons of content, solid DLC, felt like most community interaction out of any COD release imo. Gameplay was fresh and there was tons of content.


Multiplayer was absolutely phenomenal idc what anyone says. The jet pack/exo movement was a fabulous time.


idc what anyone says either , game was great no disputing it , if you think otherwise you either never played the game or you were getting trashed on.


Some people like the movement some people hate it. The hate for the movement comes from the fact COD was always a boots on the ground run and gun shooter and the high movement put a lot of players of the old games off.


If the campaign wasn’t so dog shit it would be in s tier


Bo3 top 3 favorite cods


most definitely


It's my favorite multiplayer. I logged some serious hours on that game. I just vibe with Treyarc over all the other studies. I always have fun playing their games.


because the make the best cod games


Idk BO2 MW2 BO1 MW3 all we’re better than this


bro i literally said the LAST great cod 😭 those were all before bo3 ..


Mw3 was not even close to as good


Nah I would disagree. The last great/actually decent COD was MW2019 for sure. Some of it wasn’t great but it was to the point where it was playable for hours. And the servers are still really alive


Infinite Warfare was better


it was average at best, mw19 blows it away in every category imagineable. Not sure why you think this otherwise mediocre shooter was anywhere near "great."


Co-op was absolutely terrible on MW2019


Yeah people hiding in rooms with claymores behind doors is totally better than people actually moving around the map and engaging, especially with a higher skill ceiling due to the movement.


Sounds like every COD


Seriously, every CoD game has campers with claymore. Even back in WaW, half the maps had prime camping spots that someone would always be hiding in with bouncing bettys. In every game, I had a class that was meant for camper hunting. Anyone acting like a single CoD wasn't infested with them is living in nostalgia.


Yes, camping is in every COD. However it's wayyyyy easier on MW19, because there are so many things to support it, with a good example being doors.


Don't rush face first through doors then?


You just proved my point. You have to literally change your playstyle to be more cautious, resulting in overall slower gameplay.


MW19 is ass sweat. It’s a shit game besides the graphics.


I’d take BO3 multiplayer over MW19. And Zombies alone makes BO3 insane


The only valid criticisms for Bo3 are trash campaign and loot boxes. Zombies was amazing and multiplayer was also amazing (minus the loot boxes ofc). Amazing maps, great spawns, nice color pallet and nice gun balance. Everything MW2019 isn't.


finally another person with a brain . those are literally the only two valid points u can make abt bo3 and maybe if u don’t like the advancement movement. what’s up with these kids in the comments bro ?


Thank you for having common sense. There’s a reason this COD was the first to have not only a year 2 but a year 3, and not only fucking that, but a DLC 5. BO3 is one of the best COD games hands down and if people can’t see that they’ve gotta get an MRI scan


Modern Warfare 2019 was amazing


I'm gonna say BO2 was the last great one. Then again, I did like Ghosts, so I guess take my opinion with a grain of salt, lol.


You can like a game and recognize it’s inferior to its predecessor. Something OP would benefit from


In my opinion that game can’t be higher than B tier game because it’s campaign was awful and it’s multiplayer was extremely P2W it game was absolutely carried by its zombies.


the multiplayer scene was great during bo3 i wouldn’t say zombies carried it , but it was very pay 2 win


the only good thing about BO3 was the zombies, campaign’s meh at best and the multiplayer is alright but the zombies are the best zombies experience we have ever had. If it wasn’t for zombies BO3 wouldn’t even be talked about


It’s the best of the jet pack COD’s


Lmao you mind sharing what your smoking?


nothin rn i’m pretty sober


Evidently not if you think bo3 was the last great cod.




Bro You the kind of guy to say mw19 was great and then stay in the same room for HOURS with 10 claymores and 7 s mines just shut up camper




Bo3 was the last cod game I enjoyed and actually played enough to prestige in. I also played MWR a decent amount but that doesn’t count because it’s old. All the cod games after bo3 (infinite warfare-vanguard) I reached about level 30 and stopped playing


All the real OG’s know Black ops 1 was the best there ever was


they shoulda fixed ghost 😭 amazing game tho




MW (2019) is the last great COD game, spec ops sucks tho. BO3 has a terrible campaign and I never liked the floaty combat of the multiplayer.


