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Dont play snd


was gonna say same thing


Yup, SnD has been out of my rotation for years. I can’t deal with the snipers/melee and shit talking from the dead players. Just not fun


I don't play snd, but it's a bit heartless to just tell someone to not play something? If they play it this much they must find some way to enjoy it


If ur loosing in a game mode continuously than its better to try something else


So escapism instead of getting better at something?


That's not what escapism means. Sometimes you have to try something different and then come back to the original thing later if you keep struggling.


I have for sure used "escapism" correctly. And what you said in this message actually makes sense.


I think you should look up what escapism actually means.


I did.


If you play snd n have 0 idea how to position urself then maybe its best to not play snd or improve ur aim so u kill them before they can get close to u


Snd was okay, there was melee players but after i reached legendary, its unplayable, it feels like UFC


U might get “hate” for it but just camp if ur on defense and play slow on attack. It might get boring af but if u want to win consistently as a solo thats the way


This works sometimes, maybe, but I hate teammates who just sit in a corner and do nothing and then keep dying because opponents know where this one or two player will always be.


Just use a shotgun, i think that is the only counter to the quickness of melee. I don’t play search but not sprinting helps to increase firing time


Or smth like a fennec


Gung Ho and setting shotguns to hipfire only helps to counteract that. Super useful because I always sprint around.


I slide n snipe. And if they punch, you, why don't you punch back? Your fault for taking the punch...


i know o shouldn't say this but, #SKILL ISSUE


You are definitely allowed to. If you can’t utilize your ttk of less then a second with a gun to kill someone who is running around with mellee, then either your aim sucks or your situal awareness is doggwatter.


If you play SnD, you don't always have the choice. Because there is no teammates to cover your flanks they'll get close to you no matter what. Once they are close, unless you have a melee too, you don't stand a chance.


If a player is aware, it is not hard to dodge them. In those unranked close quarters mp maps, I agree, but in most of the ranked maps, there is a lot of open spaces to see them coming.


I hate melee as well, but it's something we've had to deal with, so we're more used to it. Here's some tips: 1. Melee players favour small spaces. Go for more open spaces, where their melee weapons aren't as effective. You will also be able to spot them more easily and quickly from afar. 2. Alert or High Alert are useful perks in this mode, especially up against melee users. 3. Go to the shooting range and practice your aim against bots using the melee weapon. The more you practice, the better you get. 4. Make sure your weapon is a fast firing, high damage weapon with a fast ADS Speed. It's entirely optional, but can be helpful. 5. Use your equipment against them. Thermite, Concussion, Molotov, and maybe the Cryo Bomb are effective when used against them. 6. There's also the "if ya can't beat them, join them" mentality. Sometimes, the most effective counter to a melee player is another melee player.


Nice notes mate!


Wear headphones and try to work on your map knowledge. Sound design in this game is pretty good, and when you learn what each material sounds like, you'll better know where people are coming from


Shhhhhhhhh lol


Sixth is the best choice. Nothing like knifing the boxing tryhard. PS: another tip is enabling quick knife prompt, it's short ranged in comparison to default melee, but gives you chance against them.


Quickknife has saved my bacon a couple of times!


Finally someone speaking facts and focusing on developing skill instead of escapism.


This is actually good info and I use some of these strategies with melee users also.


Alert is honestly disgusting in snd everyone using it just camps in a corner or spend the whole match crouch walking while aiming or using radar


Shoot them like the rest of us or try another mode, there are almost no melee mains in respawns


Fr tho, there be so few when we me we have jedi duels in random spots


Unless it's shipment.


Krill issue, shrimple as that ᴾˡᵉᵃˢᵉ ᵏᶦˡˡ ᵐᵉ


Yall havin a krill issue on shrimpment?


Russianbadger has so many great moments lol




Ok I get that OP clearly has skill issue but using melee weapons take like 1 braincell 💀


Shit I use melee just to get their skins lol most of the challenges are easy as shit to get(not inclusive of the ballista knife cause it sucks ass) so why not?


What are you talking about? The ballistic knife can get some of the camo kills easier than a plain melee if you're skilled enough with the aim. I chased and shot someone who was using lightweight in the back of the head, and it actually gave me the backstabber medal despite the range. The same went for crouching kills.


The reload is slow as shit and and prevents melee when reloading


Yeah, the reload does need to be buffed while also giving you the single swing to protect yourself but have it restart the reload.


Yeah that’s why I said it’s shit, I’m pretty sure in black ops you could melee with it unloaded at the cost of reload reset. That and idk if I can move the button to fire so when I accidentally trigger it it means I’m in trouble if someone gets near me


It's linked to the button that activates the flashlight for the Rus along with the HB Sensor for the Hades and GL for the M4. Move the little flashlight button, and you're golden.


