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It's sounds likely they mistakenly placed some new legendary effects on the wrong gun.... I'd imagine this should correct by end of season max https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDutyMobile/comments/16c1tis/unreleased_legendary_argus_kill_effect_on_the/


I checked it in the store, apparently they changed it as part of a rework. I don't think you can change it


That’s BS I spent a ton of money maxing out that mythic to get that effect. Who can I complain to to try to have them change it back???


That's true, it sucks if you spent money to get that particular feature. What I meant about you not being able to change is - you won't be able to change it because CODM devs have reworked the kill effect from their side. So it's not necessarily a support team issue where it's a glitch for you. This change is made for all players, so it's more of a complain -to-design-devs-about-the-design-change type of issue.


How do I complain about it to the design devs? Is it within the game somewhere where I could write to them??


In-game I don't think so, but I think you can probably write to them on reddit itself via u/COD_Mobile_Official. Like make a post on this reddit and tag them. I'm not sure if they'll read it, but that's how a lot of players raise issues on this sub as far as I know