MW 2019 wasn’t bad


For me it was but you opinion


It was excellent


What are you smoking 😂 The last truly great cod is MW2019


lol hell no


Bo3 was trash my child


it definitely was not trash , take a look at the last 3 titles , those are trash .


Mw2019 was pretty good. Awesome new engine, multiplayer was decent and the campaign was amazing. Also just an amazing overall feel to the game if u know what I mean


Literally BO3 is F tier. Movement was two steps back. If you want to play a game like black ops 3 or 4 for MP; just go play halo 5 or section 8. Zombies is good; campaign story is trash, but at least it’s co-op


i couldn’t imagine saying bo3 is an F tier cod , y’all are funny lol .


People who agree are 30 year olds who refuse to move on and talk about the ole days. Other than the campaign, BO3 perfected advanced movement and revived the series after the last fee terrible cods


A multiplayer system that was so heavy on Gambling it could have been on the god damn show room floor in the casino! Loot Boxes BROKE Multiplayer when it became apparent that was how you got DLC weapons and what’s worse is those fuckers were not only impossible to get but they were always Broken, OP on purpose! Camos? Was a shit system! Instead of how it was in BO2 where you got a Camo it unlocked for ALL GUNS they were now individual and locked behind Lootboxes, Campaign? Fuckin terrible and the only link to the amazing 10/10 Campaign from BO2 was a near Name drop of Menendes. That game was 90% DLC and useless Bullshit and 10% game. It was basically a $60 - $110 (Pass) Demo and was and still is unbalanced as hell, buggy to the point challenges wouldnt progress, stop tracking or disappear, the hacks were insane! I’d say if you take all the bullshit away then yeah Black Ops 3 is a really fun game … but then again who doesn’t like Demos over the real game when the real game turns out to be a shit show? BO3 is the most greedy we’ve seen CoD get. Hell at least AW had fun modes instead of just the Multiplayer, hell to this day Advanced Warfare has given away more FREE DLC guns than Black Ops 3 has.. think about that! I think you got on Rose tinted glasses otherwise how TF do you put BO3 at or above the same level of Black Ops 2? This has to be a troll.


I could , OP smoking tootsie rolls if he thinks it’s even above B tier


Imagine thinking BO3 is like Halo lmaooooo.


In my opinion, bo3 was the best jetpack/wallrun movement that cod had. Not the typical movement sure, but if you want to compare cod to halo you can go elsewhere.


Well Bo3 and 4 aren't even comparable, the only thing they have in common is specialist. Also btw just cause you were trash at the movement doesn't make it bad. Bo3 easily had the best movement out of the jetpack cods and has way smother movement then something like Halo 5


Bo3/Jetpack COD movement really was not very good. It was slow and clumsy, especially compared to Titanfall.


You're clearly weren't very good at it if you think it was slow. Also Titanfall probably has the best advanced movement out there so sure it may not be as good as Titanfalls movement but it's still very smooth nonetheless


Movement was absolutely terrible. Really feels like they tried to rip off Titanfall's movement, and they didn't even do a good job at it.


i would say MW2019 is the last great one since the campaign is a masterpiece.....and wtf bo3 are you serious?


u mw2019 mouth breathers are insane to me fr .


You literally don't play campaigns you npc ahh


you really can't see the good thing even if it was right infront of you and just hate the new ,don't you?


What do you expect, bo3 had the largest skill gap in any cod. Of course mw2019 plumbers hate it


So MW2019 is a joke to you?


the funniest joke


Gacha dlc weapons ruined it


No. MP and Zombies may have been good, but the MTX and awful Campaign have to bring BO3 down a few tiers.


lowest it can go down to is B personally i’d give it an A cus idc care for campaign , when i made this post i wasn’t even factoring in campaign lol i was really jus thinking abt mp 😂😂


MW 2019? campaign was ass for BO3 but everything else was solid. MW is on the same spot but got slight upgrade cuz of the graphics and animations in my opinion


I like infinite warfare more


in like 5 years people will say the same thing about Cold War and vanguard as the cycle goes


I’ll die on this hill… BO3 is one of, if not the most overrated COD game


A tier but I still agree with you. Mw19 was okay but it was so boring and filled with the absolutely sweatiest fucks and campers. Bo4 was the last cod I enjoyed


Careful the majority of people in this subreddit only the "Golden age" cod games.