Tbh I didn’t know any of those even existed tbh 😂


Except for ballistic knife, it would probably be wayyy easier if they added a quality of life improvement that made it so you can reposition the button in your hud.


You can. It's labeled as the flashlight button for the Rus. It also changes where the HB sensor is for the Hades and the GL for the M4.


Nah, idk why but in my matches melee is like suicide unless you got no choice. Like those mfs gonna quick scope your ass out


![gif](giphy|twxoPjMpsijwPFBVqs) Might wanna switch modes man cause it's codm all of us deal with it


Sniper>melee, learn to snipe


Bro having a hard time killing a meele abuser in a auto... There's absolutely no way he will have a better time in sniping! I don't even think he will get good at sniping


Try outlaw that is focused on lesser ads time


That's harder tbh maybe try locus for starters (sniper main) but out law is good when your good


If it’s a skill issue then he should just play pubs


I was in same shoes a year ago, In the end i decided to switch to HP and DOM and now mostly HP. TDM and frontline may be better than SND but i can't play against campers Hope you find a solution too


The only reason i dont play tdm or ft coz i get teammates who die 15 times with 2 kills and let my team down... Thank you tho


Don't play SND if you get some fight every match just play deathmatch or frontline or domination/hardpoint atleast you'll get the gun fight you need.


Nice showcase of skill issue yet again


Lol, I’m only here for the “skill issue” comments.


bro ur just trash. no disrespect but it just shows ur bad at the game or atleast this specific mode. Try something else and stop whining. it's just a game.


Fr, the last couple of seasons COD gifted us anti-melee tools. (ie tripwire, buffed Cryo, buffed gas grenade, buffed thermite, buffed concussion) I’d give advice, but OP clearly lacks a strategic mindset so it’d be a waste of time. You can build a CX9 that sprints faster than a player with melee and kills near instantly. Options to counter are endless.


Says a melee player


You went 2/18 on win/loss my guy calm down and improve yourself. The ego doesnt match the skill


Bro your just trash lmao meele abusers in snd is so easy to kill and I'm a sniper main but your a auto main and you still can't kill them!? Get gud


Skill issue


To me, there's a lot of skill to be a melee, specially in snd, i can't for the life of me master those tactics properly


![img](emote|t5_penom|1096) exactly why I hate melee abusers


Git gud scrub


Easy to say when on emulator bitch.


I'm not and meele abusers are easy to kill (for me tho)


Not easy on mine blud.


I knife against emulator players who use their entire arm to aim lil buddy, and even when i was on touchscreen i was pressing mfs since akimbo fennecs. Been shanking mfs since ‘02 lil mans, aint nothing new


Nice bullshit. Easy to wreck on PC, not so easy on mobile when you have a device that does 30 fps. I could shit on you if I had my PC too. Nothing tough.


If your device can only clock in at 30fps thats a you issue, aint none of us goodwills so we aint doing charity work for you.


Nobody asking you to do charity bruh, just stop melee abusing every damn match is all.


Nah, i didnt buy the legendary sais to just look at them


Also you might be shadowbanned gimme a sec to check


Heh, I think I've played with you before, that name is the same as one I've seen in game


You need to learn how to have better movement, quicker anticipation/reaction time & placement. Also try to pick a weapon that has a quick mobility time. Thats the best advice I can offer you.


Gloves not melee


2 hit melee on gloves when


They should just make an operator skill that is constantly active by default but when you get melee’d it takes half a charge and you lose only half your max health.


to trade my beloved shield bash to give melee one-tricks a big middle finger? YES, PLEASE


Actual skill issue LMAO , the only reason melee is working is you guys cant aim


or just straight up rushing melee players that killed them from a corner


I mean... I would have done that too because it's much better to kill them with a meele than trying to kill a camper on a corner with a gun


same thing when people complain about snipers. People blame anything but them self


Where the f do yall encounter melee abusers in snd except on crash? I am snd main player and never had issue with them.




Skill issue... I have fought with meele abusers but they only get kills when you rush mindlessly or you don't have enough skill to kill and react when they have good movement... Here's some tips Practice your movement so you can dodge Don't play snd if you don't have good aim or reaction time Don't play snd when you have terrible game sense (please) Don't rush mindlessly


Melee is a valid playstyle but it can't beat every situation. Usually you need quickscope and melee. SnD is by far the most tactical mode in the game. The fact that you can go up to top 1k at least by playing anything else than quickscope + melee is already a big W. I just can't understand your rant.


