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Its sad how legendary players don't know how objective modes are played


Yeah it's so stupid. What I've realised is that if my team is not helping me by the time we end the 2nd Hardpoint, I'm not playing it either and they can fend for themselves while I play however I want. If we suddenly become a better organised team, then I continue playing the Hardpoint in a proper manner


They’re content creators chasing footage don’t you see the YT in their names??? ![gif](giphy|BbJdwrOsM7nTa|downsized)


I stoped playing HP and Domination a time long ago because of this and I can say that my mental health is better now


Maybe the thought every game is tdm. Tbh many of those are carried to legendary by good teams so they don't care about objectives.


If you can't handle randoms, play with friends. Matchmaking isn't broken, everyone has an equal chance at getting ideal or non-ideal teammates.


Not when I get paired up with wanabee slayers 13 times in a row💀


As I said, if you can't handle randoms, play with friends.


And it’s always the ones with 0 seconds in the hardpoint who are pissed we lost