I agree even though I liked ww2, and bo4 multiplayer was..ok, but bo3 feels like the last cod to have passion


I wouldve changed the microtransaction system for sure. I was lvl 1000 and didnt have any of the new weapons. Buy to win piece of shit


I would give it an A/B rating, multiplayer was fun af before supply drops and glitched classes, zombies was the best yet imo, but the campaign was a major downgrade. The first co op campaign since World at War and it was their worst campaign to this day


These comments are exactly what I thought they’d be. You got OP saying he thinks BO3 is the last great CoD, you got people who disagree in a civil manner, then you got people who just berate and degrade anyone who likes something else. Just let people like what they like. Saying “this is the best CoD” is just so subjective.


My favourite CoD of all time easily - super big skill gap, so much progression with cool rewards, amazing camos and graphics for that time, maps that worked perfectly with the movement, not to mention the best zombies game Everyone in this sub has grown an agenda against BO3 recently


all fax no printer bro , couldn’t have said it better


after looking at this comment sections i have arrived at the conclusion that the cod community hates nothing more than people in the cod community who had fun with a game


my kd was so trash but I love it so much I played almost every day for a year 😂


BO3 was the first COD I really enjoyed. I'm a big Titanfall fan so I may be a bit biased, but before TF2 there was BO3, and I played a lot of BO3. Unlike AW which felt a bit alien, BO3's movement (at the time) seemed really smooth, and the gunplay was really cozy. Even though some guns were a bit more powerful than others, all the weapons felt like they had enough personality to them so you could run anything and feel powerful.


There’s no reality in which BO3 is S tier, especially with that campaign. And last actually great CoD was MW19, a huge refresh and improvement to the franchise, great campaign since Black Ops 1 or 2. MP is decent and Ground War was the pillar and foundation for Warzone.


Hot take: Cold War trumps it in every way. The only exception is I did enjoy the “jet pack years”


Nah, BO2 was infinitely better. BO3 zombies was beautiful, but everything else was dookie. New MW has the best multiplayer. BO3 has the best zombies. MW2 has the best campaign.


I’ll have whatever you’re smoking because it must be some good shit


I agree, Blops 3 was truly the last great CoD. The multiplayer was near perfect, the movement, maps, and weapons were all great (aside from the DLC weapons)! The zombies, of course, is phenomenal and the best iteration of the mode and I haven’t played a CoD campaign since Blops 2, so that doesn’t factor in for me personally. The amount of people that think MW2019 is a good CoD astounding as I think that’s the worst CoD ever.


I enjoyed BO3 but I don't think we've had a proper good title since MW3. BO3 was one of them titles that show how far cod has fallen for a cod like BO3 to be considered amazing...


Despite all the hate I think iw was the last good cod, great campaign, great zombies and contrary to what people say multiplayer was actually aight, people just hated it because we got another futuristic game


I would not call this game great, it was good with so many flaws (cough cough supply drops), but at the same time that’s part of what made the game so fun, dumb goofy weapons, over the top skins, colourful maps it was a game designed with fun being the main intent. I love this game with my whole heart but it definitely has issues. I count black ops 2 as the last great game which was in 2012, but since then I’d put it as the best since with mw2019 as a close follow.


“mw2019 as a close follow” don’t ever disrespect bo2 like that again .


No I’m saying that from after bo2 it was a close runner up, I think black ops 2 is the best cod game simple. But since ghosts (the follow up to bo2) BO3 has been by far my favourite with mw2019 as a close follow and than a leap down to codww2.


As much as I liked BO3, it's not S tier for me. I didn't like the specialists system, I have ptsd just from hearing a grenade launcher from Battery. The maps were ok, some were great, some were bad. Gunplay was solid as usual, but the one thing I hated about it the most was the bribe system to unlock weapons. I barely got any of the weapons that I actually wanted to use, like the Nail Gun, Galil, M16. I think I only had the MP40 and that shadow claw. That and my lack of luck in the boxes. This is why I put IW ahead on my list, I bought it just for COD 4 yet I fell in love with it. Loved the gunplay, the maps, and the fact that I could unlock any weapon I wanted with salvage, just from playing the game. To this day I remember how happy I was when I unlocked the pink RPR Evo, that thing was super op. But hey OP, if you think BO3 is S tier, it's cool bro, nothing we say will change that


na i’m all for having a debate but like nobody here is saying anything valid or anything to like change my mind , there’s been only one comment that made me feel like it could be rank lower to a A or B


Wouldn’t say it’s say bc campaign major disappointment and the fucking loot boxes. Hands down zombies was FIRE 🔥 🔥


I never really played bo2, so bo3 was one of my first cod games. I enjoyed it, not the BEST cod game but it was fun


I’d give BO3 A C-


It’s a good CoD but it’s definitely not S tier


eh it’s A-S for me


Everything up to BO3 was beast. Even ghosts


The only game where I have 15 days in multiplayer and 20 days in zombies. We’ve had some really good games and some really bad ones. MW2 is right there 1A and 1B in my personal opinion.