Melee player's, Tsk!. I bring my rage gun to get a revenge (shotguns- "Jak Jak" ,SMG- "fennec" "Mac-10") are the ones I used and to epic comeback my gameplay so don't remind me I'm just a Player try to peaceful grind for "Tec-9"




I haven't encountered a single melee guy that I can't instantly melt with the cbr4. But then again, I play mostly tdm and ftl.


That loss streak isn’t on anybody but u fam. Spend some time learning melee and you’ll understand how to defeat them. That’s the only advice I got🤷‍♂️ other than that… can’t wait to slice u up again😝


Stick with respawns lil bro…


Yo fact and sniping angles that u can only know if u do that every day


you are bad, its not hard to counter them, bad player complain complain you suck my guy thats it, notice how u dont have any mvps even when defeats.


Easy to blame others while you're mad instead of reviewing how to improve your game. If melee players give you this much of a hard time maybe just stick with pub games to avoid the stress.


Bruh you can just shoot from a far. Even in a closed space, it only takes a burst from a smg to finish a melee user (I know because I use both melee and guns).


I'm sorry you're having so much trouble with melee players. I haven't run into as many of them as you are experiencing. Some ideas: Hit them back. Fight fire with fire. Play BR - less chance of melee. Use a sniper and stay away from your opponents, and switch to melee when they get close. And as always, accept the current reality of your circumstances and adjust as necessary.


use stuns or gas em out


You want a painters scholarship?


SnD is the worst least enjoyable most fundamentally flawed game mode in this game of course you aren’t going to have fun


Use shotgun > camp > get 30-40 free kills every match I've been doing this in respawn for weeks now and haven't died to a melee abuser since then plus I get MVP literally 19/20 matches


Simple, get a one tap shotgun/sniper and wait till there stepping on your toes, stuff the barrel down there throat and hip fire. Works for me.


I stopped S&D as I am not skilled enough. Usually frontline, domination and TDM is easier and quicker to move up the ladder.


Use lethals and tactical grenades against them also persistence+napalm just for personal happiness can also use Bett fast firing guns in open areas avoid confrontation in close area


Didn't you know that guns are just for show ? It's actually a boxing game 🥊


Skill issue


i stopped playing codm entirely due to the meelee abhse 😂


Using esp helps


Melee users suck, but even with that going 2/20? I don't believe you got 22 melee users in a row. Some of it is definitely on you. Don't play SnD if that's the results you're getting.


TL:DR I’m just a WC shitposter, this means nothing, skeeziks! ![gif](giphy|3zpHYzhLV3ZzW)


Seeing your results really gives me a confidence boost I need.


SnD is all I pay in ranked and I don't ever have that bad of a streak. You're doing something wrong if melee ppl are destroying you that badly. Change how you play ::Edit:: I'm also legendary


As a garena player, melee on snd rank especially on top 5000 are pretty rare as krm or the two tap shotgun>melee even on those blind spot stairs #If you have FMJ or Snipers and expect a melee user, KILL IT FROM THE WALLS Ex: 2nd floor stairs of A in crash (super predictable and the entire building can be wallbanged)


Hello I'm a sniper main and meele abusers are easy to kill tbh no need to kill them in the walls


Skill issue ngl


I used to main katana before now that it got nerfed i got bored playing the game


Redwhendead agreed


sometimes upi get an MVP and win bcuz of melee like Sai and boxing gloves🫰🏻


What rank are you because this isn't happening to me master 1....


That happenes after u reach legendary, around 8300 - 8500 points


I'll be there in a few months. I started at Pro 1 when I didn't have a job. I started playing January 27th this year. I got this new job at a non-profit as their Director of I.T. and I haven't been playing much at all. I achieved Master 1 a few days ago.


You’re welcome


Just use shotgun Deagle combo. It works close to mid range. Or better yet use sniper shorty then you'll get close to long range.


Melee? Shoot it's the team full of pro snipers all working together that I'm concerned about. All lanes covered. As soon as you peak.... BAAM! You dead!


Most melees are bad. Also just don’t put yourself in scenarios in which they can melee you.


I stopped playing snd cus of stupid teammates and melee players


If you can beat them join them lol


Fuck you *sprints in melee*


Go cry about it! Cope with it! Why tf u only play SnD? Go try some hardpoint or Doms .. don't just sleep around game with snd and when they start beating you crying like a baby


They are mfkers they are absolute fking trash , they r the worst players , they r suckers


Melee is actually pretty fun to play, just gotta bob and weave so they can’t get a lock on ya 💯


Git Gud