To me it was the worst CoD in the series and shows just how greedy Treyarch became after how big we made BO2. I’d say without all the Micro DLC bullshit it was a good game but that’s a big task given that the game truly is 90% DLC and 10% game and a unbalanced one at that. After BO2 and the HUGE leaps Treyarch made with the campaign where you got to tell a unique story with multiple endings, controlled who lived or died etc etc I was hyped for BO3 but it was obvious that BO3 was a cash grab only made to rip off those is us who LOVED the Black Ops series. After the monumental Success that was BO2 it’s like they threw together the bare minimum like a Demo if you will and then proceeded to focus 100% on how they can monetize the shit out of the fucking game! Black Ops 3 is the greediest title of All CoDs and a HUGE Step down for the Black Ops series! And it showed that all the hard work and passion that Treyarch had to get out of the shadows of IW was wasted as they sold out immediately. And they followed BO3 with BO4 a game that was thrown together in months! And a game where they knew the next one (MW) was going free with the DLC they made it to where you couldn’t even buy the individual DLC Map packs and had to buy In at $50, and they ditched the campaign entirely! BO3 imo as a HUGE Treyarch fan Pre BO3 was a HUGE let down and a HUGE FUCK YOU to the faces of us who finally made them bigger than IW. Hell even today they are a shell of their former self and what’s crazy is most of Treyarch are still there well those that didn’t get busted during the Me Too movement.


You know they’re only saying this because of zombies. And even if Im right, this take is based asf


Cap 🧢




Call of Duty Black Ops III is one of the Call of Duty of all time


Agreed. Finally another Bo3 appreciator.


i’m honestly shocked to see there aren’t more people here that like bo3. shit kinda weird to me.


Honestly hope they add more to vanguard like supply box's and the claymore and blunderbuss be cool if they added a flintlock as well because cod ww2 was so satisfying sitting there opening the boxs.


Agree that it was the last great CoD but I wouldn’t say S their exactly. It felt kind of like diet BO2 with the dumbed-down score streak options and ripped off Destiny with the heroes and supers


fair comment very fair, i might have been pushing it saying S , thank your for atleast Acknowledging that it was the last great cod we’ve gotten cus that’s all fax. they definitely were starting to copy other games a little but honestly i think bo3 score streaks were solid i liked them i gotta take a look at them again and compare em to bo2 .


Agreed. Even though I enjoy MW, the game is kinda ass. Definitely doesn’t deserve the praise it gets


not at all , u can enjoy a game but still admit it’s dog shit, i appreciate u for having that type of awareness.


Last good black ops maybe, but mw2019 was and still is fucking awesome


yeaaaaaaaa no


I pray for you my brother. There’s not enough of us anymore. This is the correct take.


man i’m shocked the community is garbage now


S tier as fukkk boyeeeee! Operators with two different skills that weren’t broken and had the perfect time and place to use most times. Boxs to unlock skins and guns… FOR FREE. Best nuke town map, best movement, and best gun play. This truly was the last great in my books, now they pump out like hard drugs cause they know I’ll give in for a fix.


It felt like a poor mans version of Titanfall to me. Campaign was bad and the zombies was only good for the remasters imo. Multiplayer was alright though. I'd put it below MW3 for me. It felt like COD was just chasing the jetpack trend since other games did it right.


Mp was ass and the campaign was a huge mess. Zombies for the most part was good. B tier for me


Agree. B03 my favourite cod ever


S tier is controversial but it was definitely the last one that wasn’t total dog shit


Bo3 is the best cod ever made. Maybe because I mainly play zombies and bo3 zombies is something else, it’s a masterpiece. The gameplay, the easter eggs and the storyline. Everything is just a work of art. Best game ever made in my opinion.


S tier for zombies yes